Chapter 1

"Guys, I have to leave," Robin announced as Raven sat down with the others.

"Why, man?" Cyborg asked.

"Yeah," Beast Boy continued, "You promised we could have a tournament to see who the best gamer tomorrow is! No fair calling it off!"

"BB, if you are implying I'm leaving because of a game, you're way wrong," Robin said.

"Then why, friend Robin?" Starfire asked. "Have we upset you?"

"No! It's nothing like that, it's just…" he ran a hand through his hair and sighed. "I need to spend time with my family because…. of an anniversary."

"But couldn't you celebrate here Robin?" Starfire started cheerfully. "We could prepare-"

Robin cut her off. "Under different circumstances, that would be a great idea Star, but my family... is otherwise engaged."

"Is it," a tentative voice spoke, and besides Robin, everyone was surprised to find it was Raven. She continued just as softly, "That anniversary?"

Robin stared at her, then asked, "This one?" Beast Boy, Cyborg, and Starfire were beyond confused when Robin started moving his hands above the couch, swinging and twisting his fingers and wrists. Then, suddenly, he slammed them on the part of the couch where the fabric was most worn, earning a dull THUD.

Robin looked at Raven expectantly, and she nodded instead of speaking. "Yes, it is that anniversary. In two days," The Boy Wonder whispered.

"Dude, what was that hand twisty thingy?" Beast Boy waved a hand and wiggled his fingers as if to prove a point. Cyborg expanded on Beast Boy's thought.

"And how did you bend your hands like that? It looked like you were going to break something."

Robin looked up and grinned. "What can I say? I was born with several double jointed fingers. And that was Raven Talk. When she went through my mind, she saw some… personal memories that we have agreed not to EVER talk about again. Not until I'm ready to tell the rest of you," He turned to exit the room, then stopped. "Oh, and two more things. One: You are not to press Raven for details, and two: please don't go through my closet again."

The rest of the Titans flushed in embarrassment. Robin smirked at the reaction calling as he left, "I'll be back in three days, four tops!"