DISCLAIMER: I do not own the 'Percy Jackson & the Olympians' series. The books completely belong to Rick Riordan.
Fight For It
Annabeth Chase isn't afraid of dying, but she is afraid of not ticking all the things off her list before she goes. One thing she wants to do is fall in love and maybe with the new kid, Percy Jackson, she can do just that.
Chapter One
I stare at my reflection in my full-length mirror, looking myself up and down. I don't know why I'm so nervous; I'm only going to school. I feel like the shy, new girl, not knowing who to trust or where to sit at lunch.
Deep down I know why I'm nervous; it's because everyone is going to treat me differently because I'm dying. That's right, I'm dying of cancer. I found out two years ago when I was fifteen. My mom had died of cancer when I was fourteen and a while later so did her mom and sister. My dad wanted to have me tested. Thank god he did or because if I hadn't had chemotherapy straight away I wouldn't be here now.
I remember I was terrified of dying when I found out but now I'm not afraid at all. Everyone is going to die, right? I'm just going to go earlier than most. I don't care if I die as long as I tick off all the things on my still-growing list.
"Annabeth, are you ready?" my father yells up the stairs. I sigh. This is it. I straighten my curly blonde wig, that looks exactly like my real hair looked like two years ago, and grab my bag.
I fling it over my shoulder and then run downstairs and into the kitchen. I grab an apple out of the fruit bowl and walk over to my three-year-old twin half-brothers, Bobby and Matthew. "I'll see you later," I say and kiss their heads. I look over at my step-mom, Sue, and smile.
"Bye!" I call as I leave the room, heading to the front door.
"Bye, Annie!" the twins call back.
"See you later, Annabeth," Sue replies and I close the front door behind me.
I find my dad sitting behind the wheel of his car, waiting for me. I slide into the passenger seat next to him and he drives off after I put my seat belt on. "How are you feeling?" he asks, glancing at me.
"Dad," I sigh. He asks me everyday. I know he's just looking out for me but it gets annoying sometimes. "I'm fine, really," I insist.
"Good," he replies, cracking a smile.
I smile, too. It's not everyday I see my dad smiling, not when he's always worrying about me. Me and my father's relationship has changed a lot in the last two years.
He married Sue only a year after my mom died, when I was fourteen, and I hated both him and my step-mom for it. The twins came along and as much as I loved and cared for them I still didn't get along with their mother or our dad. Then came the news. I guess finding out I have a life-threatening illness helped my family a lot.
I started to get along with my dad again and agreed to be friends with Sue. Now, at seventeen, I've never felt closer to dad. He took care of my mom when she was ill so he knows how to make me comfortable. He's great even if he is annoying.
"Are you nervous?" my dad asks, bringing me out of my thoughts.
"A little," I admit, honestly. It's been a while since I've been to school, eight months to be exact.
With all the chemo I've been having I've felt too weak and tired to leave my bed but I'm getting stronger which I think is weird since I'm going to die. Well, that's what I think. I estimate to be dead in less than a year but everyone, even my doctor, thinks I'm going to live longer and that maybe, if I get the all-clear, I won't die until I'm old and wrinkly. I don't care. I'm going to complete the things on my list, anyway. Better safe than sorry, huh?
The closer we get to the school the more nervous I get but I have to admit that a tiny part of me is excited, too. I haven't seen my friends in ages since my dad sent them away when they visited and was too ill to see them. Besides, I didn't want them to see me all pale and weak.
My dad pulls over and stops the car. I take a deep breath and look at the large building that I've missed. I look at all the familiar students I know and at the new ones I've never met. "Here we are," my dad says.
"Yeah," I whisper. He squeezes my hand and I turn to face him and smile at him, reassuringly. "I'll be fine."
"I know but if you don't feel well-" I cut him off.
"Then I will come straight home, I know. Thanks for dropping me off," I say and kiss his cheek.
"Anytime," he smiles. "Meet me by here after school, okay?"
"Sure," I reply, opening the door. "I'll see you later."
"Have fun!"
"I will," I say and close the door.
I smile as he drives off and turn around to face the brick building once the car is out of sight. I find myself playing with my hands, a sign that I'm nervous. Oh, what the hell? It's school, for god's sake.
I take another deep breath and start walking up the stone steps, feeling a few eyes on me as I go. I push open one of the glass doors and my ears are instantly filled with the sound of the loud chatter of excited students.
I wanted to surprise my group of friends, so they don't know I'm here, which means I have some searching to do. I walk through the long hall, smiling at people I recognise, their eyes widening in shock when they realise who I am…
Then I see them, my group of friends, standing against their lockers with their backs facing me. I don't know what to do now. Do I sneak up on them? Call their names?
I make my decision and tiptoe towards them, smiling to myself. I listen in to their conversation while I wait for the right moment. "Do you think we should visit her soon?" Thalia asks. I wonder whom she's talking about.
"Her dad sent us away last time," Grover replies.
"I know," Silena huffs. "I miss her."
"I think we all miss Annabeth," Thalia replies.
"I didn't know Thalia Grace actually had a heart," I tease, deciding this is a good time to talk.
All of my friends; Thalia, Silena, Juniper, Nico, Beckendorf and Grover- spin around to face me, all of their eyes wide. Thalia recovers from her shock first and flings her arms around me. "Annabeth!" she grins, squeezing me.
"Hey, Thals," I smile. One by one the others recover and smile.
"My turn!" Silena squeals pushing Thalia away and hugging me. "I've missed you so much!"
"I've missed you, too- all of you," I reply. I hug each of my friends as they welcome me back. So far I feel pretty normal.
The bell for first lesson rings and I'm disappointed that I have to leave all of them to go to my own lesson. "I'll see you all later," I say and they nod and walk off after hugging me goodbye.
I sigh and start walking towards my face subject: History, which I have with my favourite teacher, Mr. Brunner. I walk through the halls, weaving around the crowd.
All I can think about is my friends and how much I missed them. I guess that's why I didn't notice the tall guy walking backwards until he bumped into me, knocking me to the floor.