A/N #1 ~ Before I say anything about this story I want to thank klauslove for the awesome idea along with the many plot ideas she gave me! I think this story will be great and I hope to do this amazing story line justice!

SUMMARY – Caroline asks a powerful witch to send her back in time to meet Klaus as a human since she is having mixed feelings about him and she wants to see if his feelings are in fact genuine. Caroline meets the entire Original family along with Tatia. This will be a Kol/Caroline/Klaus/Tatia/Elijah story but of course the essence of the story is Klaroline!

A/N #2 ~ I know I am in the middle of 'My Humanity' and that is also a time traveling story but I guarantee that this will be totally different! Also, I had said to myself in the past I wasn't going to start another multi chapter story while another is in progress but I am just so excited about this idea that I had to start it! I promise to continue to update both regularly…and if I don't feel free to "yell" at me on Tumbler!


Klaus had been "dead" for about a week and a half. I had so many mixed feelings about everything concerning him. I had tried my best to put up a good front in front of my friends and I was pretty sure they all believed it. They were so wrapped up in their own lives and personal problems that I really don't think they would have noticed if I didn't try as hard.

During these past few days I have been doing some research and speaking to different people in the 'supernatural community'. I had decided that I wanted to find a witch capable of sending me back in time so I could meet Klaus as a human. I realize every single person in my life would think I was crazy for doing this and probably vervain me, take away my ring and lock me in the basement of the Salvatore boarding house. So that is exactly the reason I didn't tell any of them.

Through the grapevine I found out that a very old witch, named Madelyn, lived in Georgia. She owned a small diner and rarely practiced magic. Of course it had to be even harder than it already was. I was somehow going to have to convince this woman to help me and probably use some of the strongest magic she has ever used. It was four in the morning; I wanted to get an early start so I would have less of a chance of being caught. I left my mom a simple note making sure I told her I loved her.

I reached Georgia around two in the afternoon. Road trips were so much easier when you didn't have to worry about bathroom breaks. I pulled into the parking lot of the small diner. It was a nice neighborhood and reminded me of the town Tree Hill form the TV show One Tree Hill.

I walked in and took a seat at the counter. A waitress came right over and asked if I wanted a drink. I asked for lemonade and continued to look at the menu. I ordered a cheeseburger and fries. When the waitress brought my food to me I asked if the owner was there and she told me she would be there in about twenty minutes. I finished my food and the waitress cleared it then nodded towards the door.

"There is the owner, Madelyn." She said.

"Thank you." I said with a small smile.

Madelyn was over near the coat rack about to hang up her coat. She was a little shorter than me with light brown hair, and she looked a little younger than me. I took a deep breath and walked over to her.

"Madelyn?" I asked.

"Hi, do I know you, Sweetheart?" She said with a sweet smile.

I unknowingly let out a sigh of relief she seemed nice and I was thankful for that. "No, you don't. I was hoping I could speak to you in private though, if you don't mind." I said; my voice was bursting with hope.

She took a deep breath in; I am sure she knew this had something to do with witch business. She nodded. "Sure, come back to my office." I walked with her behind the counter and into a small room with a desk and a few chairs. "Please…sit." She said as she sat behind her desk. "Now tell me what you want from me."

"Well…" I said as I played with my fingers in my lap. "I have heard you are pretty powerful and I have something that seems impossible that I would greatly appreciate your help with." I paused but she said nothing, she just kept looking at me so I continued. "I want to be sent back in time. One thousand years ago in Mystic Falls, Virginia." I held my breath as she continued to stare at me.

"And for what reason would you want to do something like that for?"

I looked down at my hands and smiled. "I have feelings for this man…well, vampire." I decided not to get into the whole Hybrid thing. 'And I need to know if his feelings are genuine before I fall into this any further. I would like to meet him as a human." I explained to him.

"Time travel is…not the safest thing to do." She said a little concerned that I had not thought this through.

"I know, I realize that; but honestly I think the amount of good it could potentially be for a lot of people in the present outweighs the risks."

Madelyn was quiet for a moment. "It would take a lot of magic, and I haven't done that amount in a very long time." She paused. I would only be able to keep you there for a month."

My face lit up that was more than I was expecting. "Really? You will help me?" I said a little surprised.

She laughed. "I am a sucker for a 'Happily Ever After'." She paused. "Come on I will get you some coffee and a piece of our famous pie while I attend to a few things than I will take you to my place to begin the spell." I smiled and followed her back out to the diner.

It took Madelyn about forty five minutes to finish up what she had to do. I followed her in my car to her house which was only about ten minutes away. Her house was adorable. It was a one story house with a cute white picket fence in the front and a garden filled with flowers. I followed her into a back room that was filled with books; probably spell books, and jars of different things; probably ingredients for spells.

"Have a seat." She said pointing to the chair. "I will need some blood for the spell." She said as she have me a small glass vile. I bit into my wrist and filled it about halfway with my blood.

"Is this enough?" I asked.

"Plenty." Madelyn took the vile and poured it in a giant bowl along with some other ingredients. She began saying a spell and after she was done she filled a small glass with what was in the bowl. She took a sip of it and gave the rest to me. "Drink it now and tomorrow morning you will wake up one thousand years in the past in Mystic Falls. Remember you will have 30 days and then you will arrive back to this time. You will end up wherever you were when you left. And no more than a day will have gone by."

I drank the weird tasting concoction. "Thank you." I said as I handed her the glass back.

"I hope it all works out for you." She said with a smile.

I checked into a hotel in Georgia. I told them I was staying a month so I wouldn't end up dropping in on some random people when I returned. The room was decent, not like that mattered, I was here to sleep and that was all. It was still incredibly early but I had no desire to do anything else. I turned on the TV and climbed into bed.

I heard a loud noise and sat up immediately. I was outside surrounded by trees. The spell must have worked. I felt different; I was human. It made sense since obviously vampires hadn't been created yet in this time. I stood up and began to walk in a random direction. I hoped I wouldn't get myself lost or worse…eaten by some wild animal.

After about twenty minutes of walking I convinced myself I was going the wrong way so I was about to turn around when I heard laughing from not too far away. I walked towards the laughter and stumbled upon two people sitting on a giant rock making out.

"Who, are you?" The girl asked in an appaled voice.

I was stunned. It was Elena. Well, of course it wasn't Elena. 'Oh my god it must be the original Petrova, Tatia.' I thought to myself. I had totally forgotten about her when I thought this through. And of course who was sitting next to her…Klaus.

"I'm…I'm sorry." I said as I turned around and ran off. I just kept running until I hit something and fell to the ground. I wasn't used to being out of breath after running, or being in pain from a simple fall to the ground. "uhhhhh." I moaned as I rubbed my head. I looked over at the person I ran into and it was non other than Klaus' little brother Kol.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" He asked with a smile as he stood up. He reached out his hand to me and I took it letting him help me to my feet.

"I um…I just." I paused to collect my thoughts so I didn't keep rambling like a complete idiot. "I just saw something I shouldn't have." I said simply.

"Oh…" Kol said with a smile. "My brother and Tatia at it again?" Kol looked at me and made a confused face. "Where are you from?" He asked probably confused by my odd clothing."

I had not thought of what I was going to say about why I randomly was going to come into these peoples lives. I guess I hadn't thought it through as completely as I had thought. "My family died, I have been traveling for a long time." I hated lying but this was not a situation that I could even think about telling the truth.

"Come on." Kol said. "We have a small one room hut behind out house, I am sure it won't be a problem for you to stay there a few nights to rest."

Before I could respond Klaus and Tatia had come up behind me.

"Well, now I can see why she is so stupid to spy on people, she is friends with Kol." Tatia said.

Wow this girl was a complete bitch, how did Klaus and Elijah fall in love with her.

"I am sure she didn't mean to." Klaus said as he gave me a small smile.

"Niklaus." Tatia said in a winning tone as she rolled her eyes. "My father will be angry if you do not get me home soon."

Klaus nodded and walked off with Tatia.

"Come on." Kol said. "It is not too far from here."

Kol showed me to the small one room hut behind his family's home. He wasn't kidding when he said small, I had seen children's play houses bigger but I was greatful he was being so kind to me even though I was a stranger. He managed to get a dress from Rebekah so I would be able to blend in a bit more. The dress was no where near as nice as the one Tatia had on today but again I was greatful for what I got.

After dressing I decided to walk around a bit outside. I had to think of some way to get to know Klaus with Tatia there. She seemed pretty into him when they were making out on the rock so I knew it wasn't going to be an easy task. I turned and started to walk behind the hut but immidately stoppd short at the sight I had seen.

Tatia was on the ground with Elijah and there was some serious making out and…touching going on.

"Are you following me!" Tatia yelled out.

"No, sorry I was…Kol said I could stay in here." I said pointing towards the hut.

Klaus ran over to see what all the yelling was about and he saw how Tatia was practically laying on Elijah.

"What the hell!" He yelled.

I slowly backed away from the scene and waited a few feet away. Since I didn't have my vampire hearing I only heard a few words of the fight but I could tell they were all mad. I had no idea what Tatia or Elijah had to be mad at but they were. Klaus stormed off, Elijah headed back into his house and Tatia headed towards hers but not before stopping in front of me.

"I would appreciate it if you would please stay out of my business!"

After she walked off I decided to go after Klaus. He was right at the edge of the woods sitting on a log, I sat beside him. "Are you OK?" I asked softly.

"I'm fine." He said as he quickly got up and walked away from me.

I sighed. I knew this was going to be hard but if I couldn't get him to even talk to me when Tatia wasn't around it was going to be impossible. I sat down to have dinner with the whole family...well almost everyone I noticed Mikael was missing. Kol had taken the liberty to tell my story to everyone before hand. We had finished dinner and everyone had gone in except Kol, Klaus and myself. Mikael came walking over to the group and I sucked in a breath. I knew he was awful in the past as a human.

"Niklaus!" He called out; he was still a few feet away. Klaus walked over to him immidately.

"You should probably go inside." Kol said quietly. "I doubt you want to see this." Kol disappeared in his house. I got up and walked so I was hidden from the two of them but could still hear what they were saying.

"Niklaus, I cannot tell you how sick I am of you and Elijah fighting over that girl." I heard a sound like a whip hitting skin and it made me shiver to think what Mikael was doing to him. "I better not hear of anymore of this childish fighting, be a man!" I heard one last whipping sound before I heard footsteps walking into the house. I could only hear one set so I assumed Klaus was still outside.

After a few seconds he walked over to the group of logs that we had sat on for dinner and took a seat. He pulled off his shirt it was dark but the fire gave off enough light that I could see the marks on his back and side. I wanted to cry, how could anyone hurt their child like that. I took a deep breath in and walked over to him, hoping he wouldn't run away from me again.

"Is there any cold water? It will make your back feel better." I said softly as I sat down.

Klaus looked over at me for a second then looked away. He didn't say anything for a few minutes. "There is a pond…over that way." He finally said.

I grabbed a few rags that were on the ground by the fire. "Good. Come on." I said. I helped him up and let him lean on me as we walked the short distance to the pond. He sat on the ground and I soaked the rags in the water. It was very cold so I hoped that it would help since I knew they didn't have ice in this time. I brought the soaked rags back to him and slowly spread them out over his back. He moved and made a sound when they first hit the marked area but slowly relaxed.

"Thank you." He said after a few minutes. "Caroline, right?" He asked.

"You're welcome. And yes, it's Caroline." I said with a smile. "And your Niklaus?" I said.

"Yes." He said then paused for a moment. "My brother Kol seems to already be in love with you."

I broke our eye contact by looking out onto the small pond. "He has been really sweet, inviting me into your home and everything. But…he really isn't my type.' I said. I was so concerned with making him feel better that I didn't get a chance to appreciate shirtless Klaus before but I was appreciating it very much now.

"Tatia is the girl from earlier." He said. "Although I am sure Kol filled out in on that."

"Not really." I said honestly. "He just told me her name."

"Elijah and I…we don't really see eye to eye when it comes to her. Everyone in our community is fond of her. And she seems to be fond of both me and my brother."

"Please excuse me but she doesn't seem that nice."

Klaus laughed. "She has her moments." He sounded sad. He obviously cared for this girl; for some unknown reason, and she was treating him like crap just like his father. "I should get back." He said as he stood up. "And you should too, you never know what kind of animals will come along near water at night."

I nodded and followed him back to the house. He went inside and I made my way to the hut in the back. The first day was over; just 29 days left, and I am not sure I had accomplished anything.

Ok there it is…Chapter #1. I know there wasn't too much Klaus/Caroline interaction but I hope that this first chapter has got you interested in the story! Thank you for reading and be sure to send me your reviews!

*Also I will most likely be alternating P.O.V's throughout the story (I will most likely keep it to Caroline/Klaus/Tatia P.O.V's). I think most of the time I will keep it to one P.O.V per chapter unless I really need to add one that way it won't get too confusing but we will get to see some different sides to the story! Again I am very excited for this story and I really hope you have enjoyed what I have done so far!