A/N : Hi there! This is my first Nejiten fanficion :D I hope you'll like it ^^
Like I said before, I'm french, and please tell me if I make any mistakes, it'll help me for improving my english :)

The great Kishie own this :D Enjoy and please don't forget to review!

Tenten was deeply sleeping when she heard it.


A simple ring, but she knew that she was already having issues because of this simple ring. She knew that the person who was ringing was surely exasperated.
Her eyes immediately opened, Oh no, he's already there.

Today, Tenten had decided to not get out of bed. It was exactly seven thirty, and she had an appointment with Neji at seven o'clock at their usual places, except that today, she didn't want to move. She was very well aware that things weren't at all pleasing to Neji.

Tring… TRIING!


No, she won't move, not today, and she didn't care if he wasn't happy with that!

Bam! Bam! Triiiiiiiiiiiing!

"Tenten, open that damn door! I know you're there!" He shouted through the entry, punching it. "Tenten!"
Tenten deeply buried herself in her blankets, put her pillow over her face and avoided him.
"Tenten, if you don't open the door, I'll break it and tear you out of your bed, and you know I'm capable of!"
"Don't even try!" She yelled under her blankets. "If you do, I swear-"
But she was interrupted by Neji, who suddenly opened the window of her room that she had stupidly forgotten to close, easily passed over the ledge and fell on the floor nimbly, as if it was normal. "Hey!" Tenten screamed as she thought, stupid stupid! I forgot to close the window! "Get out of here!"
Neji folded his arms, silent. His lavender eyes stared at hers, waiting for her to say something. The Hyuuga seemed very angry, but strangely, it made him look even more gorgeous.
Anyway, she wasn't afraid of him. She was fighting him every day since she was eleven, and today, she needed a break. Is that too much to ask ?
Unless she knew that Neji was obviously not in that opinion. After all, it was his training that she was skipping.

"May I know why you're still in bed at this hour?" He calmly asked but Tenten knew perfectly well that he was greatly irritated.
"Get the fuck out of here, Hyuuga! How dare you come into a girl's room? What if I were naked?"
"Hn." He only raised his eyebrows; surely finding the idea ridiculous. He then repeated, his deep voice always calm, "What are you still doing here?"
She immediately tried to find a good pretext.
I can pretend that I have my period, she quickly thought. Being a boy, he wouldn't understand what it is and would leave her alone, at least for one day. Yes! She cheered. Good idea.
"Neji..." she began in a low voice, pretending to be weak. "... I don't feel very well today." Neji watched her without saying a word as she put her hand on her lower belly. "I can't fight properly like that."
She looked at him and as he wasn't answering, she decided to add a moan. But Neji was a prodigy and he unfortunately knew her too well.

"You've already made that shot, two weeks ago."
"Damn" she muttered, exasperated by his great memory.
He sighed and looked at her, his light violet eyes locked in hers. She immediately felt herself lost in his beautiful eyes. She really hate when he was looking at her like that, it make her feel so vulnerable. "Why don't you want to train?" He asked, almost tenderly.
Tenten sighed.
"It's not that I don't want," The weapon's mistress explained as she stood in front of him. "It's just that- I'm starting to get tired of it. I need a break."
"If you want to become a powerful kunoichi, you'll have to train every day."
"I know! And don't speak as if I'm weak. It's just that I want to do something else today… anything, except training."
He didn't answer. Instead, he climbed out the window and she heard him said when he reached the ground, "Just hurry and come," before definitely leaving.
Tenten groaned, insulted him and got dressed.

When she reached their training place –a huge area with nothing but weed–; Tenten found that Neji was meditating. His eyes were closed and the passing wind was gently moving his hair against his face. He remained perfectly still; his face was calmed and relaxed, but he suddenly opened his eyes as soon as Tenten took a step closer. "Let's go. The sooner we start, the sooner I'll be out of here." She said, and Neji immediately activated his byakugan, smirking. He's something in mind, Tenten thought, and she immediately leapt at him, pulling out two twin swords.

They fought hard during a long time; each of them didn't want to stop. Eight hours later though, they were both tired and breathless. The sun was beating down hard on their neck and the fight was intense and powerful. Tenten, exhausted, was getting weary and was merely avoiding Neji's attacks.
Neji, true to himself, continued to fight. He was quickly sending kicks and punches without holding on, and his strength was still powerful despite hours of training. He used his hakke (just sixteen strikes), forcing her to defend herself even if she was exhausted. He perfectly knew that the blows he was sending to Tenten would've easily been stopped if she hadn't been so tired, but he wanted to work on her endurance. If ever one day he wasn't there to protect her, he'd like to be sure she could do it herself, even injured and tired.
Simple precautions.
And no, he wasn't in love with her. It was just that… he cared for her best friend, that all.

Tenten dodged a kick by reflex and punch him, before saying, in a weak voice, "Neji." Her hair had escaped from the ribbons which kept them, and were now down. "Wait."

He caught her fist and paused, waiting her question, observing how her peachy skin looked soft and how beautiful her chocolate hair was, thinking oh god, they looked so silky...
Stop it, a harsh voice said in his mind. He dropped her hand.
"It's been at least six hours that we're training," Tenten said, trying to breathe. "Can we stop for now?"
With his hand, he wiped the sweat out of his forehead and mumbled, "Hn."
It could be considering as a yes. Tenten sighed with relief and took a breath. Today, while Neji was much more aggressive than usual –just because she tried to skip practice! - Tenten had managed to beat him once, which was rare. He'd been surprised by her speed, although he has the byakugan, the weapon's mistress had managed to put a kunai under his throat. She smiled, proud. Tenten had even seen pride in his eyes, and she really appreciated it. After that, she'd just been avoiding his blows because Neji had attacked her harder again.
And seeing that he was very strong... Anyway. She discreetly looked at him. He was breathless too, and his beautiful skin, pale as a cream, was a little sweaty. His long and wonderful hair, his violet eyes that perfectly seemed to see through her soul, everything about him was so perfect, and only looking at him made her heart beating faster.

She was going to suggest going to buy a drink when, to her surprise, Neji spoke the first. "Now, we'll do whatever you want." He said that quietly, as if he projected this since this morning. He looked at her, waiting for her to answer.
"Really? Yay!" She smiled widely, and Neji smiled too, in his way. He loved the way Tenten smiled to him, how her eyes were sparkling with joy. "Let me thing about it," she said. "I know! Let's eat an ice cream!"
"Ice cream?" Neji repeated, surprised. He'd thought of anything but that.
"Yes! I love ice cream, especially when it's sunning. Don't you?"
He silently looked at her for a moment, probably thinking at something else, and she was afraid that he might refuse. "Alright." He finally replied, shrugging. "Let's eat an ice cream then."
Tenten nodded, satisfied. She was happy, she was finally going to do something else than training with Neji!
It's true that he was a Hyuuga, he had a reputation to maintain and have to be strong to be worthy of his name. But he wasn't prodigy for nothing, Tenten knew him better than anyone: he was already very strong.
As they headed to the store, Neji remained silent. He was looking at Tenten, thinking. She was speaking, but he wasn't listening to her. Actually, he was wondering what he exactly felt for his teammate. He knew damn well that he wasn't considering her only as a friend. It was more. Something more… dominant.
I love everything about her, he started, thinking. Neji looked at her. I love her voice, her laugh, her eyes, her hair… I love how she understands me, how she makes me smile… Neji blinked.
Did it mean that he loved her? Yes. He stared at her. I love her, he thought. It didn't sound weird at all. Actually, it sounds… like happiness.
"It's here!" She cheerfully exclaimed when they reached the store, waking him up from his thought.
Neji stared at it. "…It's small."
She rolled her eyes. Obviously, Neji was a Hyuuga: he was rich. He was used to large place. "Maybe, but they sell the best ice cream. Come on!"

Tenten only ordered one chocolate ice cream, because Neji didn't want one. The prodigy paid, and ice in hand, they walked into Konoha. They happily talked, and Neji was really spending a good time. He was distracted by Tenten's lips, which were sensually sucking the ice. He was surprised finding himself wishing that he was the ice. Wait, what?
Dammit, he immediately thought, and he shook his head to clear his mind. Tenten is only my best friend, nothing more. Even if I have feeling for her…
But he couldn't help but notice how her lips were pink... and appealing.

He sighed. These days, Neji, who generally was always calm and had control over everything couldn't help his mind from thinking about things... lewd, when it came to his partner. It greatly annoyed him. It was true that Tenten was being more beautiful, more womanly and more –dare he say it- sexy every day, but hell, he has to focus on something else than her to be concentrated. Okay, he was seventeen, it was normal. Every teenager was walking through it, even him. But hell, he hated it. Fucking hormones.

Tenten's brown eyes met his, and she smiled, making his heart missing a beat. She narrowed her eyes with a joyful expression, and she asked, "Wanna taste it, Neji?"
If it yours, oh yes.
She planted her mouth in the ice again, unconsciously turning Neji on. "I knew you would like to taste my ice cream if you don't buy one for yourself!" Tenten approached him and pursed her beautiful pink lips, looking at him. "Here, taste it."

He was watching her lips during the whole move, and now that she was just in front of him, he could sense her perfume… flowers, Jasmine.
Thoughtlessly, Neji slowly raised a finger to gently touch her lips, and when he raised his lavender gaze to Tenten's, he saw how she was looking at him, more beautiful than ever with her flushed cheeks and her hair falling over her eyes… and he totally forgot sanity.
Without thinking, he stepped toward her, drew her toward him and roughly pressed his lips to hers, tasting her lips. It was quick, but he perfectly felt how soft, wet her lips were, how cold and creamy because of the ice cream… Just how delicious they were.

"It tastes good," he commented when he stepped back.
Too soon, she thought.
Tenten was silently watching him, her chocolate eyes wide open. She must have been hallucinated or something. Neji can't have kissed her… I mean, it was Neji, the Hyuuga Prodigy... he can't love her the way she did...
Seeing how he looked like, it really seemed that he did kiss her. Tenten, who usually perfectly understood Neji, didn't understand this time his action's reason. Then, reality hit her. Oh my God. Neji kissed me.

"I'm sorry, it was stupid," Neji suddenly apologized, his voice was low, and he was avoiding her eyes. "Forget it." But Tenten abruptly dropped her ice to the floor and, standing on her tip toes, she pressed her lips to his, lovingly. Neji, surprised by what she was doing, gently poked her cheek to see if she was real. Tenten chuckled against his mouth, "What're you doing?"
"I'm just testing if I'm not dreaming." He smiled, and he sexily kissed her back, licking her lips to deepen the kiss. She surrounded his neck with her arms and he encircled her waist with his, kissing her. She tasted like chocolate, she tasted like heaven, she tasted like Tenten.

His Tenten.

"Don't ever apologize for kissing me," Tenten said when he pulled back later, her lips full of his taste.
"Alright," he said, stroking her cheek. « I won't. »
Smiling, she stepped back, and suddenly, said, chocked « Oh my god! »
She horridly looked at the ground. "Damn, my ice cream!"
"Don't worry," he smirked, taking her hand. "I still have ice cream on my mouth."

Done! :D Review ? :)