Three days later
"Hurry, Persephone. We must not be late," Hades says to her as she brushes her luscious dark brown hair at the dressing table.
"Hold on, just a few more seconds…." Then she puts down her hairbrush and exclaims, "Done!"
She stands up from her chair and turns to him. "What do you think?" she asks.
Hades gazes at her fully. She was dressed in a flowing turquoise floor-length dress with shimmery capped sleeves. The dress fitted her slender figure and showed off the rich peachy colour of her elegant arms. Her hair was let loose, her dark waves falling over her shoulders and hanging at her waist. She wore a simple silver necklace and two pearl teardrop earrings. The only jewellery on her hands was her wedding ring on her left ring finger.
He murmurs, "Breathtakingly stunning. As you normally are."
She gives him a gracious smile. "Thank you, my husband. Of course, you look absolutely dashing yourself."
She looks at him, studying his usual black attire. It emphasised how lean and muscular he was, and she couldn't help but stare and admire.
She didn't stop herself from moving to him. He holds her gently by her waist as she runs her hands on his chest, feeling the muscles beneath his clothes.
"So very dashing," she murmurs.
Hades smiles and leans in to give her a sweet kiss. She kisses him back, but pushes him away shortly after.
"Now, now. We can do this later. Right now we have a wedding to attend to," she reminds him firmly.
He smiles, but was really disappointed to have a potential moment stolen away from him.
Despite the snowy lands, the sky was still quite bright. Persephone guesses that Apollo had made it brighter just for the occasion.
Even before the horses and the chariot touched palace grounds, they could already hear the loud music coming from within the palace. At hearing the sweet melody, Persephone suddenly could not wait any longer.
When she and Hades had gotten off the chariot, she quickly pulled him into the building. She led him to the grand ballroom, following the sound of the music.
Finally, they have entered the room, where the guests are right in the middle of dancing. The golden room was so lively right now. Persephone had even managed to catch some of her half-siblings moving to the beat.
She was surprised when she saw Aphrodite, dressed in a magenta dress that showed off a lot of her skin, dancing joyfully, the jewelleries she had on clinking and her platinum blonde hair sashaying as she swayed. Persephone guesses that there was a possibility that she had maybe forgiven Psyche, and accepted her as a daughter-in-law.
But what caught her attentions, and Hades', was the two people who were at the platform at the very front of the room, sitting on a golden throne that could fit the both of them snugly.
The bride and groom; Psyche and Eros.
Eros looked so handsome, dressed in a one-shoulder white knee-length chiton with golden trimmings and golden fibulas pinned on the one strap, completed with a golden band around the crown of his head.
Psyche sat beside him with a beautiful smile on her face. She was dressed in long, white gown that had golden trimmings as well, a gold-coloured sash around her midriff and long shimmery gossamer sleeves. Her dark golden hair was tied up in a loose bun atop her head and she too had a gold circlet around the crown.
She looked more radiant now than she had ever been, for she is now a goddess.
The Goddess of the Soul.
Hades and Persephone make their way up to the platform to give the bride and the groom their well-wishes. When Psyche sees her, her smile immediately turns wider and she walks up to her. The two goddesses were immediately locked in a soft hug.
"Thank you, Queen Persephone," Psyche whispers happily. "Thank you so much."
Persephone squeezes her gently before pulling away to look at her.
"Cherish your time with Eros. Be a good wife to him. Stay by his side even during dark times," Persephone advises her. When Psyche nods, Persephone added, "Eros is truly blessed to have you."
Persephone hugs Psyche once more as Hades congratulates Eros. Finally, the king and queen of the Underworld walk away to the dance floor.
Suddenly, Persephone hugs Hades and whispers into his ear, "They truly make a good couple, don't they? Despite all, they managed to stay together, for eternity. They showed everyone that indeed, true love has no boundaries."
Hades smiles and kisses her nose. "Just like us, my lovely wife."
She smiles and kisses her husband swiftly. When she pulls away, she grasps Hades' hands and says, "Come, my husband. Let us dance."
And, like the other guests, they began to dance to their hearts content.
Author's Note:
And we are done!
I enjoyed writing this. Not my best work, I will admit, but still good nonetheless.
Hope you enjoyed this short fanfic! If you want more H&P, go and read my other stories! :)
Stay cool, people!
Muse of Fanfiction