Transformers Prime: Youngling Adventures

I have been wanting to do this for while now. Just thinking what I could do if the Transformers were younglings. I hope this story becomes very good. HOLY CRAP DID YOU GUYS KNOW SHOCKWAVE IS COMING TO TRANSFORMERS PRIME! They say his design is heavily based on his G1 design. I just hope he has two arms and hands instead of one arm being a gun. By the way, when writing a story with Shockwave in it. Until I see the TF: Prime version of Shockwave, I decide to use his TFA design.

Episode 1: The one-opticed kid

Over at the Iacon Daycare Center, all the younglings were happily sleeping on the floor scattered around. Optimus and Megatron usually slept close to each other. Megatron was over-protective of Optimus since Optimus was his little brother. Arcee was the only femme there which usually caused arguments and fights between other mechs over her. Starscream and Soundwave often talk a lot and accidently end up falling asleep near each other. Dreadwing always cuddled up with his blanket that had his name on it. Knockout and Breakdown were the other brothers in the place. However, they didn't sleep near each other. What none of them knew, was that a new mech was about to join them. Later, one of the femme caretakers gathered all the younglings together for an announcement.

"Okay everyone, we have a new boy to join us!" The femme said.

Bee hopped up and down excitedly and shook Optimus who was beside him.

"Hey Optimus, what do you think he will look like?" Bee asked.

"I don't know! What do you think Megy?" Optimus asked tugging on Megatron's crossed arms.

"Okay first of all don't call me "Megy". Second, he's probably totaly different from us." Megatron said seemingly uninterested.

"Okay, we want you all to make him feel welcome and he's very shy!" The femme said and stood to the side. "I want you all to meet Shockwave."

Everyone looked at the purple mech. He only had one-optic which stunned most of them. He had a more scary appearance with his antenna's, lack of facial features, silver clawed servos and his only optic. He looked embarrased to be stared at by a bunch of others. Bee was the first to break away from the group and come up to the shy mech.

"Hi, I'm Bumblebee, but you can just call me "Bee"! Bee said holding out a hand.

Shockwave hesitated at first, but kindly shook Bee's hand careful not to grip him too hard. Soon enough, everybody came up to meet him. While Shockwave was glad to be greeted, he was still scared of most of them.

"You made it just in time! It's snack time!" Optimus cheered. Megatron began to drool.

"Fat-aft!" Bee said smacking Megatron's belly awaking Megatron from his drooling.

"Shockwave, I've never seen a mech like you before. That one eye makes you look very cool!" Optimus said pointing at it.

"Come on, let's eat!" Bee said grabbing one of Shockwave's arms and dragging him over to one of the circle tables in the next room.

Each table could fit 6 people only. Bee invited Shockwave over to his table with Optimus, Starscream, Soundwave and Megatron. They all waited as the caretakers got the snacks ready. Megatron was becoming impatient, Starscream and Soundwave were talking, Optimus was trying to see the nearbye TV and Bee was talking to Shockwave.

"You don't talk much, what's wrong?" Bee asked the shy mech.

Shockwave looked at him and bended his optic to make a sad optic. He looked back at the table. Bee's doorwings dropped in sadness. Bee wanted Shockwave to feel welcomed and happy. He put a servo on Shockwave's claws.

"It's okay Shockwave, we all want you to feel welcomed, don't be afraid to talk. I'm here if you need someone to talk to." Bee assured.

This made Shockwave lighten up a bit. He looked at Bee and spoke.

"I...thought no one would like me here!" Shockwave said.

"Shockwave, of course most of us will. Mabye not that meany Cliffjumper. But I'm sure everyone besides him is happy to see you. By the way, nice british-accent!" Bee said.

"Thanks...nice paint!" Shockwave said back. Bee blushed.

"Aw, thanks hehe!" Bee said a little embarrased.

Soon the snacks arrived. Megatron began to quickly eat his making Optimus face-palm. Starscream and Soundwave continued to talk while they ate. Optimus slowly ate his wanting to make it last. Bee waited for Shockwave to eat. Shockwave was slowly sipping his energon.

"Hey Shockwave how is it?" Bee asked.

"It's great!" Shockwave said.

This made Bee smile. He began to also eat. Later it was play time. Optimus and Megatron continued to watch the TV, Knock Out and Breakdown were drawing, Dreadwing and Barricade were using building blocks, and Soundwave and Starscream were trying to read. Shockwave looked all around for something to play with. Just then Arcee came up and tapped him on the shoulder. Shockwave turned around and quickly blushed.

"Hi Shockwave!" Arcee said happily.

Shockwave could barely speak. He mumbled instead. "Hi".

"Can I ask you for a favor?" Arcee asked shyly.

"Sure!" Shockwave said sounding more brave.

"When I get older, should I go out with Barricade or Cliffjumper?" Arcee said pointing to the two mechs nearbye.

Shockwave looked at both of them. He scratched his head.

"Uh, well, Cliff looks more like a strong guy, but mabye too bossy. Bee told me how mean he is. Barricade however, seems to be the protective type, he's also nice. Mabye him." Shockwave suggested. Arcee smiled.

"I knew it, thank you!" Arcee said and gave a quick kiss to Shockwave's cheek making him blush.

A few minutes later Shockwave noticed a red ball left alone in a corner. His attenna's twitched happily as he walked over. He made sure the ball wasn't a ball that could get popped by his claws. Once he realized it wasn't, he slowly proceeded to grab the ball. However, once he did, he heard a yell.


Shockwave turned around to see Cliffjumper looking at him with anger in his eyes. Shockwave froze upon seeing the mech. Cliff walked right up to him and snatched the ball away from Shockwave.

"THAT'S MINE!" Cliff growled.

Shockwave didn't know what to say back. Cliff continued.

"Ah yes, the new kid! Wasn't expecting a one-eyed bot to ever come here!" Cliff said examining him.

Shockwave felt offended. He began to nearly cry.

"What a baby!" Cliff said staring right into Shockwave's face.

"He's shy, stop bothering him!" Bee said coming towards him.

"What do you want bug?" Cliff said with an annoyed tone.

"I want you to leave him alone!" Bee snapped back.

Cliff growled and clenched his fists. Shockwave was worried.

"Why don't you make me bug?" Cliff said and actually shoved Bee to the ground. Shockwave gasped.

"Wimp!" Cliff said.

Shockwave clenched his fists in anger. He lunged at Cliff and delivered a sever punch to Cliff's face. Cliff went flying nearly half-way across the room. This got everybody's attention. Cliff didn't know how dangerous and tough Shockwave really was. Cliff recovered and tried to get back up, only to receive 2 more fists to the face and a slash to the chest knocking him into a nearbye treasure chest knocking it over. Shockwave was about to continue the beating when he was held back by Barricade and Optimus. Cliff was bruised up badly and was now curled in a ball next to the tipped over chest. Bee walked over and put a servo on Shockwave's shoulder.

"You okay?" Shockwave asked calming down.

"Yeah, I'm good. But are you?" Bee asked.

"Yeah, I'm sorry, I just get so angry when me or my friends get picked on. I just go insane!" Shockwave said.

"It's alright, thank you for standing up for me!" Bee said.

"Hey, I wasn't going to let you fight someone like him." Shockwave said.

"So, what about the ball?" Optimus asked pointing to it.

"Let's squish it!" Barricade said.

"No, Cliff doesn't deserve that much does he?" Bee asked.

"Ugh!" Barricade groaned.

Meanwhile, Cliff was crying while still lying next to the chest. Just then he opened his optics to see his ball being handed to him. It was Shockwave who was giving it to him. Cliff wide-opticed at first, but he slowly took it. He was confused.

"" Cliff couldn't figure out what to say.

"We decided not to crush it!" Shockwave said, then came closer to him. "Don't you ever mess with me or my friends, or else those horns are coming off, got it?" He added showing his claws to him with a shine effect going down them and twinkling at the sharp ends. Cliff quickly nodded.

"I'm sorry" Cliff said.

"You better!" Shockwave said and walked away without another word.

Cliff just sat there with his ball and bounced it a little. The rest of the day, Cliff couldn't speak to anyone since the caretakers had put him in time-out until the next snack time. When it was time, everybody sat at the same tables. Even after what Cliff had did, his friends still let him sit with them. Shockwave had brought over some paper and some crayons to the table as he was finishing a picture. Bee was amazed.

"Wow, that looks really good!" Bee said admiring the picture.

"Thanks, I try my best!" Shockwave said and finally finished it. It was a picture of Shockwave with a cape standing on top of a bunch of evil bots. The picture showed a sunset in the background which also had Bee in the back clapping. He had drawn himself with bruises and dents to show how tough the battle was. He stood with one leg foward and his hands on his hips looking up to the sky proudly.

"Someday, that will be me!" Shockwave said happily.

"A hero?" Bee asked.

"Yeah, mabye!" Shockwave said.

"You should talk to Barricade about joining the police. Barricade could give you hero tips!" Optimus suggested.

"I guess that wouldn't be a bad idea!" Shockwave said.

Later, Shockwave in fact, did talk to Barricade about police work. Barricade was pleased that he was interested.

"One of the most important things you need to be able to do is fight! That little display I saw with you and that punk Cliff was impressive, but he never fought back. You might need to train though mabye in a few years. But don't worry, I'll train you! Though I'm still going through a little bit of training myself, I can show you what I know." Barricade offered pleasing Shockwave.

"That would be great, thank you!" Shockwave said. "By the way, where did Cliff go?"

"Don't worry, Optimus and Megatron have made sure he won't bother anyone again. He's over there in the corner." Barricade said pointing to Cliff sleeping with his ball wrapped in his arms. "Also, about that "Hero" thing, you already are one!" he added.

"I am?" Shockwave asked surprised.

"Absolutely, you saving Bee from Cliff was a heroic act. You will make quite the member of my future police team." Barricade said.

"Thanks!" Shockwave said.

Just then Bee came up and tapped Shockwave on the shoulder.

"Hey Shockwave, want to help me and Dreadwing build a tower?" Bee asked.

"Sure, coming Barricade?" Shockwave asked.

"I'll catch up with you guys, I'm going to get some energon." Barricade said as the others left. "That mech is something special!"

End of episode 1!

To be continued...