Disclaimer: Don't own Batman Beyond!

A/N: Decided to have a crack pairing that I see is not much done at all. Did it just for the heck of it! ;D

Warning: Homosexual love and some kind of two-timing however you see it. Slight rape or more like molesting I suppose.

Pairing: Terry/Nelson


Nelson Nash had everything a boy could want. He was popular in school and could have mostly anything he wanted. He had the car, the babes and the recognition for his sportmanship and good looks. He had everything...or at least that's what everyone thinks except for Willie Watt.

Willie got out of jail when another one attempting to screwed up. He kept a low profile at the streets of Gotham ready to have his revenge on Batman but then what he stumbled to during a walk was something no one could possibly believed. An evil smirk graced his features. He was so ready for revenge.

"Hey, Terry." Blade called out to him at the hallway in school.

Terry turned around with a friendly smile. "What's up?"

"Have you seen Nelson?"

"No. He must be with his friends." He responded half-heartedly still having a dislike of Nelson.

"He isn't." She took out her phone and dialed a number. "Hello, Mrs. Nash. I'm calling for Nelson...Oh..." Terry didn't like the sound of it. "No. I haven't seen him either. I'll call if I see him." She hanged up.

"What happened?" The teen asked seriously getting ready for justice to pursue.

Blade looked up at him in worry. "It's Nelson. His mom just told me he hasn't come home last night."

Terry was on a random building in his bat costume over looking the city. "Have you found anything?" He asked Bruce through his ear piece.

"Yes. Nelson disappeared last night and his parents were told that he had plans with his friends but none of his friends knew about it."

"So he was hiding something? Typical." Terry sulked not believing he had to save this guy. At least he isn't one of the Jokerz. "What do you think he was hiding?" He jumped off the building gliding through the air since this section of the city seems pretty clear.

"No one knows. But I have an idea of who kidnapped him."


"Willie Watt. He escaped prison a few days ago." His mentor answered looking through more evident files.

"That explains a lot. Any clue of where he could've taken him."

"No." Terry seriously hate hearing that answer. Now he had to search for Nelson through places he suspected Willie would take him but that would take weeks if he didn't get lucky. Suddenly something took his eye. Talking about luck!

"Wait, I found something." He landed in front of a man wearing Nelson's sports jacket. "Hey, you!"

The man wasn't intimidated by him. Instead he leered with a smirk. "What brings you here, home boy?" He asked in a smooth voice. By look of the man's appearance, it was obvious he was a prostitute but he wasn't on the job to bag these guys in cells.

"Where did you get this jacket?" The bat questioned pointing.

The man looked where he was pointing and smirked wider having a gleam in his eyes that disgusted Terry. "Why? It's your boyfriend's or something?"

Terry growled not liking to be not taken seriously. He grabbed the man by the shirt lifting him off the ground. "Answer me!"

The man panicked. "Okay! Okay! It's from a guy from last night. He left it at the hotel close by so I took it because it quite look good on me." He shrugged his shoulders as if it was no big deal.

Terry let him go. "Do you know where he was heading last night?"

"He was heading home. That's what he does. He comes here and my boys and I fuck him and then he heads straight back home after paying." Terry's eyes widened. He expected this guy to have just been a part of a drug deal or something with Nelson but this...he never knew or can believe Nelson...had this side of him.

After not being questioned further, the man took of the jacket tossing it lazily to the bat and then turned around leaving, "See ya bats! I got costumers waiting!"

Terry just stood there trying to make his mind cooperate what just happened. Thankfully Bruce snapped him out of it. "Terry? What did you find?"

"Uh?" He looked down at the jacket having his thoughts back. "Yeah, Nelson's jacket..." He said a bit unsettled.

"And what did you discover?" The man questioned noticing the unsettlingness.

"More than I wanted to know. I'll call you back because I have a pretty good idea where they are." Terry flew up heading straight to the direction of the hotel. He knew Willie wouldn't be far. He wants him to find him so that leave's the abandoned gym nearby.

Within the abandoned gym, Willie witnesses Terry heading their way. He smirked knowing his plan was going well. He looked away from the computer to see a gagged bare Nelson on a slanted table with his wrists, knees and ankles locked with special cuffs that was controlled by his very mind.

Willie's computer warned him that batman was in the building so got ready for the play. He settled a camera right in front of the jock who looked away in shame. "Well, well, Nelson Nash. I was just walking around minding my own business until I stumbled a bit into yours. And I must say..."

He turned around looking at the computer with different screens from his hidden cameras that had heat sensors to locate where batman was and he was in perfect hearing range. "...I was surprised to see you being fucked by two men at the same time in the alley. I didn't know you were so...naughty." He turned back to Nelson possessing a naughty grin.

Nelson refused to look at him. He was in shame and embarrassment. Knowing Willie, he's willing to destroy him in the worse way and he got it. He shivered in disgust than delight when Willie had his hand run over his skin. "My, my. You're a big boy aren't you. It's strange how you prefer cock inside you instead." He leaned in close having his breath ghost over his ear. "Ramming you hard like a slut. You even had to have two cocks just to satisfy you."

Willie twisted a nipple roughly earning a screaming from the old bully. It was too much to enjoy. His own bully being all vulnerable and helpless under his hands but Willie was straight sadly. He considered going bi but didn't felt the need so its just teasing. Not to batman's eyes it isn't.

Terry watched as Willie continued running his dirty hands on Nelson's body. The way it playfully smacked Nelson's face and then run down the hard body. "You are such a moaner." He chuckled darkly revealing a bag that was under the slanted table. "Let's see how loud you can scream through that gag."

"MMMMGRRRH!" Nelson screamed when he felt clamps squeezed his tender nipples, the pain soaring in his body making him tremble. "That's not loud enough." Willie chimed taking out a red candle. "It's rare finding this these days but then novelty shops never let you down." He lit the candle and waited as the wax began to melt.

Terry just watched unsure of how to approach this. He scanned the situation and how Nelson was taking it. It looked painful as the poor teenage boy tremble but then his risen cock said something else. He dared watched as Nelson screamed as he felt each drop of hot red wax on his skin. Terry never saw Nelson like this and regrettably, he was becoming hard in a tight suit.

Tears flowed down and fear striked as the red wax was dangerously getting low. Thankfully the drips had stopped. "That was fun but let's do something about this lil' problem." His hand dared wrap around the base and it looked as if Willie was going to take a lick but instead just blew at the head teasingly. He let go and reached in for something of the bag and took out a vibrating butt plug not at all shy of at least five inches.

"Well, will you look at here?" He smirked devilish. "I know its smaller than what you're used to but it's more exciting." He explained as he placed the vibrating butt plug against Nelson's entrance. "You know if this get's stuck in there, you have no way of getting it out without surgery. What do you think the doctors will think of this? You know how lady nurses are such gossips."

Nelson muffled in rejected squeezing his hole tight but Willie already had the head inside of him and since Willie wasn't the weak little boy he use to bully, he had it shoved in but not everything inside. Willie couldn't help loving the sad pathetic look on the jock's face. He was in the edge of suicide and pleasure. Batman was having a problem too trying to control his breaths and convince his cock to stop getting hard.

Willie removed the clamps and licked the sensitive buds getting a moan from the brunette having precum leak down. Nelson sobbed wanting this to be over already. He felt disgusted with himself doing it with strangers but he knew Willie and felt more disgusted with himself that he could just die.

The nerd villian looked down at him with a satisfied grin of the broken jock. He knew batman must be hard still baffled of what to do at such a mess. He bet the original bats never faced something like this. He mentally patted himself on the back. It was so much fun, why not make it more fun? "Nelson, I'm going to fuck you so hard that when you're screaming for batman, you end up screaming for me."

That snapped something in the bats once and for all to finally do something. He jumped down forgetting that his hard on was still evident. He landed declaring, "Hey, Willie, I'm putting a stop to this right now!"

Willie merely smirked lopsidedly with half lidded eyes as if Batman had just sang a lullaby. "Do you really want to do that? From what I see, I say that you enjoy quite the show." Nelson saw what Willie saw and blushed looking away think of wow, how long and thick batman was.

Batman felt ashamed but then he knew what was more important and that was getting Nelson out of being raped. "I'm still going to bring you down!" He jumped at him but Willie grabbed a smoke grenade and threw it at the bat. A pink smoke surrounded him and suddenly, Terry's hard-on was incredibly painful and leaking profusely.

Willie cocked an eyebrow, "What's wrong bats? Feeling hotter than usual. Need to fuck someone. Well, Nelson's here for ya!" He pointed with his thumb feeling the gush of victory coming.

Nelson didn't look to disagree but Terry wasn't going to do it. He was straight! He had a girlfriend! He liked having sex with her, not-

"You know that the butt plug is sinking in deeper and Nelson will have to go to the doctors." Willie with his mind connected to the cuffs turned Nelson on his fours and pushed the butt plug in deeper.

Oh...Fuck it! Terry ran to Nelson's body digging in two fingers to get the butt plug out which was quite a challenge but the jock didn't seem to mind by how he was moaning and his cock still up leaking. Terry could smell the scent of lust and feel how hot their bodies needed to rub against each other.

Nelson Nash...The biggest egotistical jackass Terry ever knew and yet all of those memories were tossed aside when Willie took out the gag and Nelson pleaded, "Fuck me."

His senses snapped but not all of it as he had the sense to keep most of his suit on to not reveal too much so got a bat blade out cut down a part of his suit to get his cock free. He pulled the butt plug out and gripped those hips for dear life as he plunged his frustrated cock into the weeping bastard and fucked the living day lights out of him.

"OH YES! FUCK ME! FUCK ME, BATMAN! AH! HAH! NNG!" Nelson cried feeling his whole body quake in pleasure. He couldn't keep his arms up for him. He laid back and looked at Batman, the legendary hero, fuck him in pure submission over his shoulder. They looked at each other and possibly out of just lust, they kissed sloppily. "I- I'm going to come!" He warned as made his hips meet with Batman's thrusts.

"Me too." Terry whispered never feeling so good in his life. He did it with Dana a lot and sometimes Max after getting drunk once but they never measured to this. They finally came nearly at the same time. They both fell to the ground satisfied to get that over with.

The teen looked around and saw the Willie had escaped with the camera footage. He cursed letting his lust get in the way of work. Wait until Bruce hear about this. But right now he had to get Nelson back home. But he better cleaned him up and glad that the cut he made didn't hang out and reveal too much.

"You lost him." Bruce stared at Terry on his seat at the Batcave.

"Yes." He answered reluctantly. "I know that I shouldn't have let my needs get in the way of my work..but Willie threw me this gas that affected my senses."

"I see. I should make new adjustment to the suits such as a gas mask. But the real problem is that Willie has the evidence to blackmail you into a child rapist since people don't exactly know your age. We need to find him." Bruce told Terry darkly meaning they had serious business.

Terry just wanted to throw himself down a cliff for how stupid he handled the situation and the fact that he cheated on his girlfriend with an obnoxious jerk.

"Hey, Terry. Did you hear the news?" Dana asked while they were having their date at a new resturaunt. Terry still feels so guilty after what he did two nights ago. Max was bad enough but Nelson? Seriously? He could never live it down so acted the best boyfriend he could be despite his wallet going bankrupt.

"About what?" He asked smoothly. Yes. This was what he want. He wanted girls. He wanted Dana.

"Willie Watt escaped prison a few days ago but he was arrested yesterday and is going back to prison."

"What?" Terry's eyes widen in shock but then reason that it must've Ms. Gordon's doing for Bruce. "I mean that's good. This city has enough crooks as it is." The date continued on.