AN: Taaa-Daaaa! The second chapter is here! Please review! I need help figuring out whether or not to put a pairing in, and if so which one? Decisions, decisions...But any way! Thank you for reading!

Disclaimer: I do not own Young Justice...or Roy Harper...God I wish I owned Roy Harper...him and his sexy ginger self...

...Two Weeks Later...


I need sleep.

But I can't.

Not without seeing that. Over and over...

What time is it? 3:18 am.

Crap. I need to sleep.

"What are you doing, let's go!" he pulls me towards the door-

Nope. Not happening. The same thing every night I go to sleep, only to wake up trying to escape that nightmare. This routine is really getting old, not just for me but for everyone around me.

Yeah. I'll admit, going without sleep is starting to affect me. Mostly in school. And when school is involved, mom gets involved. When mom gets involved she gets Green Arrow and Batman involved. When Green Arrow and Batman get involved, Black Canary and Robin get involved. And when those two get involved the whole team is involved.

Having the whole team involved does not help.

At all.

I mean really. Just because I keep falling asleep in class and whenever I wake up I'm screaming bloody murder, does not mean I need help.

I do not need help.

I don't even need sleep.

I only need one thing right now.

That would be a good sparring session.

What time is it? 3:37 am.

Hey, someone's bound to be awake. I sure hope it's Conner. I could use a real challenge right about now.

But first things first,, training clothes.

Just my luck. The one time I want to be with one of the insomniacs on the team, they all decide to count sheep and go to sleep.

Never mind. Forget them, I just need to practice.

Okay training dummy, aka Grayson Jr., time to release some stress.

Find your center girl.

Rush forward.


Kick to the rib cage.

Downward sweep of bow.

High kick.


Alternate bow hands.

Punch again.

Fall back.

Reload arrow.

Secure in notch.




"You're taking too long." Jump, drop everything, turn around and prepare to curse out Red Arrow in two different languages.

"What the! Are you trying to get killed? I could've put an arrow through your head! What are you doing here anyway?"

"I could ask you the same." That wasn't an invitation to come in. Geez doesn't he know we can't stand each other, or has he forgotten?



Don't even think about.

Are you really 'bout to touch my bow?

You did NOT just grab my bow!

"Ever think you might stay awake in school if, I don't know, sleep?"

Did he really just say that...

"Thank you captain obvious." He's scowling at me now. Well, what do you expect me to say?

"Whatever. I could care less what's going on, but you're slowly but surely becoming a liability on the team," he tosses me my bow. Thank you very much, "take your stance."

Wait, do I really want to do what he says and let him get the satisfaction.

You know what, what the heck! It's late, or early and I can just blame it on exhaustion.

Okay I'm in my stance.


He's staring, just staring.


So I guess I'm just going to hold my stance.




When did my bow start to get heavy?

"Your arms are shaking." he states.

"I noticed." What is wrong with me? I was raised carrying a bow, so why does it feel heavy now.

"Come here." Ow! He's pulling me by the back of my Neck! I'm not four years old!

"Sit down." I sit on the workout bench. I have no clue what to expect at this point.

"Listen, Green Arrow and Canary," he pinches the bridge of his nose. Am I stressing him out? "they, well the team, and your mom and- uh-oh-aaarrrggghhhh! Everyone is worried alright!"


"Everyone is worried about what's going on and you won't even tell anyone, which does not help the situation. Now I have the whole team on MY back because they think I did something to you!" he ends with an angry huff.

"I really just-don't know how to react to that..."

"Go to SLEEP."

"I can't." I get up and start jabbing at Grayson Jr. again...

"Whatever. I tried." he storms out mid hissy fit.

I wish I could.

I really do.

But I just can't.

AN: Please review! I need pairing help! Thank you for reading.
