I own nothing! Everything goes to Rick Riodan besides Kayla, Kyle and Eric, they are mine!


My life sucks just plain sucks. It all started right after the giant war. I was offered to become a god again, but instead wished for Hades and Hestia to get thrones on Olympus. At first everything thing was great. The world was saved, my friends were safe, and I had an amazing girlfriend. Then my half-brother Eric arrived.

I was so excited that I was getting a sibling. Then I got to know him. Eric turned out to be a self-centered brat who thought he was the best at everything. Plus his life goal seemed to be to ruin my life.

It started off with insults and comments. I let them roll right off of me. But he didn't give up. He began turning all my friends against me.

Soon all I had left was Thalia, Nico, Grover and Annabeth. But Thaila was with the hunters, Nico was in the underworld, and Grover was off being Lord of the Wild. But I at least had Annabeth, Right? Wrong.

I had just gotten back from rescuing a demigod son of Apollo and was looking for Annabeth. I then saw her on the beach...with Eric. As I got closer I heard something that shattered my heart.

"I love you Eric"

"And I Love you now all you have to do is break up with Percy" I heard Eric say.

"I will you are soooo much better I don't know what I ever saw in him." She quickly replied.

Then they began kissing. With that I turned around and ran.

When I reached my cabin I threw everything into a bag. I needed to leave, I had no life this wasn't home anymore. I quickly wrote a short goodbye, explaining how I had no home at camp and left.

That is how my life became, what it is now. Running around the country, trying to stay alive. I tried to go home to my mom but found her dead from a fatal car crash along with Paul. I was taking a break resting on a tree, when I heard a rustle from behind me. Quick as lighting, I pulled riptide out and turned.

Before me was a handsome 24 year old man in a long black robe. He was well muscled and had a goofy grin on his face. The only thing that ruined the image was his eyes. When first looked at they just seem like black holes but then I began to see what looked like stars and constellations in them.

"Perseus Jackson I have been watching you."

"Okay I thought not creepy at all" I thought... "Who are you?"

"O silly me I forgot to introduce myself" the voice said. "I am chaos creator of the universe master of the void."

"That's great in all" I replied" but what does that have to do with me?"

"In dear time my boy in dear time. As I was saying I have been watching you. You have saved the world numerous times always putting others in front of yourself even when they turned on you.

I am here to offer you the position of commander of my army. In time you will become the second most powerful being in the universe behind only me. I can offer you a new life a life of protecting the innocent. Do you accept?"

I contemplated this quickly. What did I have to lose?

"I accept" and I stepped into the vortex with chaos, closing the door behind them.