I'm bored so I wanted to do this one shot.
It just came into my head while fixing my curtains.
Maybe it can be a story, but for now enjoy.
Also this is my first Naruto Fic attempt so easy!

It was a beautiful sunny day in the Hidden Leaf Village full of lively ninjas.
Iruka Numino was grading test papers for his class until something hit his chair.
He sighed as he saw a ball of bright blonde fur began to bite and swat the leg of the chair.
He smiled as it stopped and looked up at him with stunning blue eyes.

"You can never sit still huh Naruto? I'm almost done and then we go to the park."

Iruka said making the hyper fox yip happily and wait for his master to finish his recent activity.
Naruto Uzamaki is the name of Iruka's Nin-Fox and a very rare one indeed not just the color of the fur.
Many ninja had nin-animals that either helped them on missions or were pets to help relax after missions.
Iruka remembered when he first got the kit at the animal shelter, he was wondered what kind of animal to get.

There were dogs, cats, birds, lizards and so many to choose yet certain choices left people either confused or just felt right.
He came to a cage where Naruto was held in, he was the last of the Uzamaki breed since they were hunted for their fur.
What makes him rare is that he is the last nine tailed fox alive since the last one Kurama was killed fighting off the hunters.
How they managed to find him before the hunters could get him is shocking, but lucky is more to be correct.

Iruka remembered when he first brought him home, he left the cage open and the kit was so scared, he didn't come out for two days!
When Iruka left food for him, the food would be gone, but the kit would stay inside the cage until he warmed up to him.
Iruka felt sorry for the kit when he saw him whimpering and shivering in which Iruka decided to raise him and he was doing better now.
Naruto was so small when he first arrived, but now he reached to Iruka's waist and had the softest blonde coat with white tipped ears, paws and tails.

The white fur was so glossy and clean, it looked like pure snow due to his owner grooming him and the baths.
Naruto hated baths in which Iruka still has the scar on his arm when he tried to give Naruto his first bath.
Naruto eventually stop resisting and licked Iruka's arm as an apology for attacking his master.
Naruto would sleep in his own bed next to Iruka's, but sometimes on missions he would curl up next to Iruka's side.

What drew people in besides his fur coat, was his eyes, a blue so beautiful it makes a sapphire look like a dull rock.
Naruto was so timid when Iruka brought him home, but he grew into the Nin-fox Iruka has today.
Many ninjas have asked to buy Naruto from him, but Naruto would hiss at them and stay close to his master.
Naruto was essential on missions since he would scout first, making sure it was safe to set up camp and was able to transfer his energy to his owner.

He also controlled wind chakra perfectly and used kunai knives saving his sharp claws and teeth as a last resort.
Once Iruka finished grading the test papers, he placed the collar and leash on Naruto and they left to the park.
Naruto's collar was orange with his name engraved in black on the metal tag shaped like a leaf with the orange and black lease to match
The park had a section where owners of nin-animals can let them run around and play without leaving the area.

It had a waterfall with different treats for the animals and certain herbs for them to munch on and toys to play with.
Iruka sat under a tree and unhooked the leash to let Naruto go see his friends until it was time to go home.
Naruto yipped happily since he didn't like the leash and licked Iruka's face before running off at full speed.
Naruto came to the clearing as his two buddies came toward him with their tails wagging or one was anyway.

Kiba was a dark brown wolf dog with two red fang marks on his face that complemented his brown eyes.
He looked scruffy, but he was a feral nin-dog who could tear his opponent with ease due to his breeding.
Gaara was a bright red coyote with sea foam green eyes and had a sinister aura about him, but Naruto was unfazed by it.
He was able to control sand to make barriers and projectiles along with weapons if needed.

If his eyes didn't scare you, it was his deadly teeth and claws and that howl would make even the coldest person flinch.
Naruto yipped as they ran around the area and past the other nin-animals without a care in the world.
Naruto remembered meeting Kiba and Gaara when Iruka first brought him here, and since then he couldn't ask for more.
Soon a dark blue and white husky came toward them with pale lavender eyes as they drank some water from their running.

"HHey Hinata, how are you today?" Naruto said knowing she always stuttered around him due to her shy nature.

" III am Ffine Naruto-kun, how are you?" Hinata asked timidly as she pawed at a purple flower gently.

" I'm glad to be outside, I just hope for once that Teme doesn't show up." Naruto said in a low tone.

As if on schedule whimpers and barks filled the air as the so called 'Teme' came.
Naruto referred to Sasuke Uchiha, the Nin-wolf who had all the female dogs swooning as he walked by.
Sasuke was a pure breed Nin-Wolf with black-blue fur that shined in the sun and glowed in the moonlight.
He had dark eyes that made you feel like you were staring into a black hole and couldn't get out.

Naruto growled evilly and hoped a black hole would swallow up Sasuke since Sakura always came up to Sasuke first.
Sakura was a pink and white husky nin-dog that Naruto had a crush on, but knew he never had a shot, but hey he could try.
She always focused on Sasuke as all the other females did most of the time, which was annoying to the other males.
Iruka heard Naruto growl, wondering what was causing it and rolled his eyes as Sasuke's owner arrived.

Kakashi Hatake was a tall man in his twenties with gray hair wearing grey and black mostly.
He always had his face hidden with a mask and one eye covered and no one knew why.
He was a player and always bragged about having the best of the nin-animals.
Recently, Kakashi began flirting with Iruka whenever at the park or anywhere else matter of fact.
Iruka heard the rumors of Kakashi's one night stands and moves so he did his best to avoid him.
Still Iruka had a crush on Kakashi, but he didn't want to be another notch on his belt.

"Hello Iruka, you look ravishing today, did you get a hair cut?" Kakashi asked in a low, silky tone.

Iruka shivered from the tome and ran his hand through his hair and said "I just had it evened out, thank you for noticing."
Kakashi smirked at the brunette even though his mask covered it and said "I noticed you looked parched so I brought you this."
Iruka eyed the canned drink like it was a bomb before taking and thanking Kakashi for the nice gesture.
Iruka ignored the smug look from the taller man as he drank it, he was thirsty after al so why let it go to waste.

Kakashi looked toward the other animals and shook his head as he saw Sasuke heading toward Naruto.
Everytime Sasuke and Naruto met, they would either be fighting or growling at each other and luckily the cuts wouldn't be serious.
It seemed Sasuke liked provoking the fox and Kakashi admired the beauty of the rare creature that went with his owner.

" Naruto is such a beautiful creature, no surprise his owner is beautiful as well." Kakashi said as he admired the shiny blonde and white fur from afar

Iruka blushed at the compliment and Kakashi smiled under his mask seeing the blush form on the other.
Sasuke walked toward the fox with a blank expression and hoped to have a pleasant conversation while Naruto got into a fighting stance.

" Hello dobe. A pleasure as always to see you here, nice weather today isn't it?" Sasuke said only to receive a growl from the fox

" Save it teme, I'm not one of those fan girls who faint at every little thing you say or do!" Naruto said in a dark tone, scaring Hinata who was next to him.

" I'm trying to be civil dobe, perhaps you should do the same if you want to find someone besides jealousy doesn't look good on you."

Naruto bared his teeth and clicked them angrily as Sasuke was unfazed by it as he went to get a drink of water.

So what did you think?
Should this be a one-shot or a story?
Let me this my first time writing Naruto.