Hey guys! I'm back! This chapter is very informative, so pay attention! 😉


Chloe's POV

"Amber! I'm home!" I yell as I enter the tiny apartment in which I live with my older sister.

"Where were you?" My sister asks as I drop my bag to the floor of the kitchen. "I've been worried sick."

"I told you I was going to be late because of work. You knew where I was."

She crosses her arms at me. "You told me you were going to be a few minutes late, it shouldn't have taken you half an hour to get here!"

Now I'm getting annoyed at her.

"Amber, I took the bus back. You know how those can be at this time," I state as I head towards my tiny room in this God forsaken apartment.

She follows me though, her dirty blonde curls bouncing back and forth as she catches up to me. "You took the bus!? This late at night?"

"Would you have rather had me walking and risk being raped by Purple Dragons?"

She considers this for a second and I roll my eyes. I enter my room and throw myself on my bed, feeling drained by my sister's bickering.

Amber sighs. "Of course not." She takes a seat on my bed and pats my back a bit. "I just worry for you, that's all."

I sit up. "I know. But you can't keep me in here forever. And you aren't mom, so stop trying to control everything I do."

She looks down, playing with her hands. "Sorry, I'll try to do better."

It's very quiet between the two of us. I know what both of us want to say, but we are too scared to say it.

"Are you coming with me tomorrow morning?" Amber finally asks, tears threatening to pour from her dark brown irises.

I look down to my hands in my lap.

"I think I'll go later in the day."

"Mom would want us to come togeth – "

"Come together, I know. But I just… I need to go alone. I have things I need to say."

She stares at me before nodding mindlessly. "Okay."

More silence.

"So, um, how was work?" She tries to get conversation going. My sister has never been one to love awkward silence. Then again, who does?

Without thinking, my mind goes to Mikey, who still hasn't contacted me since the other night. The truth? I was a bit frightened once he revealed himself to me. Mostly shocked, but still a bit frightened. But he didn't seem like he wanted to hurt me. He genuinely seemed like he wanted to make a good impression on me.

I'm not one to judge another, I never have been. I've been an outcast at school my whole life. I only have one true friend now, and it's a girl from my work. And she's older than me. Mid-twenties and has two kids. Besides my sister and Mikey, she's the only one I tell things too.

And recently, things between Amber and I have been rocky.

I nod. "Fine, thanks for asking."

She smiles at me, "No problem."

I let out a fake yawn.

"Well, I'm sure you're tired. I'll let you get some sleep. Goodnight," Amber stands and walks out of my small room.


I undress and put on some sweats and a t-shirt. After that, I turn on my Xbox to see if any messages from Mikey have come. Nothing.

I grab my crappy flip phone and check it for messages too. Still nothing.

I start to think I might have scared him off.

I leave him a message telling him I had a good time the other night and that we should play together soon before turning the device off. I would have to see if he replied in the morning.

I casually step out of my room and make the short journey to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Before I can step into the small bathroom, I hear the sound of voices in my living room.

"No, you aren't invited tomorrow," Amber tells someone sternly.

"C'mon Amber, she was my mom too," An all too familiar voice speaks. I run my hand through my hair in frustration and listen in on the conversation, just in case Amber needs any help. She's always been bad at telling people no. She got that from mom…

"It's not a good idea. You betrayed all of us. You took Dad's side and now look where that has led us!" Amber states, her voice gradually increasing in frustration.

"There was no sides to take! Besides, Mom was being difficult and Dad just – "

"Dad just what!?" I yell as I step around the corner, making myself known to my sister and… him. I didn't even think of or consider him my brother anymore. He's done way too much to us to deserve that title anymore. "Dad kept a part of his life from us? A part of his life that got our mother killed!? He didn't even care and you just sided with him after it! And because Amber and I didn't side with him too he disowned us! Forcing us to find an apartment and get jobs so that we can support ourselves! The two of you don't care about us! You don't even deserve to call her Mom anymore after all that you've done to us!"

Tears are falling from Amber's eyes now. I can tell how hurt she is. Maybe I should go with her tomorrow to make sure she doesn't do anything stupid...

Truthfully, ever since that fateful day, six months ago, I have been on suicide watch for my sister. I hate that this had happened to her. I just wish we could go away, to move and start over.

But we don't have that kind of money.

"You can't just – "

I cut him off. "Leave Liam. And don't you dare show up to Mom's grave tomorrow."

And with that, I slam the door in his face.

Back To You

"Have you guys found anything yet?" You ask Donny through the phone. You need to hear that they've found something. Your poor fingernails couldn't take anymore biting.

"Nothing," Donny sighs. "We found Olivia's phone dumped in the woods, but no sign of her anywhere."

You try to hold tears back. "The only person I know that could have taken her is Liam," You say.

"How would we even begin to find him?" Donny questions.

"I don't know," You groan, pushing your hair back with your hand. "I mean, he could be roaming around the city doing God knows what. Causing mayhem and whatever."

"Could Hun have taken her? Hoping [Y/N] would come for her?" You hear Mikey ask Donny

That thought never crossed your mind.

"Don't even think about leaving that lair, [Y/N]," Donny says sternly.

"I won't, I just didn't think about that possibility. If he really does… want me as much as he says he does, then that would be a reasonable reason to kidnap Livy, right?"

"I guess… We can go check the Purple Dragon HQ if you want us too."

"Please. And let me know if you find anything."

"Of course. Bye."

"Be careful. Bye."

Olivia's POV

My head hurts.

It hurts so much.

My hand slowly goes to the back of my head, where I feel warm liquid matted into my hair and a fresh-cut stinging me when I touch it. It isn't a large cut. Just big enough to cause pain and disfigure my hair.

I sit up off the ground, straightening my back to stretch. I hear a crack and feel it travel up my spine, relieving me of some of my discomfort.

I look around. I'm in the same room I was in earlier…


I don't know how to feel about that situation. I feel very betrayed, yet so sorry for my old friend. Trev was gone. Fiona had no one now. No one to love.

At least when I was kicked out of the Purple Dragons, I had my sister to go to. Fiona has no relatives. She was an orphan who ran away from the shelter and was picked off the streets by the Purple Dragons.

She is alone. Just like I am now.

I think about how close the turtles are to finding me, or if they're even looking. Have they even noticed I'm gone? Surely they have. My sister probably freaked when she couldn't find me in the store. And when she's freaked, she calls Donny.

I remember walking to the entrance of the store to pay for the book with [Y/N]… I waited towards the door as she paid for the book. I remember her asking me if I was ready, but I couldn't reply. Someone had walked me out of the store, a knife shoved against my back. They told me not to scream or make any sudden movements or they would kill me, then go back for my sister.

Obviously I recognized the voice as Fiona's.

I did as she asked and was soon led to a car. As soon as I was situated in the passenger side, I felt a sharp jab in my thigh. I remember looking down to see a small dart lodged into my skin before everything blacked out.

Then I woke and was confronted by Fiona. She joined the Purple Dragons again, having no other place to go, and they forced her to betray me.

I still feel the knot forming on my head, giving me a nice headache. I have no idea how I got it either. Someone probably dropped me a few times while transferring me from the car to this shady room.

Suddenly, the door to the room opens. I squint as light invade the darkness around me. A figure walks towards me.

"I must say, I thought the turtles would have rescued you by now," Liam taunts.

"They're coming," I reply through clenched teeth.

He laughs. An unopened bottle of water and a muffin still safely in its package roll my way. I look uneasy at them. "I didn't do anything to them. As you can see, they are both still packaged, Liv."

At most times, I would be completely wary of the food, but now, I was so hungry. And besides, I was a prisoner of Liam's before. This is always how he delivers food. Packaged and unopened. Its how he tricks you into trusting him.

I grab the muffin and open it. "Don't call me that. That name is reserved for my friends."

He laughs, taking a seat by me on the floor. "You mean like those turtles, huh?"


"And the others? Trev, Fiona, and Otto?" He questions with a smirk. "Or… should I just say Fiona and Otto now."

I glare at him. "What did you do to him?"

"He should thank me actually, if he could," Liam shrugs. "I saved him from having to spend the rest of his life with Fiona."

"You're a sick bastard and I hope you rot in hell for what you've done to them," I growl at him. If I had any energy, I would kick his ass with some of the fancy moves I've learned from the turtles. But he knows I have no energy, and that is exactly why he is in here without me being tied up. He's teasing me about how weak I am.

He chuckles at me and them gives me a charming smile. "Then I guess I'll see you there."

I lunge at him, not caring if I have nothing to exert and not caring if he kicks my butt. I need to make him feel something though. For Trev. For Fiona.

For me.

He catches my hands in his and laughs maniacally. "You really think you can take me in the state you're in?"

I have to do something. I have to leave my mark. To let him know he can't win.

Not this time.

I sink my teeth into the flesh at his right wrist, digging my teeth in as far as they will go. I almost vomit at the taste of his blood in my mouth and how it bit so deep that I could feel bone.

Liam cries out in pain and slaps me away from him. I hit the ground hard, and my head bounces off of the concrete. My vision starts to blur.

"You better hope the turtles come soon, or I might just have to dispose of you like I did with Trev."

For once, I agree with him. I hope the turtles come very soon.

Then… I black out yet again.

Thank you for your patience everyone! I'm excited to see the feedback I get on this chapter... 😏 Kind of nervous though...

And yes, to those of you who have guessed it, congratulations!

And to those of you who haven't, Amber will be the love interest of whoever loses Olivia! I still haven't figured out who I want her to end up with... You guys tell me what you think! 😊

Thank you so much to my loyal readers and reviewers, Guest, Twirlnado, Guest, Blackninja101, haku, lily haruko, Chuzzie, Ashwood's Flame, doglover500, Guest, QueenAnju, ninja-warrior101, Tori657, Kimmie98, and Livangel16! Love you guys so much! ❤❤

Now that I'm finished with my other reader/turtle stories I can focus on this one a lot more. So be ready for many updates in the future! As well as more chapters of I'll Always Remember You! Woohoo! 😊😊

Until next time guys! 😊