A/N: This is supremely AU. It is about Ziva. She, however, doesn't have Ari as a brother. And she works as a waitress at a coffee shop for the first part of this fic.

It's AU as hell, basically.

March 14th

My name is Ziva David.

I am 29 years old.

I like falafel, I drive a Mini Red Cooper, and I work as a waitress at the coffee shop across the street.

I sound extremely boring, right?


I am more...interesting than I seem.

Oh, wait I forgot to mention something.

I'm a werewolf.

Told you so.

You see, I had discovered my "ability" around six months ago.

I had always had a sincere interest with wolves. Maybe because I could relate so much to them. They were strong, quick, had to work as a team, but could also work alone. They were somewhat revered and somewhat feared. I respected them, very much.

I was getting ready to walk home from the coffee shop, where I worked, across the street. Suddenly, I heard scuffling and shouting. I turned. it was coming from an alley across the way.

"Come on, you little shit, fight back!" A voice growled. I peeked in the alley. A man, tall with black hair, shoved another man against the wall. The other man had bright green eyes and tousled brown hair. I didn't recognize him. Suddenly, I felt angry.

"Leave me alone!" The man shouted shouted.

"Why? Are you mad at me? You put my friend behind bars for too long, DiNozzo, and now you will pay." The black haired man said, punching the other man in the mouth. With horror, I recognized...my boyfriend, Michael Rivkin. The other man doubled over in pain.

"No!" I cried out, jumping out from behind my perch, bracing myself between Michael and the other man.

"Well, hello there, Ziva." He smirked. "Me and Tony were just….talking."

"Lies." I spat. Suddenly, he shoved me on the ground.

"Move over." He snarled.

I lost it. Before I knew it, my body was warming all over. I lifted up my hand, when, suddenly, I had a slight tickling sensation. Suddenly, dark brown, almost black fur sprouted on my hand. Fur. My eyes widened in horror. Suddenly, I felt the same sensation all over me. Skin melted into fur. I had a slight stretching feeling and, suddenly, my nose was in front of me. A wet, black nose that twitched. Then, I was on my hands and knees. Which were suddenly….paws?I tried to cry out but all that came out was an angry bark. Suddenly, I could hear the hip-hop beats of a car on the highway, hear a mother calling to her children back in my neighborhood. And the smells. I could smell the bakery in my neighborhood, the stink from a faraway dumpster, a hotdog as someone unwrapped it. I turned back, and saw Ray once again fly his foot into Tony's side. I felt the anger rise in me again. Then, suddenly, something else. It was a feeling. But it told me what to do.

I lunged at Michael, snarling, pawing and scratching whatever I could. I glanced over to Tony, whose eyes had widened to dinner plates. I turned back to my prey. I had him pinned, a shoulder pinned under each of my paws.

"GET OFF!" He screamed, squirming under me. I leaned forward so my weight was on my front. He cried out. I could see every bead of sweat on his forehead. I could smell it as every bead popped out of his skin.

I growled, and curled my upper lip, letting him know that I could kill him. One bite would be all it took.

Instead, I gave him another warning snarl and bared my teeth. I jumped off of him. He stumbled, trying to get up. I barked, and he doubled his pace. He got up and started running. I turned back to Tony, who was backed up against the wall, looking like he would like nothing more than to sink into it.

I put down my lip, and whimpered. His breathing sped up. I heard his heart rate speed up.

"Go away!" He cried out, his voice cracking.

I whimpered again, lowering my head. He backed even more up against the wall.

"Please d-don't hurt me." He whispered.

I approached him, and nuzzled my nose under his arm. He looked down. His heart rate began to go down.

I won't hurt you, I thought. Suddenly, he smiled.

"Ziva? Is that your name?"

That's when it came back to me.

The animalistic part of me dissipated, only to be replaced by my all-too-human thinking. I backed up, and, before I knew it, the fur on my paws was melting. Melting. Right into my skin again. I felt slightly uncomfortable as a feeling of pressure descended on my nose, pushing it back into place. My hearing began fade, as well as my super smell.

"Ziva? Ziva, are you okay?"

I was on the ground, on all fours.

"No-no-" I gasped. He came over to me, and knelt by me. I stood up and dusted myself off.

"Ziva, that was-" He started.

"I-I don't know." I cut him off. Instead of backing away, he came closer.

"Can I help you?" He asked gently.

"No-umm-no-I have to go!" I cried, running away, leaving Tony standing, alone, in the alley.

At home, I laid on my couch, wondering what in the hell had happened today. I leaned over and picked up my laptop, and opened it. I opened Google and casually typed into the search box "werewolves". At first, a bunch of stupid websites dedicated to Twilight. Then, more supernatural crap about how people thought they had seen werewolves. Finally, after about ten minutes of sifting through random crap, a website. I pulled it up.


Medieval times-Present

Werewolf- a lycanthrope. A human being who can change into the form of a wolf and then back again.

A human being who can change into a wolf and back.

The rest was just about the history and roots of the word.

But I had all I needed. I slammed shut my laptop.

I walked over to my door, and silently locked the door.

I went back to the middle of the room. Then, I realized something.

I had no idea how to transform.

I put a picture of a wolf in my mind. Nothing.

I thought "I wanna be a werewolf." Nope.

I tried everything: chanting over and over "werewolf". Then, after feeling like a complete idiot, I kept going at it. I even resorted to getting on my hands and knees and howling. All that got was a pounding on the door to keep quiet from my neighbors

"Keep it down!" Ms. Anderson cried. "God, what in the world are you doing anyways?"

"Uh…um.." I stuttered. "Practicing for, um, theater!"

"You're in theater?"


"You know what? Never mind. Just shut it." I heard footsteps getting softer and softer, until I couldn't hear them.

Whew. That was a close one. Finally, I just shut my eyes in frustration. Until I noticed something.

After the whole ordeal, I felt something. In my head. Call me crazy, but I did. Like another part had been added to my head, almost like a new reflex. Like an internal muscle. I concentrated all my might on the muscle.

Suddenly, I felt it again- the warming, and then the tickling sensation. And then, I was back on all fours. I was going to cry out, but all that came out was a surprised yap.

"Ms. David, I have a little boy who is trying to sleep!" Ms. Anderson was back. "Make your dogs keep it down!"

I covered my mouth with my dark-brown paw.

"Ms. David? Ms. David? Are you okay?"

I wanted to change back, but I had no idea how to.

Wait. What if I tried the muscle again?

I flexed my internal muscle again, and felt the transformation again. Suddenly, I was on all four.

"Yes, Ms. Anderson?" My voice even came sort of hoarse.

"You're okay." She sighed, and I heard footsteps getting softer.

I let out a sigh of relief, leaning against the door.

The next day, I was walking home from the coffee shop again, when, suddenly, I heard tense footsteps. I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, Ziv-"

"Go away!" I suddenly shouted, pushing Tony away. "Don't talk to me!" I broke into a run.

"Whoa! Ziva! Ziva!" He ran to catch up with me. I forged ahead. I could not let him catch me. My feet pounded the concrete sidewalk. I ducked into an abandoned alley, my only company a mangy black cat.

Suddenly, his hand was on my shoulder again. I turned around to face him.

"Please, Ziva, can we talk?" he begged. His eyes, bright green, held pleading.

I looked him directly in the eye. "I am a freak." I said quietly. "I don't even know how you are not disgusted by me. I am disgusted by me." I turned away.

"I'm not." He said quietly. I turned back around, my eyes wide.

"How? I turn into a wolf! I am an animal!" I whispered hoarsely.

"Because. I do not hate people for their differences." He stared directly into my eyes.

"How can you-" He cut me off by putting a finger to my lips. He backed up. Suddenly, he was buckling over.

"Tony? Tony!" I cried. But I was no longer staring at a boy.

I was staring at a large, dark-brown colored wolf. It's eyes, bright emerald green, bore into mine.

"T-Tony?" I whispered. He whimpered, and nudged me. Somehow, I understood.

"Tony, I can't! Not here!" he nudged me again, widening his eyes.

"Fine. But it's not my fault if we get in trouble." I focused on that internal muscle, and concentrated on it.

Suddenly, I felt the familiar sensations of transforming. The warming, the tickling, the falling on all fours.

Hey, there. I heard a voice. But it wasn't mine. It had just appeared.

Hello? I called back.

Hey. Hello. I'm here. The massive wolf nodded his head.

Holy shit, that's you? I cried out in my head.

Yeah. Thought speak. Welcome to the wonderful world of phasing.

How long have you been doing this?

The large wolf cocked his head. Hmmm...maybe around two, three months.

Why didn't you phase while my coward of a boyfriend was attacking you?

Tony laughed, a loud, resonating bark. It wasn't worth it.

So here I am. And he's flashing me the flirtiest looks while I roll my eyes and wonder "Will we ever find someone like us?"

Well? Review please! Another plot bunny. Damn, they are NASTY!
