"Well," Eddie began, standing up from the dining room table. "I'm gonna go take a shower. You ladies bond and stuff, I guess."

"Alright." I said as Eddie bent down, pecking my lips before heading off to the bathroom and shutting the door. I turned back to the table and smiled awkwardly at Eddie's mother, Lorraine. Eddie had brought me to America over spring break and introduced me to his mom and relatives. I hadn't really gotten a chance to really talk with Lorraine yet, but with her slightly-grayed blonde hair and welcoming attitude, she seemed sweet.

"You really like my son, don't you?" She said after a moment, a soft smile on her lips. I flushed a deep red and laughed uncomfortably.

"Yeah. He's a dufus though." I joked. She laughed and shook her head.

"Why do you two always insult each other?"

"I think it's our way of flirting...Or whatever normal couples do." I chuckled. Lorraine laughed with me, before calming down, a lingering smile lighting up her features.

"You make him so happy. He really likes you." She told me, almost in a whisper. I understood that it must have been a proud mother moment for her or whatever, but I still felt myself growing uncomfortable. Eddie and I never talked about things like this.

I guess she sensed my discomfort, because she stood up and began walking to the living room, "Come on; I have something to show you."

I gawked at the stack of pictures in my hand as I sat on Eddie's bed. Eddie's mom had handed me the pictures and left to go out for a girl's night with Eddie's aunt. I flipped through the stack, still not believing what I was seeing. Just then, Eddie walked into the room with a towel around his waist, shaking the water out of his hair. He spotted me and yelled, jumping back a couple steps.

"God, Yacker, scare me a little more, why don't you?" He joked and walked over to his clothes dresser. I waltzed up next to him and bit my lip, holding back a giggle. He smiled crookedly and quirked an eyebrow at me.

"What?" He asked cautiously. I lifted one of the pictures up and handed it to him. He glanced at it and his eyes went wide.

"You were a pageant boy?" I asked, ruffling his wet hair. He groaned and reached for the stack of pictures that I held in my other hand.

"Give it, Yacker." He said, obviously annoyed. I shook my head and moved the hand behind my back.

"But you look so cute in your make up and tuxedo!" I joked. "You should try doing that again- I think you'd look sexy."

"Ha-ha. You're hilarious." He replied, flatly. "Please give me the pictures."

"You're going to have to earn them." I teased. He smirked and winked, taking a step closer to me.

"I think I can do that." He whispered, pressing his lips to mine. He pulled away after a minute, one eyebrow raised. I contemplated for a second and handed him one other picture.

"You're gonna have to do better than that, pageant boy." I whispered and bit my lip. He smirked and crushed my lips with his, kissing me deeply. He took a few steps forward, leading me to where his bed laid in the middle of the room. I groaned and tugged his towel towards me a little, pictures falling to the floor, completely forgotten.

He was good... For a pageant boy.