Firstly, can I apologise for the large delay in uploading the final chapter to this Fic – Unfortunately my laptop decided to break and I had to wait for it to get repaired before I could finish.

Thank you so much for your patience and lovely reviews, I am glad to see that many are enjoying this Fic as much as I have enjoyed writing it – It certainly has helped get my through the recent 'Leddie' dry-spell that Holby has been going through.

I have written, re-written and re-written the re-written and have ended with this and I hope you are satisfied with the ending.


She stood staring at him as he did at her, with neither daring to move or make a sound. She could hear the blood rushing through her body as her heart pumped furiously. Her stomach twisted and knotted within her and with each second that she stared into his eyes the tighter she felt the knot become. She didn't know if this was down to nerves or just the sight of him, for she had come to accept the invisible power he seemed to have over her, despite how she resisted – just the thought of him was enough to weaken her once strong defences. She clenched her hands into fists in an attempt to stop them from shaking and gritted her teeth to stop her from breaking this silence first. She had said what she needed to say and she was determined to wait, however long that may be, until he made the next move.

What was several seconds, felt like hours until finally he spoke sarcastically "Make yourself at home"

"I'm serious Luc" and she was. She would push as hard as she needed to get what she wanted.

"Must we do this now?" he closed the small door behind him and stood before her.

"Yes" her words sharp and firm.

"What is it you want me to say?" his voice as calm as ever.

"I want you to tell me what happened here today"

"What happens here every day, sick people come in and we treat them"

"Don't patronise Luc, you know what I'm talking about" she felt anger bubble away beneath her; the way he tried to brush her off enraged her.

He crossed his arms defensively "What is it you think happened?"

"Don't do that!" her voice rose sharply as she struggled to control her emotions.

"Do what?"

"Do not try and turn this around on me. I am asking you and you need to answer me" she realised that she had taken steps closer to him and held her finger to his chest and suddenly the closeness of him shocked her, but she remained, almost trembling from the heat of him as his breath surrounded her.

They were there once again; in a moment similar to that they were in only a couple of hours previously within the locker room. Only this time there was a very real realisation that things could progress a lot further and faster here, being out of hospital hours and within a few inches of a bed. She almost saw this realisation pass across his brain and watch as he took a half step backwards.

His composure seemed to stagger for a moment, before arranging himself and yet he said nothing, he just continually stared at her with a growing intensity. That familiar feeling returned - the butterflies within her stomach and the desire for him began to burn deep within her once more. She inwardly cursed herself as she wished only to be angry with him and yet now, standing mere inches from him, all she could feel was desire. There was just something about him she couldn't quite understand and yet still there was an undeniable connection between them, something about his past that she understood without knowing why. Something they shared that nobody else could understand.

She swallowed nervously and forced her mind back into the room and whilst staring into his kind eyes she found it difficult to compose a sentence with her only instinct being to close the gap between them as he almost had done a couple of hours ago.

She turned her back to him, unable to stand the tension anymore and finally, after what felt like an eternity, a clear thought passed through her mind and her ability to speak returned "Okay, let me start with an easier question; what did you say to Liam today?"

"Mentor stuff"

His casual tone and flippant statements enraged her, causing her to snap round and face him once more. How could he not be feeling as she did? How could he be so calm? Did he not care to see what he was doing to her? This was no time for sarcastic statements; surely even he could understand and respect the seriousness of the situation and yet with each response becoming more dismissive than the last she began to wonder if he respected her at all.

Her tone lowered and quivered from anger "I swear Luc, if you do not start giving me some real answers I will –"

"– You'll what?" he interrupted

She was panting she realised then. They gap between them had closed once more although again she had no conscious recollection of how it had happened. Arousal and a deep burning passion ripped through her, images of what she wished to do to him flashed through her mind. Just the idea of touching him caused her to tremble. She tried to control her breathing, but he had captured her eyes once more and she found it almost impossible to resist. She didn't trust herself with a response in this moment, knowing that it would be centred on that of a sexual nature.

Her heart pounded.

Her mind blurred.

She wanted to reach out. To touch him. To make a move that would undoubtedly lead to them closing that gap.

Yet, again it was him who stepped back just as the moment became too serious. He shrugged off his jacket and placed it on the miniature wooden table beside them, leaving her panting and confused.

"Whilst you think for a witty response, I'll answer your previous question. Let's just say that I brought some things to Liam's attention"

"What?" her response was almost too fast, she inhaled deeply in an attempt to calm herself.

"I wish I could say but mentor-mentee confidentiality has its restrictions I'm afraid but, he understands that he should be more careful with what he says to you" she stared at him blankly for moment, attempting to control the anger she felt tearing away at her innards.

"What gives you the right? What happens between me and my brother is our business. Not yours"

"I disagree; on the contrary as his mentor isn't it my responsibility to ensure that he develops into a fully functioning and respectful adult?"

"Are you saying he isn't already?" her voice short and sharp.

"Need I remind you of the damage he caused to my home as a way of getting back to me for missing that meeting?"

"And?" she flicked her shoulders upwards, attempting to reflect the same level of casualness she saw in him.

"And... he clearly has life lessons still to learn, including treating your sister with more respect"

"What does it matter to you how he speaks to me?"

"I said earlier that I thought that I could help, that's all I was trying to do"

"Oh, so you do acknowledge what happened between us earlier then" she looked at him defiantly as if she had finally caught him in a trap that he could not escape – he had recognized, for the first time, the moment they had shared only a few hours ago and he could not deny it now. She had him now and she would pull from him the answers she needed.

He stared at her with a sense of knowing; as if he knew what she were thinking.

"As I said, I was just trying to help" his voice quivered slightly and she wondered if she was finally beginning to get through that thick exterior of his.

"Why do you even want to help Luc?" she was beginning to lose her temper now as no matter how many different angles she attacked this, they appeared to be going around in circles. He was like a politician, avoiding and deflecting any question he found difficult or feared would incriminate him. She had never liked politicians and part of her wished that she could remove whatever power he had over her so that she could finally be free of him, of what he did to her and how he made her feel. Most women search their whole lives to find someone that can make them feel the way Luc made her feel, but she believed herself to differ from the 'ordinary' woman and yet she found herself willing him to reflect how she felt for him.

She had never bought into the concept of 'love' and expected that Luc would share the same view and yet here they were like a couple of teenagers, or a fated couple within a film circling each other in preparation for the inevitable collision.

She couldn't understand why she had allowed herself to become involved in him, even now she couldn't remember a time when she had consciously cared for any part of him and yet in the recent weeks he had slowly take over her body and mind until almost every thought stemmed from him. She just wanted to understand, to gain some kind of peace and his lack of answers enraged her.More importantly, why is it that he wanted to help her? What made him think that he could do anything for her because at this precise moment in time he seemed incapable of answering a simple question and so she pushed, her voice rising slightly, parading her growing frustration.

"Why?" still he remained silent, instead he broke eye contact from her and released a small puff of air which appeared to be out of frustration, causing her to practically shout at him "Luc answer me – why?"

"Why do you think?" his words thick, not matching the increasing volume of hers but his were much sharper – It wasn't from anger, but it was almost as if he found the words difficult to say, as if a part of him resisted them, repressing them, willing for them not to leave his body. Through vague she could see what he was trying to say.

Again, their eyes held one another's and yet through all the recent frustration he had caused her she felt herself calm instantly. He was trying, she could see that he was, but she needed just that bit more from him before she would be willing to drop her defences. She moved closer to him, in an attempt to show him that he was safe to tell her, that she already knew on some level but all she needed now was verbal confirmation that he was hers, just as she was his.

"What happened between us earlier... Just say it"

It was as if she saw him for the first time and finally saw through his professional façade. He was like her, fighting to be free, fighting against someone he used to be. The connection they shared was something so beyond anything she had ever experienced and she could see that he felt the same, but it was this that scared him. Strangely she realised now that he already had her trust, and that in fact she had given it to him without any conscious thought and to her shock this realisation didn't scare her, in fact it only made her want him more. Every inhibition she had ever felt towards him suddenly disappeared and ironically she felt freer in that moment then she had done her entire life.

She looked at him and knew without him having to speak why it was he left her in the locker room today, he was too afraid of losing control, to lose that freedom that had become his only life source. She knew that she needed to make the first move.

"Okay. You want to know what I think happened. I'll tell you – you came to find me today in the locker room as you always do because you understand why it is I go there and you say all the right words because you know exactly how I'm feeling. You understand on a level nobody ever has, just like I understand you and today I saw something in your eyes that I have been feeling for a while and was too afraid to admit"

She could see his jaw clench and his eyes sharpen, she was getting closer and this only filled her with more confidence to continue. "I was scared, but I'm not anymore, you are. I can see that and I know that's why you ran away from the situation earlier and why you would do anything to have me leave here right now – because you don't let people get close to you, because professional Doctor Hemmingway has to keep his distance and it scares you that you haven't done that with me. That you have feelings for me... like I do for you"

She let that sentence hang in the air and the words seem to ring in her ears. She had finally said the words aloud and she knew now that the next move was down to him.

He broke eye contact for the first time since she had started talking, and seemed to quietly contemplate her words. After a moment he looked her in the eyes once more, a move so simple and yet it caused her stomach to flip.

"You're wrong"

She sighed in frustration because she wasn't wrong, she was certain, she could see it; the hunger behind his eyes. Was he that afraid even to deny what was so plain to her and after she had confirmed her own feelings for him? However when he spoke again his voice was softer, almost defeated "I wouldn't want you to leave here right now"

Time appeared to stop, freezing the moment between them once more.

"Then ask me to stay"

She allowed her eyes to drink him in, standing tall within the tiny interior of the caravan with his posture stiff but his eyes kind. She had never seen such kind eyes. The way he looked at her now no one ever had, it was as if only she existed and all he could see was her and yet behind them she could see the true fiery passion that burned wild and hot and this excited her causing her heart to beat hard and fast.

He closed the gap between them in two small steps of which he took at a painfully slow pace and she found herself fighting to catch her breath. There was no turning back now. They were finally here. She was not a believer in fate and yet she knew that if she had not broken into his home tonight eventually, no matter what, they would find themselves here. She thought back to all the fears she once had over crossing this line with him, and yet as he slowly ascended on her she knew that there was no place she would rather be and that in no way would she treat him like she had done her past lovers, because he was nothing like them. He was something special. They shared something special.

He was there, so close to her that she could feel his breath on her face and yet it wasn't close enough, she ached for more, almost as if a part of her would die if she didn't get it. He looked down on her with such intensity that she felt herself begin to tremble.

"Stay" his voice laced with passion.

The tension began to feel unbearable. It was as if the world had faded away and all that remained was them.

She continued to be captivated by his eyes as his face hovered about hers. All she wanted now was him; her mind filled with erotic images, her pulse dangerously high and her body so hot she feared she may faint. She could feel her body trembling under the pressure.

He surrounded her. All she could see, hear and feel was him.

It was all she wanted.

She lost the will to think.

Her body's only instinct was him.

Suddenly, his lips had collided with hers and all the passion she had been feeling escaped from within her and exploded throughout her body. The pace was fast as if they couldn't get enough of each other, as if they feared that this moment was a dream from which they would soon wake. It was so unlike anything she had felt before with pulsations of arousal rippling throughout her body and as their lips parted and electrified tongues began to explore a small moan erupted from her, encouraging him. His hands pulled her impossibly closer to him, so that their bodies were crushed against one another and yet it wasn't close enough, she wanted him closer.

Despite the speed, it felt natural. He felt so perfect pressed against her and as she felt his hands move to remove her jacket she didn't feel anxious as she believed she might, instead she felt only excitement and arousal. She responded by removing his t-shirt and found his skin to be hot and firm against her. He lifted her from the floor and she instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist and with ease he carried her to the small bed, his strength surprising to her and exciting all the more. Gently, he placed her upon the bed and positioned himself above her, her breath rapid and her heart roaring and in this moment their lips parted briefly and their eyes locked once more as if to prove to themselves that this was indeed happening as, for both, it had seemed that this moment would never come.

His gaze on her softened slightly before finally allowing his lips to touch hers once more, only this time, at a much more attentive pace and she was grateful that he had done so, as for months she had waited for this moment and she wanted to experience it properly, rather than experience a rushed blur. She wanted to experience him. There were no boundaries in that moment and there was no hospital on the horizon with patients that they would soon by attending too, the world was theirs for the taking and it was only them. They were free.

There we have it! I would really love to know what you thought. I appreciate every review. Thank you for sticking with it and I really hope that you enjoyed it