A/N: So this is kinda weird. On my computer it says I have uploaded D, but on a friends computer it says I haven't. Please tell me if you guys can read D, if not I'll have to do something about that.

Anyway, here is E, hope you can read this one too. It's short, but it's funny. Dean is not really hurt that much, but I wanted to experiment with humor a little. Hope I succeeded!

E – Embarrassing




'I said: don't! What part of "don't" don't you understand?'

Sam sighed and instead of replying he looked at the road ahead. Dean began to cough again and sank back into the passenger-seat.

Sam glanced at him. Dean looked terrible and had his eyes closed now. His face was pale although his cheeks had recovered some color. He had bags under his eyes and his face seemed clammy. Luckily, his fever had gone down and that's when Sam had decided to take off.

Dean's eyes opened and looked straight at him.

'Watch the road,' he whispered hoarse. His voice had been worse too, but he said it still hurt to talk.

Sam looked back at the road, but he wanted to talk to Dean about this. If Dean would suppress these feelings and thoughts, he would become even grumpier then he was already. And Sam could let it go after that. Now, every second with Dean he just felt the urge to talk about it.

'Why don't you wanna talk about it?' he suddenly blurted out. Dean coughed again, bending forward because of the pain it caused in his throat and lungs.

'Why can't you just shut up about it?' he replied after the coughing was over.

'It's better if we talk about it,' Sam said, but he heard Dean wasn't willing to talk about it. He had closed his eyes again and pretended to be asleep. Sam let him be for 10 minutes, then he had had enough of it.

'It was an accident, okay? Let's say it was an accident. You couldn't have known,' he said. He got a groan in response, proving Dean wasn't actually asleep.


'You were dreaming.' Now Dean opened his eyes, stretched and sat up.

'Pull over.' His voice was cold and bitter, and Sam had no idea what would happen next. As Dean started coughing again, Sam found a place to stop and he parked the car.

But instead of talking, Dean opened his door and stepped out into the cold night. He slammed his door shut and left a confused and startled Sam behind. Then Sam got out too.

Dean was resting against the car, the collar of his jacket pulled up so he wouldn't catch a cold and his hands were deep in his pockets. His face was a little paler than before and he was shaking slightly as the cold found its way through the fabric of his coat. He was staring into the forest like he wasn't there mentally, but he wasn't surprised when Sam stood next to him.

'If it's such a problem..'

Dean let out a small cough and shook his head.

'Let's talk. On the condition that you will never speak about this again,' he murmured, clearly embarrassed and very tired. Sam nodded. Then he grabbed Dean at his shoulders and guided him to the front of the car, where he helped him sit. Dean didn't even object and Sam knew he was more tired than he was showing.

'Look, it's not like I want to talk about this over and over again. But you seem uncomfortable, and I don't understand that. It was a mistake, it was an accident, so why are you making such a big deal of this?' Sam asked, straight to the point.

'Of course I am uncomfortable!' Dean shouted. The shouting resulted in another series of coughing, this time so loud Sam patted him on the back, scared his brother would choke. He was now standing right in front of him to keep him from falling, while his brother got his breathing back under control. For a moment, he leaned forward and embraced a small and brotherly hug, but then he pushed Sam back with the little strength he had left and Sam knew this was as close as he would get.

'But why Dean? I mean, we're brothers..'

'That's exactly why. Brothers don't kiss,' Dean whispered. His eyes were watering because of the coughing but he quickly wiped the water away.

'Dean, if I hadn't given you mouth-to-mouth you'd be dead. It's a good thing you saved the girl, but next time don't drown yourself. And you're my brother, I'd give you mouth-to-mouth every day if it'd save you ,' Sam said, trying to comfort his older brother. But Dean just shook his head and took a deep breath before answering.

'That's not what I mean Sam and you know that.' Dean let his shoulders slump and for a moment Sam thought he was collapsing again. But then he noticed the strange look on Dean's face and he recognized it as shame. He was ashamed of what had happened.

It had indeed been weird. At first, things were just a chaos. The ghost, just before disappearing, had pushed the little Annie into the pond. Dean hadn't hesitated for a second; he had jumped right after her to save her. But the pond wasn't as deep as he had thought and the bottom was filled with water plants and earth. As soon as Dean hit the ground, the plants had wrapped around his legs which made it impossible for him to move. The girl had already swum up and was taken by her mother, but Dean hadn't come up yet. By the time Sam had cut all the plants tangled around Dean's legs, Dean had already swallowed too much water. His lungs were filled and he wasn't breathing.

"Dean! Wake up, please don't do this to me!" Sam had shouted. He had bent forwards and had pushed so hard on Dean's chest he was afraid he might have cracked some ribs. But he still hadn't breathed in or out. So there had been only one thing left to do.

'Like I said, it was an accident, right?' Sam tried. But Dean got furious now.

'How can you be so calm about it? I was having this weird nightmare-dreamthing yes, in which I kissed..someone. But that doesn't make me kissing you just something you should be so calm and relaxed about! I kissed you Sam, I thought you were someone else and I kissed you!' His ranting was stopped by another series of coughs.

'So what Dean? You would have died!' Sam shouted back.

But Sam remembered it like it had just happened too. He had laid down Dean in a comfortable position and had shouted his name a few times. But there was only one thing left to do. So Sam had bent forwards completely, had lifted Dean's head a little, had closed his nose and had blown his air into Dean's mouth. And again, and again. Finally, he felt Dean breathe out, but not yet in, so Sam had breathed in for him 2 more times. And then something weird happened.

All of a sudden, while blowing in air, something had slipped into his mouth. A tongue. Dean's tongue.

'I don't care,' Dean whispered hoarse. The shouting hadn't done his voice good. He closed his eyes and pinched his nose. Suddenly he shuddered and nearly fell of the hood of the car. Sam jumped in front of him and caught him.

'Whoa, let's get you back in the car. Maybe we should've stayed,' he said and he pulled Dean to his feet. But Dean didn't move.


Sam smiled. 'I know Dean. Let's just say it has never happened.' Dean nodded and let Sam take him back to the passenger-seat. Sam got in the car too and drove off, leaving the town with the memories behind.

Or just the town, because he wouldn't forget that Dean had kissed him that easily. Could come in handy sometime.

So.. what do you think?