Disclaimer: I do not own Hana Yori Dango

6 Months Later

There was never a day gone by for Yuki which did not fill with happiness. She sometimes pinched herself to confirm whether it was real or just a dream. After the completion of her fashion designing course from States, she had moved back permanently to Japan and was recently appointed in one of the top brands. She loved her work and was happy that Soujirou supported her.

Everyday, without fail, Soujirou surprised her with a bouquet of her favorite flowers with a card 'I Love You' written on it. Many times he had wanted her to give expensive jewellery but she had declined. After much persuasion, Yuki had settled on a simple chain, locket or a pair of earrings. They had gone out almost everyday and talked anything under the sun.

Today was their 6 months anniversary. Even though she had only really known him for 6 months, she felt as if she had known him all her life.

They were supposed to have dinner together and Yuki was getting ready. Soujirou was supposed to pick her up. Dressed up in a black evening gown which showed off her back, she was giving last minute touch up when the door bell rang. She hurriedly opens the door and is disappointed to see the Lee, Soujirou's chauffer on the door.

"Master has told me to pick you up. He will be waiting for you at the destined place", saying Lee opens the limo's door for her.

"Thank you Lee", saying Yuki gets in.

After a few minutes, the car halts and Lee opens the door for her. As she gets out, she is surprised by the beautiful garden in front of her filled with her favorite flowers and sparkling lights giving it a fairytale glow.

A person standing there guides her towards the centre of the garden. At the centre there is a table with candlelight and a champagne bottle just waiting to be opened.

As she is admiring the beautiful setting, she feels a touch towards her elbow. As she turns she sees Soujirou with a big Cheshire smile.

"What-", Yuki tries to say but Soujirou puts a finger to her lips silencing her.

"Come", saying Soujirou guides her towards the chair. As she sites with a bewildered expression, Soujirou gets down on one knee in front of her and opens a small black colored box with the most beautiful ring she had ever seen. Yuki feels her heart skip a beat.

"Yuki I love you. I know we have been together for only 6 months but I feel as if I cannot live without you. Let us be together for the rest of our lives, not because of destiny or faith, but because we want it. Will you marry me?"

"Yes" says Yuki with tears of happiness falling from her eyes. Soujirou puts the ring on her finger and kisses her, sealing their love for all eternity.


AN: Thanks guys for reading my story. Reviews will be appreciated! :)