Hi everyone, Sorry for such a late update, I've just had exams, finished now PHEW, so I haven't had anytime to update. Thank good they're finshed now! So this is the last chapter of the story. Hope you enjoy. Thanks so much for reading and reviewing! It's been great! This chapter it dedicated to my friend Alice, your fantastic darling :D

Lily's thoughts

James' thoughts.

Lily sighed, it had been two weeks since their holiday with Potter's and James hadn't contacted her yet. Maybe he doesn't want to be with me. Lily had had a lot of time to think, she didn't know whether to be annoyed or happy that he hadn't done anything to mend their fight. Lily lay her head on the frame of the window she had been looking out from. She sighed again. I should probably get back to bed. She had gotten up when she couldn't sleep, she hadn't slept very well lately. Thinking about James.

Lily stood up and turned to her bed, she jumped into it and snuggled down. Trying to savour whatever warmth was left. Lily's eyes drifted close. Her tiredness taking its toll. Her breathing evened out, nearly asleep.

*Chink, Chink*. There was a faint tapping noise. Lily opened her eyes, not wanting to get up again. Can't the neighbours just Shut up? Lily sighed then covered her ears with her hands and turned away from her window.

*Chink, Chink* Again, Lily sighed. She turned her head to the window just in time to see a small pebble bouncing off the glass. Her eyes widened and she stopped moving. Wondering what was happening. A minute later another pebble bounced off the window. Lily got up. Ready to reprimand anyone who had dared wake her up at 2 am. As she got out from under her blanket another pebble hit the window, this one harder, and louder.

Lily popped her face to the window, hoping to catch the person throwing stones, but he, or she, was under the window, and out of sight. Lily opened the window and flung her head out, banging it in the process,

"Holy Merlin!" She cussed, holding her head and looking up at the ledge that she had hit it on

"I didn't know you were that excited to see me!" a male voice shouted from below the window, Lily's eyes immediately averted to the messy haired boy standing under the window.

"James! What in merlin's name are you doing? Trying to wake up the whole neighbourhood?" Lily, whispered, just loud enough so he could hear.

"Sorry, can I come up?" James asked, his voice lower, More masculine, Stop Lily!

"No! Mum would kill me if I had a boy up here!" Lily shook her head, she didn't really want to talk to James. Seeing him here made her angry

"Come down then. I have to talk to you." James persisted.

"No, I don't want to talk to you. Please leave." Lily made to turn but James stopped her. He had started climbing up, "What?"

"I need to talk to you. So I'm coming up. It's important." James continued to climb up using the vines and pipes on the side of Lily's house.

"No! Fine, I'll come down. Just, stop climbing!" James jumped down and Lily quickly closed the window. Going to her cupboard she picked out a jacket and ran downstairs. Almost knocking over the coat stand in the process.

"What?" Lily asked, as she stepped out of the house, to James who was sitting on the gutter.

"I thought you'd gone back to bed" he said, moving the leaves with his feet.

"No, I wasn't going to climb down. That'd be stupid!" Lily smiled, almost forgetting he was here to apologise.

"Listen, I'm sorry. I would have come sooner but I couldn't find your house!" James looked up and Lily looked down.

"Don't worry about it. It would never have worked anyway. Probably best we ended it then," Lily's throat tightened, she didn't mean a word of what she was saying

"NO! I was stupid. I was only thinking about myself and I wish I could have done it again." James placed a hand on Lily's chin, bringing her eyes to face his.

"Get off me!" Lily pushed his hand off her face and turned, willing the tears not to come.

"I get you're angry. But please, listen!" James tried to catch Lily's eyes but she was unyielding.

"Just don't worry. Its way to late to be talking. I'm tired to I'm going to go to bed. Bye, see you at Hogwarts," Lily turned towards her house as tears spilled out of her eyes.

"Lily! I can't stand it when you're mad at me!" James whined blocking her escape.

"Since when? Always seemed like you enjoyed seeing me suffer. Just go James, or do you want to see me cry? Is that what you want?" Lily looked up at him, her green eyes bright with tears.

"No, don't cry!" James moved his hand to wipe away the tears, but Lily stopped him.

"James go home. I don't know what you want. This is just a little game for you. And I don't want to be involved any more!"

"Please don't cry. Smile?" James pleaded

"SMILE? SMILE? You want me to smile? By merlin you've gone mad. GO AWAY JAMES" Lily shouted, she quickly turned away, her hair flicking him in the face. His eyes began to water, but not from the stinging.

"Please, Lily, I'm sorry. Let me explain?" James grabbed Lily's wrist and pulled her back, she fell into his chest.

"No, I want you to go away," this time she whispered, stunned by the proximity.

"Don't tell me you feel nothing. Don't tell me I could walk away and none of your heart would be broken. Don't tell me that if I walk away it won't break, not even a little."

"James I don't know what you want me to say." She stared at a button on his coat.

"Say you want me back. That you'll forgive me. Say I was an idiot, hit me, then hug me,"

"I can't, James, I just can't." Lily looked up at him, their eyes meeting and unspoken words flooding in.

"Please?" he asked, leaning in.

"No," she pushed off him and turned away, this time it might be for good.

"Lily!" he called, his words barely a whisper, but she still heard.

"I'll be back in a second," Lily called, not looking back. If she was going to end it, she was going to end it for good. She quietly climbed up the stairs and into her room, ten she fished out the old fairytale book, gave it one last look and ran back down stairs.

When she opened the front door again, James was sitting on the front step.

"Here" She thrust her hands holding the book in his direction, he turned around.

"No, you can't give that back. I gave it to you. Forever."

"Well, I haven't read it, and I never will. So its just collecting dust." She pushed the book into his chest and he held onto it.

"You haven't opened it?"

"No" She looked down, wanting more than ever to crawl into his arms. Stop it Lily!

"I wrote something in the cover, for you," he handed her back the old book, and she took it. She sat down on the cold concrete steps and opened the front page.

"Hi Lily, I know I'm an idiot, I just hate seeing you so sad! So I don't want this book back, I'd never read it. Keep it, bye! James xx" Lily smiled as she read the note.

"You can't give it back. I really and truly would never read it. I wouldn't be caught dead with a book in my hands, let alone in my possession." James laughed, and Lily joined in.

"Well, then I guess I'll keep it, For now." Lily looked up at James, the first time that night they had really looked at each other, There was chemistry not even Lily could deny.

"Cool, so," James stopped awkwardly, not knowing what to say, Lily laughed, "What's so funny?"

"You're so, cute, when you're nervous!" She said between giggles, her eyes lighting up each time the sound came out off her mouth.

"Oh, really? I never noticed, I mean, I've never been nervous before, I mean that's why girls love me, I mean, I don't know what I mean!" He looked down, his checks turning red.

"You're embarrassed," Lily said, coming over and brushing her hand on his red check.

"I am not, just cold," he replied.

"Good point, it is cold. I should be going inside." Lily stepped away from James and he caught her wrist.

"Forgive me?"

"Maybe," she smiles, walked up to him, stood on his tiptoes and gave him a short kiss on the lips. And just like that everything was alright. Then she turned and skipped off, leaving a goofy smiling James in her wake. After her front door closed, James turned and walked away. Can't wait for Hogwarts!

Hope you enjoyed! Maybe I'll write a sequel, if you would like. Review and tell me if you want me to write another one. Thanks so much, It's been great! XX