Well here is my first Vocaloid Fanfiction that isn't a crossover. This one was based off a song that Oliver did a cover of called "The Rugrats Theory". The lyrics that I have used in this are based off the song but I have edited them slightly so that they make sense for the person singing it. I do not own Vocaloid or the song. Please review and give me feedback. I want to know if this story is being liked by people. Enjoy! :-)

Chapter 1: Truth and Lies

Narrator's POV

Deep in a small forest just off the edge of a small town, there was a giant stone castle that towered over many of the trees and houses. Deep inside the castle there echoed a small singing voice. The voice belonged to the only person present in that castle. It was the singing voice of a young innocent boy; however for the inhabitants of the town, calling this boy "innocent" was crazy talk to them. This boy turned out to be more evil than innocent. The things he did and the things he said were feared greatly among the town's people.

The castle in which this little boy lived in was only three floors high. On the third floor was where the boy's singing voice echoed from. Sounds of footsteps echoing down one of the corridors could be heard bouncing off the walls.

"Welcome to my perfect world,

According to me,

It's my turn to run the show,

Next to James,

As long as I am in control,

I'll never feel alone,

I can skip around this castle all day,

While singing this small song"

Those were the words that were repeated from the boy's lips every single time he sang. After finally reaching the end of the corridor, the young boy slowly walked out onto a small balcony and gazed towards the town as the sun began to rise slowly above the houses of the town. The boy had blonde hair and yellow eyes. He wore a white sailor's hat and a dark blue sea captain's jacket, which was tied near his neck by a small yellow ribbon. The boy also wore black shorts but did not wear any shoes.

Oliver's POV

A small tweeting noise sounded from behind me. I slowly turned around to find a small yellow bird, with a black lining along the end of its feathered wings, fly out into the open air gracefully and land gently on the balcony rail. I smiled happily and used my index finger on my right hand to gently stroke the bird's head.

"It is quite a beautiful morning, isn't it James?" I asked the small bird.

James tweeted happily in reply. My attention was soon diverted towards the town again and I watched on as the people continued to enjoy their busy lives. Many of them were happily talking to one another. Children chased each other jokingly and were laughing happily. Other children were walking happily alongside their parents while holding tightly onto their hands. I rolled my eyes in disgust. I hated seeing those town's people so happy, especially the children. Just seeing them with their parents acting all happy and smiling just sickened my stomach. It made me question why they lived such a happy childhood and yet I never experienced that. Unlike them I had suffered.

I slowly lifted my right hand and gently placed it on the bandage wrapped around my left eye. I couldn't remember how I had managed to gain an injury like this. My good eye glanced down towards my legs. My right thigh had a bandage wrapped around it too and so did my left ankle. With these injuries also I couldn't remember how I had managed to gain them. In fact I couldn't remember anything that had happened just before my seventh birthday. My older sister Rin had told me that I had experienced memory loss which is why I struggled to remember. She had told me that my name was Oliver.

Both our parents had neglected us and when our father had gotten drunk, he scolded me on both my legs with boiling water. Rin had put the bandages on my thigh and ankle so the skin could heal; however even now there were still the remains of the scars. I only keep the bandages on to hide these scars. Our father had also gouged out my left eye and Rin had placed a bandage there so no one could see my eye was missing. My parents had taken no notice of me after that event occurred, even after Rin had disappeared and left me to suffer on my own.

I had created my own little world using my mind to help cope with the face of reality; however for some reason my little world suddenly came to life. This castle and me finally gaining control over the people of the town I lived in had brought me to where I am today. Rin's disappearance happened five years ago and so did the abuse. I now have full control over the town's people and can make them suffer more tyrannically than how I did. I have done too over the last five years; however there is still one person who I need to get revenge on…

I chuckled evilly to myself. I'll soon get her. She's hidden from me quite well but I will get her and when I do I will get my revenge for her leaving me all alone. I looked down into the forest and saw two familiar shadows looming on the ground in front of the entrance.

"At last they are here!" I announced happily. "Come along James. Let's see how those two have been doing with carrying out their duties"

James tweeted in reply. I turned away from the balcony and began to skip blissfully down the corridor with James flying loyally beside me. He began to tweet the tune to my favourite song that I wrote.

"Welcome to my perfect world,

According to me,

It's my turn to run the show,

Next to James,

As long as I am in control,

I'll never feel alone,

I can skip around this castle all day,

While singing this small song"

I laughed evilly and continued down the corridor skipping happily.

Narrator's POV

Meanwhile in a small foster home somewhere deep in the town, a young girl was staring out of her bedroom window down at the bustling town below. She had blonde hair and blue eyes. She was wearing a white sleeveless top with a yellow tie around it. She wore small grey shorts and white trainers. She also had a white bow in her hair and three white hair clips which held her fringe back. The foster home that she was in only had two floors. The main rooms were on the bottom floor and the bedrooms and bathroom were on the second floor. The girl had a picture held tightly against her chest. It was something that she'd had for years now. In the picture was a young nine year old girl with a young boy aged seven wearing a white sailor's hat, a blue sea captain's jacket and black shorts. No bandages were present on his eyes and legs. He also had blonde hair but had yellow eyes. The girl was lost in thought. What about, I hear you ask? Well she was thinking about her brother and what a monster he had become…

Rin's POV

I continued to stare down at people that happily walked by trying to act like today was a normal day. Sadly it wasn't. Oliver had caused more of his usual misery for the town's people by torturing those who disobeyed his orders. I almost felt ashamed at the fact that he was my younger brother; however I knew that what had become of him was no fault of his own. There was something else that had struck me as strange too. It was something that had happened the day I was separated from my brother five years ago... I had been taken by social workers away from the house when they realised that my parents were neglecting me. The only problem was that they couldn't see Oliver. He was there playing by the garden shed right in front of their eyes and yet they said they couldn't see anyone. They told me he was dead. That's what I don't understand. Why could I see him and yet he seemed invisible to everyone else, including our own parents? That is what I've been trying to find out for the past five years; however I have had no success. I don't even know what that social worker meant when she said that he was dead. He survived that incident. I saw it with my own eyes. A sudden knock on the door made me jump with fright.

"Who's there?"

"Rin it's me, Len. Can I come in?"

I sighed. That boy never leaves me alone… He was the first one to befriend me when I first came here and ever since then we've been good friends. Funnily enough he even looks similar to me. Len's almost like a boy version of me. In other words, he's like my mirror image.

"Yeah whatever" I replied, half-heartedly.

The door slowly opened as Len carefully walked in.

"Thinking about your brother again?" He questioned.

I turned my head away from him towards the window. Len sighed.

"Rin, you can't spend all your life sitting there wondering about what they thought. Haven't you tried to get answers from the social workers about what they said?"

I rolled my eyes.

"I don't see why I should! They are all talking absolute nonsense! Oliver isn't dead! I've seen him with my own eyes! He's still around in that castle of his and yet they don't believe me!"

I felt the bed's weight shift a bit. I glanced behind me to find Len sitting on the bed. He was holding something out to me. It looked like a blue folder.

"What is that?"

"While I was waiting in the office to speak to the head social worker I found this lying around on the desk. It had Oliver's name on it. I thought it might be of some use to you"

I smiled warmly at Len and gently took the folder from him.


He smiled back in reply. I carefully opened the folder. Inside it there were files based around information about Oliver and about the injuries he'd had. The file listed the injuries he'd received on the night he'd apparently died. The photo that was there was of Oliver before he had been scolded and lost one of his eyes. The files also mentioned the place of burial. Apparently after the incident, my dad had gone and buried his body in the cemetery just outside of town to hide the fact he was dead. The police had gone and retrieved it after my dad admitted to the offence. After doing an autopsy of the body they re-buried it back in the cemetery in a proper grave. Maybe that is where I can find my answers…

"I need to go to the cemetery"

"What are you talking about Rin?"

I stood up from my bed and placed the folder carefully on my quilt.

"Apparently that is where Oliver's body was buried. If I go and check there I may find all the answers that I need"

I whisked my pink jacket off my bed and dashed towards the door; however a hand suddenly grabbed my shoulder. I glanced back to find Len staring at me seriously.

"You're not going on your own! I'll go with you!"

I frowned.

"Len, I don't need anyone to accompany me. I'll be fine"

Len sighed.

"You don't get it do you, Rin? Don't you know that you're in danger?"

I stared at Len confused.

"What do you mean by that?"

Len sighed and slowly closed his eyes.

"Oliver is searching for you. If you remember Oliver has gotten revenge on a lot of people in the town for disobeying his orders. I've seen two minions of his wandering around the town and have heard them talking about searching for you. If you go out there on your own they are bound to get you"

My eyes widened.

"But what did I do? I was always there for him when he needed me! Why would he want to get revenge?"

I sighed.

"I probably should forget about that… Fine you can come with me!"

Len smiled victoriously.

"Thanks Rin!"

Len quickly dashed out of the room towards his. I guessed that he was probably looking for a jacket to wear too. I carefully put mine on and stared at the photo in my hand. I could feel the tears beginning to well up in my eyes.

(Why? Why are you after me Oliver? What have I done to you to make you so angry?)

"Rin, are you coming?" I heard Len call from downstairs.

I used my jacket sleeve to wipe away the tears in my eyes and placed the photo of Oliver and me back on my bedside table. I quickly dashed out the room and slammed the door behind me.

I'll have the second chapter up as soon as I start getting reviews! :P