I have not forgotten about you guys! I really don't mean to go off without updating! I'm so sorry…
There are not many forces that can pull his TARDIS off course and on top of that, make it crash. Judging by the pounding in his head, The Time Lord concluded that his ship crashed landed here and that the pair had been somehow transported out of the ship. Perhaps the TARDIS did it when she crashed, to spare their lives. That was not important. What was important was where they were and why they were brought here.
The room was all white and the light blinded The Doctor's eyes. He squinted to see, but his vision was still blurry and not extremely reliable. They were most likely in a very dangerous situation, not that it was unusual. The Time Lord panicked at the thought and quickly called out to Rose. His voice was several octaves above the usual and sounded quite alien to his ears. It was as he was starting to sit up that he heard the familiar sound of his companion and felt her touch on his arm.
"Doctor where are we? I think you need to rest, you don't look or sound too good." He groaned at Rose's suggestion, but didn't fight it, feeling quite disoriented now that he had tried to move. Rose took his hand, which made him feel a lot better.
"Rose? Are you ok?" Now the worrying was back, but he needed to hear that his special human was ok and not just pretending to be. He hated when she pretended to be ok. The Doctor often felt guilty that she did that, as if she was trying to impress him, and she didn't need to do any of that.
Rose squeezed his hand, "Yeah. You don't have to worry about me. My head hurts but that's all. We need to get out of here." She started to look around, a proper good look. The Doctor rested for a while until he felt better and then jumped up to properly take in their surroundings with her. From what he gathered they were in some sort of study area with a glass window for them to look out, and others to look in. It was then that he noticed they were wearing collars of some sort and he didn't have his sonic screwdriver to take them off or the psychic paper.
"Well, if you ever wanted to see me in a collar Rose now's your chance." He flashed the blonde a cheesy yet sexy grin, making light of the situation as usual so she wouldn't be as nervous. "Well?" As he predicted, Rose was less nervous but she still gave him one of her trademark "I can't believe you just said that while we're in danger" looks.
The Doctor turned around and ran his fingers through his hair. "Right! Now all I have to do is be clever and we'll be outta here in no time! No sonic or psychic paper… I can still do this." Rose giggled and pushed a few strands of her blonde hair out of the way. The Doctor took her hand and walked over to the window and knocked on it. "Hello! I'm The Doctor! This," he gestured to his blonde companion, "is Rose Tyler. Why are we in here? Hello!"
As he knocked on the window and spoke, eventually their "hosts" made their way down the hall way. They were an example of the word "alien" by anyone's definition. The Time Lord observed their features. They were strange, even to him, but he didn't resent them, at least not yet. Everyone gets a chance, after that they were fair game. He was the kind of man who gave no second chances.
The aliens stood in front of the glass. Their eyes were black with no evidence of a pupil. The Doctor vaguely wondered if they could see or not. Most likely they couldn't, or if they could, very little. Their skin was blue in color and they had rather large heads. There were two of them and he watched as one of them pointed to them, but no words could be heard. As the Time Lord observed them, he felt Rose's grip tighten on his hand and he gave her a reassuring smile. As he did, he heard one of them speak in his mind.
A small smile spread across his face. "Telepathic eh?"
Indeed we are Time Lord. The Doctor bore his gaze in to them. Their captors didn't flinch, but then again, they were probably reading his thoughts. You are correct. We are reading your thoughts. You are here for us to observe… To study. We have no need for gestures or expressions. All that is needed is conveyed through thought. We're interested in how other species communicate and feel. Your ship crash landed here on our planet and that is a fortunate accident for us. We do not wish to harm you, only to observe.
"You have imprisoned two sentient beings. We demand our freedom." The Doctor rose to his full height, fixing them his most threatening glare. The Oncoming Storm was surfacing. He hated resorting to that, but he needed to insure Rose was safe and he promised Jackie he would protect her daughter.
Anger… A need to protect something precious. This is most interesting. We assure you Doctor; you will not come to any danger. The Doctor nodded, going along with it for now. As long as there was no immediate danger, he could relax and focus on figuring out a plan to escape. The two aliens turned and walked away. The Time Lord turned to his Rose and took her in to his arms.
"Don't worry Rose, we'll get out of here and back to the TARDIS.
Sorry for the short chapter but I think you guys have waited long enough. I'll start working on the next one fast.