Sorry this is short and if there's any spelling mistakes. I'll see if I can post something later that can add on to this.

Clove P.O.V

I carry on listening to there conversation. I know it's listening in and all but I don't give a shit if it's about me.

"She is nothing, yeah she pretty and all but what's that going to get her?" Enobaria says. I hate her. And I'm sure she hates me back.

"She's strong, a knife is lethal, used in the correct way. And she knows how to use it. And she's going to be a hit with the men, and boys. You know what there like" Brutus argues.

"Yes I do, but Glimmer is also a very stunning girl" Enobaria states.

How dare she fucking compare me to that air headed fucking slut!

"Yes, I know. But these people in the Capitol also like someone who can fight! I saw Glimmer train a bit when I went down to talk to one of the coaches. The girls hopeless, she's probably only been trained for a few years, Clove, she's been at this ever since she could walk"

"Were going off topic, who are we going to save" Enobaria's voice becomes stern.

That's is. If it becomes to a minimum number or if we need something, there going to try to save Cato instead of me. Because he's going to be a better victor than me.

"He can kill her, she small and-" Enobaria gets cut off.

"leathal, quiet, sly, do you wish for me to go on . The girl can do it all. Even if she loses her knifes -which she won't- she can use other weapons, she didn't spend her whole life training for no reason. Her farther trained her himself, the mans a god back in two. Yes, he isn't a victor, but, he's a peacekeeper.a nd you don't fuck with them. This conversations over. Anyway, I'm sure we can see at the time. You don't know what happens in that arena" Brutus ends it.

I hear the screech of chairs on the floor and I quietly dart backwards to Cato's room.

There is an advantage of being smaller and lighter, I'm quiet.

I go to Cato's door and knock on it over and over again, trying not to be to loud so they don't hear it.

I just see Brutus step out into the corridor when Cato opens the door.

I jump in and close the door quietly behind me.

"Why so quiet?" he whispers in my ear. My back facing him so he rests his check against mine.

"I was listening to them talking, listening to long really, they got up and were about to see me" I reply.

"Ah well, it must of been a lot for you to care about"

I turn around to face him and wrap my arms around his neck, "You have know idea".

I pull him down and I stand on my tip-toes so I can reach him.

I lips press together, warm and soft. We stay there for a minute in complete silence.

We both pull away and we both look into each others eyes.

"Ok, I'll admit. I've missed that a lot" I say and smirk.

"I've missed you" He strokes a hand down my face and then kisses me again.

I pulls my arms from around his neck and slip them underneath his arms and hug him. I can't hug him around his neck he's to tall and I'm a little to short. But this is the first time were I don't mind being smaller.

I breath in the smell of him, with my head pressed against his chest and just wish we were back home.

I feel tears dwelling up in my eyes and try to hold them back. But Cato knew something was wrong.

"Clove, what's the matter? Are you ok?" he asks. You would think all the training would numb our sense to see if someone's ok or not. Nope. It made us figure people out even more. Killing someone is easier then trying to talk to someone about there feelings.

I silently nod my head still pressed against his chest and close my eyes.

He strokes a hand down the side of my face which is visible and then he pulls me away from him.

I painfully open my eyes and see him stood there in front of me with a concerned look on his face.

"You look like your farther" I say and smile a little bit.

"Yes well unfortunately he is my farther, and I have some of his genetics, so I will look like him" he pauses for a second "now tell me what's wrong".

I glance round the room acting like I could get out of this situation. No way out here. I see his bed, I walk over to it and sit on the side, and then lay on my back and let my feet dangle off the bed and stare up to the white ceiling.

He comes and lays next to me and links his fingers into mine and squeezes them tight.

"Do you remember when we first met. And are parents were best friends and then we became best friends. And I used to train with my dad everyday and you used to go to school, but you would wait an extra hour in the woods behind my house for me to finish. Ever since what, 4-5 years old when you started school" I smile slightly at the ceiling and I can feel Cato looking at me.

"And the fights we would both get into! They were funny. And good, because we would always win" Cato says.

"Yep, we were best team. No one ever knew what was coming from me" I say and we both laugh.

"Hey, I saved your sorry ass a few times" he says.

"Yeah I know, but everyone has an off day. Anyway I think I was ill"

"Yeah, yeah ok. Whatever you say".

I turn my head to face him and we both look each other in the eye.

I close my eyes an just come out with "You were going to be a victor for the day you started training"