Sorry for the late update! I apologize and I promise to update more frequently. Long chapter, please REVIEW! :)
Hugs, Flying Mockingjay :)
When we wake up, we decide to go find some more tributes to kill, or in Cato's words, "mutilate". Clove leads the group, and Glimmer decides to start singing some Career song she learned back in her district, and soon everyone is singing but me. I start to turn red and walk behind the group, but Cato pauses and comes over to me.
"Guys, I don't think Katniss knows this song," he says, sending me a smile. I give him a small smile but continue looking back down.
"Do you know any other songs?" Glimmer asks me, trying to make me feel welcome. I shake my head and can't think of any, but then I finally think of one.
"Yes, actually I do." I say, a little too loudly that Clove and Marvel stop examining their weapons and look up.
"It's called Deep in the Meadow. Does anyone know it?" I ask. Everyone shakes their head but surprisingly, Cato raises his hand.
"Yeah, I think I know it! I recall it's a lullaby song, my mom used to sing it to me when I was little." Cato immediately averts his hand, and I tilt my head. Does Cato not like to talk about his childhood? But, I dismiss the case because I automatically start singing, but quickly stop and blush.
"No, it's alright, keep going I want to hear it!" says Clove.
"Alright," I say, "I will try."
Deep in the meadow, under the willow
A bed of grass, a soft green pillow
Lay down your head, and close your sleepy eyes
And when again they open, the sun will rise.
Cato then starts singing with me bit by bit, trying to recall the lyrics.
Here it's safe, here it's warm
Here the daisies guard you from every harm
Here your dreams are sweet and tomorrow brings them true
Here is the place where I love you.
I am singing down the whole time so I don't mess up, but when I look up, Cato winks at me and Clove claps.
"Let's continue forward," Marvel says a little uninterested. However, I don't disagree, because he could kill me in less than a second.
We walk for what seems another mile, until I spot a rustle about a hundred feet away from the bush. The thing comes closer, oblivious to our presence. It suddenly comes forward, and to our surprise its Peeta and Thresh. They lunge toward us, but it's a six against two battle. Thresh throws a spear at the Glimmer but she lunges for Peeta, and the spear hits the District 4 girl right in the chest. It immediately sprays blood and I look away, but I hear another thud and I look up. Peeta has stabbed Glimmer in the throat, and she falls to the ground, dead.
"BOOM, BOOM". The cannon rings out in the distance, signaling Glimmer and the District 4 girl's death. Cato and Marvel are fighting with Thresh, and I'm hoping Cato can kill him. But things turn unexpected. Thresh stabs Cato in the arm, and he falls back. Blood is pouring from Cato's arm, and I run over and try to help.
Clove grabs a knife from her belt and throws it at Peeta. It comes right at his face but he ducks and throws a knife back. Amazingly Clove catches it between two knives and throws all 3 at Peeta. One misses but the other two pierces his leg and his shoulder. He grimaces a little but shakes it off and continues fighting.
"Damn it!" Clove yells. "He must be wearing armor!"
I squint and look closer. Yes, Peeta is wearing some sort of armor, must be a gift from a sponsor or from the Cornucopia. Thresh has some too but is holding a shield to block off attacks. I turn back to Cato.
"Cato, I have a bandage right here, are you okay?" I say. "Yes, I'm alright, but my arm kills." he says, gritting his teeth in pain. I immediately wrap the bandage around his arm, until finally I'm all out.
"That's better, thanks," he says, "It helped a lot." He slowly gets up.
"Katniss, shoot some arrows I need help!" Clove yells, struggling with Peeta and I nod. I take an arrow from my sling and aim it at Peeta. But I hear a voice in my head.
"Don't shoot!"
I slowly lower the bow. Should I kill him? I don't want to kill my own partner in my district. But as I see Peeta about throw a spear at Clove, I shoot the arrow. It whizzes past Clove's face and impales itself right in Peeta's collarbone. He falls, but manages to get back up and starts running. "Thresh let's go!" he screams and disappears through the foliage.
Thresh lowers his spear but throws one last knife at Marvel. He ducks but Cato accidentally stabs Marvel instead of Thresh with his sword. Marvel falls to the ground and the cannon booms.
"Thanks Cato, it helped a lot," Thresh says, showing a small smile. Before anyone can stop him, he runs away.
Clove immediately runs over to Marvel, shaking him. "Marvel get up, please get up!" I run over to her and stop her from shaking Marvel.
"I'm sorry Clove, but we can't do anything. He's gone." I say softly.
I see a tear trickle down Clove's face, and she walks over and punches Cato in the face.
"I hate you Cato," she says, crying, "I hate your guts." She runs and disappears in the rest of the woods.
"Clove!" I say, reaching out. No answer. I turn back to Cato, who also is staring at me.
This is not good.