A/N: I really need to stop coming up with new stories -.- I''m never going to get any of them done! Oh well... Here we go, a brand new story. One of my faves that i've written actually. I have the next two chapters written, but i'll probably only upload/update every week or two. I'm not sure. Maybe just when i feel like updating this one. Hope you like it...

Disclaimer: I do not own anything related to or affiliated to Doctor Who, nor do i own any of the real people that appear here, despite how much i wish i had Matt and Alex .




The red head gripped the rails tightly, screaming in panic as she was bumped this way and that. A man sat beneath the glass floor, hanging on to the swing that resided there. He looked up, calling out to his wife standing above him. A second man skidded in to the room, having run from around the corner. He ran up the stairs, bypassing the girl and began flipping switches.

"Amy! Hold that lever up. RORY!" He called down to the man. "Get up here."

As Rory joined Amy and the Doctor at the TARDIS consoles, the Doctor flew around the glass floor, pushing buttons as he went.

"What's going on? Why's the TARDIS acting like this?" Amy called out, attempting to hear her own voice over the loud noise of the TARDIS.

"I. Don't. Know!" He snapped, typing quickly and staring at the screen.

"Well can you fix it?" Shouted Rory, gripping the console as the TARDIS almost knocked him to the floor.

"Yes! Maybe. Possibly. I don't know. I'll have to hold the wobbly lever, and pull the inter-dimension lock all at the same time as connecting the wires beneath the glass…AHA! Amy, you'll hold the wobbly, Rory, you'll pull the lock and I… I will connect the wires. Excellent! Let's get this show on the road. Oh… Never saying that again." He took off down the stairs, leaving Rory at the lock and Amy standing in the middle of the platform.

"DOCTOR! Which one's the wobbly lever?"

The Doctor lifted himself up, so that his legs dangled down and his head and arms were the only part of him visible.

"What do you mean which one's the wobbly lever? It's right next to the wibbly lever and directly above the timey switch. Bloody Scotts."

He fell back down, missing the eye roll Amy sent to Rory. The Doctor picked up a heap of wires from beneath the platform, calling up to the two companions above him.

"You lot ready yet?"

Rory gripped the lock, as Amy meanie minied amongst a collection of switches. Finally choosing one, she yelled down to him.


Rory gulped, closing his eyes.

"On the count of three then."

Amy tightened her hold, breathing heavily and closing her eyes as well.


She bit her lip, her hands growing sweaty.


She opened her eyes, staring directly in to Rory's.


She pushed the lever up, holding it steady and Rory did the same with the lock. She heard a zapping bang from down below, which she assumed could have only been the Doctor. The TARDIS shook, the lights dimmed… And then blackness.

When they finally came too, Amy was lying on her side, her back to the console. Rory was stretching his arms up, still sitting against the railing. Shaking her head, she crawled to the edge of the platform.

"Doctor! Doctor, are you okay?"

She heard a groan, followed by a clang of some kind.

"Doctor? I didn't know we were filming today."

Filming today was rather dull. Mostly just standing around the TARDIS set, running back and forth. At least it was fun. Karen, Arthur… And Alex was back this season. Mark Sheppard was there two… Canton Everett Delaware III… Interesting name.

Matt sighed as he rubbed the back of his neck. He'd had this aching pain since this morning, and he just couldn't shake it. He'd felt a headache coming on around lunch. He'd taken aspirin… Still had a headache… He'd taken Panadeine… Still had a headache… He just could not get rid of it.

He was supposed to go out tonight. Something about a 'Back to filming' night out. The whole cast would be there… Crew too… but he wasn't sure if he could handle the loud noises accompanied with bars. Not with the headache he's got.

But Kaz was oh so persistent… She even got Alex in on it…Arthur just stood in the background, shrugging at him. Women… Not much he could do besides agree to go. His headache was getting worse.

The bar was dark, loud, and his headache was worse than ever. He sat in the booth, staring at the drink in his hand. With every gulp, the pain lessoned a little, something he was very thankful for. He thought about Daisy, waiting for him at home. Her voice was a little high, something that he wasn't looking forward to. Despite how much he loved her, that voice of hers was not going to be good for his headache. He skulled the rest of his drink, relishing in the relief it gave his head. Kaz jumped in front of him, pulling him up and forcing him to dance with her and Alex.

The night was long, ended in the early hours of the morning, and as he turned the lock of the door, his headache was full force. Ignoring Daisy as she shifted on the bed, he collapsed under the covers.

He awoke the next morning, headache full force, and still fully clothed. Getting up, he dragged himself out of the room. Standing at the counter, a cup of coffee waiting for water, he suddenly gripped the countertop. His vision went black, and it took what little strength he had to keep himself upright. And it still didn't work. He sank to the floor, not noticing the flash of white surrounding him.

He heard Kaz. What was Kaz doing in his flat?

"Doctor? Doctor, are you okay?"

He frowned, blinking at his blurred vision.

"Doctor? I didn't know we were filming today"

And he really didn't. What was Kaz doing calling him Doctor in his own place?

The Doctor blinked at the white ceiling above him. Something whistled above him somewhere, confusing him. The TARDIS didn't whistle. She wheezed… When she had the breaks on. He jumped when a hand smoothed over his chest. Turning, a decidedly not River, brunette woman was kneeling next to him, frowning in concern.

"You okay honey?"

His eyes widened, and he struggled to stand up. Stepping away, almost sitting directly on top of the counter, he stuttered.

"Who are you? Where am I? This isn't the TARDIS? Oh, this had to have been Rory's fault. It's always Rory's fault."

The woman frowned, shaking her head in confusion.

"Honey… What are you talking about? Is this supposed to be lines from the script? Because I'd rather have Matt then the Doctor"

The Doctor surged forward, sidestepping the brunette as she stepped closer.

"But I am the Doctor!"

He ran in to a bookcase, banging his nose against the wood. A picture fell forward, almost colliding with his eye. A man, and the woman, sitting in a park, with his arm around her shoulders. A normal photo… Except the man was him…

"Oh this is very, very not good."

A/N: And there we go Ladies, Gentlemen, Species of all kinds... The Prologue! Tell me if you like it, if it's worth continuing, blah blah blah... Even just to tell me how awesome i am and how much you love me . Jokes, you don't have to do that. I already know! :D haha... Allonsy!