A/N: This is a future fic for iCarly. Hope you enjoy!


Sam Puckett sat in a white folding chair in the school yard. It was graduation day and she was nervous, very nervous. Carly Shay, Sam's best friend sat beside her playing with her hair nervously. She had nothing to be nervous about though, she got straight A's her entire life! Meanwhile, Sam got F's and D's and skipped class non-stop. But, when she was seventeen and she and Freddie Benson had dated, she tried harder and got better grades. When they broke up her grades dropped terribly, she never told him though.

Freddie stepped off of the stage and went to his seat, he was valedictorian, he gave the speech before everyone was called up.

Principle Franklin strode up to the blue and yellow podium and began to speak. Sam paid no attention she was to busy watching the brunette many rows ahead of her, sitting tall, confident that he'll pass. She sighed and looked at her lap.

"Fredward Benson." the principle said into the microphone.

Sam chuckled under her breath, she used to call him that all the time, she stopped awhile after he announced where he'll be going to college. Yale. Can you believe that? Sam can, she knows everything about Freddie, she was happy for him.

Sam's face remained facing her legs as Ted listed students. Please let me pass, please let me pass. She whispered to herself

"Saman-" he corrected himself knowing she hated the name Samantha. "Sam Puckett." Her head shot up, a shocked expression on her nervous face. She looked over at Carly who gave her a little shove, signaling her to go up.

Carly, Freddie, Spencer, Mr. Shay, Mrs. Puckett, Melanie and even Gibby stood up and clapped and cheered for her.

She hurried up the stairs and stood next to her principle.

"Congratulations, Sam." he smiled. "I knew you could do it. And uh, don't tell the others but, you're my favorite." he whispered. Sam laughed and took the diploma he offered her. He held out his hand for a shake, but Sam was being Sam and went against the rules. She ran up and rapped her arms around his stomach. After a few moments he hugged her back and motioned for her to take her seat.

She walked down the aisle to her seat and smiled at Carly.

"Great job!" the brunette whispered. She gave her a quick hug and turned her attention to Principle Franklin.

"Carly Shay." Franklin's voice boomed over the students once again.

Carly rose and strutted to the podium. The dark-skinned adult handed her a white roll of paper with a blue ribbon tied around the middle. She took it slowly and smiled up at him, he shook her hand before turning back to the class and letting to walk down the stairs.

Pop music blared through the speakers of the Shay apartment. Graduated teens bounced to the beat with their partner. After a special goodbye iCarly episode the three best friends jumped around as the others did.

Carly was dancing with Gibby, who had asked her multiple times before she gave in, smiling. She had shopped for hours to find the perfect outfit for the party, a black tank-top with ruffles, a pink floral skirt and black boots.

Somewhere in the middle of the party Sam noticed Freddie talking to his mom, he smiled at first as she congratulated him before she lowered voice. He had frowned and looked upset. After a few moments of listening he had stormed off, leaving the apartment. Sam followed slowly, cautiously.

When he didn't answer her knocking, she went to the only other place she thought he would be. The fire escape. She found him sitting on the blue lawn chair he had set up all those years ago.

She knocked quietly on the window and he looked up. She smiled and he returned it. He waved her over and she stepped out. She sat on the window sill as he came to sit on the metal steps.

"Wow, Déjà Vu." she chuckled.

"I know." he laughed.

She looked down, suddenly feeling nervous.

"Nice dress." he commented.

She looked down at her outfit, a purple and black dress and black, green and blue boots. "Thanks. So, why'd you leave the party?"

"My mom."

"Ah, that makes sense." she nodded.

He rolled his eyes. "Congrats on graduating, I knew you could do it."

"Yeah. So, what did your mom do?"

"She told me she doesn't want me to leave." Sam looked down, when he reminded her what she's been trying to forget. "When I said no she tried to force me to stay."


"I really don't like being told what to do when it involves my life." he sighed.


He got up and walked over to the railing. He leaned on his elbows and looked out to the lit up city. "It's only a few years."

She looked at his attire, a red polo, blue jeans and grey vans. A style Sam never wants to forget.

"That's what I'm afraid of." the blonde stated standing up so she could join him at the edge.

"Afraid? Afraid of what?"

"That you won't come back." she murmured.

Freddie sighed and turned to her. He took a step closer to her and put his hand on her shoulder. "I'll be back."

She looked at him and nodded.

"Listen," he told her, grabbing her shoulders to turn her to face him. He felt very bold at the moment, not afraid she'll slap him silly if he touches her. "I'll be back. I promise. You and Carly are to important to me, I would never leave and not come back."

"I'm important to you?" she questioned.

"Of course, why wouldn't you be?"

"Because I'm mean to you and call you names and-"

"That's one of the things I love about you!"


"Yes." he whispered. He reached his hand up and brushed a strand of hair from her face, he then put his hand on her neck and pulled her closer to him. He stopped when their lips were an inch apart, wondering if it was a good idea.

Sam got impatient and closed the gap between them. Tingles ran up and down her spine and her arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer. When they pulled away for air, he leaned his head against hers.

"Promise me something." he whispered.

"Anything." she replied.

"When I get back, you'll be waiting for me."

"Of course."

He kissed her once more before they went back in to the party.

A/N: There ya have it! It's okay if you don't like it. That's the prologue, so there will be more. I got the graduation scene idea from the H2O finale. The outfits are on my profile. The next chapter will be up Friday. Every Friday, you get a chapter!
