Title: Not Too Bad
Author: Eärillë

Number: I21
Challenge: Geography of The Silmarillion: Alqualondë

Everything had changed, and not necessarily for the better. Not even the very look of their new settlement was familiar to his sight and soul, but Lindarion was not about to complain – not too much anyway. He still got most of his family intact, and it was all that really mattered.

Rating: G
Warnings: first draft

Characters: Olwë, OMC
Genres: Character Study, Drabble
Place: Alqualondë
Timeline: Year of Trees: the Teleri move to Alqualondë from Tol Eressëa
Word Count (in MS Word): 100

Notes: The OMC's name is Lindarion, the eldest son of Olwë. The "Faring Isle" refered below means the Lonely Isle, Tol Eressëa, under the supposition that even Elven names of places can change. The sequel, set in the First Kinslaying, is "Worse Than Bad."

Not Too Bad

The new dwellings stand in neat rows along the shore, adorned with pearls and gems and draperies. They are of stone-work, tall and stately, especially the "important" ones.

They are alien to me.

In our homeland, we lived under the stars and hid under the trees when it rained. No roof, no wall, free.

In the Faring Isle, each family built a small hut for themselves, made of branches and leaves, wherever they would.

But here…

Atar looks at me, smiling meaningfully. I nod. Yes, at least I have my parents and siblings, one familiar aspect in this foreign land.