So I found Avengers so incredibly epic that I'm taking a break from my Dr Who crossover series to wright fanfiction about it. Yep. I mean, the whole Black Widow/ Hawkeye thing seemed pretty romantically tense to me...okay just let me tell you the whole story of the midnight premier.

It was my bestie's 17th birthday, and Avengers came out on her birthday, and she's like in love with Thor. Well she's always teasing me about not crushing on characters in movies(I do by the way, she just doesn't know it) and then when all of us started watching the movie I was all excited to finally see Hawkeye and Black Widow all modernized. Then when I figured out who Hawkeye was, and realized he was "bad" under Loki, I said out loud in the theater "WHAT? Hawkeye's a bad guy? NOOO!" but as the movie went on I was just all "OMG this guy is a total bamf and he and Black Widow are SOOOO perfect together" and plot bunnies started at my friend's house sleepover later when we were all asleep and I now crush over fictional characters and it is known by Stacy.

And I don't own nothing. Pretty sure Stan Lee came up with every Marvel character in existence.


A leave of absence. That was what Fury had called it. And it was, except the couldn't be a hundred percent alone when they went on vacation. They had to be with at least one other Avenger, for safety reasons. Thor was excused, considering he was a VIP to the Asgard being a son of Odin and all that. And the fact that he had to take Loki back to the Asgard for his crimes against them.

Bruce was with Tony, and Steve was technically too, he just stayed in Manhattan, residing in an apartment within commuting distance to the Stark tower. That just left Natasha and Clint.

They were all at Tony's place at the moment. Natasha didn't really want to stay in Manhattan, and neither did Clint. But they didn't really want to be stuck with each other for an extended period of time after the whole Loki incident.

"Hey don't you guys want to get outta here? S.H.I.E.L.D. Doesn't give vacations very often you know," Tony said suddenly from the bar, where he was making a round of complicated drinks with help from Jarvis.

Natasha shrugged. "Yeah, I just don't know if Clint wants to go anywhere, since Steve is still trying to fit in with the times, and Bruce feels safest with you in case he snaps. And I don't know where we would go."

"I had the same concerns," Clint said. Natasha could sense he was avoiding saying the real reason out loud. Their new friends didn't need their baggage.

"Well Pepper and I were planning away, you could call it, to a nice hotel in Vegas and later a resort in San Diego, considering I almost died, Pepper was feeling needy...OW!" he was interrupted by a blushing Pepper throwing an ice cube from her drink at him. Bruce and Steve chuckled at this.

"Anyway, I have the tickets and reservations all made, when Fury told us to stick together. And I can't just leave Bruce to explode my lab, no offense Bruce, and I don't think Steve would want to come with me on a romantic vacation."

"No I don't Tony." Steve confirmed.

"So what does that mean to us?" Natasha asked.

"I'm gonna give you guys the tickets. I can't refund any of them." Clint snorted slash choked into his water.

"Uh, Tony? You just said it was meant to be a romantic vacation...?" he half-asked pointed out. Natasha was wondering the same thing. Tony just waved them off.

"I'm sure they would be happy to give you another room for the price of the tickets I paid for. But come on, you two have worked for S.H.I.E.L.D. longer than any of us, you need this."

"Fine," sighed Natasha, "but only if Clint agrees."

"I know Tony won't except no for an answer," he replied.

"Great! I'll have Jarvis change the name on the tickets...don't worry I'll still pay for it...just Barton here does NOT look like me."


"Oh come ON Natasha, Tony won't mind me racking up this credit card. Besides, some of the restaurants he reserved are black tie dress code, you'll have to dress formally. Why not look amazing?" Pepper was shopping with Natasha. The two women had become close, mainly because Pepper was the only other female around the Avengers.

"It's would be weird...Clint and I have known each other for so long, whenever I used to wear dresses like that, I usually ended the night by killing someone..."

"Natasha, you're going on a vacation, not a mission. Now I am buying you dresses that make you look stunning, not deadly."

"But that's what makes me deadly, my name is Black Widow, remember?" Natasha said in an undertone, considering they were in a store in the middle of New York. Pepper ignored her and shoved her into a dressing room with a dress. She sighed and complied, and ended up liking the thing. It was a dark forest green gown, that looked like it had been inspired by a Greek tunic. It had one sleeve, like a toga, and left her other shoulder bare. The silky fabric then went down to her feet, still in a Greek style, and while the dress was loose, it was still form fitting on the upper half to show off the wearer's curves.

Pepper nodded. "We'll take it."


"So I'll have Jarvis tap into every airport terminal you go through so you can get all your weapons and whatnot through without mishap," Tony was telling them as they pushed their luggage on a trolley at the airport.


"And you might want to use this to pay for your food, since you can't pay for that in advance.." he said, handing Clint a card.

"Ohh now I can afford Grey Poupon on everything. Mind if I get a new bow?" Clint joked. Natasha smacked his arm. "Kay. No new bows. Only stuff we need."

They reached their terminal, where they met up with the rest of the gang to say goodbye. They were all in the middle of farewells, Natasha was hugging Pepper, when Tony spoke up.

"Hey, fight some crime for me. You're superheroes now. I packed you some masks. Have fun doing it. Other than that," he put on his serious voice, "behave yourselves."

Natasha rolled her eyes. "I'm only planning to listen to one of those commands Tony." She promptly waved bye one more time and boarded. Clint looked fearfully amused.

"What one do you think she meant?" he asked. Everyone laughed.

"I wouldn't worry about it. Go on get on the plane," Bruce encouraged. Clint shrugged and obeyed.


I wanted to keep going, but I decided that this should continue into another chapter. Which I promise to have up quickly. And I have yet to decide if I should up the rating...what do you think, audience?