Okay, so again another story has popped into my head! Can't help but write it down, so, I hope you enjoy this story. It's not as dark as my others but if you like that sort of stuff please check out my others :) Please leave a review, and on my other stories if you read them. Enjoy!

Set at the beginning of Season 12. I own nothing.

Shots Fired

"You and Nick have a DB out near the desert, here's the address." Greg grabbed the slip of paper from Russell.

Nick walked over to him and clapped him on the shoulder. "Looks like we're going for a bit of a ride."

"A bit of a ride? Nick, this is miles away from anywhere. Do you know how long it will take to get there?" Greg told him incredulously with raised eyebrows.

Nick laughed, "But you get to spend all that time with me, isn't that good?" He asked Greg jokily. "Just think we can listen to my country music all the way there."

Greg stared at Nick shaking his head, and then turned to Russell. "You owe me. And Nick, I'm driving. Which means my car, my music."

Nick was already shaking his head. "No way man, if you drive we'll never make it there!"

"Hey, my driving's fine." Greg defended.

"Yeah right." Nick teased whilst pinching the back of Greg's neck. "I'm driving." He said before walking past Greg and waving to Russell.

Russell was left laughing to himself after Greg had followed Nick out, both arguing about who was driving.

It turned out to be Nick driving. Both men had agreed to flip a coin to settle their decision, and of course Nick had won.

They talked casually until both of their attentions turned to the speeding police cars going past them.

"I bet that's the cop from our scene." Greg said to Nick who was looking out his rear view mirror at the two squad cars that had just flown by.

"Yeah me too." Nick agreed, and then his phone rang.

"Stokes." He said into his hands free.

"Hey Nick it's Brass. The guys I sent to your scene have another place to get to so don't be shocked if they're not there."

"Alright man, we just saw 'em go by. Are you sending some others out or are we on our own?" Nick questioned.

"I've sent some others already; they should get there in about 45 minutes or something."

"Right, thanks for the heads up." Nick told Brass.

"Yeah no worries, I'll see you later."

After saying bye Nick hung up. "Looks like we're on our own for a while. Should be about 45 minutes till our uniforms get here." He told Greg. They'd just arrived at the abandoned looking house which was their scene.

"Well we best hope that we won't need them." Greg said as he jumped out the vehicle.

Nick smiled, "We won't, as long as you got my back, I got yours."

Greg smiled. "You got it."

Nick was working the downstairs and Greg had gone to start upstairs. They'd been at the scene for about 20 minutes so the downstairs was almost done.

Greg saw that everything seemed to be in place on the top floor, and then noticed another building not far away. He also noted that the door was unlatched and moving slightly in the desert wind.

"Hey there's another building at the back of here so I'm gonna' go and check it out." Greg informed Nick as he returned from upstairs.

Nick looked up from where he was dusting for prints. "How far is it from here?"

Greg shrugged, "Err, a few yards. Maybe more."

"Right, do you have your gun on you?" Nick asked.

"Yeah it's in the truck." Greg replied.

Nick shook his head slightly, "Greg man what's the use in it being in there? I thought you'd have known by now to carry it with you, especially when it's just you and another CSI on the scene."

"I don't like them, you know that." Greg told him. And it was true, Nick knew he hated guns; thought there was no reason for them, but at times as Nick knew, a gun was just what you needed.

"Yeah I do know that, but you need to keep it with you when you can, alright?"

Greg nodded, switching his camera into his other hand. "Mm hmm, I'll go get it then go across there." He said to Nick giving him a small smile before he left.

Nick smiled then got back to work.

Once he had gotten his gun, Greg strolled over to the second building. He would have walked faster but the heat was unbearable, even though it was still quite early in the morning. Beads of sweat were collecting on his forehead and above his lip, and his light blue shirt was beginning to cling to his slender body. It also turned out that the building was farther away than he thought; more than a few yards.

Pushing the door open, he could see nothing but dust and sand which had collected over what was probably a number of years.

Looking around he saw a vehicle through the window and made a mental note to check it out in a few minutes. Just as he was about to turn around he felt a sharp, sudden, searing pain in his chest. Just as he was falling backwards he felt the same pain again, but further down his chest.

It didn't register straight away but he saw a dark figure running out the door. It must have been the killer Greg thought. He heard the slam of a car door then the engine roar as he sped off.

Looking down all Greg could see was red. He'd been shot.

As quick as he could, Greg covered both wounds with his hands. Already they were shaking and he realised he needed to get help. Fast.

Without thinking of going for his phone, he reached for his gun. Cocking off the safety off, he shot all six rounds into the air, hoping that Nick would hear.

But just after he fired the last round, the door was swung open and Nick came in with his gun drawn. As soon as he saw Greg he dropped down next to him, holstering his gun.

"Nick help me. Please help me." Greg whispered, his hands had again covered his wounds.

"I will man. Don't worry. You're gonna be fine buddy." Nick said rushed as he began to put pressure on one of Greg's wounds whilst ringing for an ambulance.

Nick dropped his phone to the floor afterwards and applied pressure to the other wound with his now free hand.

"Help's on the way, alright. Stay strong buddy." Nick said trying to sooth his friend.

Greg reached up shakily and held onto Nicks arms. "Please don't leave me. Please..."

"Shh, shh, I'm not going anywhere. I'll stay with you." Nick said in hopes of calming him down.

Greg had begun to shake rather vigorously and instead of sweating from the heat, it was a cold sweat, probably from shock.

"Please help me." He whispered again, his voice growing weaker by the second.

"Hold on buddy, you need to stay with me Greggo and I'll help as much as I can okay."

Greg had been coughing almost choking and just then Nick saw blood spurt out of his mouth.

"Okay bud, get it out." Nick told him softly but assertively. He gently moved Greg's head on its side but quickly returned to applying pressure on his stomach area.

"Just hold on buddy. Hold on."

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