He couldn't say that he felt any loss when Light- no, Kira, was carried away. His eyes were bulging, pupils pinpricks, and he was screeching and screaming in denial, foaming at the mouth.

L had been afraid that his evidence wouldn't be adequate enough for the general public, that they wouldn't accept Light as Kira, but this alone seemed to be proof enough.

It was Misa that frightened him. Well, not necessarily frightened him, but her blank eyes, slack limbs, and overall listless appearance most certainly unsettled him.

And the only words that he heard from her as she was carted off in the police car for the last time.

" Ryuuzaki-kun... I'm sorry this had to happen." Her voice was soft, but he could still hear the defeat in it.

He still couldn't figure out if she was apologizing about the fact that her plans failed, or the amount of media attention she had gotten him. (He had to wear a smelly latex mask at all times so nobody would see his face.)

Or perhaps she felt genuinely regretful, and she was trying to atone for her actions.

' No... That couldn't be it...'

" I'm here to visit Ms. Amane and Mr. Yagami."

" I'm afraid that you can not visit Light Yagami at this moment, he is unstable and could attack at any moment. But you can see Misa Amane."

L nodded, and the woman at the desk gestured for him to follow her.

The hallways were disturbing, at best. He passed by one cell where a woman was inside, begging for her dead child. In another, a man constantly banged his forehead against the wall, the skin there broken and bruised.

" We're here." The woman's voice drew his eyes away from the cell to the right, where a boy that didn't look older than fourteen was crying, scraping his fingers into the floor.

She caught the unrest in his eyes and said, " This is where we keep the criminals who have committed the worst crimes. Most of them are unstable."

Unstable seemed to be a pretty common term here.

" I see," he said flatly.

" Ms. Amane is in this cell. You can go in, if you want." Her eyes cast downward. " She hasn't spoken, slept, or eaten in the past few days."

" What! You don't feed her!" L said, alarmed.

" We bring her food. It's just that she refuses to eat. She won't move either, so that's why we're having you visit her in her cell. She wouldn't go to the meeting room."

He looked through the bars of the cell. Misa sat on the cot in the corner of the small, desolate room. Her orange prison uniform clung to her body, ribs poking through below her chest. He couldn't see her face through the shadows, just the slight glimmer of her blond hair.

" You have a visitor," the woman announced. Misa didn't show any reaction. The woman shrugged, selecting a key off of the ring on her belt, and inserting it into the door.

It creaked open, shedding light into the cell.

Misa's usually lusterous hair was now limp and it flopped down her face, covering her eyes. Her skin was a sickly shade of gray, and the eyeliner that usually was present on her face was replaced by rings around her eyes from lack of sleep.

' I must admit... eye rings are most charming on me, but they do not suit Ms. Amane..'

L's bare feet slapped against the ground as he made his way to the cot.

" Hello, Amane-san," he said placidly.

She stared at the dark cement floor, not responding to his greeting.

" You deserve what you've gotten. Don't try to exploit pity from others." It caused him as much pain to say these words as he intended for her to feel when he said them.

Nothing. Her blank glassy eyes didn't even make contact with his.

L felt as though his heart was being stabbed. It was terrible to see Misa like this, even if she was locked up here for a reason. For some reason, all that L wanted now was to see her smile, to at least retort to his comment.

He took a step closer, placing his long, pale fingers on her shoulders. " Misa. There isn't any reason to act this way. You'll be released eventually, it was Light who did wrong. He was just manipulating you!" He wrapped his slender arms around her body, pulling her stiff, doll-like body close to himself.

" Amane-san. You're beautiful, young, and you have a life ahead of you! Theres no need for you to be so down!" he exclaimed.

L knew that it was a lie. She would have to be bailed out. At the best, she would be condemned to stay here for twenty years, gradualy going insane like her cellmates.

At the worst, she would be killed.

His heartbeat quickened as he realized how close he was to her. How their bodies were pressed together, how he could feel her faint breathing on his neck.

How he could feel her tears dripping on his shoulder.

" Amane-san?" He released his hold on her, intently gazing at her face.

Her facial expression hadn't changed at all, but tears leaked out of the corners of her eyes, sliding down the emotionless mask of her face.

Suprising him, her pupils slid up until they were in his sight.

" Light-kun... never... said that to me..."

(AN) This is an alternate story, if L won instead of Light. I might just keep it like this, or add more chapters.