After not seeing enough SuffererxDisciple stories, I decided to write my own. I really like this pairing and know a lot of people like it too. I hope you enjoy reading this.

As my hands were covered in the blood of the beasts I killed, I used their liquid to write the messages of peace and equality that my love, the Signless, spoke of. It had been sweeps since I last saw him, the day he died and gave his final sermon. I color the walls of this cave with all the teaching that I followed dearly. I still remember the time I first met him when I was just a small troll.

I was living in the forests of Alternia with my lusus, a large tiger with two mouths. Our hive was quaint and peaceful as the lush environment around us was filled with many creatures to feed on. Even though we killed to survive, we never harmed the parenting beasts with young ones to care for. Instead, we helped them if they were injured or hungry. That ideal, for my guardian and I, was what led me to meeting my Signless and his guardian.

I had been out on the hunt alone and sniffed the scent of two creatures. I was unsure of what they were but I could tell that one was bigger than the other. There was also the strong scent of blood so I could tell they were injured. I couldn't leave them alone so I followed the scent until I found them.

Kneeling in a clearing was a much older female troll and from what I could see from the cuts she had, she was a jade-blood. It was very rare to see the blood type above me, seeing as they are always taking care of the Mothergrub, so I was wondering why she was here. It was then that I saw him.

The jade-blood was tending to some of the cuts of a smaller male troll, one that was about my age. His blood was a very bright red that astonished me. Never before had I seen such a vibrant blood color. The color was so beautiful that I couldn't stop looking

Seeing how the smell of blood was continuing to get stronger, I couldn't just leave them out here with so many hungry creatures around. That was when I came out of my hiding place and greeted them

"Excuse me, are you two ok?"

The lady turned to me and quickly blocked the boy from my sight. I could tell that she was wary for his safety and pleaded my friendliness.

"I'm not going to hurt you I purromise, but it's not safe out here with so many beasts out. Come with me to my hive and I have some plants that can help with those wounds."

I'm guessing that she saw my concern since she and the boy stood up.

"Then Can You Lead The Way Young Miss?"

I nodded my head as I quickly grabbed the boy's hand and brought him along the path to my abode. In a matter of minutes, we reached the hive I called home. We were all greeted by my lusus who I explained the two trolls' predicament to.

After wrapping up all the big cuts and bruises, the woman, who called herself the Dolorosa, offered to cook something, as a sign of gratitude for helping them. After saying thanks, I had time to play with the boy outside. As we played I started up a conversation.

"Oh I never got your name before! I'm called the Disciple since I'm always learning things from others."

"I-I'm the Signless."

"Huh, you don't have a sign? But you have such a pretty blood color."

Signless was shocked when I mentioned the word 'blood.'

"You saw my blood? Dolorosa told me to keep it a secret! She said bad trolls will kill me if they find out."

"Oh I didn't know I'm sorry. I won't let anyone else know about it. I'll keep your secret a secret. I promise, ok?"

I brought out my pinky and he brought out his as we made this newfound commitment. Suddenly we were interrupted when a large sound erupted off in the distance. We turned to see a whole bunch of animals running towards us, scared of something. Signless took my hand as we hurried back inside the hive.

We told our guardians about the running beasts when we suddenly heard a large explosion. We looked outside the hive to see the forest starting to catch on fire. Coming out of the fire were blue-blood trolls with weapons in hand.

"Hand the mutant blood over and we may spare you."

My lusus stood in front of us and growled at the intruders. My guardian turned to me and uttered something only I as her troll could understand.

"What! No, I don't want to leave you! You can't fight them all by yourself. You'll be killed."

My lusus looked at Dolorosa who understood the look in her eyes. The troll woman picked me up along with Signless and ran in the opposite direction, leaving the feline to keep the trolls away from her child.

After that, my hive and the forest around it had burned down and I was left all alone. The Dolorosa and Signless decided to take me in with them and with nowhere else to go, I accepted their offer. The first few nights that I was with them, I still cried for my lusus, missing her warm fur and occasional purrs. The Signless comforted me in those nights and told me about his dreams where trolls from all over the hemospectrum worked together. As we shared the same mat while sleeping, I felt something similar to the safety my guardian gave me.

As time went by, another troll was added to our circle of friends, a yellow-blood. He was a psionic and very powerful one too. It took time, but he and Signless became the best of friends and eventually, moirails.

As for me, some things had begun to change. As the sweeps passed by, he had changed from the shy, small troll I met when I was little to a handsome and caring one. The feeling of friendship the Signless and I shared when we were younger grew into something more. I began to have flushed feelings for him but these feelings were different from the kinds of understood. It was not based off pity or anything of the sort and I didn't know how to describe the way I felt.

As for the Signless, he made the decision to spread the tales of his visions to others in hopes of change. He hoped that the highbloods would realize their mistake and change their views on the hemospectrum to a foolish view of segregation.

I, as the Disciple, would write down his teachings as he spoke them to the crowds. As I also listened, I could hear the depth of his voice. The determination and courage to stand up against all odds and speak what many trolls have dreamed of for long. The speeches he made, that I listened to so contently, made my feelings for him grow even more.

Fearing the trolls who greatly opposed those acts would be after us and kill us for treason, we set off for the seas of Alternia. The Signless, Psiioniic, Dolorosa and I attained a vessel that we all decided to name 'The First Ship.' We used it to travel and spread the word of the Signless's ideas.

Then came that one special night where the Signless and I confessed our feelings, another moment I will never forget.

Our mode of transportation was slowly moving across the currents and the winds and bringing us to our next destination. I was standing in the crow's nest of the ship, being on the lookout shift for the night. As I watched for any pirate ships, I also looked at the view of the distance.

The moons shone down on the water as different sea creatures broke to the surface and leapt over the water. Though the sight was beautiful, I took a break and peeked down to see how the others were.

The Psiioniic was at the wheel, guiding the ship in case the currents caused a change in our direction. The Dolorosa was walking around the deck, ensuring the knots that held the sails steady were secure. Though, I failed to see the Signless, the source of my flushed feelings, anywhere below.

Suddenly a strong gust blew from behind me. Despite being above the warm ocean, this draft was chilling and I shivered a bit. That was when I felt something resting on my shoulders. I looked to see a blanket sitting there and warming me up.

"It tends to get chilly up here. I don't want you catching a cold."

I turned to see Signless behind me, showing off the smile he always had. I smiled back before looking up into the sky and sighing.

"Thank you Signless. You know, it's beautiful out right now, like time is at a standstill."

I closed my eyes and listened to calming winds blowing, unable to feel their chill with the Signless's gift on me.

"2hit! Damn wiingbea2t!"

That moment of peace ended when we heard the Psiioniic from below. Both of us looked to see a large wingbeast just flying over the back of the ship. The Psiioniic was unfortunately caught in the mess that must have been the beast's waste and now partially covered in white.

We looked at each other and started to laugh a bit. This moment of happiness was able to have us let go and forget about all the bad in Alternia. I was happy just to be with the Signless right now, sharing this moment. After calming down, Signless just stayed with me as we watched the stars and ocean. The calm and content silence between us was broken when he spoke.

"Disciple, there's been something I've wanted to say for a while now and I think now is the right time."

I turned towards him as saw his blushing cheeks almost hiding in the shadow of his hood.

"When we met as little trolls, you were the first troll besides the Dolorosa to accept my mutant blood. You are always kind, energetic, and when I see your smile, my whole body warms up with a wonderful feeling. When I'm around you, I don't know how to describe how happy I am with you. I know that this is starting to sound a bit cheesy so…"

Signless walked closer to me and with his hand holding my chin up, kissed me on the lips. As soon as I took in what just happened, the chaste kiss ended. His cheeks were even brighter than before as he looked me straight in the eye.

"Disciple, will you be my matesprit?"

My face grew warm after he asked that heartfelt question. For a few seconds, I was speechless. I finally wrapped my arms around his neck before moving my face closer to his, tears starting to stream down my face.

"Of course I will. You don't know how happy I am just by you asking that."

I closed my eyes as I moved in for the kiss, pouring in all the emotions I felt at that moment when our lips touched. I could feel my love kiss back just as passionately, wrapping his arms around my waist, bringing us closer than before. We stayed there as long as we could remember, letting the moons and stars shine down as we forgot our surroundings.

Our love for each other was something that transcended definition. It was something that escaped all the boundaries of the four quadrants and grew into a new concept. It felt like we were eternally connected and nothing would break us apart.

Then that day came. The four of us had been captured and convicted for treason. While the Dolorosa was being sold into slavery and the Psiioniic forced to power the battleship of the troll empress, her Imperious Condescension, the Signless and I were sentenced to death by execution. While my death was to be quick and swift, my beloved would face a more painful one.

The highblood monsters bound him to chains and severely tortured him, letting everytroll spectate. They ridiculed his shining red-blood, something that he had no choice in controlling, as they seeped from the wounds they inflicted.

The three of us were forced to watch as the indigo blood, E%ecutor Darkleer, struck the Signless with the arrow that ended his life. The trolls who still believed in my matesprit's cause gave him a new title at that moment, the Sufferer.

As they burned his hanging corpse, the only thing that remained of his existence, were his ashes and the leggings he wore, now dirty and covered with splatters of his blood. The wind picked up as my two companions were taken away and the bloody legging landed in front of me. I picked it up and grasped the article of clothing tightly as the steps of Darkleer got closer.

He stood a distance away from my kneeling body with a bow and arrow in hand. As he prepared to fire the projectile, I looked him straight in the eyes. For, a second he hesitated and loosened his hold on the weapon. This gave me the chance to abscond and take my beloved's leggings with me.

I was now forced to live in a life of solitude. As I copied the speeches of the Signless onto the walls of this cave, I looked at the leggings that rested on a rock.

After seeing those monsters torture my love to death, I wanted to kill them, I wanted to get revenge, but he wouldn't want me to do that. He would not want me be the like savage beasts that tormented him and took his life but to stay strong.

So here I am, writing the words he spoke with blood of slain creatures, for other trolls in future generations to see. My loves cause, has yet to die out even now, sweeps after his death. I have heard rumors, from trolls passing by, of an underground movement that embraces his ideals and continues to grow in supporters.

Suddenly, I cough onto my free hand and when I looked at it, I see my green blood resting in my palm. Even though I am free from being executed, I still face the terrors of disease and age. I'm not sure which I will die from since trolls of my blood will pass on early.

But I am determined to write down every one of my matesprit's sermons until my last breath. When that time comes, I hope to see him in the afterlife. Until then, I love you, my Signless. May your life's work not die in vain.

My god that was so amazing to write down. The only thing I'm sketchy on is the love confession. Anyway hope you like this and there WILL be an epilogue to this so keep an eye for it. Any non-flaming reviews would be nice so thank you very much.