The morning came as Iruka gathered the paperwork needed to adopt Shukaku.
Kakashi yawned as she made sure Kurama and Shukaku were in their room.
The pups yipped as they ran around the room as Kurama watched them run.
The front door was locked as Kakashia nd Iruka left to adopt Shukaku.
Sasuke was sound asleep as Naruto woke up gently and stretched.
Naruto smiled as he watched his and Sasukes' pup curl up next to their father.

Naruto used the doggy door to walk into the hallway only to pick up a new scent.
It reminded him of Gaara, but it was weaker and he followed it to the guest room.
He watched Kurama use the doggy door and he yipped seeing Naruto was walking around.

" Hey kit I'm glad to see you awake for once."

" Is there a coyote in here?"

" Oh yes come on, I want you to meet my mate Shukaku! She showed up in the village last night with my pups!"

Naruto was shocked, but he followed Kurama into the guest room to see the coyote sleeping.
She looked exactly like Kurama's description in his story, although she reminded him of Gaara. Naruto crept closer to see the fuzzy red pups run around and stop to focus on him and he smiled seeing them all cute. Shukaku woke up and growled at the other scent she picked up and she turned her head to see a blonde fox next to Kurama. She knew if there was hotility by scent and so far this kit had none coming off him or from him. She remembered Kurama mentioning a blonde kitsune he watched for his pack. She gently got up as she sat in front of Naruto and she knew he had pups recently. His tails wagged as she smiled at the goofy kitsume.

" So you're Naruto? I remember when I found Kurama in the desert he mentioned he had to find you. Very stubborn he was, he couldn't even walk and he was bleeding everywhere. Still I'm glad I got to meet you in person. "

" Me too. You have cute pups, although you remind me of a close friend of mine. His name is Gaara Sabuki."

" Gaara is alive?! Oh I'm so relieved!"

" Are you his aunt?"

" Oh no, many assume I am. Like Kurama I was a family friend to the Sabukis, Gaara is my godson and I always made sure he was safe. You see he had two older siblings Temari and Kankuro. You see our pack was wiped out when he was still a pup, the last time I saw him was when I dropped him off at the adoption center for pets in this village. You see these humans in black robes with red clouds on them appeared and started to kill the pack. Temari and Kankuro told me to take Gaara and run as far as I could. That was the last time I saw them and I was worried that Gaara would be alone. It's been too long since I last saw him, I wonder if he'll remember me."

" He did mention a nice lady that was friends with his parents, after that not much. Gaara may be intimidating, but he's nice."

Naruto watched the red pups walk up to him and sniff him gently before they yipped and nuzzled him. Naruto smiled as they were trying to grab his tails and he started playing with the pups for a bit. Kurama's ears twitched as he heard the doggy door at the front of the house swish open. Naruto heard it and had the pups stay as he left the room to see how it was. Naruto trotted down the hallway to see it was Gaara, but he looked different than before. His stomach was huge and he had this familiar scent radiating off him as Naruto yipped.

" Hey Gaara. Looks like you're close to your due date, congratulations by the way. I ddin't think you could have pups."

" Neither did i. Still I can't wait to get these hybrids out of me. My back is killing me and my paws feel swollen."

" Hybrids? That is so cool, just like me!

Gaara smiled as Naruto hugged him gently before he focused on the two figures coming out the hallway. Gaara recognized Kurama and when he saw Shukaku, he yipped happily as she ran towards him and hugged him. Her tail wagged as she recognized her godson was alive.

" Gaara Sabuki I can't believe you're pregnant! To think this is the same pup who use to chase his own tail until he fell down."

" HEY! I didn't plan for this to happen, but it did and yes the father of my pups is my mate!"

" I know that sweetie. I am happy for you, I am just shocked you mated with a husky. So when I can met him?"

Gaara placed a paw over his eyes as Naruto snickered at Gaara's response to the request.
Naruto heared Saskue growl as he ran into the living room with the pups right behind him.
The front door started to shake as the animals ran into the living room as the room darkened.
Itachi and Kurama stood near the door as the doggy door came off it's hinges from two claws.
Soon the door was cracking as a large creature was breaking the door apart with it's claws.
Soon it was turneed into splinters as a the creature was a large wooden puppet tried to enter.

It was launched back by a wall of energy as Naruto and Shukaku formed a barrier around the pups. Sasuke and Itachi's eyes were glowing as two figures were near the windows as the glass shattered. A young man with light red hair was controlling the puppet that destroyed the door. The other window had another young man with blonde hair covring one side on his face looking in as clay spiders were lining the window. Soon the barrier on the front door was sliced open as a tall person walked in, Kurama growled as he recognized the man from the Vets office who gave him his shots. Gaara stood behind Naruto since he was so close to giving birth

His coat long gone as his body was covered in dull green energy as four white masks began to protrude from his body like limbs, each representing Earth, Wind, Water and Fire. HIs mask now gone as his long brown hair flowed as a sinister smirk graced his lips. The animals formed a diamond formation as their different energies were radiating off their bodies. Kakuzu smirked as a pale tall man appeared next to him, medium-length silver hair that was slicked back and distinctive purple eyes. He wore his Akatsuki cloak open with no shirt, only pants under it revealing his Yugakure forehead protector around his neck and Jashin amulet. He also wore dark green nail polish and his orange Akatsuki ring on his left index finger. In his hand was his Triple-Bladed Scythe he normally carried on his back.

" So these are the animals that our boss wants? They are more than enough for sacrifices to Jashin!"

Kakuzu hit Hidan on the side of the head as Hidan glared at him.

" Nagato said we are to bring the animals in unharmed!"

" Don't worry there wounds will not be fatal then, this is going to be fun!"