Title: As simple as that
Length: 523 words
Pairing: None; it's more of a Chaos Duo friendship drabble.
Summary (although not really): Takes place straight after the Fire Dragon vs. Inazuma Japan match; a bit Suzuno-centric at the beginning.
Actual summary: He was always told losing means imperfection. But it's okay, because they don't have to be perfect. / Chaos Duo fic, after the Korea vs. Japan match.
Notes: Can't think of a better title, herpes me. Kind of inspired by a video (watch?v=bKyNeFoTB2c).
I got back into writing a while go (which I hope doesn't show much?), so if you spot any mistake or something that could help me improve, please tell! uvu

They hear the piercing sound of the whistle and everything is suddenly like in slow motion. The crowd falls silent for what felt like ages, before breaking into applause, chants, singing; the roar of the crowd threatening to break his ear drums.

It's then that he realizes they're not cheering for them. Not for his team. Not for him. They're cheering for Inazuma Japan, that damned Inazuma Japan, that just won against them.

He's.. He's not sure how to describe the emotions he feels when looking at his opponents, rivals, giving each other high fives, laughing, beaming, congratulating one another. Disappointment is one of them.. Frustration? Sadness? Jealousy? Confusion? It makes his mind one big mess and he can't make out anything out of the train of never-ending thoughts.

He's on his knees, trying to catch his breath as he stares at the grass under him. His heart is still pounding and racing, sweat dripping down his face and onto the green blades he's clutching at, hoping it's a dream, that they didn't lose their chance to go against the world, that Nagumo will jump on his bed any moment not, waking him up. But it's not a dream. It's reality, and he has to face it.

A shadow appears in front of him, and he looks up, not giving much of a second thought of who it might be. He has one guess – Nagumo.

"Suzuno!" Of course, his guess is correct. The red-haired boy is standing in front of him, grinning, beaming in a way similar to that of Inazuma Japan. Nagumo's just as exhausted as he is, cheeks reddened, breath heavy, irregular. But for some reason, he's happy, he's smiling, he's.. proud. Of himself. Of his team.

"..We lost." He mumbles, voice sounding like he's going to tear up, and he's suddenly not so sure if it's just sweat that's dripping down his face.

There's a short silence from Nagumo, who gives Suzuno a surprised expression. It quickly disappears though, a cheerful grin appearing in it's stead.

"Yeah, so? We tried our best, right?" He laughs, then leans down to pull Suzuno's cheek - something the redhead did often, mostly to get him to snap out of whatever's on his mind. It makes the white-haired boy wonder just how contagious Nagumo's smile is, because seconds later he can't help but grin and swat away his teammate's hand.

"..I guess so."

"Oi, don't 'I guess so' me! More enthusiasm, ice princess!"

"What did you just call me, tulip head?"

"Dare repeat that?"

And then they're bickering again, but there's no maliciousness in their words, no grief or anger; they're both grinning, throwing back various insults that grow more and more ridiculous with each passing minute. But it feels nice – being able to play soccer just for the sheer joy of it, not having to win every single match, aiming to be perfect like they did at their times in Aliea.

They weren't perfect, they didn't have to be perfect; they weren't Burn and Gazel anymore anyway.

Just Nagumo and Suzuno.

As simple as that.