Title: Loveless Stand
Anime/Manga: Hetalia
Pairings: Sweden/Norway
Author: Hoshira/Doitsu'sStoryteller
Summary: Waking up from a night stand with a Swede who you see as a brother and a crush can be nervewracking...but it's not so bad...especially when said Swede has been harboring those same feelings for you all this time.
Morning light was filtering through the windows.
And the bed was cold.
Norway stared at the ceiling and bit his lip.
What had he done?
Flashes of the night before ran through his brain. Vibrant, erotic images that made him blush as he lay in his bed. He'd slept with Sweden. Made love to him. More than once. The experience had been thrilling, amazing, yet cruel.
What had he been thinking?
'That's the problem, you idiot, you weren't thinking. Not for a minute!
He cringed. What a mistake!
But there was nothing that could be done about it now…What was done, was done. He couldn't change last night and didn't know that he would if given the chance. And the experience was worth it…definitely worth it.
But what about Finland?...How could they both forget about the sweet-faced Finn who was practically there brother…or in Sweden's case his wife and lover. But the two of them had stopped being together for some time now…wasn't it Matthias who re-swept the Finn of his feet? Wasn't it Matthias who courted Tino behind Berwald's back in an attempt to get back at the Swede for years of loneliness and unrequited love?
Or did Matthias honestly loved the Finn to wait and peck at the already strained relationship between the two..?
It could be a number of things…but that didn't stop Norway from feeling guilty.
Searching, he found his robe, a pool of dark silk, on the floor. Just where he'd tossed it. Good Lord. Shoving his arms through the sleeves, he wrapped the cloth around his naked body and, cinching the belt tight, hurried barefoot down the stairs.
He caught his reflection in the mirror near the front door and cringed, then finger-combed his hair as best as he could as he walked into the kitchen. Coffee brewed in the maker and a copy of a large book lay open on the table. The French doors were flung open, allowing drifts of cold morning air and the smell of smoke to seep into the room.
Sweden, wearing last night's close, was staring outside. The fabric of his shirt was stretched taut over his wide shoulders as he leaned over the rail. In one hand a half-smoked cigarette was burning….a bad sign.
Whenever he smoked he was either stressed or in a really bad mood.
Norway opted for stress…Sweden never got angry with him. He was irritated by Iceland's sass, annoyed by Finland's nervousness towards him, and pissed off by Denmark's lack of morale. But he was never angry with Norway. Ever.
And Norway never gave him a reason to feel like that.
"Good morning," he forced out, squaring his shoulders. He was slowly unwrapping the cover to one of his pet bird's cage. The winged creature made a noise and ruffled his brilliant feathers as he stretched his legs. "Good morning to you too," he added as the creature hopped from one perch to the next.
Sweden turned to face Norway. His expression said it all.
Norway's heart dropped.
Regret was evident in the lines around the corner of his mouth and his piercing blue eyes were wary, suspicious and slightly sad.
"Mornin'…Norway…we need to talk…"