
Chapter 1: SHE

Sadly I don't own them

This is really not the first chapter. It's a short explanation and sort of a warning. I know that there will be die-hard fans screaming about several things, Mike's gender, the attack and that general ooc ness of the first few chapters. Believe me when I say, YOU ARE PREACHING TO THE CHOIR, This is a very AU story that got started after I read another story on ff called, a turtles jingai (I probably spelled that wrong)

For those who want to read it to get the full effect of the 'attack' it's an older story called a turtle's jingai (that may be misspelled). Be forewarned it is graphic and while well written, it's very hard to get thru. If you wish to do that go ahead because I'm about to summarize it for everybody else.

Basic concept is, Michelangelo is female and somehow the rest of the family has just found out annnnd they're pissed. Splinter goes on about how she's a dishonorable whore etc. (he does a real good rendition of lord Capulet reaming Juliet) he demands that she commit jingai which is the female version of seppuku a.k.a the suicide ritual all very samurai assholish. Before she is allowed to kill herself, her brothers (with dads ok) decide to punish her. Want to guess what "punishment" entails? If you guessed 'gang rape' you'd be correct. (Yes, I know! remember... your preaching to the choir!) Then she kills herself while listening to her family basically saying good riddance... she then wakes up. The story ended with the whole thing being a nightmare.

What this story left me with (besides the willies) was a big honking question mark and a plot bunny that just won't die.

My story picks up just after she's been handed the knife so she can kill herself. In my story it's not a nightmare. Well, not exactly.

There were simply no words for the pain. Oh, some of it was definable, the hot sting of the cuts on her arms and face. The deep, sore ache of the bruising that seemed to come from everywhere. The humiliating, violent burn that reminded her that the brothers she loved had forced themselves on her and laughed about it. There were words for the physical pain but, the gaping, grasping, gnawing pain that came from the bleeding open cavity in her chest where her heart used to be? That pain had no definition. She could feel the weight of the knife, beckoning. The power to make it stop glinting seductively on the sharpened blade. She knew they were mocking her but, she was beyond hearing. She brought the cold steel to her throat and closed her eyes.

In that moment of darkness, from someplace deep within the shadows of her mind, she heard a hard voice say "ENOUGH". Her hand clenched on the knife stopping the pressure before it could rend the delicate skin of her throat. There in the darkness where she kept the dragons of her mind she found RAGE and for the first time in her life she welcomed it. Let it wrap itself around her, taint her blue eyes with smoke, pour fire into her veins. A distant memory whispered to her in the voice of an old priest in a favorite movie, "The most skilled warrior does not always win! It is speed!"

Leo was far more skilled.

Don was many times smarter.

Raph was so very much stronger.

She had embraced speed. It was her friend, her drug, her lover and now her savior. She could hear the dragons in her mind laughing slowly. Waiting.

She inhaled.

With a barely perceptible flick of her wrist the blade she had pressed against her throat sunk deep into her 'fathers' shoulder. She is in motion before the rat realizes he's been struck. She twists the blade and then pulls it free with the assistance of a kick to his abdomen. He hits the wall and the Dragons roar.

She exhaled.

Her movement is constant. Her adrenaline spiked mind and senses scanning and planning in the space between heartbeats. She sees the set of stainless steel chopsticks sitting in the small cup on her sensei's desk. The Dragons smirk; they had been a gift from her. She has them in a second.

She inhaled.

Don is headed for the rat. Raph was reacting but, was so slow to Mikes blazing senses he was practically stone. Leo has drawn his weapons and started toward her. The Dragons flap their leather wings and she can fly. Before he has slid completely into his battle stance she is on him. The palm strike is like lightning and snaps his head back violently. She rams the chopsticks into the delicate skin between shell and arm, driving them up into his shoulder joint. He screams. The Dragons shutter in ecstasy.

A hard knee to his abdomen and he doubles over. She grabs his shell and flips him at the lumbering Raphael. He lunges at her and she dances out of his reach, spirals behind him and slams the knife still red with the rat's blood, deep into his thigh. The Dragons squeal with delight.

She exhales.

The voice, still and hard as stone, commands "MOVE". She pulls the blade from Raphael and races toward the door. She can hear Donatello scream at her and give chase. Thru and out the door. It hisses closed just before a livid Don. She turns and cuts the wires in the control box just as it shutters to open again. Cold, slate grey eyes look one last time at the angry deep brown eyes of her brother. Then she races into the darkness. The tunnels she knows better than anyone else alive male or female. The only light coming from the small, black, rectangular methane detectors mounted on the walls every twenty feet. The word fades.

She is standing on something very high. She is unaware how she got there her hands and feet are numb. Snow and ice coat what she now recognizes as the Brooklyn Bridge. The Dragons are gone and she is numb. It is still dark but the horizon is starting to lighten. What to do? The swirling water beckons. Why not? She has nothing left. There is no family, no reason to fight. She is far too cold to jump so; she simply steps off into the dark oblivion.

Not far, wicked eyes and a still, hard voice look on and say "OUTSTANDING"

Ok, don't hate me! Please review and give me feedback.