Lucky: Hey, guys!

Jason: For the love of Venus, it's two in the morning. Can't we just go to bed already?

Lucky: And make my poor friends wait until noon (our time) to read this? No way! (For all you Starkids out there...)

Jason: Whatever. Let's just get this over with. LuckySilver does not own any of the following: PJO, HoO, me-

Lucky: I beg to differ. You're tied to a chair.

Jason:- Reyna, Camp Jupiter, or the city by the bay.

Lucky: Train reference! 'Take me to my city by the bay...' Anyway, that doesn't matter! Have any of ya'll ever been to San Fransisco? It's pretty great. The best part? There's a dude who jumps out of a bush and scares the crap out of people. Yeah. It's that cool.


Smoke trailed through Camp Jupiter, fogging the already misty San Fransisco atmosphere. The polluted air constricted Reyna's lungs, like someone had just smoked a million cigarettes right under her nose. Her mind was clouded with smoke and confusion and shock at the events that had just taken place on Mt. Tam. She'd lost everything. Everyone. Well, except for Jason; she was pretty sure she'd seen him trip over his own feet and fall over the edge of the mountain right after defeating Krios, so she had faith that he'd caught himself and was still alive.

She wanted so badly just to stop and lie down right there in the deserted street and give up, but there was that small part of her, nagging her to keep walking. Keep going. Keep moving forward. She'd come too far to give up now.

As Reyna shuffled through the camp, she found a few signs that gave her hope. A handful of veterans that had stayed behind to defend home base stood in front yards. Wide-eyed children peered at her through windows. A floppy dog cowered under the ruins of a smashed marble fountain. Camp Jupiter hadn't been completely destroyed, thank Jupiter almighty.

Somehow, Reyna found herself sitting in the middle of the street with her head burried in her hands. Not crying (no, the daughter of Bellona did not cry. She ate girls who cried for breakfast. Metiphorically, of course. She wasn't into cannibalism.), just taking in the fact that she was still alive, that the camp was still standing, that the Titans had been defeated. That Jason was standing somewhere right now, probably still on Mt. Tam, looking for her. He wouldn't find her there, of course. She had been overwhelmed and had fled the sickly army of dying Romans and escaped to Camp Jupiter.

Someone tugged on her sleeve. She looked up.

A little boy grinned at her and yelled over his shoulder, "See, Mom, she is alive!"

Reyna blinked. Then she realized that she'd curled up into fetal position and had probably been laying there for a really long time.

She pushed herself up on her palms. "Um, yeah. I am alive. Very much so."

"Glad to hear that."

Reyna's head snapped around to her right. Jason flew (no pun intended) backward, narrowly avoiding Clash of the Skulls.

Tackling a guy that's lying on a concrete base isn't as easy, but Reyna managed not to scrape all the skin off her elbows in doing so. Jason let out a mangled yelp as they rolled down the street. Reyna was pretty sure that Jason was going to start turning blue if she didn't let go of him soon, so her arms slowly loosened themselves around the suffocating blonde.

"Gntmeynoo," he mumbled against her shoulder.


Jason pulled away and spit the cotton flecks of her shirt off his tounge. "Glad to see you, too, Rey."

"Oh," Reyna laughed breathlessly and flung her arms around him again. "Where are all the survivors?"

"Still on Tam," Jason stood up and gestured for her hand, which- oddly- he didn't drop after he pulled her up. "Treating the injured. They didn't want to move them yet."
Reyna felt his marred hand tracing circles on hers. "So why are you here?"

His fingers traveled up to her wrist and rested there lightly. Reyna admits- she panicked a bit. She knew she was being ridiculous- this was Jason, not some hairy old pirate that was going to haul her and her sister aboard a boat and trap her there for months.

"I was worried about you."

His blue eyes met her dark brown ones. Reyna knew what was coming next, but that didn't stop her heart from jumping into her throat as he leaned closer to her.


This wasn't the time for kissing, and Jason seemed to feel the same way, because he let go of her wrist and stepped onto the sidewalk.

"I saw a feel people on Heracles Ave. that looked like they could use a hand," Jason sighed. "We should see what we can do."

"Yeah," Reyna ran a hand through her tousled black hair. "Yeah, alright. Let's go."

As she stepped lightly onto the sidewalk, Jason's face suddenly lit up.

"Hey... I bet that bakery by Troy Park isn't gaurded. We could grab some cake or something on the way over."

Oh, yes. Leave it to Jason to think of food at the most dramatic time possible.

But somehow, Reyna couldn't hold back her laugh as she entertwined her fingers with his and pulled him down the street.