Hi guys, I'm back! Sorry I haven't written much for the past few weeks, I've been super busy and totally out of ideas. But this one just popped into my head today so I hope you all like!

Disclaimer: NCIS isn't mine. Nor will it probably ever be mine. Wow, that's really sad. :(

"I cannot believe you did that to McGee."

"What? He had it coming! He stole my Nutter Butter!"

"Tony, you superglued his face to his desk."

"Yeah but you gotta admit that it was funny."

"Maybe a bit but it took him thirty minutes to unstick it!"

"Well, he shouldn't have stolen my Nutter Butter then. You know, I'm beginning to think that he might have a serious addiction to them, he goes off to get them like five times a day! Think about it, Zi, we barely see him anymore. He's either stuffing his face by the vending machine or going off to see Abby." Tony and Ziva strode out of the elevator, hand in hand, their smiles wide. Ziva rolled her eyes at her partner, moving over to her desk and dropping her bag on her chair. Tony walked over to her once he'd done the same, slipping his arms around her waist.

"Movie tonight? My place?" He murmered, glancing around for any sign of Gibbs before resting his forehead against hers.

"You wrote my mind." Ziva replied, smiling.

"Read, not wrote Zee-vah." Tony answered, leaning in.

"I'm gonna go get a Nutter Butter!" McGee announced, jumping up from his chair and cringing as he ran out of the room.

"See what I mean?" Tony exclaimed, taking a step away from Ziva and running a hand through his hair. "I'n tellin' yah, Zi, a serious addiction."

"He's not the only one." Gibbs stated, entering the Bull Pen and dropping a coffee in his trashcan before picking another up off of his desk. "Dead Petty Officer, Calvin Cross Elementary School. Drug overdose. Grab your gear!"


"So, boss, why are we here if the dude just died of a drug overdose? I mean, its not like he was murdered or anything." Tony said, snapping a picture of the house as he walked up to the front door behind Gibbs, closely followed by Ziva and McGee.

"Does that answer your question, DiNozzo?" Gibbs asked sarcastically, opening the door to reveal a young man lying in a pool of blood, a hole the size of a marble in the side of his head.

"Yeah boss. Sorry boss." Tony replied, cringing as Gibbs' hand made contact with the back of his scull.

"Don't apologize." Gibbs snapped as he walked deeper into the house, towards the four police officers and two witnesses in the back.

"Well someone's in a good mood." Tony said, taking a few pictures of the dead body.

"What? How? He just Gibbs-Slapped you." McGee asked, watching Gibbs scare the police officers.

"Yeah, but I'm pretty sure that I only lost fifteen brain-cells that time instead of the usual thirty." Tony answered, flashing McGee his famous DiNozzo smile.

McGee rolled his eyes, walking over to the two witnesses, a maid and her nine year old daughter. Tony turned to Ziva, who was also rolling her eyes at him, giving her a hurt expression.

"What?" Tony questioned, pouting.

"You can be such a child sometimes." Ziva answered, taking the camera from him and slowly walking around the room, taking pictures.

"What? Me? A child?"

"Yes. You, a child." Ziva raised her eyebrows at him, snapping a picture of his astonished expression before grinning and turning back to her work.

"Now who's the child?" Tony mumbled, pulling his hat lower over his face as he glanced outside for any sign of Ducky and Palmer, who had probably gotten lost again.

"The agent about to find himself out of a job!" Gibbs barked across the room. "Get back to work, DiNozzo!"


"I honestly cannot believe Gibbs called me a child. I mean, sure, I like to goof off sometimes, but I still get everything, and more, done that I'm supposed to!" Tony whined, stepping out of the elevator beside a very amused McGee.

"I'm guessing that 'and more' referred to movie references, pranks, and flirting with every woman in a five-mile radius." McGee smirked, rolling his eyes at a flabbergasted Tony.

"Of course it does! And, I do not flirt with every woman in a five-mile radius!" He argued, stomping his foot like a child.

"Oh, sorry, my bad. A ten mile radius." McGee said over his shoulder, rounding the corner to his desk before stopping short.

"WHAT!" Tony yelled, following the ex-probie, about to give him a piece of his mind, when he saw someone sitting on top of his desk, smiling brilliantly at him.

"And then Tony was like-..." Jimmy Palmer trailed off, hopping up from Tony's chair and ducking behind an amused Abby.

"Why hello junior! How very nice of you to join us! I was just listening to some extremely humorous stories about you, told to me by this very lovely lady and this awkward young boy." Anthony DiNozzo Senior said, standing up and smiling at Abby.

"Dad! What are you doing here?" Tony asked, almost fainting on the spot.

"I was in the neighborhood and I wanted to stop by. I actually was just on a flight with a very interesting man, he's currently flying back to Israel, though, he just had some business to attend to here in DC."

"Great..." Tony muttered, tired of hearing about his father's 'new best friends' and 'fantastic business partners'.

"Yes. Actually, he was very interested in you. Apparently, you two met a few years back and he said he'd like to have dinner with us the next time he's in America." Senior announced, smiling. "Now what was his name..." He pondered, pausing for effect.

Tony sighed, rolling his eyes at McGee while he waited for the name of the next big millionaire to pop out of his father's mouth. Glancing at his watch while he waited, Tony wondered where Ziva was, she said she was coming straight to NCIS, yet she still hadn't showed. Tony hoped she was alright, it was just his luck for his father to show up and then Ziva to not be there for moral support.

"Ah, yes." Senior said, grinning as Tony turned towards him, looking as if he was interested when really he was just wondering when his dad would leave so he could go search for Ziva. "That's right, his name was Eli David."

Did you like? I'm not really sure where I'm going with this, but it'll hopefully turn out being good. Hopefully :) Review please! :D