Based on 'The Last Kryptonian.' by Cybergads

Chapter One: The Kryptonian Puzzle.

Disclaimer: I do not own Smallville, Stargate Sg-1, or Superman. This is for fun and not for profit. That's why it is on FanFiction and not in you local bookstore.

In the distant past.

In a galaxy far from the Milky Way a lone world unknowingly orbited a dying red sun. Known throughout twenty eight galaxies as a bastion of Knowledge and Wisdom; this fortress of light was about to breath its last breath even as it's people walked and lived their lives in peace.

"You fools! You must accept my findings that Krypton is doomed. The quakes are happening because Rao has become unstable, we must begin evacuations now if any are to survive." A lone man shouted up towards the ruling council of his planet.

The man made for a striking figure garbed in a shining robe of white. He stood around 6' 2" with a body that spoke of restrained power with a head of dark black hair that was graying around the sides. In his crystal deep blue eyes one could see wisdom and an vast intelligence he possessed.

Standing upon a raised ridge arrayed in a half circle twelve figures looked down upon the man before them. The council had already debated the evidence and refused to believe that their planet would fall. As it is said 'Pride goes before a fall' and the pride of these twelve people would doom an entire race of people.

"Jor El we already had the Science council review your findings and they have told us otherwise. You may have been right about General Zod, but do not dare to presume you more intelligent than the whole of Krypton's science community." Said a Council Member.

"Because of your service to this council and the people of Krypton we have decided not to have you publicly arrested. But by order of this council you are to cease your attempts to spread your theories about Krypton's fate. You are hereby confined to your family estate and you and your wife Lara are forbidden from leaving Krypton." A Council Member pronounced the judgment against Jor El.

Fuming in anger Jor El quietly nodded his head in acceptance and allowed himself to be escorted out of the council chamber and back to his family estate.

Four months later Lara wife of Jor El found her husband in the depths of his personal lab. In the past four months Jor El worked at a feverish rate at trying to find some way of preserving some of Krypton's people. Some of his plans he had forwarded to his brother Zor El on the mining colony Argon in the hopes that his brother would use them to save those he could. After that he focus on saving the one member of his family not bound by the council's decree, his three month old son Kal El.

Looking up from the ship he had just completed Jor El saw his wife approach carrying the young son. A smile broke upon his face as he watch them wander closer through the maze that was his laboratory.

"Hello my little man," He said to his giggling son as he greeted his wife with a kiss on the cheek. He proceeded to take their son from her and play with the young Kal El.

Lara restrained her laughter at seeing her imposing husband act like a youngling with their son. Jor El looked up to see a gentle smile on Lara's face as she watch him and their son. Grief struck his heart knowing that his actions before the council had doomed his wife along with him.

Lara saw a look of sadness cross Jor El's face.

"Do not be sadden my love, I have made my decision to stand beside you no matter what." She said addressing the thoughts she knew were running through his mind.

"It is hard not to be love, because of my foolish words our son will grow up without us." he responded.

"So you have chosen the world to send him to?" she asked.

"Yes. A world of people descended from the Alterrans. It is far from here and the dangers of our galaxy. They are still primitive but have great potential for good. My father had sent me there in my youth to learn from my follies a long time ago. I know of a family that would raise him as their own and teach him humility and goodness." He answered her.

Looking down at his son Jor El gain a thoughtful expression.

"Kal El my son, I will send you to a place where you will survive and be like a god. But never forget you are to be like a light unto them. They are a people with a great capacity for good, they just need someone to show them the light."

Four months later Rao imploded in an explosion of energy. A small tiny ship rode the crest of the energy wave produced gaining speed before entering hyperspace.

December of 2003 present time.

Colonel O'Neill sat in the briefing room with the rest of SG1 and General Hammond awaiting Daniel's long and likely boring report in which he would drone on continuously about their upcoming mission to P4W-891. They had found this address in a seemingly bizarre way. It compiled from seven different worlds. The first world was the last gate address that Col. Jack O'Neill entered into the database when he had the Knowledge of the Ancients in his brain.

It turned out to be the world the Ancients were going to build their galactic capital on before the plague that wipe them out appeared. A initial search of that world reveled nothing that could be used to fight Anubis. At first it seemed like the only good thing was finding Daniel among the locals, but then Sg-1 found a cave that emitted a low energy field near the site that the locals said Daniel appeared in a flash of light.

The cave had a field that prevented anyone who had a symbiote from entering. Jack and Jonas entered to investigate what was inside that was protected from the Goa'uld while Teal'c and Sam stayed outside. Inside the cave at the back engraved on the wall was a five pointed diamond shape shield with a exotic looking S in its center. Above the shield was a gate address and ancient symbols that said The House of Hope. Below the shield was a single gate symbol and the ancient word for Legacy.

As Jonas started to take pictures of the back wall he noticed that walls of the cave started to glow with symbols that were of a alien language his has never seen the like of before. Jack thought the glowing walls pretty but was disappointed that all they found was a gate address and some glowing walls. As Jack left the cave to give Teal'c some company and let Sam go in to study the cave Jonas was surprised when the symbols stopped glowing as Jack left the cave. After calling Jack back in and confirming his theory that something in the cave responded to the ancient gene in Jack, Jonas consulted with Sam and then had Jack stay inside the cave while Jonas finished recorded the symbols that were glowing.

Over the next several weeks SG-1 barely had time to research the strange language between gaining back Daniel and losing Jonas to his home world; as well as running missions to try and foil Anubis's plans. When they had finally explored the address from the cave they discovered a path to six more worlds. Each world was in sequence, for just like the first world they found a cave with the shield and the gate address for the next world and another single gate symbol beneath the shield with the same ancient word for Legacy next to it.

The only other difference between the seven caves was the alien symbols that would activate and glow in Jack's presence would be different. As the fight against Anubis and the Goa'uld continued to grow worse for the S.G.C., the approval was given to explore the new gate address that was compiled from the seven different worlds. After 2 weeks of number crunching and testing different combinations of the symbols Jack suggested jokingly over lunch that they just try them in the order they found in. All the Scientists at their wits end decided to try Jack's suggestion even though they all believed that no advance civilization would make it that simple.

Low and behold the address had worked much to Jack's satisfaction and to the Scientist's dismay. After a M.A.L.P. had been sent through and taken scans and pictures of the area around the gate the S.G.C. went into overdrive because of what had been discovered. Daniel had been talking to the General Hammond about the M.A.L.P. report and scans that had been sent back.

In the first images Daniel saw there were some the ruins displayed on the photographs. He had immediately become interested in them noticing that they appeared to be Ancient in origin. That alone would have caught his attention, however what really pushed him over the top and eventually resulted in the General scheduling this briefing for the immediate exploration of the planet was the strange crystalline structures that could be seen surrounding the back side of the complex.

Daniel had immediately asked to get a copies of the scans and photographs from the M.A.L.P. and took off for his lab where he would be able to review the ruins closer. Sure enough a couple of hours later he visited General Hammond in his office requesting permission for a survey mission of the planet to review the ruins in greater detail as they had indeed seemed to be Ancient in origin.

Jack had thought they were going to get away with sending somebody else when Daniel had pointed out that this was a very unique situation and required their personal attention. The M.A.L.P. had found evidence of the same Shield symbol at the crystalline structure as was in the cave. He pointed out that they would need someone with a strong enough Ancient gene like Jack in case there were hidden text that would only appear for him.

He had explained that it was extremely rare for the Ancients to build an outpost so close to another civilization or structure. Every one they had ever come across was isolated from prying eyes where as this one had been built less than a hundred feet from several structures which appeared to be completely made of some type of crystal. Also the Ancients seemed to have gone to great lengths to hide this world from the Goa'uld. That had been the end of it. The General had agreed and they were assigned the mission. So here Jack sat on a Saturday morning instead of sitting on his dock at his cottage fishing like he had planned to do this weekend and needless to say he was not happy.

Seeing that Daniel was about to start talking Jack sat up a little straighter and prepared to listen to what would likely be hours of needless information before going on another boring survey mission where he, Sam, and Teal'c would be bored to tears and Daniel would be like a kid in a candy store.

Daniel stepped to the side of the video screen and began to play the recording of the many video's that had been obtained via the M.A.L.P. on the planet in the last day. When Daniel had gotten approval for the mission he had requested that the M.A.L.P. gather more video of the various structures. Clearing his throat slightly to get everybody's attention he began the briefing on the upcoming survey mission.

"As you all know we found the address to this planet months ago after finding pieces of it on seven different worlds in seven different caves. As you can seen what we discovered is quite exciting."

Seeing the blank stares from everybody occupying the briefing room he continued to elaborate. "This footage shows that the gate is located less than a quarter mile from a large complex of sorts which is clearly Ancient in origins based on the writings that you can see on the walls. As best we can tell the planet has been abandoned for ages and based on the wreckage you can see in the surrounding areas it seems that this particular facility fell to some type of disaster."

"However what is really interesting has very little to do with the Ancient structure. As you will remember the caves had been filled with a writing of the likes I had never seen before. I have spent quite some time trying to analyze it but have had no success in deciphering its meaning. What is interesting is that these structures contain the same Shield symbol on the cave walls. This is clearly displayed when viewing the video footage from the planet and the photos taken from the caves side by side." Daniel put several of the photos taken from the caves up on the screen which was split to show the video and the photos side by side.

"It's obvious that these structures are manmade and yet the material they are made of is unlike anything we have ever seen before. It seems likely that whoever this race is or was is obviously very advanced and was interesting enough to warrant an Ancient outpost to be built right next to these structures, presumably to allow them to actively study the structures and the race that built them. Also the caves we got the gate address from all seemed to indicate that this race was held in high regard by the Ancients."

Daniel looked out across the room and was meet with interested stares from Teal'c and Sam as well as a bored look from Jack. He sighed inwardly as he faced to fact that he would never get any interest out of Jack for this type of mission if he didn't offer him a evidence that they might find something to help them fight the Goa'uld.

"While all of these things are incredibly important the most interesting thing about this planet is the energy readings the M.A.L.P. Picked up. The main crystalline structure is putting out an incredible amount of energy and yet it does not appear to have any adverse effects. There does not appear to be any radiation of any type coming from the structure. This particular energy source was not present on the initial sweep of the planet. It appears to have activated when the M.A.L.P. entered the structure to get some readings. It then immediately shut down after a briefly scanning the M.A.L.P."

Daniel paused to collect his thoughts. "General Hammond has granted us 3 days to explore the ruins of the Ancient complex as well as the see if we can find anything of use or interest, and to decide if a larger presence would be needed." He finished.

With those words Daniel shut off the footage and took his seat while looking over at Jack. Jack realizing that everybody was looking at him shook his head to clear his thoughts of his lost weekend of fishing and addressed the room. "Well let's get this over with, maybe we'll luck out and find some spaceships to play with." Jack said before leaving to get ready for the mission with the rest of his team following him.

General Hammond stood above the Gate room looking down at Sg-1 as they prepared to depart. He had not missed the grumpy look on Jacks face when he had given the mission a go and effectively ruined his weekend of fishing at his cottage. He had almost looked like a little kid grumbling about how unfair it was under his breath. It really was quite funny. Shaking his head to clear his thoughts he stepped forward to address the team.

"You have a go Sg-1. Good luck and stay safe. You're to check in every 12 hours to relay your status." With that the gate roared to life and the dialing sequence began. A moment later there was a loud swooshing sound and the wormhole was connected. He watched as one by one they disappeared through the gate followed by another M.A.L.P. which was carrying a variety of equipment that Dr. Jackson wanted to bring along. A moment later they were traveling millions of light years in a matter of seconds before appearing on the video provided by the first M.A.L.P. already at the scene.

He watched as Jack approached the M.A.L.P. and began to speak. "All's well in Oz sir. We'll check-in in 12 hours. Sg-1 out." With that he turned away and proceeded with the rest of his team towards the ruins. A moment later the gate shut off again like it always did and he turned away from the screen to return to his office where a desk full of paperwork awaited him.


"Alright Daniel this is your mission so you have lead." Said Jack as he leaned up against the M.A.L.P. watching Daniel snapping pictures of the huge complex in front of them. Daniel seemed to snap out of the daze he was in and remember what they were here for because at that moment he turned around and looked at Jack for a moment before taking the lead.

"Right well we only have 3 days and this complex is far too large if the readings are correct for us to cover in that time not to mention the 3 crystalline structures about a hundred meters from here so I suggest we explore by splitting into two groups to cover as much ground as possible. I suggest Jack and I check out the Ancient ruins in case there are any rooms that require Jack's presence to activate. Sam and Teal'c should check out the energy source the M.A.L.P. detected and see if Teal'c sees anything he might recognize." Daniel finished.

Jack nodded his head in agreement.

"Ok agreed. Keep communication open at all times and report anything of interest. Daniel and I will check out the Ancient complex while Sam and Teal'c hike it out to those structures and see if they can find anything interesting. We'll check back together regardless in 6 hours and bunker down for a meal before setting up camp. Well let's get to it shall we. I'm here instead of at home fishing so I might as well do something useful with my time."

With those words Teal'c and Sam set off towards the tall crystalline structures in the distance while Daniel and Jack headed into the Ancient complex. Each team taking the basic recording equipment as well as some sampling kits to be able to do some carbon dating.

Daniel walked into a small room in one of the lower sub-levels of the Ancient complex he and Jack had been exploring today. He and Jack had been searching within the ruins for over 5 hours now and had found little of interest beside the fact that the ruins had extensive levels below the planet's surface. He knew that he had less than a half hours before having to meet with Teal'c and Sam and he was hoping that he would be able to find something of interest before then. If not tomorrow was always another day. Another full day in fact whereas today had been cut short because of their briefing in the morning. They hadn't gotten to actually head out until early afternoon.

The one thing they had been able to discover was that the disaster that hit this complex was a meteor shower. They had come across meteor fragments of all sizes imbedded within the outer walls of the structure. In addition they had discovered extensive interior damage from some of the larger strikes. In some areas whole sections of wall were destroyed leaving the area completely inaccessible to them.

The damage to the complex was extensive in the surface levels and they had found themselves climbing over downed columns and through broken walls all day so far until they found access to the underground levels. but even then there appeared to also be damage to the first sub-level. They were starting to despair of finding anything undamaged by the meteors. Until now that is. On the second sub-level they found a shielded room. This was the first room that they had come across that wasn't heavily damaged in fact it was in surprisingly good shape.

According to the readings they were getting this whole area was extremely well shielded and surprisingly the shielding was still active. However that was not what Daniel found interesting about this particular room. No in fact what he found interesting was that the room seemed to have power but more than that it appeared to have a fully functional information console. Every room looked like it had been stripped of working technology.

Looking around Daniel was very much aware that this room was heavily fortified compared to the other rooms, which was more than likely why it survived while so much of the rest of the complex lay in ruins? The question is what was so important about this room that required it to be so well fortified and for it to continue to have power while the rest of the complex lay powerless.

As soon as they walked into the room the door slammed shut and a bright light washed over them which Daniel immediately recognized as a scanner. Almost immediately after this started Daniel began to become concerned. The Ancients would not have placed such a device within this room unless it housed something important and if it was that important they would not have wanted intruders. His suspicions were proven true only seconds later the walls of the room lit up with text from the unknown alien language with Ancient text right beneath it. The Shield symbol from the cave was feature prominently over the control console. Jack yelp in surprise as the door behind them shut with a loud thud and the room started to glow with those weird symbols.

Daniel approached the control console on the far side of the room and began to work his way through the security systems to find out exactly what had happening. He found that this room was like a Rosetta stone for the alien language now identified as Kryptonian. The lines of Ancient script beneath the Kryptonian script was a translation there to help the Ancients learn the Kryptonian script. After a few minutes he came across the protocols for the security for the room and realized with a start that they had in fact been very lucky. The system was setup to keep Goa'uld or Jaffa from entering this room. Anybody else that entered would immediately be transported to holding cells in a sub-level far below them.

This again startled him as he had been sure that they were on the lowest level of the complex. According to the schematic in front of him however the complex had 2 further levels. The first was a prison level of sorts that contained many holding cells for just this purpose. The second was listed as a research bay of sorts that had an incredible amount of security around it. For starters this particular lab was located nearly four kilometers below the surface of the planet. That was nearly one and a half kilometers deeper then the prison level which was located directly below the room he was standing in.

Only Ancients would be able to access the bay and according to the readings absolutely no weapons were allowed within the research bay. A slew of other security measures were also included.

Daniel relayed what he had found to Jack about the room and the newly discovered lower levels. He could only assume that since he had once been ascended that the system recognized him as one. If that was true it may also have allowed Jack to enter but it would have certainly refused Sam. Daniel spent the next fifteen minutes trying to figure out how to open the research level so he and Jack could check it out. After finally giving up on opening up access to the research level, Daniel did manage to disable a few of the security protocols to the room so that Sam could enter.

"Jack I done about all can do to open the research level. I have manage the change the security measures so that non-symbiote carrying humans can enter so Sam should be able to enter and help us to open the access for the research level." Daniel said as he stepped away from the control console.

"Okay lets head back to the gate, it is almost time for us to head back anyway. We'll regroup and see what Cater and Teal'c found before deciding what action to next." Jack said as he approach the closed door. To his surprise it slid open right before he was about to ask Daniel to open the door. Looking behind him Jack motioned for Daniel to follow and the two of them went back to the meet point to wait for Sam and Teal'c.

A few minutes later they met up with Teal'c and Sam and began to setup camp. It took nearly half an hour to setup camp but when it was finished the group gathered around the fire which was currently covered by several pots in which their dinner was preparing.

Jack assuming that now was as good as any time to go over the days discoveries cleared his throat to get the others attention before speaking.

"Alright people lets recap on what each team found." Jack said before motioning Sam and Teal'c to go first.

Sam nodded before turning to Jack and Daniel to give them an update on what they found. "The crystalline structures are incredible. There is practically no apparent damage which is really surprising because there are craters of all sizes surrounding it. You can tell that the crystal spires were struck many times by the fine spider web like cracks that can be seen but that's about there is in the way of visible damage with the exception of a single tower from the edge of one of the smaller crystal formations which looks like it was struck several times in the same spot weakening it before it was struck by a large meteor which snapped it in half."

"We only searched the main structure today but we found an amazing control center of sorts in the heart of building. That's where the power source that was detected was coming from. I was able to study it in some detail and it's like nothing I have ever seen before. It appears to be several magnitudes of power greater than any power source that I know of and the one we found looks like it's barely reached its half way point. It's incredible. There's evidence that the Ancients were researching the crystals and the power source from the research equipment attached to the control nexus. I think we may have found the source of Ancient crystal technology."

"It was actually quite easy to find that particular room as it was the only thing room that was accessible to us. As far as I can tell the Ancients must have found a way to enter the structure and open the doors to the control center at which point they spent all their time researching that. There were doorways all over the place which were sealed tight and none of the systems seemed to be working. The other two structures were sealed completely as far as we could tell but we only just walked by them so we might have missed something." said Sam with excitement in her voice as she finished her report on what her and Teal'c found.

Seeing Sam was done Jack motioned for Daniel to give their report.

"Well while the ruins didn't have the same resistant to damage the crystal spires had we did find a shielded room in one of the sub levels that was protected from Goa'ulds entering. It had a type of Rosetta Stone for the Alien language that is connected to the crystal structures. It also contains a transporter that access a deeper level but we will need Sam to unlock the transporter in the room so we can investigate further. Teal'c won't be able to enter because of the security measures. The Ancients would not have had this much security on this lab unless it housed something extremely important to them. Even the ancient data repositories didn't have this kind of security on them. Whatever is in here is defiantly worth a look." Daniel finished.

"So what exactly is it guarding?" inquired Sam. Daniel paused for only a moment before responding. "Well I can tell you that it's guarding a research lab. I really well secured research lab to be exact. As to what exactly is inside of said lab, I couldn't tell you. The system doesn't make any mention what so ever of what is there. In fact it looks almost as if everything within the lab is separate from the complex itself with the exception of this room. And the only link it has to this room is a transport pad of some sort which beams you between the two locations."

"The room appears to be a gateway or access point into a highly secured research lab in a sub level well over a mile below us. It appears to be the only way into this level and the shielding around it makes it impossible to beam in except via this room. I can't find any information on exactly what this lab contains but it's obvious that whatever it is, it was extremely important to the ancients, enough so that they made sure that it would be almost impossible for anybody other then one of them to enter the lab so only Jack and I will be able to enter." Daniel informed Sam and Teal'c.

"I think we should have Teal'c stay at the base camp while the three of us return to the ruins tomorrow." Daniel said. At this point they all agreed to that before settling down for the night. Sam start to compare her notes with Daniel on the crystalline buildings and what symbols she had found.

Jack tuned her out at this point as she and Daniel began to talk excitedly about the possibilities of such a technology and about what might be within the research lab under the Ancient complex. As far as he was concerned they could talk about this all night. He on the other hand was going to eat dinner and then get some shut eye. Tomorrow he would have to put up with Daniel yapping excitedly in his ear all morning about whatever it was they found and that was not something he was looking forward to.

Once again the scanner washed over both of Daniel, Jack and Sam as Daniel expected they were both allowed to enter. Walking over to the station again Daniel preceded to power up the console for Sam to work on. After a few hours she was able to unlock the transporter and activate the entrance sequence which beamed Jack and Daniel down into the hidden lab. After a radio check with Sam the two began a careful exploration of the room.

Jack looked around carefully before laying his eyes on what looked to be a ship of what looked to be made of crystal; it clearly was related to the structures on the surface. Judging by its size and shape he assumed it was a transport ship or small warships. It was roughly in the shape of a cylinder with crystal spire sticking out in odd directions. It looked to be around 10 meters tall in height and 40 meters in length. A big smile came across his face at the sight of it and he whistled out load. "Now that is what I'm talking about. Why couldn't you find us more secret rooms with alien space ships in them Daniel instead of all this history junk we always find?"

Daniel rolled his eyes at Jacks comment and Jack laughed silently. "For your information Jack that history junk as you so eloquently put it has saved our butts just as many times as the weapons and ships we have found." Daniel shook his head and walked quietly away from where Jack was looking over the ship and trying to find an entrance to get onboard and take a closer look.

He had gone no more than 20 feet from Jack when he stopped in his tracks staring at a stasis chamber in front of him. Directly in front of the chamber was another station and flanking the chamber on either side were 2 view screens both of which were turned on and displaying information that he could only guess at first glance was information on the cellular makeup of the being stored within the chamber and research material about whatever research they were doing.

Taking a few more steps Daniel stepped up to the control panel and began scanning through the material. "This is going to take forever. Most of it is in Ancient and what's not in Ancient is written in the language from the structures out there. It doesn't look like they were able to translate it completely either."

"Everything that's in that language is just recordings taken from the facility they gained access to. For once I would love to be able to just have everything in English so I didn't have to spend all day translating It." mumbled Daniel.

A second later he jumped back as a female or rather an image of a female appeared in front of the chamber just in front of the console. He was just about to try and figure out what happened when it began to speak to Daniel.

"You have activated the virtual interactive research logs for Project Hope. Please state your inquiry." Daniel stared at the women in front of him for a moment before it hit him. She had just spoken in English instead of Ancient.

Daniel stepped forward and asked the first question on his mind. "Why are you speaking English instead of Ancient?" The women paused for barely a moment before answering.

"A request was made for English to be the primary language used within the interface. Would you prefer a different language?" replied the hologram. Daniel shook his head and replied no. he should have known that but no matter. He had to find out what they were doing here.

"Explain the operations that took place within this lab." Stated Daniel.

"The scope of that request is extensive and would take many weeks to fulfill. If you wish to continue with this line of questioning please say so. Alternatively you may ask specific questions or the research logs may be displayed for your review in the language of your choice." Responded the image of the women. Daniel thought for a moment. If there was that much information then he would need to be far more specific otherwise they may not find anything of use during their stay here.

"Who is the women in the stasis field and what is her importance?" inquired Daniel.

A moment later the women replied. "The woman within the stasis chamber is believed to be from the planet Krypton, the race that built of the Kryptonian structures located behind this facility. She currently suffers from an unknown illness and was place in the stasis chamber she is currently stored in after we found her injured. What little is known of her and her race was discovered from observing her genetic makeup and exploring the structures she was found near. The ship located within this bay was the vessel she was in when she arrived on this world."

"To the best of our knowledge her people abandoned this planet long before we discovered it. One day about 9,000 years ago while studying the structures her vessel crashed near this facility in a meteor shower. The ship itself was undamaged but nothing is known about it. We were completely unsuccessful in our attempts to open it after she exited it or learn anything about its origins or why it crashed."

"A great deal of time was spent attempting to find a cure for her ailment however with our limited resources none was found. As a result the subject was kept in stasis for study. According to our research and scans of the pilot it is believed that her race posses abilities and strengths far greater than any race we have come across before. The Technology we have gleaned from Kryptonian Structures show that they were far more advance then we were at the time we first found this place. Their race would have been a very powerful ally and as such we set forth to find out as much about them as we could."

Daniel stared at both the hologram as well as the women in the chamber for a moment in interest. For her to be of so much interest to the Ancients her race really must have been something else. After reading some of the data displayed on the screens he was about to ask another question when he was startled from his thoughts by Jack.

"What are you up to over here Daniel? Who's this and what's up with the lady in the chamber?" asked Jack.

Daniel jumped at the question having not noticed he was there before spinning around. "I'm not sure about a lot yet. This seems to have been a research lab that was dedicated to the research of a race from a planet called Krypton. According to what the computer has told me so far their race was extremely powerful but is believed to have been devastated or destroyed somehow as they have abandoned dozens of their outposts throughout this galaxy."

"The women in the chamber is believed to be one of the last remaining living members of her race and for all accounts and purposes she is as good as dead. She won't last more than an hour outside that chamber. According to these notes this outpost was the first time they encountered this race or their technology but in the years that past afterwards they have discovered dozens of other instances of their outposts. Usually strongly cloaked but when they had found this one that wasn't cloaked they were able to find the locations of those that were from it. According to this though every outpost they found was abandoned. I'm still trying to find out more information." replied Daniel before turning back around and addressing the hologram.

"What makes their race so powerful that they would be of interest to you?" inquired Daniel The hologram waited for a moment and then responded as usual. "The Cellular makeup of the Kryptonian woman shows that they have super heightened senses and powers when within a system with a young star. Our research shows that their genetic makeup reacts to the radiation from a sun. As far as we can tell this reaction differs depending on the type of sun. Based on the information we were able to collect from tests we ran showed that they are at their strongest under a yellow sun and their weakest under a red or green sun. A blue sun would also allow them heightened powers and would range in the middle between a yellow and a red Sun." replied the hologram. Daniel took in the information even though it didn't really answer his question or rather it did answer his question it just didn't give him all the information he was looking for.

"What exactly are the powers that this race posses?" asked Daniel. "When under either a blue or yellow sun the Kryptonian people are imbued with increased strength and speed. In addition they have the heightened sense of hearing and sight. The exact extent of these powers is not known as the subject would not survive long enough outside the chamber to participate in a demonstration. Other enhancements are also likely however we were unable to speculate about what these may be. We were only able to see that certain systems within their bodies were affected when introduced to various types of solar radiation." Commented the computer.

Daniel stared blankly at the interface in front of him for a moment. If even half that information was true then the Ancients had been right to be interested in such an ally. A great number of the systems out there were home to either yellow or blue suns and as such this race would be a powerful ally. The question is was this just hearsay or had they been able to prove any of it.

"Were you ever able to prove any of this information on their powers?" Daniel had his fingers crossed. Even if there was only one of them left he or she could be a powerful ally if any of this was true. "The genetic information we were able to pull proved that all of these things were true. Even in her weakened state the subject was impervious to any of our devices that were trying to penetrate her skin for samples. We were forced to use scanners. The cellular information we retrieved showed that their bodies underwent drastic changes when exposed to the radiation from various stars."

Daniel nodded his head in understanding and looked over at Jack. He had a glint in his eye that showed he was just as interested and was thinking about the benefits of having just such an ally on their side. "You mentioned that they were nearly invincible. Were you able to determine what was causing her illness even if you couldn't fix it?" inquired Daniel with a curious look on his face.

"Detailed scans showed that the alien's body was reacting to a microscopic biological organism which produced a very small amount of radiation. This particular form of radiation appears to have a harmful effect on their race. According to our scans her body's blood stream is saturated with these organisms. At the time of this study we did not have the resources to clean her blood stream."

"It should be noted that her body showed a reduced level of decay when exposed to the radiation of a yellow sun. However nothing was found to suggest that this would be helpful in any way other then prolonging her death. As best we can tell the radiation from this organism when applied from the outside would usually result in a weakened state and extensive pain however extended exposure breaks down their cells resulting in death. Since the source is internal the resulting cellular damage is compounded as it does not need to penetrate their skin." Replied the hologram.

"Were any other of this race found," Daniel asked the computer. "No others have ever been found even though we searched the galaxy for them. The only clue that this facility had received was from a message that was received by the main console of the Kryptonian structure 9,000 years ago from a Jor-El about how their world was dying from their folly and he was sending his only son to a world that was located in this galaxy." Replied the hologram.

Jack looked over at Daniel and said. "Well Space monkey it looks like we may of hit the jackpot here. So the question is how do we find the last surviving member of this race?" Daniel rolled his eyes before turning back to the hologram. This line of questioning and many others continued for hours on end through the rest of the day as both Daniel and Jack tried to learn as much as they could about the mysterious race.


"Alright Jack, go ahead. What's your status?" said General George Hammond from his position in the control room of Stargate Command. On the screen in front of him was the image of Jack O'Neal standing in front of the M.A.L.P. for his second daily check in. It was Monday morning now and George was expecting an update on their research into the mysterious new race they had discovered in the secure sub level of the Ancient complex.

"Well general we are still pouring through the records here to try and figure out what else we can find. We found reference to research that the Ancients did on the power device that was located in the Kryptonian structure and Sam thinks that they may have been trying to figure out a way to duplicate the device. We are going to look into it more today. Daniel seems to think that we should bring in more teams to study the stasis chamber to figure a way of bringing it back .If he can find a way to learn their language he might be able to communicate with the women in the chamber."

"Of course doing so would likely kill her but we might be able to learn a fair bit from her if we took that route. Daniel says that stasis chamber is keeping her alive right now but that we won't be able to put her back in there again until after she kicks the bucket if we bring her out. But on the bright side our sun has the ideal radiation to heal her. I recommend we go ahead and start setting up a base to study everything here."

"Alright Jack I understand. We will have some research teams drawn up and I will get the ball rolling for the base. What about the information from the computers. Were you able to back up the research materials to bring back?" asked Hammond.

"No sir, we weren't able to back up the research material. There is just too much of it, though it appears to be safe for the moment. Of course we can't read or understand any of the Kryptonian stuff but at least we have the Ancient information. Daniel was able to find information in the computer system here that showed the areas of interest within the compound. There doesn't seem to be much else of use sir, that's why I recommend a more permanent presence here to study the structures and the complex. They may find something else that we over looked." Responded Jack.

George nodded to himself again and then responded to Jack. "Alright Jack you have your orders. We'll expect your return in 24 hours, in the meanwhile I will get the ball rolling on those research teams and the base. Good luck Jack. Hammond out." And with those words the gate disconnected leaving George standing in the control room staring at the inactive ring.

Okay this is my chapter 1 of my Smallville/Stargate Sg-1 crossover. It is based heavily off Cybergades's story 'The Last Kryptonian' and will diverge greatly from his story as I add more chapters. The first chapter draws heavily from Cybergades's work. Some parts are copies with few changes. At the moment I have permission for the Author to do this and will change my fic if he ask me to.
