Author's note: Would you believe me if I again apologized to everyone for the wait? Or that I really did start this chapter like 4-5 months ago and was unmotivated to write for the vast majority of that? What can I say. Painting sapped me of my creative juices. Despite the fact that one scene here has been in my head since I first started thinking of this sequel over 4 years ago. Glad it finally got written though. So again, sorry to everyone for the long break. I really do try to do better than I'm currently doing. Thanks to everyone as always for reading and for reviews. They help feed me as a writer.



"Heaven has no rage, like love to hatred turned,
Nor Hell a fury, like a woman scorned."

~The Mourning Bride, iii, 8


It was strange how this place was becoming more and more like home to him. Days had turned to weeks and weeks had turned to months and he had hardly noticed. Usually he was too consumed by his work to pay attention to the outside world. At least when it came to things outside of Gemini's plans. With the creation and reverse engineering of a plethora of inventions and doomsday devices, Professor Dementor had little time for the things he would usually be doing had he not been a hostage in everything but name to a madman focused on world conquest. The yellow-skinned villain had grown to accept his lot in life by this point. He wondered if it could be what the experts called Stockholm Syndrome where a prisoner grew not only to accept their fate, but to even form a bond with their captor. The mad scientist quickly dismissed the thought. While he was aware that Gemini had a fair amount of good ideas that any self-respecting super villain could admire, he most certainly did not like the man. He did not wish to be here with Gemini, no matter how much the latter claimed that their cause was noble.

The cause had hit them squarely in the face just days ago. For some it was more literal than others. A number of Gemini's henchmen had been seriously injured in their battle to capture the warrior creature who hailed from a planet known as Lorwardia. While Dementor had no illusions of the fact that there must be intelligent life somewhere else in the universe he had never expected to meet one face to face. Up until that point he had been in the dark about just what he was building all of his weapons and devices for. He apparently could not be trusted to be in "the know" just yet. But now that he had been properly initiated he had done a lot of thinking.

It was madness. And that was coming from a mad scientist. What Gemini planned on doing was making war with an alien species far more advanced than their own. A war that came without provocation from the part of the aliens. It was simply a misunderstanding. A misunderstanding thanks in part to that buffoon Dr. Drakken. The idiot had recorded a music video for a rap song, and those signals made their way out across the galaxy to be intercepted by a warrior race whose savior happened to be blue. It was so random and coincidental that it would have been comical if not for the dire implications that it meant for Earth and all of those who inhabited it. Doomsday devices or not, Dementor wondered just what would come in the next few months. How much blight would visit the world because of the declaration of war that Gemini had all but thrown in the faces of the Lorwardian visitor?

These questions and more were what inhabited the scientist's mind as he strode through the clean, well-lit halls of Gemini's Pacific island lair. This was his free time, he was done for the day working on weapons with which to kill aliens with, and defenses to help shield them against the blowback. Such time was precious to the man for he did not get a lot of it these days. Therefore it irked him to have to be spending it the way he was about to.

Luckily for him he had earned enough trust amongst the members of the organization to be able to walk the lair unattended, though he was unsure if he was unwatched. The second part did not matter however, for he had ways to get around that. He would not be a super-genius inventor if he could not prevent himself from being spied upon. As such he had taken precautions to override the security cameras to play a continuous loop of footage from earlier in the day, footage where he would still be in bed or at work. The halls he walked would be unattended while Dr. Drakken would be sitting alone awaiting judgment.

Upon reaching his destination Professor Dementor hesitated before bringing his key card up to the slot in the keypad at the side of the door. With a single swipe the light turned from red to green and the door slid open to reveal his old rival.

Weeks of confinement had done much to the blue-skinned madman. His black hair, usually kept in a short ponytail looked more unkempt than usual. It was longer and greasy, a sign of irregular bathing opportunities and even fewer in which to groom himself. A thick stubble covered his face and neck, further testament to the lack of facilities Drakken had access to. With no mirror to speak of there was no way for a prisoner such as himself to even know how bad he looked. But Dementor was sure that Drakken's physical appearance was the least of his concerns at the moment.

Dr. Drakken looked up from the floor which he had been staring at. The eyes of the rival scientists locked and for long seconds neither spoke. It was only when Dementor took a step inside that the other finally said something.

"What took you so long?"

"Vhat?" Dementor replied.

"To gloat. You won. You had to align yourself with Gemini, but you finally won. Isn't this what you've always wanted? To see me humbled and helpless?"

Dementor did not know where Drakken was getting these ideas from. Sure, they were rivals. But their rivalry was born out of Drakken's inferiority complex when it came to himself. Dementor rarely put any thought into upstaging or outdoing what his rival did. The same could not be said for Dr. Drakken. Whether it was the newest gadget or the best new henchmen, Drakken wanted whatever Dementor had. It was almost a sibling type rivalry when it came down to it. And as he had seen when it came to Gemini and Dr. Director, those kinds of things were usually painfully one-sided.

"Do not assume I vish to see even you reduced to such a state, Dr. Drakken," Dementor said.

"Then why are you here? Because I'm sure it's not to shake hands and eat ice cream together."

Dementor sighed and shook his head as he leaned against the wall opposite from Drakken's bed. "You must listen. Much has happened since ve have last spoken. The vorld will soon be plunged into total chaos unless something is done to stop Gemini."

Drakken gave pause to what he was going to say next and took a moment to compose his thoughts. "What do you mean?"

"I... I do not even know vhere to begin."

"What about from the beginning?"

Dementor knew he did not have much time. Every second he spent here with Dr. Drakken was another second that the Worldwide Evil Empire's agents could learn that he hacked into their systems and was visiting a prisoner without supervision. Even he did not have enough trust or clearance to authorize such an action. He decided to go for an abridged version.

"Global Justice is teetering on the brink of collapse. Kim Possible is captured. Camille Leon holds Ron Stoppable in her hands. And an alien race of varriors believes you to be their prophesized leader who vill lead them to conquer the known galaxy!"

Dr. Drakken sat there blinking, a dumbfounded expression on his face as he stared into the eyes of his rival. "Leave and close the door behind you."


"Leave. Go away. If you're going to lie to me then I would rather just continue to stare at the floor."

"I am speaking zee truth!"

"You expect me to believe that a race of aliens have made contact with our world and believe me to be some sort of champion of theirs? What kind of a fool do you take me for?"

Dementor sighed. The other scientist had a point. Would he believe it if their places were reversed? It all sounded like an idea out of a bad sci-fi movie. Luckily he had one more card up his sleeve to play.

He pulled out a handheld device and turned the screen on. In a few moments he loaded up the video which had been the genesis of the entire ordeal that they both found themselves in.

"This is Warmonga of Lorwardia. Warmonga is seeking to communicate with the Great Blue of planet Earth. We have received the Great Blue's transmission and the great and powerful warriors of Lorwardia have sent Warmonga as an envoy to establish a dialogue with the people of Earth. Warmonga has been tasked with becoming the Great Blue's liaison to Lorwardia, and assisting in any way that she can. The war machine of Lorwardia is at the Great Blue's disposal. Please respond. If the Great Blue does not respond Warmonga will assume he is in distress. Additional warriors will be called upon. Ending transmission."

When the video ended Dr. Drakken was against too shocked for words. He looked to Dementor and then back at the screen again, repeating the process several times. Finally he spoke.

"And you think I'm this Great Blue?" he asked.

Dementor nodded. "This I know. Varmonga played your rap music video. The one you made last year in your ridiculous attempt to take over the vorld vith mind-control shampoo."

Dr. Drakken brooded for another few moments before making an unexpected outburst. "So you have come to gloat! You saw that I finally had the ability to take over the world and so you and that psychopath Gemini just had to thwart me!"

Never before had Dementor wanted to smack his rival as much as he did now. But that would not fit in his endgame. Right now he needed Dr. Drakken as much as he needed Dementor.

"I am not here to gloat!" he yelled. "I am here because I need your assistance!"

It was not the response that Drakken had been expecting. "Wait, what?"

"Do you think I vant to be here? To slave for Gemini in creating veapons of doom and destruction to use against an alien invasion that he is provoking?"

"Alien invasion...?"

"Yes! Gemini has attacked and captured zee alien known as Varmonga in an attempt to learn more about their capabilities! It is only a matter of time before reinforcements are sent!"

"Why did he do such a thing? Is he insane?"

Dementor just looked blankly at the scientist. Words were not needed to explain what the yellow-skinned man's eyes were saying.

"Okay then, good point," Drakken answered for himself. "But why do you need me?"

Dementor sighed. "Though I am loath to admit it I am as much a prisoner as you. Only I am not confined to a cell. I still however am not free to leave this place, and I make veapons to arm Gemini's soldiers with for this upcoming var." He looked down to the floor for the next part of his confession. "I require your help to contact Shego. She is the only one who is capable of helping us escape now that Kim Possible is a prisoner of Global Justice."

"Wait, I know you said that Kim Possible was captured. But why on earth did Global Justice do so?"

"Because Gemini had Camille Leon use the mind switch machine to svitch places vith her. Camille now inhabits Kim Possible's body and roams freely as her. And soon she vill infiltrate and bring Global Justice down for good."

"Then why don't you just contact Global Justice and tell them all of this?"

"Gemini has sources inside of zee organization already. If ve vere to make contact he vould find out it vas me and then our chances of escape vould be zero!"

Drakken nodded in understanding. It made sense. At the moment Shego was their only hope of salvation. With Kim captured and Global Justice compromised they had nowhere else to turn. For a moment he wondered whether or not the villainous vixen would simply laugh at his plight and turn him down. But he quickly realized that he had nothing left to lose at this point. The last of his dignity was nothing compared to the possibility of escape.

"Alright," he finally said. "Do it. Make the call."

Dementor nodded and sat down on the bed beside Drakken. "I need you to make zee call. I do not know zee number to your lair."

Drakken was more than happy to oblige. Taking hold of the handheld device he entered the number and pressed the call button. He held it far away enough so that both of them would be seen on its camera.

After a few rings the call was finally accepted, and a pixilated picture began to form, but soon cleared up.

"Wha-who... Drakken? Is that you?"

The genuine look of shock on Shego's face spoke a thousand words. Her eyes, normally so full of malice and sarcasm showed only concern and awe for what she was seeing at the moment.

Dr. Drakken had never cared much for his visage. At least once he had fallen to the path of super villainy. Perhaps in college he would have maintained himself in the hopes of finding a romantic interest. But those feelings had mostly died down. As such he did the bare minimum to make himself presentable to others. However his current appearance dwarfed the norm many times over. His face was ragged and unshaven with a thick stubble covering his cheeks and neck. His normally short ponytail had grown a couple of inches and threatened to actually look the part. But what was most telling were his eyes. The bags underneath them had turned to a sickly dark color which made him appear all the more haunted and villainous. Were it not for his current predicament he may have even enjoyed the change. Anything to look more menacing to his foes was a plus in his book.

"Oh, Shego! Is it really you?"

The question contained just a hint of reality in it. Never before had she shown such concern for her employer. The only time she had come close was when she was under the influence of a Moodulator. And he knew there was no such complication at the moment.

"What happened to you? You look awful. And where are you? What did Gemini do to you?"

The bombardment of questions made Drakken want to tear up. She was actually showing signs of being human here. She was showing empathy for other people. And him of all people. Maybe somewhere underneath all of her callous, bitter words and remarks beat the heart of a whole human being.

"Right now that isn't important. I need you to break us out of here."


So focused had Shego been on her employer's face that she did not even realize that Professor Dementor was seated beside him.

"What's he doing with you?"

"Erm... he's actually helping me contact you. We're both kind of prisoners of Gemini. Only he's a little less prisonery than me."

"Okay, okay. Enough. Tell me where you are and I'll see what I can do."

"I don't kn-"

"Give me zhat," Dementor said as he grabbed the device from Drakken's hands. "Shego, I vill send you coordinates if you open up a text channel to me."

"Alright alright, hang on," she said as she worked the keyboard before her. After a few moments the task was done. "Alright. Get to sending."

Dementor did just that, giving the coordinates to the island lair to the verdant villainess.

She began typing again, putting the newly received information into her computer before speaking. "Alright, the GPS coordinates you gave me put you somewhere... in the Pacific Ocean? Like on the Asian side of the thing almost. Right in the middle of the Ring of Fire."

Dementor nodded. "Indeed. Thermal energy is how Gemini plans to power zee veapons I am making for him."

"Weapons? What weapons?"

"Oh, you know. Lasers, missiles, energy shields. Your standard doomsday device arsenal."

"For what?"

"Unfortunately zhere is no time to explain, and I have overstayed my time here as it is," Dementor said as he looked to the door to Drakken's cell. "I must leave now. However now that you know where we are we shall await your next move. I vill do all I can to keep your... employer safe."

Shego seemed surprised by the comment, almost taken aback by its directness. "Pff, well, it's not as if I'm doing this just for him. Gemini stepped on my turf. He needs to know his place."

"As you say. Ve shall be expecting you."

With that Dementor cut off the link to Shego and silence once more filled the room. He looked back to Dr. Drakken before speaking. "I really must leave now. Do try to stay alive. I do not vish to vin by default."

For the first time in many days a smile crept onto the blue man's face. "And don't think that I'll let you win period. We have a long way to go before this rivalry is settled.

"I look forward to it."

Hitting the key combination that would grant him his exit, Dementor stepped through the door and back out into the sterile corridor of Gemini's lair. On the long walk back to his own quarters he pondered the ramifications of his actions here. There was no chance Gemini would know what transpired here unless the man was more clever than even Dementor gave him credit for. No, Professor Dementor had bided his time for weeks now and studied his captor thoroughly. He had taken all of the necessary precautions and put all of the appropriate counter-measures in place. Freedom would come. Maybe not soon, but it would come. What mattered most was what would come after, both the consequences from Gemini and from the hornet's nest he had provoked.


It had been a few days since Ron had made his opening move on Kim. Or at least the girl he thought to be Kim. Camille was torn on what to make of the development. On one hand her manipulation was working. Her time-tested feminine wiles were far too much for the boy to resist and he was slowly crumbling. He was developing feelings for his best friend. And soon these feelings would be used against them both to shatter what had once been a friendship as sturdy as steel.

But on the other hand, it was Kim he thought he was making the move on. Not her. And that stung. Ron had all but rejected Camille claiming that he could not be with her as long as she sought to destroy the redhead's life. It was a bitter pill to swallow, one that she had still not forgiven him for. And thus she vowed that if she could not have him that nobody else could. And thanks to teaming up with Gemini she not only had opportunity, but reason to do so. A little bit of pleasure with business was always a good thing after all.

Camille lay stretched lazily across the bed of her arch-nemesis, bored to tears as usual. Kim's routine was such a chore to maintain. The girl had her afterschool clubs, cheerleading practice and homework. And this was before the seemingly weekly world-saving missions popped up. The blonde honestly wondered how there were still villains out there to cause trouble. Most of them had after all been either enlisted or captured by Gemini. But still, the B-listers such as DNAmy and Falsetto Jones had an annoying habit of popping up. Even so there was a silver lining to such outbursts. Each mission gave her an extra chance to get closer to Ron. Each mission gave her powers of seduction more sway over the teenage boy. The fact that he had even been brave enough to initiate an intimate contact with her spoke volumes for the progress she was making on that front.

He would be arriving at Kim's home soon. This was good, it was another chance to initiate more... physical relations. The time had come to take things to the next level. Ron had been a good dog up to this point, but things were still going too slowly for the villainess's liking. If he was not going to be more direct then she would just have to be. Kim was a type A personality after all. Such an aggressive action would be perceived as natural for a girl as driven and competitive as her. The time had come for Ron to be made aware of "Kim's" feelings for him. And before the night was over he would once more be placed under her thumb.

Kim's closet left Camille with pitifully little options when it came to the art of seduction, however. Where things like crop tops and capris were commonplace, sensual and revealing attire was almost non-existent. The best thing she could find was a small black dress that clung tightly to her form and revealed a healthy portion of leg. It would have to do for now.

She lay there sprawled on the bed in a most unladylike fashion in the dress, patiently awaiting the sound of the doorbell. No one else was home at the moment, with Kim's parents taking her twin younger brothers out for something which Camille did not care enough about to remember what it was. She sometimes wondered how Kim could stand to be related to them all. Her father made the absolute worst jokes and puns, all of which he thought were clever. The mother meanwhile had little personality to speak of whatsoever. Camille smiled, knowing where Kim had inherited her own blandness from.

The twins though... there was something off about the twins. The two seemed to share an unspoken bond. Although it was not unheard of with twins, the level it reached with these two gave her the creeps. They had their own secret language that both seemed to speak fluently, and she often caught them whispering to one another while looking in her direction. She wondered if the creepiness was the natural order of things or if their freaky psychic link was detecting something off about their supposed sister. But right now she could not concern herself with such matters. Right now there was only one male she needed to concern herself with.

And despite it all, despite all of her thoughts and intentions she could not forget the past. She could not forget the good times. Earlier in the year she and Ron had shared two relationships. Both were romantic. But they were in two different worlds. One was the normal world where high school drama dominated life and a pair of teenagers could just go out and do regular activities befitting their age. And the second was one of evil and villainy. One where her true nature had been revealed and he had been struck with the Attitudinator. Both had their perks. Both had their drawbacks. But to her they shared one bond all the same. They were both real. On some level they cared about each other. It was her first taste of genuine companionship. And it left a hole in her that she was finding increasingly difficult to fill these days.

Camille picked her phone off of the bed and checked the time. He should be arriving soon. She flopped back down and sighed. "Damn you, Ron Stoppable," she breathed. "Why can't I just flip the switch off?"

Despite her hatred and bitterness she still wanted him. It was a paradox, she knew. Here was the man whom she had shared everything with. The man who had turned down her advances. The man who had tried to save her. And the man who had ultimate rejected her. And she had done the same. She had rejected his offers for salvation. She had rejected his offers for friendship, since they had come with the condition of becoming Kim's friend as well. The idea of befriending the redhead made her sick. And yet the sick irony of now becoming the girl she hated more than anything brought her more pleasure than her single amorous night with Ron.

Some desperate part of her still clung to the hope that she could sever the bonds of friendship between the members of Team Possible. That Ron would end up coming back to the blonde once that happened and that they would save each other from a miserable and lonely existence. But she knew that these were dreams more fitting of a teen romance drama than real life. But sometimes fiction was more enjoyable than reality. Maybe that was why she had gotten the surgery. Her mind still warred with itself on the exact reasons. But one that repeated itself was that she enjoyed creating and destroying her own realities at will. Kim may have been able to do anything. But Camille could be anything. And she could do it differently every single day of her life.

Camille glanced over to the stuffed Pandaroo that sat on "her" bed. The girl whose body she occupied had a seemingly unnatural love for the freaky stuffed animals. Freaks. Her brothers. Her parents. Her hobbies. Her mission life. Everything that Kim associated herself with was nothing but freaky. And that was saying something coming from one of the biggest freaks in the world. The faux-redhead laughed aloud at the thought. She was certainly an authority on the subject. If there was something or someone that Camille could consider a freak then it must be so. Whether she was being arrogant or was truly an expert on the subject did not matter to her. It was her own reality.

She was brought out of her thoughts by the sound of the doorbell ringing. Finally. It was show time. Tonight Kim and Ron would consummate their relationship if she had it her way. And she had all the weapons and tools at her disposal to make sure that events came to pass how she desired.

Lifting herself from the bed she flattened the dress out on her thin body and examined herself in the full length mirror. She frowned when she gazed upon her bust.

"What are you, A cup? Small B? We need to do something about this, Kimmie," she said sarcastically.

She shook her head. It would not matter tonight. Ron was so entranced by his friend that such physical attributes did not matter to him. He may have been a man, and those things may matter normally, but a man in love would look past the small issues that women are famous for being insecure about.

Camille took her time walking down the stairs to greet Ron. The high heels she wore may have been a norm in her own body, but Kim's was unadjusted to them. Her mind knew how to walk in them. But Kim's body lacked the muscle memory. So while it was not as awkward as it could have been her speed was slowed nonetheless.

She opened the door to see Ron standing in his usual attire of cargo pants and a plain red jersey. His hair was unkempt as usual. Clearly he was not expecting anything out of the ordinary for his night with what he believed was his best friend. He would be pleasantly mistaken.

For Ron's part, he stood before the door in a daze. He looked his friend up and down in her tight black dress which clung to her body in all the right places. He nearly had to push his gawking jaw back up with his hand before he could speak.

"Uh..." he began. "Did I come really undressed for tonight?"

It was not the first time he had seen the dress. Once before had Kim worn the little black dress. And once before had it been for him. When she was under the influence of a Moodulator courtesy of Dr. Cyrus Bortel she had worn it on their date to the festival to celebrate the city of Middleton.

During that time he had gone through a wide range of emotions. Emotions which were almost on par with his friend's. Though unlike Kim, Ron's were his own. The feelings which were formed, or perhaps just unlocked, were unaffected by any outside source. And they were feelings which had lingered with him for the better part of the year since they had surfaced. And now those feelings had reached a boiling point in the past several days. Perhaps it was a sign. A sign that Kim was ready for those feelings for real. Or maybe...

"No, not at all," Camille said sweetly. "I dunno. I just felt like dressing up. You like?"

It took Ron all of his effort not to nod stupidly at the question. It was obvious he was holding back, but he attempted to play it cool all the same. "Yeah. Looking good as always, KP," he said with a purposely exaggerated wink.

Aren't you the sweet talker? Camille thought.

"Where are my manners, come in, Ronnie," she said as she ushered him inside her home.

He obliged and the door was closed behind him. Little did he realize that he had all but fallen into a hungry spider's web and his exit had been cut off from him.

They made their way to the living room where they both took a seat on the couch. It was nothing unusual. Business as usual in fact. The two had shared the seats scores of times over the years as they mindlessly indulged in watching television, playing games or simply talked about a plethora of subjects. But tonight felt different to him. Perhaps it was because of the dress. Or the events of the past few days. However, the most likely culprit was that his best friend was sitting several inches closer to him than usual. Her bare leg was pressed up against his.

"So, um," he stammered. "What's the sitch?"

He laughed nervously at his own joke. A laugh that was shared in part with his "friend" as she joined in.

I can't decide whether I hate or love your stupidity.

"Just hanging out," Camille said simply. "We deserve this. A nice night off from everything. No more stupid missions. No more dealing with world domination plots. And no more Camille meddling in our lives. We're free, Ron. And we should take advantage of that freedom."

"Oh, yeah," he agreed. "How do we do that again?"

She giggled. Whether he was nervous or serious was unclear. Living the way they had for the past several years it was entirely possible that the two would not know how to handle a normal life for a few days.

"I dunno. Want to watch a movie?"

"Sure. What did you have in mind?"

"Are you in the mood for romance?"

He nearly choked. The double implication there was something that he was sure that only he had noticed. Looking over to Kim he saw only a playful smirk on her face.

Okay, major red flag right there, he thought. She totally knows that I know what she meant by that. And I think that she knows that I know that she knows that I know. Oh man, this is so confusing.

"Ron? Earth to Ron?"

He was broken from his stupor by the feel of Kim's hand on his leg.

"So, romance?"

"Uh, sure," he said. He was unsure of whether he just agreed to the genre of movie or her subtle advance. And in either case, he didn't mind.

"Wonderful," she said as she picked up the remote and began scrolling through the digital library. There were names of movies that both recognized and names which were as alien as an actual foreign film.

After a few moments the silence was shattered as she spoke to him. "Any of these look appealing to you?"

"I, uh, dunno. I'm not exactly an expert on romance."

A soft laugh escaped her lips. "No need to worry about romance experience, Ron," she said warmly. "You trust me, right?"

Another double entendre. It has to be intentional. Warning klaxons erupted in his mind, both for good and for bad.

He glanced over to her as she once more began scrolling through the list on the television. He craned his head back to check out the back of her neck. Unfortunately her hair was concealing the bulk of it.

After a few seconds his peeping was noticed by Camille. "Ron? What are you looking at? Normally guys try to sneak a peek somewhere else."

The sheer calmness and directness which she spoke those words with sent his head spinning. Sure, he knew that Kim was confident. He knew that she was not one to hide her words. But to say something like that was just...

"Can I ask you something, Kim?"

"You just did," she pointed out. "And without my permission I might add."

He blinked before speaking. "No no. I mean yes. I did just ask you something. But I wanted to ask you something for real. Not just asking if I could ask you something."

"So wait, you want to ask me two things now?" she teased.

"I. Blah," he said. "Okay, here. Have you visited Cyrus Bortel anytime lately?"

"Cyrus Bortel..." she said aloud, the gears of her mind springing to life.

Okay, Camille. Think. Who was Cyrus Bortel? Think. Remember the files. Cyrus Bortel. Running out of time. I have nothing. Stupid. So stupid. Look up Cyrus Bortel tomorrow.

There was only one thing she could do. And that was make him give the answer for her.

"Recently, no," she said innocently. It was a vague enough answer that one could debate the meaning of "recently" it necessary. It was a debate she knew she would win if it came to that. And now came the important part. "Why?"

"Oh, um, I was just thinking about the Moodulator incident."

Moodulator? More. I need more. Give me more!

"Really? Why's that?"

Tell me everything about this damned Moodulator already.

"Just, remember that one time last year that we went on a mission and one of the Moodulators got stuck on you and every time I played with that thing I thought was a video game controller your mood changed?"

It rang a bell. She definitely read about the incident in one of the files. She could not remember where. But she had enough to go off of now that she could formulate a lie.

"Oh right. That. It was pretty funny in hindsight, wasn't it?"

Another vague statement with a universal truth. What could be a dramatic or traumatic experience at the time can be seen as comical when looking back on it. She just wanted him to keep talking about it.

"Well, yeah I suppose," he admitted. "Definitely created some weird moments. Like you turning all lovey dovey in the middle of school and chasing me through the halls demanding that we go on a date. Or Shego falling for Dr. Drakken..."

Good boy.

"Hah, yeah," she agreed. "Definitely some funny stuff there. But why do you bring it up now?"

"Well, um, I'm just wondering. Do you have one of those on you now?"

"What would make you say that?"

I doubt he knows what Socratic Method is. But I will get him to tell me everything I need to know.

He rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, for starters you're wearing the same dress. You know, the one you wore when we went on our date to the festival."

Camille looked down at the tight black number that had been the only seductive thing in Kim's wardrobe. It was interesting that it was now involved in two instances of tempting Ron Stoppable. The coincidence made her smile.

"What? Can't a girl wear something pretty?"

"What? No! I mean, yes. I mean, wait what's the right answer for this? The one where it means you can be pretty any time you want to be."

"Aren't you a sweetheart," she smiled. It was not a question.

"So, um, I was just wondering if I could check out the back of your neck. If that's okay with you."

Camille laughed. "Yeah, Ron. I totally wore this dress because it does wonders for the back of my neck. Totally what I was going for."

Ron froze, unsure whether or not he had just committed some grave faux pas in the dating world. But the smile and laughter which accompanied the statement eased his fears, as well as Camille lifting her stolen hair from the back of her neck.

"You can search me," she said.

"I, no, I don't think I need to search you. Honesty policy, remember? You said you hadn't seen Dr. Bortel lately. And I believe you."

Your trust is woefully misplaced.

"No, really, Ron," she insisted. "I want you to search every inch of my body to be sure I'm not lying to you. Every inch."

He froze once more. His heart was thumping rapidly in his chest. And just like before he was relieved to hear the musical laughter of his best friend.

"Oh, Ron, your face," she said as she giggled. "I thought you were going to pass out there for a second."

"So not funny, Kim," he growled.

"Can't a girl have a little fun with her BFF?"

Ron decided that in light of recent events, and because of tonight, that he was going to make a bold gambit. "BFFs, eh? That dress has a history of saying otherwise."

"Oh? Do go on, Ron Stoppable."

"Well, uh, I," he stammered. "Well it's just that the last time you wore that dress is when we were on a date. So..." he started. He bit the bullet. "Is this a date right now?"

You're mine.

"Would that bother you?"

The fate of their friendship rested on the answer to that question.


Both teens breathed sighs of relief, albeit for entirely different reasons. One felt an overwhelming sense of triumph. And the other felt the weight of the world lift off of his shoulders. It was all in the open now. His feelings were out. What he perceived to be her feelings were as well. There was nowhere else to go now but forward.

"I'm glad to hear you say that," Camille said as she leaned in close to Ron.

The kiss that she planted on his lips was not the first that she had given him. They had shared that and much more in their prior relationships. She had shared her lips so many times in the past that the gesture scarcely held meaning for her anymore. However, she was not Camille Leon tonight. She was Kim Possible. And the meaning of this kiss between Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable had the power move mountains. To the boy, right here, right now, this was the world. It was something she was counting on.

The previous year when the real Kim had kissed Ron, he had quite literally hit the floor in shock. But this time it was not a problem. Though the reaction was physically similar, this time he had a couch that he was sitting on. He melted into it as Camille deepened the kiss and pushed him down into the cushions. What had lasted only a handful of seconds the first time was now threatening to cut off his oxygen supply. Eventually the two had to part for air.

"Kim, I mean, wow," he said breathlessly. "I never realized that..."

Camille smiled as she stared into his eyes. "Realized what?"

"That you felt that way for me. That you were so into me. Like, wow."

She giggled again. It was merely her exterior reaction. Inside she was filled with bitterness and resentment for his reaction. Why didn't he have the same reaction for her when they kissed? Or had he the first time she had done so in the middle of the school hall? The memories were clouded. First kisses meant little to her these days.

"I am, Ron. After everything we've been through, how could I not be? You're my best friend. You're my partner. We've saved each other from death on numerous occasions. I can't imagine living my life without you in it."

It took all she had not to heave at her own words out of pure disgust. The war inside Camille's mind and heart threatened to tear her apart. She was speaking words that she knew to be true in the eyes of the teen heroes. The bond that Kim and Ron shared was second to none. She knew that she would never have that kind of relationship with Ron. Or anyone for that matter. The fact that she could not have a companion made her want to do horrible things to both him and the body she inhabited.

"I... feel the same way, Kim. Wow, it feels so good to get these feelings off my chest. You have no idea how long I've struggled with this. But to know that you feel the way about me to is just amazing."

Camille smiled her false smile at him once more. The oven was heated. Now to get on with it.

"Follow me," she instructed.


Camille stood and grasped his hand in one of her own. "Come. I have to show you something."

She led the boy up to her room. Once there she sat down with him on her bed. Again she pulled him into a deep kiss.

Ron's mind was in overdrive. His hormones were raging like they had only one time before. Only then he had not been in his right mind. The memories of his first sexual experience were hazy due to being half insane at the time, but they remained. He could feel the same mood from there again right now. Nervousness and eagerness raged within his body as he wondered just what was going to take place tonight. He had not come prepared. Had Kim? And even if she had, would he be able to perform? Surely even the fiery hormones of a high schooler could be defeated by the nervousness of sex with his best friend. More than best friend now. Girlfriend? Thoughts continued to flood his mind as the two shared their passion with one another.

When they once more came apart from their kiss he saw who he believed to be Kim looking into his eyes. The beautiful green eyes he had gazed into a thousand times. He remembered every detail of the soft orbs. Perhaps he had admired her from afar for longer than even he realized.

"Ron... I know you've had... experience before. It wasn't fair how it happened. You weren't you."

A shudder emanated through his body. It was happening. It was really happening. Kim really wanted this.

"I've never done it," Camille said. Another half truth that she so frequently spoke in. Though Camille had plenty of sexual experience, Kim's body did not. "And since you weren't you when you did it, it will be like your first time too. It'll be the same for both of us. We can take this first step together."

Beautiful green eyes. He remembered every detail. He remembered how soft they were. Why weren't they soft?

Ron sat there staring into the eyes of his friend. She was about to become his lover. And she stared back into his. Her eyes glinting like a sharpened knife. The eyes of a predator as it sighted its prey. Eyes moving in for the kill.



"Why do you want to do this?"

To Ron there could only be one answer. Only one answer that Kim would give.

And she hesitated. If only for a second. She hesitated nonetheless.

"What are you talking about?"

Ron stood from the bed.

It was beyond sick and wrong. It was beyond wrongsick. He did not know such a thing could exist.


Camille stood up as well.

"What is it, Ron? Are you okay?"

"You're not Kim."

"What? I went to GJ and got the DNA-"

"You're not Kim!" he shouted.

Camille closed her eyes and breathed a heavy sigh. When they opened again she gave Ron a death glare that he did not thing his best friend's body was capable of giving.

"What gave me away, Ron?" she asked.

"This. Everything. If you think that Kim would ever sleep with me on a first date, or anyone for that matter, you just don't know her as well as you think you do."

"Yeah? I'm not surprised that Possible is such a prudish bitch!"

The sudden outburst took Ron aback. But he quickly regained his composure. He had to do something. But he could only stand there and ask more questions.

"When did this happen? How are you in Kim's real body?"

"Easy. That night you guys went on the mission to the timeshare lair. When you and her got separated we made the switch. Right now your friend is rotting away in a Global Justice prison in my real body. Gotta say I really traded down in that exchange. But hey. Sacrifices must be made for 'the plan'. Or so Senior says."

"I just... I can't think right now," Ron said as he leaned out to rest his hand on the wall in order to maintain his balance.

"Come on, Ron," Camille said as she walked toward him. "Haven't you ever wondered what Kim looks like underneath these clothes? Haven't you ever wanted to fuck your best friend? You can right here and now with no consequences."

Ron bit his lip. "Not like this. Never like this."

"Oh, so my bad boy does have some naughty thoughts all of his own. My, my. I suppose we should have done some roleplay back when we had the chance. Or..." she said as she traced a finger down his chest. "Why wait?"

"You tried this angle with me before and it didn't work. What makes you think it will this time?"

Camille frowned. "You're right. I forgot how much of a Pixie Scout you are. Always following the rules. Never having any fun."

"Fun? You call this fun? Are you insane?"

She forced out a laugh. "Maybe a little bit. But then again you already knew that."

He did. He knew that she had what in laymen's terms was called multiple personality disorder. And she knew that she was taking medication to help treat it. So far in all of the times they had met since he received that information the disorder was kept in check.

"You know you won't get away with this, right?"

"Why not? Why should Kim be the only one who's able to do anything?"

"You just don't get it. I'm out of here. And when I tell Global Justice what's going on you and whatever plan you have are finished."

He turned and walked out the door. He did not expect violence. Camille Leon was not a fighter. She was not trained in combat. She had never attempted to fight him or anyone else in the time they had known each other. The blow to the head which sent him to the floor would have shocked him had he been conscious to ponder it.

Camille stood over his prone body with one of the many cheerleading trophies Kim possessed in her left hand. Her eyes were wide, her breath heavy and ragged. Had the trophy been made of anything but metal she was sure it would have snapped in her iron grip. She was thankful that no one else was home to see the evidence of what had just transpired.

"Damn it Ron… you stupid, stupid boy. We could have had so much fun together. I could have given you everything. You could have had a taste of this when you were your normal self. And you had to go and ruin it all for that redheaded bitch."

She dragged his unconscious form back into Kim's room. She took out her Kimmunicator and prepared to call a familiar number.

"And now… now it seems as if the effects of the Attitudinator are worse than we thought. Yes, you seem to have suffered… permanent mental deterioration. You're paranoid about your best friend and you're losing your grip on reality. I have to call Global Justice and report this. We have to make sure you're never in a position to harm yourself or others with your delusions…"