I win!

Shut up. You cheated, Ziva growled. She curled her upper lip and snarled.

Hey, not my fault you didn't see the tree root and you ate shit.

Ziva rolled her big brown eyes, and padded past the tree. Tony playfully bumped her shoulder.

Hey, don't get all downer on me now, he said. C'mon, cheer up! It's meeting day!

Right. I'm supposed to be absolutely thrilled to roll out of bed at one in the morning and walk through a dark forest with you. Absolutely wonderful, Tony.

Aww, but, Zi, you get to run free! Let go of life for a little bit. Tony looked around, sniffing. I think we're early. I'm gonna phase back.

Tony morphed back into himself. He stood up and stretched, yawning. Ziva stayed in wolf form, and glared at him.

"Come on, now, don't be like that." Tony said, walking over and scratching her behind the ears. Ziva twitched her head, and growled once. Tony smiled.


Ziva melted back into her human form. She cracked her neck and popped her knuckles.

Tony would never say it aloud, but, goddamn, she was GORGEOUS. Even at this hour, her eyes, dark and brown, were full of fire. Her hair, slightly windswept and tussled from sleeping, should be gross, but it was a sexy look on her. and the baggy hoodie and sweatpants didn't help that image. She wasn't one to commonly wear exposing stuff, but the little bit of caramel skin that showed from her flat stomach between the hoodie and sweatpants was definitely tantalizing.


Tony suddenly realized he had been staring at Ziva for the past few minutes.

"Tony, are you okay?" She asked, concerned.

He blushed. "I'm fine, Zi. Just tired."

She raised an eyebrow. "Fine then." She looked around. "God, where is Gibbs?"

Why don't you try craning your neck a little more, David?

Ziva turned, and a solid silver wolf sat there, staring at her with intense blue eyes.

Come on, we're going for a run.

Three wolves bounded through the forest together- one solid, deep brown, one chestnut brown, and one silver.

Where are we headed, Gibbs?

The meeting place. Alpha Vance has a request.

Vance, speaking to the lowlies? Tony chuckled roughly.

He needs us now, Gibbs said, without breaking stride.

Ziva didn't like the sound of that.

Why does he need us? Why now?

Calm down, David, I'll explain as soon as we get to the place. Now, come on, pick up the pace. Gibbs lengthened his bounds, spreading to nearly his entire body length. Tony copied, his paws barely scraping the grass. They neatly dodged tree roots and rocks, sprinting across the dark forest. The mind connection was silent.

Brake brake BRAKE BRAKE! Gibbs cried. God, DiNozzo!

Sorry, boss.


Yeah...can I call you boss?

Sure. I like that.

Alright then...boss.

Anyways, Gibbs looked around. McGee? Abby?

Here, Gibbs! A cry came through the woods, and a black and sandy wolf came out into the clearing. The moonlight bounced off of Abby's black fur, and her green eyes shined with anticipation. Gibbs, you left me a message about some message from Vance. What are you talking about?

Give me a second. I've been practicing my projection skills, I think I can project it clear enough.

Projection? Tony asked.

Yeah. You know the mindspeak connection? Well, if that's like a phone call, then this is like video chat. It's a projection of memories. I'm still working at it- you have to have a clear version of the memory, and be able to focus on it completely.

Gibbs grimaced, and shut his eyes.

Leroy Jethro Gibbs, don't you dare start the war party without me!

A massive red wolf came running into the moonlight, panting.

Gibbs chuckled. Wouldn't dream of it, Jen.

Thank you! She cried, still panting. Go ahead, show off.

Gibbs went back to concentrating. His face screwed, almost in agony. Ziva resisted the urge to ask if he was okay.

Then, the strangest feeling. Like, when you picture a memory, but it wasn't her own. But it felt like it.

She recognized Leon's black and brown patterned fur, the strict posture of an Alpha.

Gibbs, I have an important message for you. I tried meeting with Tilton's leader, Cruz, but he's adamant that Shearheart broke no laws, that it was Todd who bypassed boundaries and got herself injured. He refuses to hear differently. They are calling us on treason. I left with his men growling at my heels. They want to declare war, Gibbs. The only way I can see solving this is to get Caitlin back, to prove Shearheart's guilt. Maybe he will accept and punish his pack, not ours. I need you to find her.

Leon now looked sad.

Wow. Caitlin was a loved character, she noted privately, careful not reveal her thoughts to the rest of the pack, who apparently knew Caitlin.

Goodbye, Gibbs. Make sure to relay the message.

The projection ended, and Gibbs shook his head, as if trying to clear it.

We need to find Kate, guys. It's our chance of peace, Tony stated immediately.

Calm down, DiNozzo. But I do agree. We can't let our tempers flare. We need to stay low in case Cruz decides something stinks. We need to find Kate covertly and without a mess being made.

But, Gibbs...if Tilton really is that vicious, McGee gulped, how do we even know Kate is alive, let alone okay?

Gibbs' expression darkened. His sharp blue eyes turned stormy.

We don't, Tim. I don't know if you're religious, but now would be a good time to start praying.

Gibbs turned to the rest of the pack. We need to find her most recent scent, however old it may be. Then, we have to try to follow it. It might be our chance of finding her.

Gibbs stepped back, and howled. The noise was high pitched, like a distress call, but not so urgent.

They waited in silence, until another howl, nearly identical.

Vance knows we accept, Gibbs said curtly.

No one had actually verbally agreed to the mission, but we knew we didn't have a choice.

Why us, though? Tony asked.

Gibbs looked at Tony.

Because, Tony, we're his only hope. You don't know what I've done, and what I can make you capable of doing.

He turned to the west.

Pack boundaries, Northwest Borderline, where Tilton meets Hampton. Kate's scent was last there, where she was taking a patrol around the Alpha section. Always stick with someone. Tilton would love to take out another pack member.

Ziva instinctively floated towards Tony. He was the one who she had known longest and, besides, he seemed to be the one who knew Kate best, if not fairly well.

Alright, move out.

They approached the border line, and Ziva could feel it. The connection to her pack was weaker here, and she knew the moment she crossed the line it would disappear completely.

Tony put his nose to the ground, searching for her scent. Suddenly, he squinted.

Boss, I got something, he called out into the darkness.

You picked up her scent? Ziva asked.

Yeah, come here, so you know what it is.

Ziva walked over, and sniffed the ground briefly. It smelled of coffee and gunpowder, but there was also something sweet about it...just a little hint of chocolate?

It wasn't strong, either, just a faint whiff, but it was enough to be noticed.

Ziva lifted her head.

It leads over the borders, but off not into Tilton. More off, out there. No man's land?

I doubt it. No man's land is dangerous. All powers are severed there and- Tony cut himself off. All powers and pack ties are severed there, he spoke, almost in a trance.

Gibbs, we got something. Northwest boundary opening. Tony spoke into the blackness.

What is it?

Boss, Ziva found Kate's scent leads past ours and Tilton's boundaries.

I don't play guessing games, DiNozzo, Gibbs growled into the thought speak connection.

Okay. Point is, boss, all pack ties are severed out there, in no man's land. Kate wouldn't be able to communicate with us and technically the land belongs to no one. It's the perfect assault spot.

Gibbs was silent for a moment as he processed this. Good work. Call McGee and Abby. We'll rendezvous where you guys are. See you in a minute.

The six wolves gathered in the clearing.

God, Gibbs, I don't wanna linger, this place is giving me the creeps. And it takes a lot to creep Abigail Sciuto out, the black wolf whimpered. The sandy one brought her a little closer, and the whimpering eased.

Alright. When we cross, ties will be severed temporarily. Thought speak won't work. If you've found something, bark three times. If in danger, howl once. Stick with your partner, don't separate at any costs. Clear?

Crystal, Tony nodded. Ziva shuffled towards him, barely noticeable in the dark.

Gibbs' silver head nodded. Ziva could tell he was concerned, and she went out on a limb and guessed that it wasn't normal for him to worry.

Ziva looked out, to the border edge. She padded towards it, and felt a clench in her gut, almost pulling her back. There was another glow, but much darker. Ziva felt it was hostile, and she guessed that's where Tilton boundaries began. As she stepped over the boundary line, she realized it was much darker out here. The faint glow coming from their territory flickered, a light she was leaving behind. She felt empty inside, from the lack of mind-connection, like a phone left on a dial tone. Ziva got closer to Tony, brushing shoulders with him. He nosed her shoulder, and her tensed posture relaxed a little.

They put their noses to the ground, sniffing, trying to find another whiff of Kate's scent. Tony searched almost in a frenzy, furiously looking for her scent. Ziva could tell he cared about her so much. For some reason, this made her sad. She had no idea why.

Suddenly, three soft, yet confident barks echoed off in the distance. Tony lifted his head, and met Ziva's eyes. They nodded, and took off in the direction of the noise.

They approached the sandy and black wolves. McGee nodded them forth, and they picked up the pace. McGee was sniffing the ground intensely, and the two joined. Gibbs took one sniff, looked forward, and ran ahead, into the darkness. Jenny automatically trailed him. The four remaining bounded after. Kate's scent got stronger and stronger with every leap.

The silver wolf suddenly stopped. Kate's scent was strong here, but no wolf. Gibbs looked around. The sun was beginning to rise over the horizon, turning the sky magnificent pinks and oranges.

Tony, frustrated, stomped the ground. He kicked up dirt, his eyes blazing. Ziva had never seen him so angry. Tony snarled angrily, and clenched his jaw, and strode off back towards the boundaries. Ziva turned after him, her eyes burning with tears. He loved her so much, cared about her so deeply. She turned back, and the black wolf widened her eyes in concern, and nudged her shoulder.

Suddenly, one, lone howl erupted in the darkness, from where Tony had ran.

Ziva whipped around, and, without even thinking about it, took off in the direction, though Gibbs barked angrily in protest.

She ran and ran and ran, her feet barely hitting the ground. She huffed, and her muscles screamed in protest, threatening to lock up, but she didn't care. She forced them forward, refusing to give up. The howl echoed again, and gritted her teeth and forced them faster. She didn't care what he had done, who he did or didn't love- he was her partner, and she knew it.

She turned a bend, and saw Tony being dragged into Tilton borders by a brown wolf with a deep scar on his left hip, so deep that it never really healed. he had malicious, evil eyes that made Ziva's blood run cold, and she immediately knew he was no friend. She ran up to the very edge of the boundary, but dared not cross.

Crossing borders again? Thought you Hampton puppies would learn that by now.

Ziva snarled at him, but could project nothing back.

For your information, I'm Alpha Cruz's Gamma. Since beta Shearheart was rudely taken by your pack, I'm filling in for him. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Saleem Ulman. And is this your little friend? He asked. He pressed his talon-like claws deeper into Tony's throat. Tony choked and sputtered, and Ziva barked.

Suddenly, the black wolf with silver streaks came up behind Saleem.

Alpha Cruz! Ulman cried out.

Ulman, what're you doing out here?

Patrol, sir, and one of the Hampton scum passed the boundary!

He's lying! Ziva tried to cry out, but it was like she wasn't there. Ray looked coldly at her.

These two again? Vance, that mutt. He's put you up to this. He's out to get my pack. He stepped right up to the boundary and snarled, but all Ziva did was straighten her back and curl her upper lip, showing off her fangs.

You let Alpha Vance know that this was the last time. This needs to to end. You let Vance know he's got forty eight hours to prepare for war. Forty eight hours, pup. You're lucky I'm being so generous. Not that it will help. We will annihilate you in matter of mere hours.

Tony looked up, gashes lining his neck and one right over his eyelid. Ulman shoved him over the boundary line. He smiled evilly.

Run along, pups. And you do me a favor? You tell Vance that Saleem is coming back. And tell him this time, I'm bringing war.

