Hello, there, I am ILAUGHATYOUALL. ;P

This is my first fanfiction, so don't blow up at me if I get something wrong, please.

The next chapter will come out as soon as I see some suggestions.

DISCLAIMER: I'm a blonde girl with green eyes and tan skin. DO YOU SERIOUSLY THINK I COULD IMPERSONATE HIRO MASHIMA?

Natsu ran as fast as he could. His heart felt like it was being pounded to dust. He was breathing hard, sweating hard, and doing everything as hard as possible. He had to get there as fast as he could, for Lucy. They had been returning from a mission, everything unharmed (well, everything except the client's house). She'd been yelling at him ferociously until he just stood there, walking slowly, barely looking where he was going.


Lucy glared at him and said loudly, "We could have salvaged at least the foundation of his house, you know!"

"Sorry, Luce, I really didn't mean to!" Natsu pouted. "And besides, that guy was super rich! He could pay for it!"

"Th-that has nothing to do with it," She snapped, "You could have killed us all!"

He could have... killed... her...

His heart dropped like a stone. He walked up to her, and leaned in to her face to look at her straight in the eyes.

"I'm sorry."

They were nose-to-nose. Lucy yelped and turned around to avoid his face. He blushed slightly.

Meanwhile, a certain blue exceed was about to interrupt this love-fest.

"What's with the face, Natsu? Oooooo! You l-i-ke her, don't you!" A blue furball flew around their heads, where he had been previously whining about not getting enough fish. Now Happy the 'dragon' had contended that it was much more pleasant to make fun of Natsu.

"Shut up!" Natsu yelled, enraged. (Well, you dooo) Natsu then commenced to chasing after Happy and trying to pull his ears – ooooo if he ever got the chance to do that he would just about lose it, he was so mad at Happy right now.

Lucy, however, was lost in thought...

His face when he said 'I'm sorry' had been so freaking sincere she could barely handle it. His onyx eyes were determined, as usual, but something was different about them. And Natsu's reaction to Happy's comment was unusual also. His anger surprised her, as he usually was a bit playful when scolding Happy. And now, it was like what Happy had said was actually true. Was it?Was Natsu really that romantic?

And then she noticed Natsu freaking out and running after Happy with flame spitting out of his mouth like an irritated little kid after an ice cream truck that didn't spot him.

Maybe not...

And then it happened.


He shook out of his little flashback as he ran up to a suspicious looking canyon.

And then he saw her.

Natsu didn't have a freaking idea what to do. He wanted to run to her side, he wanted to help her, to hold her in his arms and... SNAP OUT OF IT, you MORON

Lucy was laying there, on the ground, on the bottom of a freaking canyon, covered in...


How did Lucy get down there? Who did this to her?

Was it that presence he sensed earlier?

She had left just 30 minutes before, saying that she had something she had to take care of, and would be back at the guild in 10 minutes. She had left, smiling as usual, though he could tell something was wrong, he was a bit hurt from her comments earlier. He and happy had returned to the guild, however, she didn't come back.

Natsu had begun sniffing right away, using those dragon-slayer abilities. He knew what he was looking for. She smelled inexplicably of vanilla. He wasn't sure why. He had left Happy back at the guild for the reason of being annoying.

"You just want her all to yourself, don't you?" said a disappointed Happy.

"Shut up, cat," he said without any particular emotion. Happy watched him as he left the guild in search of Lucy. So did Gray, Erza, and Mira.

"What's up with him?" said Gray.

"I will interrogate him when he returns, Gray, do not worry," said Erza.

"Oooooh! I bet he's lovestruck!" Mira shouted in glee.


He had looked(and sniffed) for her frantically for 20 minutes after her ETA(Estimated Time of Arrival), and finally found her here, at the bottom of a canyon. And whatever Lucy had been up to, whatever getting beat up at the bottom of a canyon had to do with something she had to take care of, he was going to find out.

And then, there was the possibility she was dead...

NO! Shut the hell up, self!

With this new terrible possibility his eyes flashed open. His vision turned red as he surveyed the scene. If he was ever fired up, it was now. He felt like he could beat the crap out of Laxus with one hit right now. He quickly scanned the surrounding area, and, finding nothing threatening, shot towards the ground like a bullet.

Except his decent wasn't too graceful, to put it frankly.


He slipped down the side of the big ditch and landed on his butt on the bottom. He was up in the next split second, unfazed, and he ran to her.

"Lucy! LUCY!"

No response. He momentarily forgot the raging hell in which he was going to put the person responsible through.

"Aw, Dammit! What the hell happened to you?" he yelled aloud.

She was obviously hurt in more than one place, so he was extra careful as he picked her up gently into his arms and held her. Her blond hair was all tangled and messy, a bit sticky with blood, too. Head wound.

He noticed her breathing as her chest rose and fell. Relief washed through him like a waterfall.

She muttered in her unconsciousness, something like, "Natsu."

Lucy... Lucy said his name? In her sleep? Then, did that mean...

What the hell? He shook the image out of his head. He couldn't get distracted. Not at a time like this!

And, heck, why was he even distracted? No! He wasn't distracted, just really worried!


He couldn't argue with his own freaking self! Lucy was injured, for that dang ole' Pete's sake! Why would he try to do something like that when her life could be at stake? He then made the mistake of looking down at her bruised face again.

Lu – cy...

"Snap out of it!" he roared to himself. What was wrong with him?

Now irritated, he decided to find a way out of the freaking mess he was in. In fact, the bottom of the canyon he was in didn't exactly seem like the best place to be, or the easiest place to get out of. It was getting dark, too. And then he realized just as he noticed the sun setting just how bad Lucy's wounds were.

Other than her head wound, she had a cut on her right cheek, and some bruising on her face. Check.

He shifted her in his arms so he could examine the rest of her injuries.

Her...t - t - torso seemed okay, he guessed. Natsu's heart felt like it was pounding out of his chest for some reason.

Lucy's legs, however, were a different story all together. They were bashed and bruised so much it kind of looked like she had been attacked by a rather brutal dwarf. He almost laughed, but then reality hit him again. What a complete ass he was! Thinking about funny stuff when she was hurt?

Natsu furrowed his brow and set his onyx eyes with a determined glare at the top of the canyon.

He had to get her to safety. There was no other option. She was not going to die. He would not allow that to happen.

And why did he feel so determined like this?

Was it because they were great friends? No. It felt different than that.

Was it because it felt like they were siblings? No, when Erza was in trouble he had been enraged at the fact that someone could make his big sis cry, but this was different.

Maybe she was like his little sister? Nah, already been through that.

And how would he react if she died?

Suddenly his head was full of images of Lucy, her smile, her giggle, her enraged look when she discovered he had broken into her house, her other enraged look when she found out that Natsu and Happy had came over for a sleepover, uninvited, her big, brown, beautiful eyes, her determined glare when someone she cared about was in danger, and finally, a creepy tombstone... (Whaa, NATSU?)


If she died, would he ever be able to face himself again? No, he would probably melt away. No- burn away. That sounded more dramatic.

As Natsu became lost in thought, he failed to notice a presence entering the canyon floor, and failed to notice the sleeping spell that was being cast.

By the time did Natsu notice, he was already groggy. He stumbled, leaning backwards purposely so that he could take the impact of the ground instead of Lucy.

"Ooof!" His back slammed into the ground, and he was fighting the growing urge to sleep.

"No.. I.. gotta .. save.. her," he croaked.

Natsu hugged Lucy tighter, not wanting anything to take her away from him as he faded into unconsciousness with her. If she died, or heck, if he died, nobody was going to spend their last seconds alone.

The image in his head as he fell into unconsciousness was that of a bandaged man in a blue-black cloak standing over him. His last thought, however,



Natsu: Seriously?

Me: (giggles inside at Todd Haberkorn's voice) Whaaaaaaat! I can't see you doing any better, lover-boy!

Natsu: Shuddap! I'm just upset that I fell prey to that sleeping spell! I can do better than that!

Me: Dude, you couldn't have avoided that spell even if you weren't lovestruck.

Natsu: I was not lovestruck! Leave me alone!

Me: Yeah.. Whatever you say... lover-boy


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