Chapter one of a three-chapter story. MY OC's from my other crossover, "Chance Meeting", will be here as well.


Oh, and I do not own PJO or TKC. They belong to Rick.


The sunlight streamed through my window, irritating my eyes. Yawning, I sat up on my bed, stretched a bit, and smacked my lips groggily. I grabbed my towel, and some spare clothes, and started to head for the bathroom.

A cool breeze flew through an open window, and my whole body shivered. I looked down, only to find that I wasn't wearing anything; not even underwear!

"What the Horus!" I shrieked in alarm. I hastily covered myself with the towel, before remembering that I was alone in my room. But still…

I surveyed the room, and found my white cotton panties in a heap of clothes near the foot of my bed. I started to reach for it, but something else caught my attention. Next to my panties were black shorts, with skull designs all over them. I picked it up hesitantly. There was a name scribbled on the inside, in a neat handwriting…

My face paled. Oh gods no…

Three words were written in clearly with a sharpie. Nico di Angelo.

Suddenly, all the memories of last night came flooding back to me.


"Hey guys! Glad you could come!" I said, trying to be happy.

Carter had this awesome idea (for him, at least) to invite our friends from Camp Half-Blood for a bloody sleepover. Normally, I wouldn't mind, since sleepover are a bit fun. But this morning, I had practiced a very powerful, but draining spell, and I was really looking forward to sleep.

Percy, Annabeth, Nico, Clarisse, the Stolls, Drea, Iris, Atalanta, and even Thalia, whom I'd met lately, showed up at the same time right outside the doors of the 21st Nome. They all brought backpacks, which were obviously filled with extra clothes, bedrolls, and I swear that the bulge in the Stolls' packs were some kind of alcohol.

"Wow, this place is huge." Nico commented, gazing all around the Great room, his mouth hanging open in awe.

"Yeah, it's even better than the cabins at camp." Travis said. Then leaned towards Annabeth and whispered something I couldn't hear. Annabeth glared at him, and smacked him upside the head.

"What did he tell you?" I asked her.

She smiled sweetly, which kind of unnerved me. I learned from experience that this usually is the beginning to an epic bitch fight. "He said that this will outdo anything I would ever design. Enough said."

Carter clapped his hands in delight. "Okay guys, thanks for coming! Your rooms are there." he pointed to the second floor. Then he pointed towards the couches. "And we'll stay here for the games, which will start in about thirty minutes, followed by…"he started reading off a list. I rolled my eyes. Gods, it's so like Carter to make everything look like a meeting.

"Carter, we're at a sleepover, not a senate meeting, remember? " I chided.

He raised his eyebrow. "Your point?"

"It's supposed to be fun!" I groaned. "You're not supposed to schedule every activity, you're supposed to just hang out and go with the flow!"

He rubbed the back of his neck. "Sorry, it's just that…it's just that this is my first Sleepover." He admitted.

"Oh." I said. I wanted to kick myself. I totally forgot that carter had been stuck with dad, who was not exactly the partying type, for the majority of his life. Poor boy probably doesn't even know how to play seven minutes in heaven.

A portal opened behind us. The demigods, who had never seen an Egyptian portal open before, jumped in surprise, and drew their weapons. The moment that Zia appeared, ten different, sharp celestial bronze blades were pointed at her throat. Her eyes widened, and she dropped her bag in surprise. "Whoa!"

The demigods realized who she was, and withdrew their weapons. "Sorry about that." Percy said sheepishly.

"Our battle reflexes tend to kick in whenever we're surprised." Annabeth explained.

"Plus it's totally our fault, especially for someone as beautiful as you." Connor added. He bowed, and kissed Zia's hand. She blushed.

I almost laughed at that comment. I turned to carter, and almost laughed out loud. His fists were clenched, like he was planning to sucker punch Connor in the face. His lips were pursed, and if looks could kill, Connor would probably be in Elysium right now.

"Er, right." Zia withdrew her hand, and smiled at Carter apologetically, is if she was saying, I didn't enjoy it. "So Carter, what is this sleepover business you invited me to?"

I facepalmed, and shook my head in disbelief. Carter and Zia were really perfect for each other. Both Egyptian Mythology geeks, and both had no social lives whatsoever.

"So, let's start." Carter said. "Who wants to play truth or dare?"

We all raised our hands in anticipation.

He led us to the living room, and we cleared the chairs, making a clear space in the carpet big enough for us to sit in a circle. Carter ran to kitchen, and came back a few minutes after with an empty coke bottle.

I raised an eyebrow, but he stopped me before I could say anything. "For later." He simply said.

I decided to let him slide this time. After all, he did organize this party.

"Let's begin." I announced. I turned to Percy. "Percy, truth or dare?"

"Dare." He said bravely.

I grinned evilly. I had just the perfect dare. "Stuff an eel down your pants for at least five minutes." I said, trying not to laugh.

"W-what!" he stammered. "I'm not gonna do that! No way!"

I waggled my finger at him. "Sorry, Percy, but the official rules say that if you don't answer a dare or a truth, you have to take of an article of clothing. Socks, ties, handkerchiefs, and shoes don't count. Now, are you saying that you're chickening out?"

"When did we even have official rules?" he demanded.

"Since now, and you have to do it within twenty seconds, or you forfeit. You have…" I looked at the clock. "…five seconds left."

"You're making at all up!" he accused, pointing a finger at me.

"Yes I am." I said nonchalantly. "Now three, two, one…"

"Alright, alright! I'll do it." Then his eyes widened a bit, as if he realized something. "Where in Hades do I even get an eel?"

"Here." I waved my wand, and a four feet-long eel appeared in a bucket of water.

His face paled. "You have got to be kidding me."

"Do it or you forfeit." I said simply.

Glaring at me, he grabbed the eel, pulled his pants open just a little, and with a little hesitation and sweat, released down his pants.

"Eyow!" he danced around like he was being electrocuted alive. He was hopping about from foot to foot, holding his crotch with one hand, while giving me the one-finger salute with the other. During the five-minute marker, I learned some pretty colorful words, both in English and in Ancient Greek. Exactly after five minutes, he plunged his hand down his pants, and pulled out the eel. He threw it on the far side of the room. I waved my wand, and it disappeared.

"You…dead…" he panted. Dancing like a prat really took a lot out of him. "Ann…beth…truth…dare?"

Annabeth said firmly, "Dare." From the look in her eyes, I could say that she was confident that Percy wasn't going to make her do something ridiculously embarrassing.

"Kiss…Carter….twenty seconds…least."

Her hand twitched. I could tell that she wanted to slap him there and then, but thought better of it. She walked over to Carter, cupped his face, and gave him a long, fierce kiss. Carter opened his eyes widely, and flapped his arms around like a mad goose.

While the twenty seconds was going on, I leaned over to Nico, my boyfriend, and asked, "Do you have a camera?"

"Yup." He pulled out an SLR from his backpack, and handed it to me.

"Thanks." I smiled sweetly at him, and gave him a peck at the lips. After the twenty seconds were over, I had enough pictures to blackmail him for three years. I looked at Zia apologetically, who looked like she wanted to burn Annabeth alive.

Annabeth returned to her seat, and gazed at us…well, me. "Sadie, truth or dare?"

"Uh…" I said. I was pretty sure that she would get revenge at me for Percy. If I picked dare, she would make do something that I would regret for the rest of my life, and if I picked truth, no doubt she would ask me something very private and embarrassing. So I picked truth.

"What's your most private fantasy about Nico?" she asked innocently.

If I was drinking anything, I would've spit it out on her immediately. Shame I wasn't.

"Uh…" I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks. "Pass?"

"Sorry, no pass. It states in the "official rules"-" she made air quotes with her fingers, "-that you have to remove an article of clothing if you don't answer a truth." she said.

That bitch! Using my own words against me. I should've known!

I rolled my eyes. "Fine." I reluctantly removed me tank top, showing my white bra. I could feel six sets of eyes ogling my body, namely Percy, Nico, Travis, Connor, Iris, and even Carter. Oh gods, this is so embarrassing.

"Okay," I said, trying not to blush. "Nico, truth or dare?"

He looked away, but occasionally I could see his eyes darting back to look at me. "Uh, dare?"

Perfect. Now to get out of this situation. "I dare you to cover me with you jacket."

"No fair!" Annabeth protested, but I gave her my winning smile. "Sorry, Annie, but all's fair in love and war."

Nico shrugged of his jacket, and carefully draped it over my shoulders. I gave him a grateful smile, and he smiled back.

He turned his attention back to our group. "Drea, truth or dare?"

"Dare, of course." She said coolly.

"Iris, could you leave the room please?" he asked. Iris shrugged, and he left the room.

He rubbed his hands excitedly. He looked at the doors again, h=just to make sure that Iris was beyond hearing range. "Drea, I dare you to make out with him, and afterwards, tell him you're pregnant, and that somehow he's the father. Oh, and you have to make it look convincing."

She shook her head. "No way! I'm not that evil."

"Yeah, but I am." Nico argued.

She rolled her eyes. "Fine."

We called Iris back in. The moment he sat down, Drea walked over to him, sat in his lap, and kissed him with a burning passion.

"What was that for?" he asked after they broke for air.

"Iris, I don't know how to tell you this, but…I'm pregnant. I did the dna tests and all, and they said…they said that somehow, you're the father." She sobbed into his chest, and a tear rolled down her cheek. If I didn't know better, I would have believed her. I looked at the others, and saw them with a stunned expression on their faces. Who knew Drea was this good in acting?

"Wha-what? But we didn't even have sex!" he protested. He looked like he was about to pass out. His face was clammy with sweat. He took her hand in this. "Drea, I don't know what to say, or do. I really don't. So before I say something really embarrassing, tell me first: Are you kidding me?"

Drea sneaked a peak to Nico, who slowly shook his head no.

"Iris, I don't know but, I'm serious." She sobbed harder. "Gods, I don't even know how this happened!" She cried on his chest.

The look on Iris' face was priceless. We took a couple of pictures, and eventually let him in on the joke.

"I'm gonna get you, death breath." He growled. He turned his head towards Carter. "Carter, truth or dare?"

"Truth." he replied.

"Did you ever see you sister naked before? If you did, tell us when, and what happened exactly, and if no, do you want to?"

He face turned beet red. He looked at me gravely, as if he was considering even telling the truth. I silently mouthed "no!", but before he could answer, Iris added, "and swear on the Styx you'll tell the truth."

Great. This is just not my day.

"Carter flushed. "I uh, swear on the Styx to tell the truth." Thunder rumbled outside. Carter took a deep breath, and started the embarrassing story. I covered my ears with my hands. I so did not want to bring this up again.

"Well, you see, Sadie was in the shower one time…" he began. He tried to keep his focus on them, but his eyes kept darting back towards me. I leaned to Nico, and threatened. "Bring this up, and you'll see you dad sooner than you think."

He gulped, and nodded.

"Sadie was in the shower on time," he continued, "And I didn't even know. I just woke up, and was used to my normal routine, go to the bathroom, clean up, eat breakfast, and whatnot. I knocked on the bathroom door, just to see if anyone was inside, but apparently Sadie didn't hear me. I tried the doorknob, and it was unlocked, so I strolled inside. Instantly I wanted to claw my eyes out. Sadie had her back to me, and she was stark naked, drying herself with a towel. I wanted to slam the door shut, and run back to my room, and probably bleach my brain just to get that awful memory out, but my feet wouldn't move. I struggled to get out, but she must've heard my footsteps, since she turned around. Her eyes widened when she saw me. He eyes drifted to me, then to her body, then to me again. There was screaming, a lot of cursing, exploding, and slapping. Finally, I got her to calm down, but not before…" he stopped himself.

"Not before what?" Percy inquired. All the boys, except Nico, now had his full, undivided attention. Nico just stared at me, his eyes wide open. I leaned on his chest, since he was sitting right next to me, and he hugged me protectively.

Carter rubbed the back of his neck. It has become a sort of habit whenever he would say something embarrassing. "Well, before she uh, before she kicked me in my…balls." He said the last word in a sort of whisper, but I think everybody heard.

"No way!" All the boys shouted. Cracking up. Annabeth, Drea, and Clarisse, all looked at me apologetically, and I smiled back at them gratefully.

"All right, enough of that." He grumbled. "Zia, truth or dare?"

"Dare." She said.

"I dare you to call Travis next." He simply said.

Zia looked at him questioningly. I knew what he had planned. Never call out a Stoll.

"Travis, truth or dare?" she asked, still looking at Carter questioningly.

"Dare!" Connor and Travis said in unison.

"Okay. I uh…" she scratched her head, trying to think of something good. "I dare you to prank Amos! Wait, is he even here?" she looked at Carter, who nodded. "You guys need to tape it while you're doing it, and uh, he has to be really mad." She added.

Connor and Travis glanced at each other, and smiled at the same time. I found that a little creepy. "Plan 4023?" Travis asked his brother.

"Hades yeah. Connor agreed. They stalked off to Amos' room, after Carter pointed it out.

A few minutes later, I could hear a very mad Amos sputtering Egyptian curses, and saw the two laughing sons of Hermes stumbling down that staircase.

As soon as they reached us, I immediately asked, "Well, what did you do?"

They didn't answer. Instead, they handed me a video camera, still bawling over from laughter. The others gathered behind me, and I pressed play.

The video showed Connor and Travis gently opening Amos' door. Then the video blacked out, both video and audio.

"What the-" I started to complain, but Travis said, "fast-forward it. Couldn't have us revealing our plans now, could we?"

I fast-forwarded, and when the video and audio came back on, the camera was focused on the whipped cream on Amos' hand. Then it focused to the large bucket of water hanging directly above his head. The camera moved downward, and I could see the faint outline of a string. It was wrapped on Amos hand, the one that was filled with whipped cream. The camera moved again, and it showed a red button that was pressed by the back of Amos' head. The red button was connected to two wires, both of which was connected some type of battery. Finally, the battery was connected to his bedsheets. I could see a small green light that probably indicates that the machine was on, beeping. There was laughing, and the camera zoomed out, showing the entire contraption. I still had a skeptical look on my face. What in dad's name did they do?

Travis went near Amos, holding what looks like a feather. He tickled Amos nose, who put his hand on it instinctively. The whipped cream that splattered on his face instantly woke him up. The string that was connected to his hand was jerked, and the bucket tilted sideways, splashing lots of water on his face, and wetting his bedsheet. He sat upright, screaming bloody murder, and the button was released. He started shaking immediately. That's when I realized that the wires must've been loaded with electricity, and the button released the current.

Everybody, including me, started laughing, our belies probably aching from laughing so much.

"That was- that was-"

"Did you see his face?"


"Nice one, Stolls!"

Now I understand why they were laughing. That actually was a good prank. Thank the gods that they didn't pull that on me.

Amos came down, his body still twitching from the electricity. He stopped in the middle of the staircase, which was enough so that we could all see him. He started shouting curses in Ancient Egyptian, which I was thankful that our friends weren't able to understand. Suddenly, Our uncle, who was always calm, collected, and level-headed, became quite the opposite. He showed us the universal sign of fuck you, muttered some more curses, glared at us, then stomped back upstairs.

"That was the best prank ever!" Clarisse cried. "Nico one, Stolls."

We laughed for a few more minutes, then Carter suggested, "Hey guys, wanna play Seven Minutes in Heaven?"

That's it! Read and Review, please!