This chapter was rewritten, I hated it so yeah. Most parts are the same. Some parts were added with more description, and the ending was changed. Hope you like this.

Scar killer

| Mt. Justice

Canary was frantic. She knew that she didn't have much time before Zsasz decided to kill Robin, and possibly his teammates as well. She couldn't let that happen. They were all so young. She had to do something! So quickly doing what Superman had asked her to she pulled out her comm. unit and called Batman. She was scared for the children. She couldn't just let them die. 'Dang it Bruce answer your firkin comm. unit!' She thought bitterly.



"Canary I told you guys that you weren't to call me unless-"

"Unless it was an emergency, I know! Zsasz is back and he has the kids!"


"He has the kids. Bruce, he has Dick…"

No answer came from the other end of the Comm. unit. Canary was about to reply again when she realized that Bruce was no longer there. The man had hung up on her. She couldn't blame him. But it didn't make her any less irritated. Superman entered the room with a glum look on his face.

"I'm guessing you didn't find them."

Superman pulled out Robin's yellow belt and Canary's eyes widened. 'Oh Dick, what have you gotten yourself into this time?'

| Wayne Enterprises

Bruce's eyes widened. How come no one had informed him that Zsasz was back? Why was he just hearing about this? Bruce would never admit it but he was scared. He was scared for Dick's life. His son's life. How could he have been so stupid as to not see the signs? Of course the killer was Zsasz! It was so obvious! And thanks to his stupidity his son was now in danger. Bruce growled. He wouldn't repeat last time. Not again. Never again.

Bruce ran out of the building, rage in his eyes. He ran as fast as he could to his car. He would make Zsasz pay.

| Warehouse

The team was screaming his name but he couldn't hear them anymore. He couldn't hear anything through all the pain in his chest. He moaned in pain as the pain in his chest began to sting worse. Blood was still pouring out of his chest and his eyes were clenched tight so he wouldn't have to see the blood. He gritted his teeth blocking the cry of pain that threatened to come out. Zsasz watched from the sidelines. He was watching the Boy Wonder – now known as Dick Grayson – shiver and curl farther into himself. His hands were wrapped around his wound.

Then there were his friends. They were struggling against their bonds more and more. Miss. Martian was crying, sobs shacking her body. The rest of the team wasn't much better, all of them either crying or calling out in rage. But Zsasz didn't care. They wouldn't make it out of their bonds in time. No one could save the poor struggling Boy Wonder. Or at least that's what Zsasz thought.


Outside the Warehouse rain poured down on Gotham. Batman stood a rooftop away. His eyes blazing with anger. He had driven back to the Batcave to get the Batmobile; from there he drove to here. Knowing that Zsasz would want to finish this where it started. He moved forwards jumping off the rooftop and down towards the warehouse. Landing gracefully on the ground he pulled out his grabbling hook and shot it to the roof. He then ran over to a skylight and opened it. Jumping down into the rafters he looked down to observe the situation.

His breath caught in his throat as he saw what was going on. The team all bound and calling Robin's name. Zsasz was off in the corner looking at the scene. And Robin, without his mask, was lying on the floor bleeding to death. This man was determined to take his son away from him. Batman growled and jumped from the rafters right on top of Zsasz. The team watched with wide eyes as Batman punched the man's face again and again.

In his furry he only barley noticed the little remote Zsasz had pulled out. He pushed down a button and a beeping noise echoed throughout the warehouse. Batman knew that noise all too well. He'd heard it enough times to know. It was a bomb.

"I will get the mark! Even if it's the last thing I do!" Zsasz told Batman.

Batman punched Zsasz one more time and bound him. He then ran over to the team and cut the bonds. He also deactivated the collars around the Meta heroes' necks. They all looked terrified. But their faces were turned to Robin. Who was still shivering and clutching his abdomen. He ran back over to Robin who was only barley conscious.


"It's me, stay awake." He ordered before picking up the boy. He led the team to the door. It would be so easy to leave.

"You can't leave me here! You don't kill!"

"Your right Zsasz," Batman said turning towards the man. "I won't kill you. But that doesn't mean I have to save you."

He then ran out of the building with the team. Zsasz's eyes widened and he fought against his bonds. But he knew that it was too late. He wasn't getting the mark. He wasn't getting any marks anymore. With that the building exploded. The team was thrown back a couple feet from the explosion. Bruce had thrown himself over Dick to make sure that he wouldn't be hurt anymore then he already was. Batman looked at the building before turning away and leaving with the team close behind.

Though still the team couldn't believe it. Batman, the Batman, had been dark enough to not save someone. Then again, they didn't want to save him either. After seeing what he had done to those people, and to Robin himself, they wanted him dead. They never wanted to see his marked face ever again. So as the ashes fell on them they couldn't care less if pieces of Zsasz were scattered around the place. It was done. Zsasz wouldn't be coming back ever again.

| Watch Tower

Batman and the team rushed into the Watch Tower. Robin had fallen unconscious a few minutes ago, his mask less eyes closed. Blood soaked into Batman's suit. The grayish black now darker with blood. But the man could care less. The only thing he cared about now was the boy in his arms. The wound still gushed blood, pouring out of his body in rivers. As he ran into the Watch Tower he caught sight of Canary and Superman. Both looked concerned and worried. In front of them was Robin's utility belt.

"Canary, Kent, call Dr. Lesley!" both instantly turned around, their eyes widened as they saw Robin in Batman's arms. Both instantly started trying to get a hold of the Doctor. Batman then ran off to the Medical wing of the Watch Tower. He gently set Robin down on one of the beds. The team watched silently as Batman grabbed a hold of Robin's small shaking hand. The boy looked so tiny, so fragile. Batman clenched his eyes shut as he realized that Dick was only thirteen, still a child. He didn't deserve this, no one did.

"Oh Dickie, I'm so sorry." Bruce fell to his knees, still clutching the small boy's hand. The hand was so small compared to his. His hand could almost completely cover it. The team watched with sad eyes. Their hearts ached for the father and son.

"Where is he? Where's Dick?" someone shouted from down the hall. The team turned to see a woman with blond hair that was up in a bun and glasses. She quickly ran into the room. She saw Dick and her eyes widened. "Everyone out, now!" the team left quickly, Batman left a little slower but was eventually out of the room. Lesley shut the door and turned back towards Dick.


The team sat in the hall with Bruce. The man had his face in his hands. He just couldn't understand how he could let this happen! He had promised the boy that he would protect him! And he couldn't even do that! He was a failure. He didn't deserve to even be near Dick. How could he let this happen? He had been terrified when he saw Dick on the ground. He was scared that Dick was already dead, that he was too late.

But he knew that all he could do was wait. He didn't know what he would do if Dick died. He didn't want to imagine it but… what if Dick did die? What if he fell into a coma? What if-? Bruce stopped himself, he wouldn't think like that. But still the thoughts lingered in his mind. He couldn't live without Dick, he was his life! His light in the dark! His partner, his protégé, his son. He couldn't imagine what he would do if he had to bury him too. The thought scared Bruce.

He'd already had to bury his parents, Dick's parents, and now possibly Dick. Bruce gritted his teeth and clenched his hidden eyes shut. He couldn't handle any more people having to go into the ground. He just couldn't. He didn't want to make another headstone. He didn't want Dick to be next to his parents, only five years after their deaths. He wanted Dick to stay here with him. He wanted Dick to come home with him. And help Alfred bake cookies like they always did. He just wanted Dick to be okay…

But usually what he wanted never came. He wanted his parents to come back and that didn't happen. He wanted Dick to not go into the hero business and he couldn't stop that. And he certainly wanted Zsasz to stay away from Dick. Things he wanted never happened. Well, not never, but close enough. Most of the time he didn't want, or didn't think he wanted came true. Sometimes that was good and other times that was bad. Like Dick, he didn't think he wanted kids, but then Dick came into his life and turned it upside down.

All the memories he and Dick had shared, each one he cherished. He would never give them up for anything. Dick was the only person keeping him sane. Sure Alfred helped, but Dick kept him from crossing that line. And now he might just loose his sanity and his son. Bruce sighed, not knowing how much time had passed. Hours, minutes, seconds, he didn't know. He didn't look up until the door clicked open.

Bruce looked up at Lesley, she had a small smile on her face. "He's stable." Bruce sighed with relief. Then he realized Lesley was looking at him sadly.

"What aren't you telling me?"

"Bruce… he's stable, but he might not make it through the night. If he does he'll be in the clear." She said sadly.

Bruce looked at her sadly and bowed his head again. She put a comforting hand on his shoulder and led him into the room. Dick was lying on the bed. Bandages were across his abdomen, and IVs were in his arm along with a blood bag. Dick had never looked as young as he did now. It was hard to believe that his boy was the one who had taken down Killer Croc by himself just to save his mentor. Bruce smiled at the memory. He then pulled up a chair and sat next to Dick. He pulled down his cowl and watched the boy sleep.


Bruce had dosed off during the night. It had been around seven in the morning that he awoke. A moan was heard throughout the room and Bruce turned towards Dick. The boy stirred a little and moaned again. He then opened his blue eyes and looked up at Bruce. The boy gave a small smile and Bruce couldn't help but smile back. Dick was alive. He wasn't going to leave him. Bruce brought Dick into a hug.

Was it better? Worse? The same? Oh well, I like how it was a tiny bit less rushed in this one.