Hi again! Yes, I'm updating even if most of you guys don't review. I just really love Nejiten :DD

Enjoy :)

Neji's ambition

Neji had an ambition.
He wanted to know why Tenten was leaving immediately after the end of their training. Okay, it wasn't nothing serious but usually she was sitting next to him while he was mediating and would just rambling about random thing, and these days, when he announced the end of the training session, she would quickly say 'see you tomorrow', and would be out, practically running.
At first he thought it was a good thing: at least she wouldn't annoy him anymore. Except that he was unfortunately used to her company, and he might/ sort of /kind of miss her a little, and it was very annoying.
So he had a plan to find out what she was up to.

Solution 1 - Talk.

"Ohayo Neji!" The weapon's mistress happily said when she arrived at the training ground this morning. It was seven o'clock, and sun shone in the cloudless sky.
Neji, who was mediating, watched her in silence, seriously looking at her. He was looking for something new in her ... But nothing differed from usual.

"Hn." He muttered in response. The prodigy narrowed his white eyes. No, he saw really nothing ...
"Do I have something on the face?" Tenten asked while touching her head. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Hn." Neji stood up. "Today we'll train more than usual."
Tenten opened her eyes wide and a winced before she yelled, "Eeeh?! But whyyyyyyyy?"
"Because." He raised an eyebrow and watched her carefully, "Do you have something against it?"
Come on, he thought, tell me what you do after training.
Tenten pouted. "But it's so unfair! I have things to do! You can't do that!"
"Oh yeah? What kind of things?"
Tenten deeply blushed and looked away. "I- it's none of your business, Hyuuga!" She stammered clenching her fist. "I can't stay after 6 pm."

The Hyuuga was actually very pissed. What the heck was she hiding him?!

"Will you tell me what you do after training?!"
"Do you want me to make you?!"
"Oh?" She raised an eyebrow. "How will you do that?"

The sentence 'KEEP YOUR COMPOSURE' was all Neji had in mind.

He slowly breathed.
"Tell me what you do after training, Tenten" He fiercely demanded, exasperated. He folded his arms and locked his eyes in hers. "If you do, we'll finish training at 4pm today."
He knew that Tenten would love his offer. She could leave training two hours earlier! Neji watched Tenten bitting her lower lip and knew that she was about to tell him the truth.
"MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!" She suddenly said and he knew already that she would never tell him.


Whatever, he had other idea to know her secrets. He will know what she was hiding to him!

Solution 2 - Investigate.

"You wanna know WHAT?" The two largest gossips girls of Konohagakure (Ino Yamanaka and Sakura Haruno) simultaneously exclaimed. The girls were looking at him with a big smirk.
Neji growled. What he hated the most over people, was the noise. Really, if he didn't discover Tenten's secret after all that, he would almost go crazy.
Almost. Don't forget he's a Hyuuga ! Hyuuga doesn't go crazy.
Neji wasn't used to talk to the most exasperating girls of the city, he was usually trying to avoid them and not confront them. But he had no choice, so…
He took a deep breath and tried to remain calm.
"I would like to know what Tenten do during her free time," he repeated, his voice perfectly controlled.
Ino and Sakura exchanged an amused gaze before starting to stupidly giggling.
"Why is that, Neji?" Sakura asked, crossing her arms with a grin. "You want to take Tenten out?"
Oh, damn it. He already wanted to be out of here. But he had to stay. He knew that Tenten was friend with them, they should know something about what she was doing.
"Or just spend time with her?" Ino added a big smirk on her face. "You want to have her all for you, do you?"
The Hyuuga raised one perfect eyebrow. "Excuse me?"
"Oh, don't play the innocent, Neji."
"We know there's something going on between you two."
"But don't worry."
"Tenten is already yours."
He mentally blushed and, irritated, he finally leaved, wondering how he could be so stupid to seek Ino and Sakura's advices. He could ask to someone much simpler reachable, and much more intelligent. He could have asked Hinata. His cousin.

That's what he did this night.
"Hinata-sama, can I talk to you?" Neji asked as he knocked to Hinata's room.
"Oh, uh, yeah, I, uh, yes, if you want..." His cousin stammered in a tiny voice. She opened the door. "W-what-wrong, Neji-nii-san-?"
Neji tried to not look so eager. "I wanted to ask you ... do you know what Tenten does after training?" He asked, trying to pay close attention to the change of her facial expression.
Hinata's face went from calm to red, and she bit her lip. He raised an eyebrow. Oh, so she knew.
Neji smirked.
"So, Hinata-Sama?"
The tiny Hyuuga heiress' voice trembled. "W-Well, Neji-nii-san ... I .. I'm sorry, I-I can't tell you."
"Oh? May I know why?"
"Tenten has forbidden me."
Neji stopped the urge to give a violent punch in the wall and growled –damn it she knew him too well. So she had expected that he would want to know, uh? she was definitely hiding something important. Especially that everybody seemed to know except him...
"I-I'm sorry..."
"Don't worry." Neji firmly said, thinking of another plan. "Goodnight."

He wasn't done yet.

Solution 3 – to follow her.

Ok, he should have think about it from the beginning. But Neji wasn't the type of men who played the easiest first. Now, he would know what she was hiding him.
Once the training was over, instead of meditating, Neji rushed into her pursuit. The problem was that Tenten, being a girl, had the habit of stopping in front of each store and stay in front for minutes without even entering.
What is the point? He thought, really bored. Neji would never understand why girls liked to spend so much time in stores. It was just pointless and boring.
Anyway, she finally came into a weapon shop (Neji would've bet) and didn't come out. He waited something like ten, fifteen, twenty to forty minutes, and she wasn't still done.
Neji who was leaning against a wall waiting, lost patience. What the hell was she doing?!
He raised his eyebrows, uncrossing his arms. Should he get himself inside?
Suddenly, Tenten left the store, handing a box wrapped in a beautiful gift wrap but then she randomly lifted her pretty brown eyes and… saw him. Neji had no time to hide.


"Oh my God Neji!" She exclaimed in a shrill voice, downright scared. "What are you doing here?!"
"I wandered," The prodigy quickly lied in a calm voice despite his hurried heartbeat. He looked down at the box she was holding in her hand and pointed it. "What is it?"
"Oh, that's ... a gift ... as you can, well, see." She said, avoiding his gaze. But she quickly smiled. "What a beautiful day, Neji!"
Neji avoided her words and merely raised an eyebrow.
"Oh yeah? A gift for whom?"
"I ... you don't have to know!"
Great. Now she offered gifts to others without he even has the right to know.
Should he jyuuken the recipient?
"Why?" He said, dryly, slightly offended. "Is it that important? '
She nodded and pressed the box against her chest. "I won't say who it is. It's none of your business."

It's none of you business. Oh how he hated to hear that sentence from her mouth ...

Neji just shrugged his shoulders and clenched his fists. "Oh I see. Just tell me who you'll offer this? Your boyfriend?"
He said it at random. He knew that Tenten never had any boyfriend.
Except that when he saw his teammate's cheeks become curiously red, he began to doubt. She had never dated anyone, right?

"So? "He waited for an answer, as he was angry. "I'm right, right?"
She sighed. "I don't have any boyfriend Neji. Yet."
"Yet? Oh, so, you'll ask him out, that's it?" Ok, he was definitely pissed.
Tenten rolled her eyes and then did something that surprised him so much that he momentarily didn't know what to do – yes, it was possible to startle Neji that much. Wanna know what she did?
Well, Tenten just leaned on her tiptoe and placed a quick but deep kiss on his lips. He was so surprised that he didn't even kiss back.
When she pulled away, her skin was deeply crimson.

"Neji you're really stupid!" She shouted and she handed him the box. "Here, this is for you! It's a Kunai that I make for your birthday, tomorrow. I had to do more mission to buy it! I wanted to give it to you tomorrow, just ruined everything!"
Furious, she was about to leave, but Neji stopped her. He quickly but firmly grabbed her wrist and, bringing her back against his chest, he suddenly caught her lips in his and roughly kissed her.
He smirked when she blushed more when he released her.
"Arigato Tenten." Neji said with a smile, beginning to open out the gift to find a beautiful white Kunai.

Tenten proudly smirked. "I guess I'm the only me who can make the great Hyuuga Neji jealous of an imaginary boyfriend."

Neji gave her the death-glare. "I wasn't jealous."
Tenten burst out laughing and pointing him, she said, "If would you see your head just now! I wonder how people will react when everyone will learns how jea - Aahhhh I WAS JUST KIDDING NEJIIII! DON'T KILL MEEEH! '

And Tenten started to run, followed by a very scary Neji.

Review if you like it, please.