Lightning-Zutara Oneshot

The fire lady laid in her bed next to her husband. She could tell he was sleeping peacefully by his body language, but if only she could sleep peacefully herself. It was the rainy season in the fire nation and who would have thought it would be raining so hard so much. Then she got scared. First came the thunder, she tremble. Feeling his wife's distress Fire lord Zuko called out to her.

"Katara, sweetheart, what's wrong?"

"N-nothing, it's fine just go back to sleep."

Her voice sound scared, Zuko pulled her closer. Then the lightning came and the fire lady openly cried unto her husband's bare chest. Her fingers touched the star-shaped scar by his stomach. It healed but left a permanent mark on his skin, Katara cried more.

"If, if only I were more experienced or….or if I wasn't standing so close. You wouldn't have-" she couldn't stop crying, her tears fell like the rain outside. "I wouldn't what, Katara please you have to tell me," Zuko begged to his hysterical wife.

" You wouldn't have another scar like the one your father gave you. You wouldn't have another thing to make you think your worthless or pathetic-"

Zuko placed a gentle hand on his wife's mouth to shush her. "First of all this scar is a blessing to me because it reminds me that I saved you and I wouldn't have to think it was my fault if I lost you. And secondly, compared to you everyone is worthless and should be bowing down and be grateful to be blessed with your presences."

Katara blushed at Zuko's words. " And me well I am pretty pathetic ," Katara at her husband, preparing the your not pathetic speech, but looking in his eyes she let him continue. "I'm a pathetic lovesick fool that only had eyes for you."

The fire lady gave her husband a wobbly smile. "Anything else?" she asked. "Just this." Zuko replied and with that he kissed his wife passionately while she returned the favor. Just then the couple's three year old daughter, Kya, entered the room. "I-I had a bad dream," she whispered "The lightning is scary."

"Oh sweetie it's going to be ok." Katara said as she cupped her daughter in her arms. At the same moment their six year old son, Lu Ten, walked in and Zuko confronted his young son.

"Are you scared too son?" Lu Ten looked perplexed, "What, no I-I just came to see if Kya would be okay." Of course his parents knew(or at least Katara) he had the stubborn pride like his father and would never admit being scared. "Well why don't you just lay down with us," His mother suggested. "Yeah Lu Lu it'll be fun!" Enthusiastic Kya exclaimed.

"Ok," Lu ten agreed. So there they were; the fire lord and lady with the prince and princess all huddled together. Katara found Zuko's hand resting on Lu ten's back next to her and gave it a gentle squeeze.

Zuko lifted his head and smiled " to think lightning gave me all this, I can't wait to see what the next storm brings." Katara smiled at her husband and mouthed 'bring it' over their children's heads.

And with that they let the silent rumble of thunder and the chirping of the rain sing them to sleep. And lightning flashed, but it didn't scared Katara anymore. It actually made her strangely happy to think because of lightning she got a wonderful loving husband, two awesome kids with a third on the way(Zuko doesn't know yet) and a perfect life. What more could she ask for?

Yep, lightning was good.