A/N I'm so excited! –Vibrates in seat-

I do not own Prototype, no it belongs to the assholes known as Activision, whom I am not happy with at the moment. I do however own my OC's Marcus, Twitch, Murphy, Tank, Golfer, Adams, Rigsby and Scotty.


(This note has SPOILERS for Prototype 2)

This fic completely disregards the sequel, it takes place a little after the first game. Consider it a kind of A.U. I'm in the process of owning Prototype 2, and I can't say I like the plot line for it, I hate James Heller, like his attitude, but hate his reasons and mission. I also hate the writers for their plot-fuckery. I am aware he was never really the GOOD guy, but he was never really the BAD guy either. Middle-Ground Alex is cool, Out-To-Destroy-The-World-Because-He-Hates-Humans Alex is even better, but the writers can still suck my metaphorical dick for killing him off –flips Activision the bird-

WARNINGS FOR THIS FIC! Lots of swearing, lots of violence, lots and lots and LOTS of bloodshed and gore, monsters, zombies, human experimentation, drug use, disturbing/horrific scenes, mild weirdness, a smidgen of humour, eventual SLASH with lemons, (I've never actually done a fic with more than one lemon in it, kinda weird of me O.o) and possibly a few more that I can't name now…because I don't know what my brain is going to put in this thing.

. . .


Marcus stared numbly at the blood coating his friends hand.

"I heard shots, was it those Hunters again!" Twitch suddenly appeared behind Murphy. "Oh shit, Marcus? Damn man, we thought you were Hunter chow." The red head said, grinning. Murphy turned around and shoved the man.

"Get Golfer, tell 'im to radio in. We got'a Zeus sightin' in area 8." Twitch froze, brown eyes wide.

"Zeus? Seriously? Shit man, is that why he looks so out of it?"

Marcus blinked dazedly, then scowled. "That fuckers got pecs of steel." He drawled, before promptly passing out.

How did we let go, how did we forget that we don't have to hide, we won't believe the lies again, we won't be paralyzed…

Chapter Two;

When Marcus came too, it was to the sound of an irritating beeping, right in his ear. He groaned as he attempted to roll over, only to yelp as something sharp pulled at his right hand. Turning and opening his eyes, Marcus stared down at his hand uncomprehendingly. A moment passed by before he realized there was an I.V sticking out of his hand and that no, he wasn't imagining it. Blond brows furrowed as he stared at the thin clear tubing running from his hand up to an I.V bag just above his head. The beeping was the heart monitor right next to the I.V, each beep steady and strong, matching his heart perfectly.

"Why am I hooked up to this crap? And why do I feel like I've been run over by an angry mob?" Marcus thought to himself dazedly. And angry throbbing in his head made itself known and Marcus groaned again, laying back down to rub his face with his left hand. He really did feel like crap. His head hurt, his legs hurt, his back hurt, everything hurt.

He was just looking for a caller button or something to get someone's attention when the door to his right suddenly swung open, admitting none other than Twitch, who took one look at him and crowed, before lunging onto his bed and thoroughly crushing his legs.

"You're awake!" Twitch announced too loudly for his brain to handle, causing him to groan pitifully as he absently tried to kick Twitch off his bed. "Seriously man, you had us all freaked when we got the details from-"

"Twitch, shut up man, my head hurts." Marcus mumbled, rubbing his eye. The red head started at him for a moment, before suddenly bolting out of the room, leaving behind a grateful but confused Captain. Not three minutes later and the man was back again, with several others in tow.

"Holy shit, it's awake!" Adams exclaimed as he caught sight of the bed ridden Marine, a large grin splitting his face. Scotty shoved past the taller male and threw himself onto Marcus' waist.

"I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have broken formation, and the Hunter-" Scotty's babbling was interrupted by the unusually breezy form of Murphy, who grabbed the kid by the back of his shirt and dragged him off Marcus to deposit him in a chair next to his bed.

"Relax." The Irishmen huffed as he leaned on the edge of his bed. Marcus remained silent as he stared at his squad mates, noticing the absence of their largest member with dread.

"Where's Tank?" He asked. All eyes turned to him, then shifted to the other side of the room, and Marcus tracked their gaze to another bed with a large white blob buried in blankets on its surface.

"We found him while we were carrying your unconscious ass back to Base. He hasn't woken up since, Docs say there's a high possibility he won't make it." Golfer said softly from his position by the door. Adams nodded next to him.

"We still don't know what happened to him." The Tech said, folding his arms. The room went silent, save for the beeping of his heart monitor. Twitch suddenly straightened and shot him a wide eyed stare.

"So what was it like?" He asked, drawing everyone's attention back to him. Marcus frowned in confusion.

"What was what like?" He asked, entirely baffled by the looks of awe and shock that were being directed at him. Twitch gaped at him. "You're fucking shitting me! The first guy ever to come nose to nose with the big bad and live, doesn't even fucking remember!" The red head exclaimed. Marcus winced at the volume as his head throbbed its displeasure.

"Big bad?" He asked, still confused. Everyone stared at him, and Adams snorted.

"Go fucking figure." The Tech groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose as everyone else stared at him like he was retarded. "You've got Black Watch's panties in a twist because you survived an encounter with Zeus. They're asking all kinds of questions." Adams explained. Marcus felt his brows scrunch up.

"Zeus? As in the infected dude that's to be killed on site? The dude responsible for the Redlight outbreak?" He asked, not really getting where this was going. Murphy snorted.

"Tha' ain't no regular 'dude' laddie, no 'dude' I know can turn their arm int'a damn sword, nor jump sixty feet in the air." The older male said, shaking his head. Marcus stared at him as it slowly came back to him, piece by piece. The Hunter attack, his running off and getting separated from his squad, running into a wa-

"Fucking hell." He groaned as it all hit him. "No wonder I hurt." He groaned, burying his face into his hands. Scotty suddenly bounced up from his chair.

"So, what was it like? Did he say anything?" The noob asked. All eyes went back to him, curious. Marcus opened and closed his mouth for a moment.

"No…I don't think so…I mean. I just ran into the guy, literally actually…it was like hitting a damn brick wall." He grumbled, rubbing his chest. Twitch suddenly snorted a laugh.

"According to Murph the first thing out of your mouth when he found you was a comment on his, what was it Murph?" Twitch asked, slapping the Irish Marine's shoulder. Murphy snorted as he pulled on his most dazed face, adding a sway to his upper body as he waved a hand around his face.

"That fuckers go' pecs o' steel." He slurred in mockery of an apparently very out of it Marcus, who scowled, insulted as everyone cracked up.

"Guy meets Zeus, guy comments on Zeus' man boobs. What the fuck is wrong with you?" Golfer howled, slapping his knee as he bent over, laughing. Marcus scowled harder.

"It felt like I'd head butted a fucking brick wall!" He defended, throwing his hand up. "Christ, are all infected built like that?"

"Well, you check out. No broken bones, your concussion is gone, no internal injuries…And no sign of infection, Redlight or otherwise. You're free to go." The Doctor said as Marcus pulled his shirt back on, wincing as the bruising along his back twinged. The doctor hummed at that. "Yes, I'm putting you on light duties until your rotation in four days, I recommend you take it easy on yourself until then. You can go." The words hadn't even finished leaving the man's mouth before Marcus was out the door.

Making his way to his squad's quarters Marcus thought back on his brief stay in the medical ward. He'd been run through so many tests he'd felt like a lab rat as they tested him for any sign of Infection and just about everything the squints could think up. Some of them were shocked he didn't show any sign of Infection, considering he'd actually come into physical contact with 'Zeus', who was actually not a terrorist at all, but The Redlight Virus giving human form. Or something like that, Marcus hadn't really been paying that much attention to what was being said around him, no he'd only had eyes for the massive needle they'd just jabbed into his arm without his notice, taking yet more blood, as if he hadn't felt woozy enough.

He still didn't know just how to feel about what had happened. Tank had been attacked without any of them noticing. Scotty had had a near miss with a Hunters claws and he'd smashed his face into the chest of death itself. An overall eventful few days.

Thank God he rotated in four days.

Still though, he'd been a hairs breadth away from oblivion. Zeus was not known for his mercy. The guy…virus, thing killed anything and everything indiscriminately, he smashed tanks with his bare fists, he leveled fucking buildings just by throwing himself at them. So why the hell was he still breathing, and in one piece for that matter? So many questions, no few answers.

Another downside to that little encounter had gained the squints attention. Black Watch was still taking an interest in him, and he didn't know whether to fear another reassignment under them or a bullet to the back of the head in some dirty back alley for glimpsing Gentek's 'dirty little secret'. Big brother was indeed watching him now.

He was just in the hall to the sleeping quarters when Rigsby suddenly appeared in a doorway behind him. "Jane, in my office." His CO called, and Marcus sighed before turning on his heel to follow after the man. He entered the Sergeants office and closed the door behind him.

"What can I do for you sir?" He asked out of habit as the man sat himself behind his desk to pull out some paper work. Rigsby glanced up at him with his forest green eyes, and Marcus sat himself in the chair in front of the desk at the look.

"I want you to be careful for the remainder of your stay here, Captain." Rigsby said as he signed off on something. Marcus frowned.

"Sir?" He asked. Rigsby sighed.

"Your little stunt with Zeus has drawn the wrong kind of attention from the higher ups." He said in way of explanation. Marcus frowned harder.

"Stunt?" He asked, annoyed. "How is my barely surviving an encounter a 'stunt'?" He hissed. Rigsby glared at him for his tone and Marcus shrank back into his seat.

"It wasn't just that, Jane." He said, flipping through some more papers. "Black Watch has eyes and ears all over the damn city. They saw everything, Jane, and a little birdie has told me that they liked what they saw." The Sergeant continued. Marcus' brows shot into his hairline.

"I bed your pardon? 'Liked what they saw'? What is this, a German porno?" He asked, confused and slightly dismayed. Rigsby snorted.

"Hardly. They've been working on something over on Alpha site, and they've been looking for…volunteer's for a new program of theirs." His CO said carefully. Marcus' brows lowered and his face twitched.

"Volunteers…Program. What the fuck are they doing now? Aren't their freaky Super Soldiers enough?" He asked, exasperated. Rigsby slammed his hand down on the desk, sending papers scattering to the floor.

"Damn it Marcus I'm trying to warn you here!" The Sergeant snarled, causing Marcus to draw back in alarm. "They've taken an unhealthy interest in you, to dumb it down so even you can understand, they're probably going to make you disappear." Silence descended after that statement, and Marcus swallowed thickly.

"Shit." He Muttered. Rigsby snorted as he straightened his uniforms cuff.

"Shit is right." He agreed. "I want you with your squad at all times. I've lost enough of my men to those ass holes. I won't lose one of my best." Marcus opened his mouth to comment on that, but a glare from his CO silenced him quickly. "Watch yourself, Captain. Dismissed." Marcus rose without another word, glancing at his CO as he left the office in numb silence.

Later, Marcus entered the sleeping quarters in silence, making his way over to his bunk with slow steps. He reached his bunk and slid onto it with a sigh, rolling onto his side to stare at the opposite wall. The room was silent save for the soft snoring of Golfer, who was dozing on his own bunk by the back. "I am so screwed." Marcus thought as he closed his eyes. Good thing he had written his Will. Stacy was going to be one set girl soon. He scrubbed a hand over his face. "Damn it man, don't think like that. You're going to get through this, no Black Watch or Gentek pansy is going to snatch you." He thought to himself. "I won't let them." He murmured to the darkness in front of him.

. . .

It must have been a few hours later that Marcus woke up from a light sleep. He squinted at the wall in front of him for a moment before rolling onto his other side to stare into the darkness around the room. When his eyes focused properly he spotted the sleeping forms of his squad, all in various positions sprawled on the bunks, all snoring in varying volumes. Out of habit, he glanced to the noobs bed, only to frown when he didn't see Scotty curled in on himself on his bunk. With a sigh he hauled himself out of bed, grimacing as his stiff body protested the movement after being motionless for so long.

He stretched quietly before grabbing his boots off the floor, not remembering taking them off when he'd fallen onto his bunk. Must have been Murphy, he decided as he laced them up quickly. With a quick tap of each toe to the floor, Marcus quietly crept out of the sleeping quarters and out into the dimly lit hall. He picked a direction and started walking, heading for the mess hall. Scotty usually camped out in there when he had sleepless nights, and it was usually Marcus or Murphy who went looking for him when he wasn't in his bunk. The poor kid still had nightmares, being fresh out of basic the kid wasn't fit for this kind of posting so early in his career.

He entered the mess hall in silence, the large room lit brighter than the hall. He glanced around and frowned in confusion at not finding Scotty in his usual seat by the back door. "Scotty?" He called quietly. There was no answer. He frowned. "Must be in the courtyard." He decided as he began making his way to the side doors that led out into the small fenced off courtyard in the center of the compound, reserved for the squints and or smokers. He exited the buildings side doors and trudged out into the courtyard, hands in the deep pockets of his black standard issue trousers. His dog tags jingled slightly in the light breeze that picked up in the courtyard and he shivered at the cold breeze. The iar still stank for decay and Infection, but otherwise it was just another cool night in Manhattan. His white under shirt was hardly suitable for warmth out in the cool air, but Marcus brushed his slight shiver off as he searched for Scotty.

"Scotty?" He called again, slightly louder than in the mess hall. He sighed when he didn't hear a response, and turned around to head back inside when he suddenly came face to face with the kid he'd been looking for. He choked back the yelp that wanted to escape as he clutched at his chest. "Scotty!" He wheezed. "You scared the shit out of me." He said, trying to calm his racing heart. Scotty stared at him in silence, and Marcus frowned, feeling a shudder run up his back at the uncharacteristically serious look on the kids face. "Scotty?" He asked, worried and confused. Scotty blinked at him, then moved.

Marcus cursed and dropped under the hand that tried to grab his throat and dodged to the side of a kicking boot. "Scotty, what the fuck man!" He shouted as he sidestepped another kick. Scotty remained silent as he continued his attack, and Marcus cursed as he dodged another swing. "Scotty!" He shouted, trying to snap the kid out of it. Either the kid was sleep walking or something, or the little shit was serious. A foot suddenly lashed out and caught his, and Marcus shouted profanities as his back hit the ground once more, jarring the already bruised muscles. "Shit." He hissed, wincing as he tried to pull himself to his feet. He looked up into the cold eyes of the kid his squad had quickly grown fond of. "Jim?" He asked, forgoing the nickname as the younger male suddenly brandished a syringe.

"Should have watched yourself, Marcus." The other male said, his accent completely gone. Marcus' blue eyes widened in shock, but before he could recover from his shock the pinprick of a needle in his jugular brought on the darkness.

"F-fucker." He wheezed out before his head fell back and once more connected with the ground, oblivion claiming him as the sedative took effect.

When awareness once again came to Marcus, it was half assed, as if half of his brain had decided to stay asleep. He couldn't move his body, but he was very aware of the bright white light shining directly into his poor eyes, sending knives of pain through his skull, causing his chest to vibrate in a low groan. He felt odd little pricks all over his body, but the feeling was muted, as if there was a layer of water between his skin and whatever was causing the pricks. He sank back into unconsciousness to the sound of muted voices.

The blinding light once again greeted him as Marcus forced his way back to the land of the living, and the pricks all over his body had faded to be replaced by a steady cold that somehow managed to burn him, like ice that sat too long in one place, burning his skin. He tried to move again, but succeeded only in rolling his head to the side. No longer being blinded by the bright light, Marcus opened his eyes to take stock of his surroundings. He was met with white once more, only this white moved and have splashes of red on it. After a long few seconds of slow thought, Marcus' brain caught up with his eyes and he deduced he was looking at a coat, a lab coat. He felt his breath catch in his throat at the sight, and he was dimly aware of his heart starting to race in his chest. More movement, somewhat frantic caught his eye, and another pinprick in his arm sent him into the world of darkness once more.

He heard disjointed voices first, when the darkness slowly receded from his mind.

"-pull through-"


"-more tests-"


Marcus realized he really wanted to gutt Scotty. He drifted off again before he could remember why that was so important.

Marcus came too faster than he ever had before, eyes snapping open to the blinding light above him. His body still burned, but not as bad as last time when it had felt like a fire was burning under his skin. This time his body felt warm, like he was running a bad fever. An instant later he realized he was aware, more aware than he'd ever been since he'd been here, wherever here was. Blinking at the bright light that still burned his retina's, Marcus turned his head aside, marveling over the ease in which he'd done it. No lolling around, no numbness, he felt completely drug free for the first time in…who knew how long.

He flexed his body subtly, before rising into a sitting position. He blinked and choked on a groan as his head swam, threatening to knock him sideways off the table he found himself on. Blinking down at himself, Marcus marveled at his own bare chest. He was completely naked, save for a towel tossed over his privates like an afterthought. He looked…Completely unchanged. He was normal, nothing out of the ordinary, no extra limbs, no freaky lumps or discoloration at all.

He almost found himself disappointed as he frowned at his defined abs. After being drugged under the table for who knew how long, at the tender mercies of whoever, quite possibly Gentek squints under orders from Black Watch, he actually expected to wake up as some sort of freaky mutant with bulging muscles and the power to shoot laser beams out of his ass or something.

He was normal. Same ol' Marcus S. Jane.

He breathed a sigh of relief before turning on the table, letting his feet touch the cold sterile floor with a grimace. He wiggled his toes at the cold, but forced himself to rest his weight on his feet. He stood, marveling at the lack of disorientation he had half expected after being pumped full of so many drugs. He rolled his shoulders experimentally as he looked around, finding that yes, he was indeed in some sort of lab. There were trays upon trays of variously sharp tools lined up by the wall, with a small glass fridge full of vials and tubes of some sort of blue liquid. He ignored all of it in favor of looking for any other sign of life other than himself. The lab was empty.

Maybe all the squints were on their coffee break? Marcus thought with a sardonic smirk. He glanced down to his chest once more and glared at the various wires running from it to a machine by the table he had woken up on. He glared at the zigzagging lines and numbers and God knows what else. He walked up to the machine and searched for an off switch, deciding simply ripping the wires off was probably a bad idea that would most likely alert the ass holes that had hooked him up in the first place. He found a small red button that looked promising and pressed it, holding his breath just in case it decided to start screaming at him. A second later the screen went dead and Marcus breathed out an explosive sigh before ripping off the wires, scowling further when he realized someone had gone and shaved off his chest. It had taken him years to grow that light dusting of hair, for fucks sake! Feelings as if his masculinity had been violated, Marcus dropped the wires and turned his back on the silent machine, searching for some clothes.

While yes, walking around in the buff was fun, he didn't fancy walking around a military science compound with his bits hanging out with a possibility of being shot off. Thankfully, he found some green scrubs near the door that he quickly wiggled into. With some pants on at last, Marcus walked up to the door and tested the handle. It was locked. "Shit." He cursed, jiggling the annoying handle. A beep to his left nearly had him jumping out of his skin, and he turned to spot the hand scanner on the wall. "Great." He grumbled, turning on his heel to search the room for any exits.

A few minutes later turned up an air vent and nothing else. Gritting his teeth, Marcus realized he had no choice if he wanted out of this hell hole. Staring up at the vent that was easily out of his reach, Marcus questioned the possibility of him even fitting through the gap. He sighed and bunched his legs, just to see if he could actually reach the damn thing to pull the vent off before he looked for something to stand on. He kicked off the floor and reached up to the vent.

And promptly slammed face first into the cold steel surface.

Hitting the ground for the umpteenth time in who knew how long, Marcus clamped a hand over his mouth to stem the flow of obscenities that tried to foul the air of the lab. "What the fucking fuck!" He thundered in his head, glaring up at the heavily dented vent that would take someone three times his height to reach. Why had he even tried to jump? He couldn't have reached the fucking vent if he was on a trampoline for fucks sake! Alas, he decided not to think about the surety that had flowed through his muscles as he had stared up at the vent. There was no way in hell his body had known it could do it. No way in fucking hell.

He stared up at the vent for another moment, and then lowered his gaze to his legs in thought. How could he have jumped that high? It wasn't humanly possible. As he thought about jumping, his legs gave an odd twitch, and blue eyes focused on the green fabric of his scrubs. A second later he shrieked in alarm as a black and blue tendril slithered over his scrub clad leg. Scrambling back across the floor to escape the freaky snake thing, Marcus cursed for all he was worth until his back connected with a wall. He was still staring at his leg as the black and blue tendril once again slithered over his leg, a few more appearing as well before disappearing back into the scrubs. With a shaking hand, Marcus gripped the cuff of his left leg, and yanked the fabric up. The bare skin of his ankle greeted him, and he stared in confusion at the unmarred flesh.

"Some good fucking drugs." He decided, shaking his head. A second later several tendrils snaked their way around his ankle and Marcus didn't so much as bat an eyelash. "I am so not fucking surprised at this point." He drawled, watching as the tendrils disappeared once more. "I can freak out later." He told himself as he climbed to his feet to make his way back to the vent. He stared up at it, then sighed. "Fuck it." With that he jumped again, this time somewhat prepared for the impact as he grabbed the edges of the vent and pulled, yanking the cover off. He swung there for a moment, staring at the floor several meters below him. "…Cool." He thought as he returned his attention to escaping. He swung himself up and into the air vent, wincing as his body impacted the cold steel with an echoing thud. He froze for a moment, listening for any sign of breaking supports, before rolling into his knees to crawl through the dark tunnels.

"Tom Cruise has nothing on me." Marcus mumbled to himself as he shimmied through a slimmer portion of the venting system, hands encountering not a single speck of dust as he continued. He passed by his first grating about five minutes later, and he peered down through the gaps, silencing his breathing. He spotted several people all crowded around an operating table much like the on he'd awoken on, and he grimaced as he saw the creature they were cutting open. It was a Hunter, a rather misshapen Hunter riddled with bullet holes and scorch marks.

With a silent inhale he continued on, and it was a further five minutes later that he jumped out of his skin as an alarm suddenly started blaring, red light flashing through the grating ahead and behind him. He calmed his racing heart and quickly crawled further up the vent, where he once more peered down through a vent. He spotted two Black Watch troopers speaking with a scientist.

"Shit, that's a Code Red." One of the troopers spat. The scientist pulled at his greying hair.

"Fuck, Ares must have overcome the sedatives again, I told those morons to up the dosage!" The squint shouted before taking off out of sight, quickly followed by the two Black Watch troopers. Marcus stared down at the floor through the grating.

"Who, or what the hell is Ares?" He thought as he continued through the vent, navigating the sharp corners with a little effort. He'd just passed by another grating when something to his left suddenly lit up red and started screeching at him. It took him all of five seconds to realize it was some sort of sensor, and that yes he'd been found. With a curse, Marcus redoubled his efforts to escape, crawling as fast as the narrow space would allow. Just as he thought he was in the clear of those damn sensors, the floor suddenly disappeared out from under him, and he tumbled out of the ventilation shaft with a yelp. He closed his eyes, ready for another hard meeting with the ground but snapped them open as his feet hit first, and he teetered sideways as the shock cost him his balance.

He regained his balance quickly, and stared at his feet, then up to the vent with wonder. "Now I'm part cat? What the hell?" He asked thin air as he leveled his blue gaze back to the red lit hall in front of him. "Escape first, freak out later." He reminded himself with a nod as he kicked off the ground into a sprint, by passing doors and windows as he went. He skidded around a narrow corner and nearly collided with a woman in a white coat, who took one look at him and screamed. He winced at the volume and pitch as he tried to hush the woman, frantically waving his arms around in shushing motions before he finally decided to hell with it and shoved past the shrieking scientist, not noticing as she collided solidly with the wall after he shoved her aside, where she slid to the floor in a crumpled heap.

"Exit exit, where's the freaking exit." He chanted to himself as he shoved another squint out of his way, this one sent tumbling through a window. He had just rounded a corner with a green exit sign pointing his way to freedom when he suddenly ran face first into something hard once more, sending him stumbling backwards. "I swear to God if it's-" His thoughts trailed off as he stared at the massive soldier in front of him, and with rising dread realized it was a Super Soldier. "…Crap." He breathed, staring up at the truly massive man.

"Do not move." Its voice crackled through some sort of intercom in its mask, and Marcus felt a hysteric giggle bubble in the back of his throat.

"You need to lay off the 'roids, man." He quipped, staring at the massive arms wired with tubes.

"Do not move." The Super Soldier repeated as Marcus backed up a step.

"Er…" Marcus glanced from left to right, looking for any form of escape route. The pounding of booted feet came from the hall behind him, and Marcus groaned as he realized reinforcements were on the way, most likely carrying more drugs just for him. He did not want to go back to that dreamless sleep they kept him in while they did God only knows what to his body, he did not like being so fucking helpless. Hysteria slowly gave way to anger as the booted feet came closer, and Marcus glared at the Super Solider, who suddenly went tense. "I am not going back there." Marcus hissed, feeling his whole body tingle oddly. The Super Soldier hunched forward, readying itself to attack or defend, Marcus wasn't sure, but he was sure as hell pissed enough to attack this ass hole.

A sudden, stabbing pain bloomed into existence along his right arm, and he gasped as the most peculiar numbness spread from his fingers up. He snapped his eyes to his arm, trying to find the cause of the odd sensation only to freeze as his eyes came upon what…used to be his arm. It looked like someone had cut off his arm and replaced it with a Hunters claw, before slapping black and blue paint on it. He dared to flex his fingers, and watched in a detached sort of fascination as the sharp two foot long claws moved. "…Jesus." He murmured, eyes wide. An odd sense at the back of his mind demanded that he look ahead, and he did, just in time to avoid a massive hand that tried to clamp over his head. A second later he swung his arm up, slashing his new claws along the Soldiers face, earning a pained grunt as the beast of a man swung back in surprise.

Marcus glanced at his mutated arm, than reminded himself that he could freak out later. As the Super Soldier regained itself, Marcus jumped over its lunge and swung down with his claws, lodging them deep into the back of the Soldiers head, right into its brain stem. He landed on his feet and yanked his claws free, only to yelp as black and blue tendrils extended from his claws to wrap around the Super Soldier's head, where they then proceeded to literally squeeze the remainder of its life out of it, and Marcus stared as its head exploded in a shower of blood and grey matter. A second ticked by as the dead Super Soldier's body fell to its knees, then onto its front with a loud thud.

Marcus snapped his head around when the sound of several cocking guns hit his ears, and he gulped as he came face to face with a damn firing squad all lined up in the hall.

"Freeze!" One of them shouted, and Marcus glanced at his claw, trying to decide whether he should risk it. "There's too many of them…" He concluded. Before he could so much as raise his hand…and claw in surrender, a whistle reached his ears before something pricked the back of his neck. A moment later he was staring at the sideways forms of the firing squad.

"You guys…s-suck." He slurred as the drugs took effect, and he remained conscious long enough to see his new claws melt back into a normal human hand in a swarm of black and blue tendrils.

A/N Bet you guys didn't see that coming! Cute, adorable Scotty –sniff- Next chapter should be posted later tomorrow, I got stuff tomorrow morning. I'll get started on chapter three tonight anyway to give myself a head start. This fic is unbeta'ed because having a Beta has proven to be to tedious, so I beta my own work now…If there are any major mistakes lemme know so I can fix em. So, signing of until next time!
