Author's Note: Hello, everyone.

It's been a while - a very long while, to be precise. For a long time, I've been planning and thinking up new ideas for stories, and finally, I'm ready to give it my all again. But, this time, I'm taking a slightly different approach. Gone is the 'high school' related fics, and now is something a bit more mature. I'd like to introduce Hunt, my latest project. First of all, it's an EgoShipping fic. My obsession with this pair is beyond normal now. Thanks to many great authors on here, I've been inspired to write my own story on Gary and Misty. Hunt is going to be a darker story than my previous attempts. It's going to have a lot of twists in it that will hopefully encourage you lovely lot to keep on reading it.

Anyway, that's enough from me. Here, I give you the opening chapter to Hunt.




"I trust that you understand your mission, young Master," a cruel and intimidating voice said, echoing through the damp and rusty chamber. A small window on the far side of the right wall was the only hope of light that could be seen, and miniscule particles of dust could be seen through the beams. The area surrounding this pathetic amount of light was barely visible, straining one's eyes if they tried to discover what, or who, lurked within the depths of this darkness. Tiny droplets of water could be heard hitting the floor, making a high-pitched popping sound as they crashed from the height of the ceiling. However, a well-built, horrifically tall figure could just about be seen through the shadows, sitting broadly on what seemed to be a throne. The figure snickered evilly, watching the descendant in front of him with devious eyes.

The descendant, who was bowing on one knee to the figure above him, rose from the floor, standing to reveal his full attire. A young man, around the age of nineteen, stood with his head lowered, clutching a simple pendant that hung from a long piece of thread. He appeared to be calm and collected, his face expression as soft as a Teddiursa's fur. Then, slowly, he lifted his head and stepped towards the light, eyeing the figure with sheer determination and commitment. His eyes reflected the posterior he was currently showing; like icy-green capsules, power swam throughout their depths like the raging sea.

"Like the back of my hand," he replied coolly, still holding the pendant around his neck, which appeared to be a yin yang sign. He wore a black, long sleeved top, and over the top of that sat a heavy protector suit, equipped with a black metal rifle gun hung loosely over his shoulder. Strapped securely around his waist sat a large belt equipped with small weapons, and on the lower half of his body were dark grey cargo pants tucked into black biker boots.

"The mission is simple, young Master. First, you are to fool the victim by ensuring her that you are protecting her from us, and are leading her away from any threats that may have involved our team. Then, you are to gain her trust by charming her… I won't go into further detail on that task, as I'm sure you are confident in it, yes?" the shadow asked, smirking dirtily as he eyed the young man curiously. The boy in front of him didn't say anything, but nodded of approval, sliding his fingers through his thick, chestnut brown spikes.

"Once you have gained her trust, the real mission can begin to take place. You will lead her back to our headquarters, still keeping her sweet along the way, so that she won't begin to have doubts. Once you send us the signal, you will be joined by our guards, where she will have no choice but to become a prisoner under our commands," he continued, pacing the floor from wall to wall. "Euphoria will succeed, young Master, and this will be your chance to prove to me that your years of training have been worthwhile. Just like your fellow peers, you have the opportunity to become a respected and dignified official, which will then lead you to even better heights."

His footsteps stopped and he faced the boy in front of him once again, lips pursed.

"Are you ready, young Master?"

The boy looked at the figure directly in the eye challengingly, his face pure and peaceful. Then, with a large and daring smirk, he answered.

"Bring it on."

Author's Note:

This was ridiculously short, but this is just the opening chapter to the story, a brief taster of what's to come.

Leave me a review to let me know what you think?

It's good to be back!
