There were many things Marshal couldn't do since he became a vampire. He couldn't eat regular food, sit in the sun, go to outdoor parties Gumball would often host and or go adventuring with Fionna in the lighten hours of the day. That was one thing that always seemed to tear at his unbeating heart when he thought about it, causing a dull yet indescribable in the center of his chest where the one pink organ should have been. It was such a horrible feeling, that at times he would spend days on his own, never once contacting any of his friends in fear of the pains return. It was days like those that he often found himself wishing he could be human again and get to do all the things he usually couldn't do. He would do anything to make that wish come true, though he took a thousand years to finally act on it, and that day would finally be today that he did something on it.

Marshal Lee, the vampire king, walked slowly down the long dark hallway. He could have easily have just flew in and get down the hall much faster, but there was something about walking that just seemed fitting today. He sighed, and counted the number of steps he took until he came to a large black door with several locks on it. He shut his eyes slowly and took a deep breath, though it was unneeded for his dead lungs, and knocked the door once. The dull thuds echoed throughout the vacant area he now stood still in.

"Who dares disturb me?" A low female voice snarled from the other side of the door, cracking the echoes straight out of the air.

"Its Marshal Lee." The vampire teen answered stiffly, his official 'kingly' voice taking the place of his usual playful tone. "The Vampire King."

"Oh Marshy! My favorite Vampire, come right in deary." The voice geared in mock excitement.

The doors suddenly swung open, so fast that Marshall only had seconds to step away before they slapped the walls beside him hard. He rolled his eyes and stepped inside the room, looking around curiously until his eyes landed on a throne at the far end of the room, reveling a young woman sitting upon it. She wasn't a very pretty girl, with pale skin that had light blue veins slithering through a few thin patches on her head, no longer pumping blood to her system as they lead up to her hairline and stopped where the long black hair began. Her black eyes seemed out of place on her pale face, as they were deeper than the darkest abyss with only little flecks of white to add a shine. For attire, she wore a long, flowing black and purple dress dress that blended perfectly with the rest of the deep color on her person. The only thing that stood out from her was her silver crown, complete with several diamonds and her throne. Which was a large stone throne beneath her, that seemed to be made up of several bodies and skeletons of creatures Marshal didn't recognize. He didn't have long to take in her appearance before she spoke.

"What brings you here?" She asked, leaning back a bit in her chair and raising an eyebrow in amusement.

"Oh, you know, I was in the neighborhood and desired to drop by." He joked dryly as he stuffed his hands into his pockets.

"No really." The women laughed, but then stopped suddenly to glare at him. "Tell me the truth, boy."

"What?" Marshal asked, attempting at a jovial tone of voice." Can't I just come to visit my favorite demon queen?"

The girl rose swiftly suddenly and jumped up high into the air, only to land in front of him so that their noses touched. Her pale lips twitched into an evil smirk as she attempted to search the boy's eyes for lies. Unsurprisingly, she found it almost instantly.

"Marshal Lee, you can't fool me." She sneered curling her fingers under his chin and tilting it so they saw eye-to-eye. "You want something, don't you?"

"I want... I want to be mortal again." Marshal gulped, finally forcing the words he was so sure about out of his mouth in a low mumble. "Even if its just for a day."

The women gasped and flung her hand away as if it had burned her badly. Her lips turned downward in a look of both shock and disgust but no sooner had she done this did they return to a bitter-sweet grin. A light chuckle escaped her throat this time.

"I'm sorry, I don't think I heard you correctly." She growled as sweet as she could, placing her hands onto his shoulders. "Did you say you wanted to be a filthy mortal... Again?"

"That is what I have said." He answered, wincing a tad as she dug her clawed finger nails into his shoulder blades. "I have made up my mind, and that is why I have come to you."

"I am sorry then, I will not help you." She said simply, releasing him and then turning away swiftly. "Go away."

"And why not?" Marshal fumed, his voice suddenly returning to his much more professional one. "I am not asking much of you!"

"I can not simply turn you mortal again just because you ask." She shrieked, turning to her visitor suddenly and balling up her first "Give me one good reason and I may reconsider your plight!"

"Please, all I ask is just one day. I will do anything for this, because believe me-!" Marshal began, dropped to his knees as the weight he was not used to carrying dragged him to the ground. "I have thought of this for over one thousand years, and I fear that one more year of it and I will not be able to bare my restrictions any longer."

"And you say you'd do anything for this?" The women hissed, pointing to the vampire male suddenly and watching as he nodded. "Hm, you are very serious about this..."

She placed a finger on her lip and looked like she was deep in thought, seeming to be reconsidering her earlier words. A longer bout of silence passed between the two, adding a suddenly uncomfortable atmosphere between them. At last, she looked down at him, this time she had a slight gleam in her eyes.

"Alright Marshal, I'll make you a deal." She began, pausing for dramatic effect. "I can make you mortal for a day, just one day, but there is something you must do during this time."

"Anything at all." Marshall reminded her quickly, eager to get to the end of this agreement.

"Marshall Lee Vampire King, I understand that you had goals as a mortal before you were whisked away to life as an immortal being." The queen spoke in a loud and clear tone. "So we shall make an agreement. You must prove to me that you are very serious about this life I am to give you, but using it well and completing those goals in the span of just 24 hours."

"And if I don't?" Marshal growled, not happy about this new catch.

"You will lose your immortality to me." She answered quickly, holding her hand out to him. "You have a strong heart, and if this does mean as much to you as you claim then you will succeed. Do we have a deal?"

She extended her hand a but more, watching Marshall for any sign of doubt or even a reaction. Marshal turned away his head and closed his eyes quickly, then he slowly extended his hand to her and in a cold and clear voice, he said but one thing.


They shook hands as Marshal suddenly felt his heart begin to race and color returning to his face. His eyes flew open, but then snapped shut yet again as a pain shot threw his body. It felt as if daggers were stabbing his throat, and his chest was building up to explode as the rest of him was torn to shreds, but as soon as the pain had begun it subsided to a small headache, and then was gone completely. He opened his eyes and couldn't see a thing.

"W-where am I?" He stuttered, not even recognizing the sound of his voice by how scratchy and lively it sounded now.

"You never left my kingdom, but as a mortal you can no longer see in this low of dark." The voice of the demon queen answered in the darkness.

"Gotta get used to that." Marshall mumbled trying to let his eyes adjust.

"Remember Marshall Lee, your only mortal for twenty four hours, in that time you must complete everything you set out to do as a mortal." She said in a loud and booming voice that pierced Marshall's ear drums. "Your twenty four hours starts NOW!"

And with that Marshall felt a cold breeze sting his skin as it lifted him into the air and carried him out of the kingdom and into the land of Aaa...

Marshal touch each tooth with his tongue. Not a single one was fanged. He felt a small smile creep across his lips as he opened his eyes. It was night out, about midnight if he was correct or maybe later, considering how low the moon hung in the sky. He couldn't tell anymore. Looking down at his now tanned arm, he saw bright blue veins. He smiled widely as he placed his hand on his chest and felt a heart beat, something he hadn't felt in a long time. He sucked in a deep breath as the cold, sweet air filled his lungs. He held his breath for as long as he could before exhaling. Marshall smiled again and tried to get up but his body felt heavier than it usually did.

'Well, I guess I'll have to get used to gravity again.' He thought as he wiggled his legs a bit to circulate them again.

He stretched a bit and then turned to see he was outside the candy kingdom. The bridge was down so Marshal entered. As he walked through the sleeping kingdom he felt yet another thing that he hadn't felt in years. Hunger pains. Marshal looked and one of the candy houses, shrugging he broke off a piece of a gingerbread house and popped it into his mouth. Cinnamon. He was tempted to break off another piece when a familiar voice rang out behind him.

"Marshal?" A female voice asked suddenly from behind him.

Marshal turned to see his friend Fionna the human adventurous, her sister Cake the cat, and the Candy Kingdom Prince Gumball, all stood behind him. They were smiling at their friend, happy to see a familiar face this late at night.

"Oh, hey guys!" He greeted with a slight wave of the hand. "What are you guys doing here?"

"We just back from Ice Queens place, what are you doing here?" Fionna asked curiously, returning the wave shortly after.

"I got hungry?" Marshal said as he added in a simple shrug of the shoulders.

The prince shook his head upon hearing this and took Marshall by he hand and led him into the nearby castle, followed by Fionna and Cake. The four of them entered the kitchen section of the building with Gumball in the lead as he went to a bowl of fruit, withdrew one, and tossed Marshall an apple. Marshall caught it in both hands and then held it to his lips and took a bite out of it. He then closed his eyes and smile, because now it felt more filling then just sucking the color out. Marshal re-opened his eyes and saw his friends with shocked faces, illuminated by an overhead hanging light as he felt red fill his more than alive cheeks.

"Love to stay and chat guys, but I know the perfect place to view this beautiful morning." He said happily, not in the mood to explain himself, until he remembered he couldn't fly and looked up shamefully at Cake. "Um. Guys... Kinda can't fly right now. Can I get a ride from you Cake?"