Disclaimer: I don't own Captain America or the Avengers series. If I did I would have made sure that Bucky survived and both Peggy and Bucky would have made it to the future with Steve.

Brooklyn January 1942

Emily Newman was a 25 year old girl from a Brooklyn Orphanage. She had grown up being with children who were orphaned because of the first Great War. Among them were her two best friends Steve Rogers and James 'Bucky' Barnes whom she had not heard from since she left the orphanage when she left for college. You see; Emily was a girl who wanted to prove her worth, wanted to prove that she wasn't just another forgotten child from an orphanage that's why she did her best to get into college.

She had gotten into Wellesley College on a scholarship and had accepted it without a second thought. She knew that this meant that she would have to say good bye to Steve and Bucky but they both accepted that her place was in Wellesley College and had seen her off. She was sixteen years old when she left, just a teen age girl who wanted to make something for herself and made the decision never to look back. It was ironic to her though, after four years of studying physics, chemistry, biology and linguistics and then taking up medicine in the Women's Medical College of Pennsylvania.

After medical school Emily, who was already a volunteer at the ARC (American Red Cross), had joined the ANC (Army Nurse Corps) at 23 and was assigned in different types of settings. I.E. as a nurse on a hospital ship, in a battle ground, as a flight nurse and on a hospital train. She had spent two years abroad and had risen to the rank of Colonel in the ARC before she was assigned (due to the lack of doctors) to take care of a German scientist, who had fled Germany after helping the SSR or the Strategic Scientific Reserve, named Dr. Abraham Erskine. Dr. Erskine had been impressed by Emily's file and felt that she could be of use in the SSR and had her drafted in. She maintained her post in the ANC but was named as the assistant of Dr. Erskine.

During the time that she handled Dr. Erskine or Abe as he had asked her to call him, Emily had met and befriended the British Agent Margaret 'Peggy' Carter who was a part of the SSR. After Abe had been released from the hospital, the three of them journeyed to America and into Brooklyn.

Emily thought about her boys often after she left for college, wondering how they were and if they were still friends. Sometimes she thinks that she had made a mistake by going to school and breaking of contact with them. They had understood of course, they wrote her letters the first few weeks but with her hectic school schedule as well as the part time job she had taken to pay for the expenses that her scholarship didn't cover; she had found that she had less time for them and the letters decreased until there were none at all. Still, she had made her decision and she hoped to God that she would find them both alive after the war was over.

'The war,' Emily mused as she turned another corner 'if my boys hadn't changed yet then I can bet that Bucky is in the front lines fighting while Steve is trying his best to get in.'

Her eyes roamed the paths and alleys she had known since she was a child. It's good to be home. Emily thought as she breathed in the Brooklyn air. Her luggage in her hand as she walked into the apartment that she had rented not far from the lab where she would start working as the assistant of Dr. Abraham Erskine. She had been told that she would be working with the rich playboy Howard Stark as well.

Emily sighed as she took in the apartment, it was small and homely and so unlike that of her dorm room in Wellesley. It was large enough that it had a separate kitchen/laundry room complete with appliances, a sitting room with a wireless radio, a bathroom and a bedroom but it was so small that it would be difficult raising children in it, it was painted in a light yellow and accented by cream colored moldings, it had green curtains and wooden furniture with a white colored sitting room set.

She went to her bed and placed her luggage on it intent on unpacking. When she caught sight of her reflection in the mirror. She had grown up much from the little girl who played with boys and was always muddy with bruised limbs from fighting with other girls. She had practically grown up using her street smarts and was nearly overwhelmed by the suffocating and rigid rules that college life presented. She looked so different and yet so similar to the Emily that her boys saw off. Her shoulder length curly golden hair had become much tamer and her sapphire eyes seemed wiser somehow, the features on her heart shaped face seemed sharper and her small pink lips seemed fuller. Her body had shed her girly figure in favor of a more womanly one. Emily bit her lip as she looked at herself. I wonder who I look like more my father or my mother. Emily wondered before shaking her head, she had been found as an infant on a street near the orphanage wrapped in an embroidered cloth made of expensive materials and in a basket with a few other things like a locket with the name Emily, a strange golden pendant with a symbol of the phoenix and a beautiful sapphire and emerald ring embedded in white gold. Her first name came from the locket and her last name came from the fact that she was found in front of the old abandoned Newman and sons shoe factory. She thought back to the days when her boys would tease her about being royalty because she looked like 'a storybook princess'.

Emily, Steve and Bucky are sitting in the far corner of the room talking amongst themselves. Emily and Steve are both Seven while Bucky had just turned eight years old.

"You must be a missing princess." Bucky said as he looked at Emily who was doing some embroidery on a handkerchief she had been given.

"What makes you say that?" Emily says with a raised brow as she puts her work down.

"Well… you look like the princess from the storybook." Bucky said trying to make up more excuses.

"You were found with all of those expensive things. You must have been kidnapped and then lost by your kidnappers and now your royal parents might still be looking for you." Steve jumped in immediately as Bucky nodded. Emily just rolled her eyes at them.

"Or it could just mean that my parents were rich and that they didn't want me or they died and someone placed me near the orphanage." Emily said coming up with a more practical reason and then reaching for her unfinished embroidery.

"Well it was worth a shot. But don't worry you'll always be our princess." Bucky said as he placed an arm around Emily's shoulders and Steve held her hand. The motion made her lose her concentration and prick her finger.

Emily shook her head to clear the memories away as she returned to unpacking her luggage. Most of her things were there in boxes and were waiting to be unpacked. Books, clothes, jewelry and different accessories that she had collected over time were all in those boxes. She had only brought enough clothes for the trip to Brooklyn and then some for emergencies. All of her clothes were of course dresses, trousers and skirts and pretty tops.

It was Emily's fifth day and she had to admit it, she was impressed. She was working in a top secret lab in Brooklyn with Dr. Erskine. She liked both Dr. Erskine who acted as both a father figure and mentor to her and Peggy Carter, one of the few women she could actually relate to. The only real downside was Howard Stark flirting with her all the time.

It was still worth it though and she was really curious about the serum that Dr. Erskine created. He had allowed her to watch and take note of all of the modifications he did as well as show her original formula. She was also happy to help Dr. Erskine or Abe as he wanted her to call him with the calculations needed.

"You know, if the two of you just looked the slightest bit like each other I would say that you were Doc's daughter." Howard said as he watched the two working in the lab.

"I would have loved to have had him as a father when I was growing up. Or well just a father really. I wonder what that was like though, growing up with a father or a mother or both." Emily said offhandedly as Howard stared at her with wide eyes.

"What do you mean? Are you an orphan?" Howard asked as Emily just nodded.

"Yeah I lived in St. Mary's orphanage just a few blocks from here till I was eighteen and had gotten a scholarship in Wellesley College." Emily said with a shrug not turning from the equation on the board.

"Well, I would have been happy if you were my daughter." Abe said as he looked at his assistant fondly. She was such a bright girl with a pleasant personality. Abe frowned though as he thought of how men saw Emily, she was a beautiful girl, yes but she was also smarter than most men and that tended to scare of potential suitors and she lacked the proper background, social connections and wealth to meet any man that wouldn't be intimidated by her. Unless… Abe thought as his eyes widened when he saw Howard flirting with Emily.

"Howard why do you insist on constantly asking me out?" Emily snapped at him.

"Cause you're a beautiful woman." Howard retorted.

"Well a beautiful woman doesn't come cheap you know." Emily said with a smirk hoping to turn him off but it actually had the opposite effect.

"So how about I take you out to a fancy dinner tonight and then we can go dancing?" Howard said with a grin as Emily rolled her eyes.

"No can do Stark I've got a date with my bed tonight." Emily said.

"Mmm… that sounds good. Any chance I can crash your date." Howard asked as Emily groaned in frustration.

"NO! Now get back to work Stark." Emily said effectively ending the conversation as Abe just watched amused. Emily was obviously frustrated by Howard's constant flirtations but Abe had remembered how she would flirt with the soldiers in the hospital to make them feel better. She hadn't really paid any special attention to the men around her before and she obviously wasn't now. 'Maybe she's waiting for a man.' Abe thought.

Howard pouted before grabbing a screwdriver and returning his attention to the machine he was building. It was the chamber where the chosen soldier would step inside and be infused with the serum as well as a bit of radiation called Vita Rays. After that he would have to work with more people to assist him in creating the controls and things to monitor the vitals of the lucky specimen.

Brooklyn June 1942

Emily had been back in Brooklyn for all of six months and was happy with the progress they had made. She and Abe had finished working out whatever was wrong with the serum and since she was the only one that Abe had shown the formula to or most of the formula at least. Even Howard had finished his machines. Emily was just clearing things up with the others who had come to work with them, mainly with Stark, when two people entered.

"How is the project going?" Colonel Chester Phillips asked as he entered with Peggy trailing behind him.

"It's great. We've actually just finished."Abe said with his accented english.

"I'm guessing you've worked out the problems in the serum then?" Peggy asked as she ignored Howard who was eyeing her in her uniform the same way that Howard eyed Emily and the other women wearing their white nurse's uniform. (Emily had different types of uniforms, her off duty uniform which was an dark grey colored version of Peggy's, a white nurse's uniform, a blue nurse's uniform, an array of navy nurse's uniform, and an array of air force nurse's uniforms, because she was stationed at different places and often had to work with others, she had found that her uniform didn't work well in different climates or places.)

"Yes, it was all thanks to Ms. Newman who had factored in the different variables that existed in a human's condition as well as factoring in the different types of physical problems the subject might have and that the serum would affect and how it would affect them." Abe said proudly as Emily blushed at the praise.

"Then I see Dr. Erskine's decision was the right one. Good work Colonel Newman." Colonel Phillips said acknowledging Emily's rank. Though they were both Colonels, Emily was still lower because she was a woman and she was the Colonel of the nurses. There were certain conditions though that allowed Emily to take command, those were in case of situations where she would need to order them to help in medical crisis situations or when there were no longer any higher commanding officers.

"Sir thank you Sir" Emily responded to the praise. After Colonel Phillips and Agent Carter left, the cleanup work resumed.

"So… since we're done with this project I was thinking you could go to my expo this weekend." Howard said leaning on the counter beside Emily. Emily raised a brow at Stark who just threw her a charming smile.

"Fine" Emily said as Abe looked at her wide eyed.

"I mean there would be a recruitment office there and I know Abe would definitely look at the soldiers that were recruited" Stark started making excuses to get her to attend because it hadn't sunk in yet. "and… wait what?" Stark asked finally catching on as Emily and Abe both laughed.

"I said fine. I'll attend. I'm curious about your work and I haven't really gone out in such a long time. I figured I can also help Abe with the recruitment." Emily told him with a shrug as she fixed the chemicals and started storing them in their proper places.

Emily sighed as she stared at herself in the mirror, she had opted to wear a dark blue dress with an A line skirt and dark blue low heeled sandals. She had decided not to wear any jewelry and had just gone on to fix her makeup. She knew she looked attractive and she knew that this wasn't a date. Both Abe and Peggy would be coming with them for dinner after the show. It had been some sort of tradition for them to have lunch and dinner on weekends but it seemed that Howard was intent on showing off this time around not that Emily cared because Howard had offered to pay for the food as usual.

'Maybe I'll get to see my boys tonight.' Emily sighed but shook her head. She hadn't had the time to properly look them up except when she was going over some of the military personnel files at the recruitment offices. She had been helping out in the recruitment centers whenever she had the time and she had spotted Bucky's file on the table one day. It had said that he had been approved but when she looked at Steve's file it said that he had been denied four times.

Emily Left her apartment and called a cab. She looked out the window lost in thought as she remembered her childhood in the orphanage. It wasn't that bad it was just that with so many children and so little staff they couldn't really accommodate them much so Bucky and Emily took the odd jobs here and there to save money for Steve's medicine. Mrs. Rebecca Jones was a kind old woman whose husband died years earlier and whose children and grandchildren had died during the First World War as such she had no living family and Bucky, Emily and Steve took care of her until she died when Emily was 15. Because she had no family she left all of her possessions and her money to the three of them.

'Is it so wrong that I'm happy that Steve isn't going to war?' Emily thought. She had often been worried about him. She remembered the sweet, loyal, adventurous boys that Steve and Bucky used to be…or was it still are? She didn't know but it was obvious that the two remained close friends.

The sight of Howard Stark greeted her as she stepped out of the cab.

"Hey gorgeous" Howard greeted her as he helped her out.

"Hello Howard." Emily said a bit stiffly as her eyes roamed around the venue. She had immediately spotted some military police or MPs heading their way. Apparently the SSR considered both Howard and her as valuable assets with Howard being the number one defense contractor and the best mechanical engineer in the country and her being one of the top scientists that the country had at its disposal (yes she had proven herself during the six months she had been working in the SSR).

"I'm touched that you dressed up and I know that you're nervous for our date and all but you don't have to be so stiff." Howard said as Emily glared at him.

"It's not a date! Both Abe and Peggy would be there too." Emily pointed out triumphantly.

"Oh did I forget to tell you? Dr. Erskine said that he'd check out the recruitment center here before he heads home. He said that he was feeling under the weather today and Agent Carter can't make it because Colonel Phillips wanted her to do some paper work. So it's just you and me today gorgeous." Howard said with a cheeky smile as Emily glared at him before huffing and stalking off with Howard chasing after her. Emily had to admit that the expo was amazing and loath as she was to admit it Howard Stark was a genius whose company she actually likes (to a certain extent that is).

"Shouldn't you be getting ready to take the stage Howard?" Emily asked as he accompanied her around the expo.

"Nah… still got 30 minutes. Which reminds me" Howard said reaching into his pocket and pulling out a paper of some sort "Back stage pass." He said handing the paper to a bemused Emily.

"What's this for?" Emily asked as she looked at the paper.

"I figured you'd want a closer look at the things I'm going to present tonight." Howard said as Emily nodded with a grateful smile.

"Thanks" she said as the two of them walked towards the stage. Just as she was about to enter she saw a glimpse of two men. The first man was a small blonde sickly looking man who was trailing the first man. The second man was taller and definitely fit; he was wearing a military uniform and had a cute brunette on his arm. The girl had a blonde friend with her. Emily stopped in her tracks and watched them move through the expo. Emily's sure that the two men are her boys, are Steve and Bucky. She smiled sadly, they really had grown up and they were out on dates. Emily frowned 'the blonde girl seems to be ignoring Steve.' Emily thought as she followed them with her eyes.

"Hey you okay?" Howard asked worry in his eyes as he came up behind her. 'Damn!' Emily thought 'I forgot about Howard.'

"Yeah I'm fine." Emily said looking at him with a smile before turning back and noticing that the foursome was gone. Emily just sighed 'perhaps I can find them again after the show.'

"With Stark's Rivitic Reversion Technology, you'll be able to do just that." Howard said as Emily, who was behind the stage was listening, rolled her eyes. 'Rivitic Reversion? That so lacks creativity.' Emily thought as Howard continued speaking.

After the show she had examined the car that Howard had brought and examined it. Smirking as she noticed a few things that could be improved as well as a few details that the machine lacked to help it stay off the ground. Emily looked at the decorations and just shook her head. Howard was obviously an extravagant man who did nothing in halves so why did it still surprise her that the whole thing was filled with theatrics. She walked towards Howard and saw him with the two women she had spotted before. The men however, were missing.

"Are you playing nice Howard?" Emily said to announce her presence as she strolled towards them. The three immediately turned their attention towards her as Howard grinned.

"Certainly" Howard started as Emily reached them "Ladies this is a Ms. Emily Newman a friend of mine." Howard said as he introduced Emily to her.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. Please just call me Emily." She said with a sweet smile on her face.

"Well it's a pleasure to meet you too. I'm Veronica Rakes and this is my friend Joan Cooper." The brunette said.

"So Mr. Stark how did you come up with the Rivitic Reversion?" Veronica asked.

"Yes Howard how did you come up with that? It couldn't have anything to do with the play on the word riveting could it. The reversion I could guess is because it reverses the polarity of the magnetic field thereby cancelling gravity which holds the car down. However, you forgot to factor in the weight of the car and the passengers and whatever baggage they might hold that's why the machine died. There wasn't enough power to sustain it and you also lack the proper stabilizer that would hold it together without breaking down not to mention stabilizing the gravity field after all if even one of those fails the whole car would fall." Emily said as the three of them looked at her with wide eyes.

"That's brilliant! You figured all that out?" Howard said as Emily narrowed her eyes.

"You really do belittle my intelligence. There is a reason why we were made to work together. After all, I've dealt with quantum physics and the like, you didn't think I wouldn't pick up a bit of mechanical engineering from you did you? Nor did you think that I wouldn't at least read a bit about it." Emily said in a sharp clipped tone.

"She is a great woman isn't she Miss Veronica, Miss Joan. Oh! Brains, beauty and brawns the perfect woman." Howard said as he placed an arm around Emily's shoulder. Emily made a face and pretended to gag. Veronica and Joan saw this and stifled their giggles.

"And here I thought you had the hots for Peggy." Emily said in an innocent voice as she batted her eyelashes.

"Oh, don't get me wrong. Agent Carter is also a perfect combination of the three as well. That's why I always have a hard time trying to decide between the two of you." Howard said.

"Whatever. Keep talking like that and I might just cancel dinner and head on to the recruitment center to help Abe out." Emily said as Howard looked at her with an amused smile before facing the two women.

"Miss Veronica, Miss Joan. It was nice meeting you but I best be off before she does decide to follow through with her threat." Howard said kissing each of their knuckles as the girls flushed and giggled.

"It was nice meeting you Veronica, Joan. I hope you enjoy your night." Emily said as she gave them a small smile before taking the arm that Howard offered and walking away.

It had been a month since the expo and today was when they'd start the test for the Super Soldier Experiment or Project Rebirth. Emily and Howard were closer than before because of that night but despite all of the flirting that went back and forth between the two, there was never any movement. Particularly because Howard liked to keep his options open and Emily just wasn't interested in him in a romantic way.

Neither Emily nor Howard were told the identity of the subject and found themselves extremely anxious as they waited for the subject to arrive. Emily, who was dressed in her white nurse's uniform, was on the platform checking the chamber when the door opened and Peggy came in with the subject. The subject was a skinny little blonde man who Emily immediately recognized as Steve. 'Oh you've got to be kidding me.' Emily thought as her eyes widened. She noticed that everyone else had stopped and stared at him and that Steve hadn't even noticed her yet.

"Stevie!" Emily exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Steve had a surprised look on her face while both Abe and Howard looked at her with amused looks and raised brows. But that didn't catch her attention. Peggy had bristled as she watched her friend show such intimate familiarity to the test subject.

"Emmy? How? What?" Steve sputtered as he pulled away from Emily's grasp.

"I've been back in Brooklyn working with the SSR for about seven months now." Emily explained hastily. She saw Steve frown and she bit her lip.

"Seven months. You didn't even bother looking us up? You could have said good bye to him you know." Steve said angrily as Emily looked down.

"And say what? I haven't heard from either of you in eight years nor have I seen you both in nine years. I didn't have the time because I was so busy with this project. I did try really I did but I saw his file and I thought he had been shipped off." Emily said softly but everyone (Abe, Steve, Peggy and Howard, the others were busy with their work) still heard.

"You could have tried. You should have tried." Steve said forcefully as Emily just shook her head.

"We'll talk about this later Stevie. Right now we have to do this experiment." Emily said as Steve nodded. She was right of course; this wasn't the time or the place to discuss such things. This was something that was private and was between them.

"Right how do you two know each other?" Howard asked tired of being left in the dark and trying to diffuse the tension.

"We're childhood friends." Emily said curtly effectively silencing any other questions he might have had.

Steve shook hands with Dr. Erskine as a camera flashed.

"Please. Not now." Abe said as the camera man backed off. Steve just eyed the 'chamber' nervously as Emily stayed beside a rack filled with vials of blue liquid.

"You ready?" Abe asked as Steve, who had yet to turn away from the chamber, nodded mutely.

"Good. Now take off your shirt, tie and your hat." Abe said. Steve took one glance at Peggy before removing the said articles and passing it to Emily and laying down on the bed inside the 'chamber'.

"Comfortable?" Abe asked after he sent Peggy away.

"It's a little big." Steve said in a light voice as Abe gave a soft chuckle.

"You save me any of that schnapps?" Steve asked facing him.

"Not as much as I should have." Abe admitted before moving to the center of the platform. Emily approached him and started fixing the chamber, placing the vials into some slots while Abe gave a speech.

"This is going to be painful. They're going to stimulate your growth and fix any internal physical imperfection while heightening your senses and personality, you'd also find that you're more perceptive. I don't know to what extent your body and brain functions would improve though." Emily told him in a matter of fact sort of way.

"You're still wearing the necklace he gave you." Steve pointed out ignoring whatever Emily said as he looked at the flat silver heart shaped pendant that hung on its own chain away from the other three that shared a chain. The inscription said 'So you won't forget me.' –James 'Bucky' Barnes. It was Bucky's gift to her before she left for College. It wasn't a secret that there had been something between them when they were younger but Emily wasn't sure if it was still there.

"It really hurt him you know. When you left and when you stopped writing letters. He hoped that you would come back after you graduated but you never did." Steve said softly. He knew that every word struck Emily deeply and he could see how much it hurt her but he also had to tell her. She had to know how much her decisions hurt their other friend. Steve still couldn't figure out what was going on in his friend's mind. She was a smart girl with a good head on her shoulders but she always seems to make decisions that were only for her. She always left everyone having to accommodate themselves or deal with the fall back of her decisions. 'I suppose she's just a bit more selfish than others while being a bit more selfless than some.' Steve thought.

Emily didn't say anything to counter what Steve had said, she didn't defend herself or even make any excuses she just gave his hand a gentle squeeze before inserting a syringe into his arm and injecting him with penicillin.

"That wasn't so bad." Steve told Abe.

"It's penicillin." Abe said as he signaled Emily to start the serum infusion. Steve closed his eyes and clenched his teeth. Emily stepped back put her goggles on and watch as the chamber closed.

"Steve can you hear me?" Abe asked knocking on the chamber's door.

"I suppose it's too late to go to the bathroom." Steve called back out.

"Now Mr. Stark." Abe said as Howard nodded and started slowly powering up the vita rays. The small glass window in the chamber showed blinding white light as Steve started screaming in pain. Emily just looked at the chamber in concern.

"Shut it down!" Peggy screamed as Abe nodded.

"MR. STARK!" Abe exclaimed. Howard reached for the controls but was stopped.

"NO! Wait I can do this." Steve said his voice rough from all the screaming and laced with pain.

"It's now at 75, 90, 100." Howard said and as he reached 100 the machines started to spark one by one and both the machines and the lights started to die down. Everyone stared at the chamber cautiously as both Emily and Abe neared the chamber. Peggy rushed down to the platform.

"Mr. Stark" was all Abe said as Howard opened the chamber. In the machine was a tall healthier version of Steve that Emily, who was still a woman, found rather dashing albeit she didn't really seem to have any desire to go beyond the brother-sister friendship they shared.

"How do you feel?" Abe asked as he helped Steve down and Emily stood to the side as she watched Peggy stare at Steve in shock. She smirked as she watched Peggy attempt to touch Steve's well muscled abdomen. She knew her two friends were attracted to each other. She had seen it with Steve when he had glanced at Peggy before shyly stripping his shirt off and she had seen it in Peggy when the other girl bristled when Emily hugged Steve and she was happy for the two of them. She knew that Peggy had had romantic feelings for Steve even before he had become so fit and she was pleased with it because Peggy wasn't just in love with the handsome man that Steve became but she was in love with the shy small boy who didn't know how to dance.

By the time Steve had put on a new shirt everyone was already on the platform celebrating as Howard stood beside Emily and placed an arm around her shoulder. She hadn't noticed that the other man hadn't come to join in the joyous celebration, not until the explosion happened. Howard pulled her down as Steve stood protectively in front of her and Peggy, who was beside her and Howard.

"Someone stop him!" she heard Abe say immediately followed by the sound of shots being fired and the sound of a body hitting the floor.

She felt Steve run from his place in front of her and finally looked up to see Abe bleeding on the ground. She stood up shakily as Steve laid Abe back down gently and rush after his killer. Emily walked towards Abe in a daze before kneeling down and feeling for a pulse. 'He's dead. I can't. I can't do anything to save him.' Emily thought as tears started to fall from her eyes as she turned her head towards Colonel Phillips and shook her head sadly. Howards sat beside her and just held her as she cried. She hadn't noticed that Peggy had taken off after the assailant as well. Normally she wouldn't cry but this one was personal. She had been close to Abe, looked up to him as a mentor and as a father figure. She stood up after a few minutes as Peggy returned. Peggy, Howard and Emily stood back and allowed them to collect Abe's body and clean the scene of blood and debris and waited for further instructions.

When Steve returned he saw the three standing in the far corner of the room and approached them. The trio was watching as people cleaned the lab and gathered the papers. The Colonel walked back into the lab and strode towards them.

"You're all dismissed for the day. Be sure to return here by 0800 tomorrow." The colonel told them and didn't wait for a reply as he returned to overseeing the cleanup.

"Steve, can you stay with me tonight? We have some things to talk about." Emily asked in a broken voice as she grabbed his hand.

"Yeah sure" Steve said in a hollow voice and sounding slightly lost. The four of them walked out together.

"Good bye Howard. Good bye Peggy. I'll see you both tomorrow." Emily said with a wan smile at the two and hailing a cab. She was in no mood for walking.

"I'll see you tomorrow Agent Carter, Mr. Stark." Steve said as he nodded at the two and opened the cab door for Emily.

"Take care you two." Howard said as Agent Carter waved them off.

A/N: I know Emily might seem like a Mary Sue to some of you but I promise you she isn't. She's someone who doubts herself and makes mistakes as well as someone who makes decisions without really thinking about how it would affect other people. I have also changed some historical facts and will continue to do so with every chapter. Please review and tell me what you think.