Okay, I've decided I'm just going to start any story ideas I get XD I was looking at some of the Nyotalia designs when I thought of this ^_^ The Nyotalia girls are probably around 17-19 in this XD

Rosa, or sometimes just Rose Kirkland, always knew she was different.

At first it was just the dreams. Rosa could immediately tell if she was having a normal dream or not, ever since she was little. When anyone had a normal dream, they usually didn't know it was a dream until it was over. After that, it was just a small haze in the back of your head.

Then there were the other dreams. In those dreams, Rosa felt as if she had been to that place before, as if she was seeing those dreams for a second time. As if those dreams were distant memories...

That wasn't the only strange thing about those dreams. Those dreams could be calm and maybe even boring. She prefered it like that. Those ones were not very frequent. Often they were horrible dreams, filled with explosions and gunfire and people dying at her feet.

Sometimes she was the one who killed them.

Once, when Rosa was five, she woke up screaming from a particularly bad dream. As she tried to calm down, she looked down at herself. Rosa screamed again, louder then before.

Her clothes were soaked with blood.

But, when her parents rushed into the room, turning on the light, she found her clothes were dry and had no trace of blood on. There were other times that things like that happened, where she woke up and and her clothes were damp with rain or singed.

It wasn't always just the dreams. Once she was watching TV, and one of the characters on the show mentioned the Revolutionary War. To Rosa's shock, tears started streaming down her face and she spat up blood. This happened whenever she heard someone mention the 4th of July.

So Rosa wasn't very happy when she was 14 and her parents told her they were moving from their London home to America. She had to leave all her friends, and she had to move to that stupid bloody git- wait, what was she saying? America's a country, not a person.

And then there were her current friends. When Rosa had first walked into the classroom after moving, her eyes had locked with Sakura Honda's across the room.

She could of sworn that they had met before, even Sakura had asked if she knew Rosa from somewhere. But she was sure that they hadn't seen each other before that moment.

And of course, there was Amelia Jones. Amelia had kicked down the door and declared to the class her name, then said that she was going to save the world. She had the same reaction that she had had with Sakura, except this time Rosa had the sudden urge to punch the American girl.

But back to the dreams, that night, Rosa was having a normal dream about teletubbies going on a murderous rampage (not that type of normal) when her dream took an abrut turn to one of her not so normal dreams.

It was dark. Rain fell down heavily. Rosa mentally sighed as she thought about how she was probably going to wake with soaked clothes again.

Suddenly she started running. As usual in those dreams, her feet were moving on their own. But this was different. Usually, even though she couldn't control her actions in her dreams, she felt like she had done it all before somewhere. This time it felt new and scary.

Someone grabbed her arm and pulled her back. "You can't escape" Even though this voice was new to Rosa, something in the back of her mind told her that she had heard it before...

I need a hero, save me now, I need a hero to save my life, A hero will save me just in time

Rosa sat up in surprise, trying to think back. Their had definatly been something different about that dream...

Who's gonna fight for what's right? Who's gonna help us survive?

She glared at her phone, which had woken her up. One of Amelia's favourite past times was to hack into Rosa's mobile and change her ring tone without her knowing. At least it was that song instead of the one by Bonnie Tylah. Her phone had gone off in the middle of class with that ringtone...

She sighed and grabbed her phone. A new text message from Amelia lit the screen.

Heya Rosie ^0^

Me and Sakura are hanging out at the park today. Wanna come?

P.S What do you think of your new ringtone? XD

Rosa scowled at the text, wishing she could say no. But the last time she did that, Amelia had knocked down her door and dragged her out of the house kicking and screaming. Amelia asking you something is basically a polite way for her to say "you have no choice."

Fine I'll go she texted back. And leave my mobile alone!

Her phone rung again almost immediately.

Great XD We'll meet you there at 10 :)

Rosa sighed again. How she became friends with the crazy American girl she'll never know.

Rosa ran to where she was meant to meet the other two, trying to stop her glasses from falling off. Her pigtails were slightly loose as she had been in a hurry. Sakura once said to Rosa that she looked like a stereotypical tsundere character with those pigtails. Whatever that was supposed to mean.

"You're late Rosie" Amelia said crossly. Rosa looked down at her watch. 10:01. Either Amelia was a perfectionist or she was just trying to annoy the British girl. Which was very likely.

"It's good that you could come Rosa-chan" Sakura said, smiling politely. Apart from her school uniform, Sakura always wore traditonal Japanese clothes. "I would like to wear modern clothes like you and Amelia-chan" she had once told Rosa "but my mother hand makes these for me, and I cannot let her efforts go to waste..."

"So" Amelia grinned "I thought that we should all have a picnic! It's an awesome day today!" she said, sounding a lot like their friend Maria.

"Amelia-chan, we didn't bring anything for a picnic..."

"True! But there's a hotdog stand nearby and-" she paused as a familiar tinkling song filled the air. "Holy mother- it's the ice cream truck!" She yelled, starting to charge at fall speed to where the sound was coming from.

"W-wait! Amelia-chan! Don't you remember what happened last time?" Sakura cried as she attempted to run after the American.

Rosa smiled to herself and sat down on a close by bench. When Amelia wanted something, especially if that something was ice-cream, there was no stopping her. They've known each other for nearly five years, so surely Sakura knew that by now?

"...Do you think that's her?" A hushed voice asked. Rosa turned around confusedly. Who could that of been?

"It's gotta be!" A slightly louder voice said.

"Quiet, she'll hear you!"

They were both male voices. And...they both seemed familiar...

"Dude, don't worry! Now, on three...one...two...!"

Suddenly Rosa a blindfold was thrust into her face. Rough hands grabbed her, lifing her up. Rosa cried out but a hand clamped over her mouth.

"Please don't scream ma chérie" one of the voices pleaded "We're not going to hurt you."

Rosa tried to struggle but the one who was holding her had a grip like iron. "We need to hurry" The other voice said. Rosa realised that the person holding her was now running. She struggled again, more desperatly.

"Rosie? Hey! Rosa!" She heard Amelia shout as she was thrown on to a cold metal surface. It was only when she heard a door slam shut and an engine start that she realised she was inside a van.

Shakily, she removed the blindfold. "L-let me out!" Rosa cried, kicking the door. She could hear angry voices from where the drivers seat would be, but the wall in front meant that the voices only came out in muffles.

"Please..." Rosa found herself crying. She hadn't cried out of true fear since she was little.

After what felt like hours, but could of only been around ten minutes, the van stopped.

Rosa whimpered and backed into a corner as the door opened to reveal a man with slightly long blonde hair.

"It's alright, ma chérie"he said, smiling sympathetically "Come here, we're not going to hurt you" he said again.

"No!" Rosa shrieked, jumping back. Their was a sudden sharp pain. She saw the man coming towards her as everything went black...

So yeah...some of you might of guessed who her kidnappers were, but if you haven't then everything should be explained in the next chapter ^0^ This is my first time using the Nyotalia characters XD Anyway, please review and tell me what you think XD