Ok so you people are probably wondering what happened to my story Robin Mania the Story Continues, well here's a quick explanation: MY MUSE WAS ON AN EXTENDED VACATION AND REFUSED TO COME BACK SO I HAD TO GO OUT AND FIND A NEW ONE! Oh and did you guys hear that Young Justice Invasion has gone on hiatus AGAIN! WHY cruel world WHY? Any who, well this story is going to be a lot different from the one that's up now, sorry 'bout that. So I am going to write-
Me: I thought you said you weren't going to appear in this story due to me almost killing you a whole bunch of times in the last one.
Robin: I am here to make you get on with it!
Me: Yea… I got that.
Robin: Nenorociţi fangirls stupide şi lor fu-
Batman: Robin watch your tongue.
Robin: -grins guiltily…- Ooops sorry.
Me: -to all fangirls- Unless you really want to know what he said I would strongly suggest you don't look that up on a translator.

Disclaimer: I do not own Young Justice any of the Team, Justice League of America any of the members, or anything actually, except for the plot the plot I own…

Chapter 1

It had been one week since the team had brought Robin back from the warehouse, one week since he had almost died, one week since Batman had taken him back to Gotham, and one week since anyone League and Young Justice had heard from either of them. Let's just say that everyone was on edge, Batman had supposedly stopped coming to the Watchtower and that put the entire League on high alert. Whatever was going on in Gotham that require Batman and Robin to drop all communications must be bad. So they waited in agonizing silence for the Dynamic Duo to report in. But no such luck. That is until one day…

"Guys, I'm bored. Man I wish the Bats would call already, this place is creepily silent without Rob!" Wally whines from his upside down position on the couch.

"Then do something 'bout it Baywatch stop complaining. Batman will call when he is ready to!" Artemis snaps, but she too was worried. 'Why isn't he contacting us? What could be so bad that it requires radio and physical silence!' She thinks.

"Wait! Don't you live in Gotham?"

"Yes… why?"

"Well then you should know where the Bats and Rob are!" Wally says looking excited over the idea.

"Look, just because I live there doesn't mean I'm buddy-buddy with Batman and Robin Kid Genius. Besides even Gotham hasn't seen the Duo in a week, well no physically they see the remainders of bad guys who they captured but never the Dark Knight or his partner." Artemis finishes that sentence in a thoughtful manner.

"Well there goes my last chance of finding out what happened!" Wally says looking even more down heartened than before. Artemis felt guilty at crushing the redhead's last hope of finding out where Batman and Robin went, but she didn't do anything about it.

"Do you think they could be on a mission?" Megan asks coming in with a plate of cookies, over the past week she had perfected the recipe and now the fridge and kitchen were pretty much buried in cookies and cookie trays.

"Unlikely, unless it's a private Gotham matter the DK would have notified the League about it." Wally says sounding bored. He picks up a cookie and eats it half heartedly.

"Oh." Megan says dejectedly.

"Do not feel badly Megan, Batman and Robin are some of the most experience League and Team members, there was probably something private that required their attention." Kaldur says from his spot on the couch with the book Pride and Prejudice, Robin had given it to him for Christmas last year.

"Sorry to burst your bubble Kal, but Robin would have told me if it was a personal matter." Wally says sadly. Kaldur frowns and looks thoughtful.

"Just because he's your best friend doesn't mean he tells you everything idiot!" Artemis snaps angrily, the speedster was really trying her patients for pessimists and now she had finally snapped.

"So! He tells me a lot, and if it was that personal he would just tell me it was personal!" Wally shouts back, soon the two get into a huge argument over the concept of private matters and why they are called private.

"QUIET!" Conner roars from his place on the couch, everyone jumps and Megan yelps in shock. "Uh… Hi."*

"What?" Artemis snaps at the clone testily.

"All of you arguing isn't going to get Robin back and it isn't going to force Batman to call, so just. Be. Quiet." Conner says coolly. Wally who had been near the clone backs away quickly as to get away before Conner got really angry.

"So what do we do? Wait? What if Robin is hurt, what if he's in danger what if he di-" Megan starts buts chokes on the last word and tears begin coming down her face, Conner sees his girlfriend in distress and wraps his arms around her.

"Waiting is all we can do, if Robin's hurt Batman will take care of it and if he's in danger then the best place for his would be with Batman. Robin's NOT dead, I would know it!" Wally says spastically, he was really now getting worried. 'I would know if he was dead, I mean what type of friend would I be if I didn't. I mean there has to be some type of sign you get if someone who's a brother to you in everything but blood dies right?'

"We must have faith in Batman's judgment. He is Robin's mentor after all he will keep him from harms way."

Dark Alleyway, City, Some Country, Planet Earth….

A boy rushes down the street, his clothes are torn badly, he's bleeding, and he looks like he hasn't had a bath in a week. Truthfully he didn't know when he had last had a bath. Or anything to eat. Right now all he wanted to do was get away from the strange people that had been following him since he woke up in the middle of no where.

"There he is! Get him, the master wants him alive idiot! Put that gun away before you shoot someone's eye out!*" A man in a black trench coat yells at his burly partner.

"De ce mă urmăresc, ce vrei!"* The boy shouts and rushes into an alleyway. The men laugh cruelly.

"No way is the kid getting away, it's a dead end." They walk into the alley calmly and see the kid trying to climb the fence. He was almost to the top but the burly man grabs his ankle and yanks him down.

"Du-te departe, nu vreau să te rănesc!"* The boy shouts, the men look at each other looking confused.

"What did you say kid? Speak English for Go#a%^ sakes!" The man had a thick Brooklyn accent with a Marmara brand cigar sticking out of his mouth. He smelled like alcohol and otherworldly stenches that clearly say "Don't trust me I'm a bad guy who wants to bash your brains out with a crowbar I have hidden in my cliché trench coat then stuff you into my very cliché black van with tinted windows and hold you for ransom!"

"I think we've caught our kid boss." The second man says in a thick Bostonian accent. They corner the small boy, but he launches himself into the air and lands several kicks onto the men causing them to fly back into the dumpster.

"Next time you decide to pick on a person, pick someone who has fewer brains than you do idiotilor"* He scoffs then picks their pockets and walks away like nothing had happened. A few hours later a man with raven hair and striking blue eyes comes across them unconscious and examines the scene.

"He was here I know it." He says softly to his counterpart, a girl with firey red hair.

"Yes, but why were these guys after him?" She asks.

"I don't know, but obviously something happened considering how he was acting a few days ago." The man sighs and leaves the scene.

"We should tell his team, they deserve to know what happened." The girl says hesitantly.

"NO! This is Gotham business, and I do not want to entire Justice League stalking Gotham because Robin's gone missing!" The man snaps and then he walks away swiftly. The girl follows pursuit; neither of them realized that he was closer than they thought.

'Robin's gone missing, ha wait until they see him after my master gets his hands on him.' A boy dressed all in black steps out of the shadows, his hair is black but his eyes, his eyes were a startling bright blue almost sky blue but more unusual. "Wait until their precious Dickey bird comes back, they will certainly love the surprise he has planned for all of them." The boy laughs darkly then disappears into the shadows from whence he came...

OK TELL ME THE TRUTH, DID YOU LIKE THAT? I MEAN IT WASN'T AWEFUL RIGHT? Ok I'm going to stop talking in caps. Honestly I didn't think it would turn out that nicely. I hope you liked it as much as I did!
Robin: What the h$ll, you made me evil!
Me: No I didn't.
Robin: Yes you did that last paragraph proves it!
Me: Nope it doesn't you'll find out when the next chapter comes out!
Robin: -groan- I'm EVIL GRR when I get my hands on you…
Kid Flash: DUDE KEEP TO THE PG RATING! There are kids reading this!
Robin: -blushes- I- her- it's not what it looks like I swear!
Me: Eeeeks! –runs away before the fight gets to the point where it could cause World War III- SAVE YOURSELVES IT'S BATMAGEDON!

*Anyone who got the TV show reference I was making and tells me in reviews get's invisible Batcookies! (::)
*Why are you chasing me? What do you want!
*Go away! I don't want to hurt you!