Author's Note: Hello one and all! Step right up and prepare to roll over laughing…please? Lol I went for more snarkiness between Jeff and Matt and I hope the prank reference isn't too out there. And do not worry, I think in the next story The Undertake will have his revenge. Oh my oh my what will it be? Without further ado, enjoy!
Matt Hardy knew many things to be fact. Some of those facts were: two and two was four, the sky was blue and his brother had the IQ of all four teletubbies combined. Harsh? Please. What the hell was Matt supposed to think when Jeff decided to pull another one over on the head honcho of Deadman's Inc.?
It was only a week ago that Jeff had brilliantly decided to emblazon the now infamous words UNDIE-TAKER on the front of the Deadmans' hat. Surprisingly enough, the only outcomes of that endeavor were one) the locker room laughing amongst themselves about it now and then but never in front of the Phenom himself and two) the chilly warning that "paybacks were a bitch."
Now, those words coming from a seven foot Brother of Destruction is a scary thing but it'd been a week and no revenge on the man's part had transpired. Matt thought that was odd but was he going to complain? Hell no.
He, the older and wiser sibling, was willing to accept the fact Undertaker was eventually going to get his when the two brothers were least expecting it but was Jeff content with that? Survey says ehhhh! Wrong. No. Nein. Not a snowballs chance. The enigmatic pinhead apparently did not have the sense God gave to a goat wearing floral patterned granny panties and was going to push his luck.
Matt did not know what his brother's next step was but he knew it was another prank and how did he know? Simple. Four days after the "incident" he and Jeff were lounging on their hotel beds watching TV when Jeff briefly brought the subject up.
"Dude, that idea was my one of my best ones! But the next one? Oh Matty you ain't seen nothing yet."
Yeah, a statement like that didn't leave a whole lot of room for guessing what the hell Jeff was talking about, did it?
Matt thought that Jeff was shaving years off his life by doing those crazy ass stunts in the ring. Nope. Jeff's soon to be performed autopsy was going to show cause of death was sheer stupidity and/or lunacy. Gosh was Matt proud.
Speaking of which, that adorable little bro whom Matt was going to miss an awful lot just entered their hotel room, smiling like the cat that just caught the canary and was batting it with its paws.
"Guess what I got?" Jeff beamed.
Matt, who was most certainly not beaming or any variation thereof, pinched the bridge of his nose and retorted,
"One half of your solitary brain cell out for repair?"
Jeff seemed to find that offensive and kindly flipped his brother the bird, with both hands no less. With the offensive jibe matched and no doubt bested in Jeff's opinion, Jeff reached into his back pocket and removed a small black object and flung, yes flung, said object at Matt. The thing struck the older Hardy and left a stinging sensation high on his chest.
Sullenly rubbing the sore spot Matt retrieved the object off the bedspread and held it in his hands .A cell phone? He turned it over and when he did he groaned. Whose cell phone was it? It was the Undertakers' of course! What other WWE superstar had a shiny black coffin right smack dab in the center of their cell phone cover?
"Jeff, do I want to know why you have his phone?"
Jeff was confused. Who wouldn't want to know why someone like him had someone like the Taker's cell phone? He walked over and took it back. After powering it on and fiddling for a few seconds, he turned the phone outward letting Matt see the display screen. It was showing the choices of ringtones.
Oh ass. This was on a whole new dangerous level of ASS.
Thinking quickly, Matt tried to reach out and snatch the phone from his brother's grasp. His failure level? Miserable. Jeff hightailed it into the bathroom with the phone and proceeded to lock the door behind him.
Shiiiit. Oh well, he could just tackle the bastard when he gets out and wrestle it away from him. He was a professional wrestler for crying out loud, it will not be that hard. Matt should have known better.
That plan shook its ass in his face seven minutes later when Jeff emerged without the phone. Matt's brow furrowed as he looked over his brother, looked for signs of the device. And wouldn't you know? The perv had shoved Taker's (TAKER'S!) phone down the front of his pants so the crotch was now bulging more than usu-oh god changing subject.
Jeff was smirking because he knew he had won. Matt was not going to go in and retrieve the phone lest he risk grabbing something that was most certainly not rectangular and cellular-like. Knowing he was victorious in the first stage of his plan, Jeff plopped down onto one of the beds and just sat there smugly. Looking up at Matt, Jeff asked,
"Questions, comments?"
Fuck it.
"You don't want your lifeless body to ever be found, fine. I do have a question though."
"Are you at least going to wipe his phone off before giving it to him?"
That got a Hardy laugh until the younger man actually seemed to think about it. Leaving his spot on the bed and making his way over to their closet, he picked up the unopened bottle of fabreeze that lay forlorn and forgotten in the back of the clothes closet. Removing the phone from places that Matt rather not think about, he then proceeded to douse the defenseless thing with the meadow-fragranced substance. He then returned it to his back pocket for safe keeping
Matt didn't know what to do except to start banging his head against the wall behind him.
"Aww Mattie don't be like that." Jeff teased.
"Why not?" Matt asked between hits number four and five, "I'm just getting a head start on what he's going to do."
"You are forgetting one important thing. The man doesn't get mad…well for long. He gets even." Jeff reasoned.
Yeah, that's sooooo freakin comforting. Not.
Matt ceased and desisted the quickening of his demise. Jeff was right. Taker would get them back in the future his own way and that was that. He also had to admit, he was curious as hell to know what ringtone Jeff had chosen. He asked.
Jeff shook his head.
"You'll see. Tomorrow night after the show."
To Matt this translated as tomorrow night's show better kick ass because it's our last one. Oh joy. Fate though seemingly wanted to send the Hardys to their maker much quicker than was comfortable
Knock knock