What if?

By Samhoku

I do not own War Horse *pouts* I love that movie. Grrr. I obviously approve of Emilee and Albert romance.


Albert somehow ended up at the Windmill. He was not sure how he did this. Then he saw Joey and petted the horse, "Hi Joey! What are you doing here?" He looked around then saw a girl standing there uncertainly. She said in a soft voice, "His name is Fransua."

Albert studied the girl then said, "I raised him Miss. His name is Joey."

The girl was no longer quiet. She had a strong French accent and had attitude, "His name is Francsua and that will be the end of it."

Albert couldn't help but smile. Then he heard Andrew come behind him and say, "Hello? Albey who are you talking to?"

Emilee looked from one English man to the other. Or at least she assumed man. They looked young though. She said, "My name is Emilee."

Albert and Andrew looked at each other. Albert said, "My name is Albert. This is Andrew."

Emilee nodded briskly then brushed by them towards the house, "You are both invited in for tea...Unless my Grandfather says otherwise."

Albert and Andrew now grinned at each other. They found her amusing. They followed her to the house. Albert said gently, "See you later Joey." Joey snorted as Albert and Andrew walked away.

Emilee's Grandfather said to Albert when they where alone, "I would like you to take my Granddaughter back to England with you. She will be safer there. Please."

Albert said uncertainly, "We will be on a boat for long hours. Is it a good idea? She is sickly."

Her Grandfather said, "I trust you to keep my daughter safe."

Albert looked at the ceiling and thought for a minute. Then he looked back at the Grandfather, "If thats what you wish."

Andrew and Emilee had become fast friends. Emilee was showing the happy-go-lucky boy how to make jam or prepare stuff for jam. And he loved it.

Emilee looked at Albert and her Grandfather. She asked Andrew, "What are they talking about?"

Andrew said with sympathy, "Your Grandfather wants you to come to England with me and Albey."

Emilee's eyes flashed, "I don't want to leave France."

Her Grandfather said, "Emilee, go get packed. You are going to England. You will stay with Andrew and his father." Then he looked at Albert, "Go get Joey."

Emilee and Albert did as they where told. Emilee was only glad to go because she would stay with Andrew. Who at the moment was her new best friend.